HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081024Nobbs Direct.pdfBEFORE THE RECEiV z08 OCT 24 PH 3: 25 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIO~AHO Pl)BliC,~, UTiLITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ) TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE)OF IDAHO. ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOHN NOBBS IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OCTOBER 24, 2008 1 Q.Please state your name and business address for 3 2 the record. A.My name is John Nobbs. My business address is 472 4 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. 5 Q.By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 6 A.I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities 7 Commission (Commission) as an auditor in the Utilities S Division. 9 Q.What is your education, experience and background? 10 A.I received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1971 11 from Fresno State College, with thirty units in accounting. 12 In 2000, I received a Master of Science degree, with twelve 13 units in accounting and taxation. I completed the National 14 Association of Regulated Utility Commissioners' Annual 15 Regulatory Studies Program, in 2007. 16 I have worked on budgets, forecasts, inventory 17 accounting, cost accounting and on currency transactions. I 1S have drawn trial balances and developed financial statements 19 from those trial balances. I performed financial analysis. 20 I have worked as a Chief Accountant, Internal Auditor, 21 Assistant Controller and as a Controller. I was a Medicaid 22 auditor. 23 During the time I have worked at the Idaho Public 24 Utilities Commission, I have worked as an auditor in the 25 Utilities Division. CASE NO. IPC-E-OS-10 10/24/0S NOBBS, J. (Di) 1 STAFF 1 3 2 case? Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in this A.The purpose of my testimony is to explain the 4 results of auditing FERC Account 920, Administrative and 5 General Salaries; 921, Office Supplies and Expenses; 923, 6 Outside Services Expense; 924, Property Insurance Expense; 7 928, Regulatory Commission Expenses; and 930.200, 8 Miscellaneous Expenses. 9 11 10 Account 920? Q.What did you find during your audit of FERC A.Account 920 - Administrative and General Salaries, 12 contains entries for administrative salaries, employee 13 benefits, incentive pay and similar expenses. These charges 14 are recorded in subaccounts. For example, subaccount 15 920.001 contains entries for incentive pay. 16 Subaccount 920.350 contained four entries 17 identified as Executive Deferred Compensation for 2007, 18 totaling $459,524. These charges are for contributions to 19 or other charges related to a Rabbi Trust. 20 21 Q.What is a Rabbi Trust? A.A Rabbi Trust is a type of grantor trust, 22 receiving specific tax treatments under the Internal Revenue 23 Code. 24 According to the IRS website, this type of trust 25 is often used by businesses to provide "Golden Parachutes" CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 NOBBS, J. (Di) 2 STAFF 1 or other forms of deferred compensation to a limited group 2 of employees. 3 In tax terminology, deferred compensation is 4 income which is not recognized until a later date. 5 Typically, that date is after retirement. This is desirable 6 for the employee because income is generally subj ect to 7 lower tax rates then. S The Internal Revenue Service has a model trust 9 agreement and explanations on its website at ww. irs. gov. 10 As explained there, generally, contributions to a grantor 11 trust which benefit another person are taxable to that 12 person when contributed under the tax doctrines of 13 "Constructive Receipt" or "Economic Benefit." 14 A Rabbi Trust has a "safe harbor", precluding 15 taxation at the time of contribution. If the terms of the 16 trust document meet the requirements of the model trust, 17 Section 1 (d), the "Safe Harbor" will be recognized by the 1S Internal Revenue Service. 19 One effect of the "Safe Harbor" is to make 20 contributions to the trust available to satisfy the claims 21 of the donor's creditors if the donor becomes insolvent or 22 files for bankruptcy. These contributions, in the hands of 23 the trust, are called "corpus." Because creditors can 24 exercise a prior claim on trust corpus, the trust 25 beneficiaries bear a "substantial risk of forfeiture." CASE NO. IPC-E-OS-1010/24/0S NOBBS, J. (Di) 3 STAFF 1 Simply put, contributions can be taken back until they are 2 given to the employee. According to Treasury Regulation 3 Section 1-451-2 (a), this "risk of forfeiture" establishes 4 the "safe harbor", preventing contributions from being 5 income as if they were paid in the form of wages or salary. 6 A second effect could occur if IDACORP contributed 7 its own stock to assist Idaho Power Company with its S deferred compensation plan. If all corpus was not 9 distributed, the remainder could revert to IDACORP even 10 though the expenses representing the the contributions were 11 originally recorded by Idaho Power Company. 12 Q.What is the position of Staff on this type of 13 deferred compensation and related expenses? 14 A.Staff believes that charges for contributions to 15 Rabbi Trusts and related expenses should not be included in 16 rates; these expenses should be borne by stockholders. 17 Staff also believes that the Commission should direct Idaho 1S Power Company to record charges for trust contributions, 19 administrator's fees, accounting fees and other expenses 20 related to this type of non-qualified deferred compensation, 21 in a specific account for below-the-line expenses. 22 Q.Why does Staff believe below-the-line treatment is 23 appropriate? 24 A.First, a Rabbi Trust is a form of non-qualified 25 deferred compensation similar to a golden parachute. The CASE NO. IPC-E-OS-1010/24/0S NOBBS, J. (Di) 4 STAFF 1 benefits of the trust accrue to the top officers of the 2 Company but do not benefit customers. This plan is not 3 available to all employees. It is a benefit available only 4 to a limited group of highly compensated employees. 5 Second, specific terms in the trust document 6 create a "Safe Harbor"; this gives creditors a prior claim 7 upon trust corpus. Since creditors can exercise this prior S claim upon corpus, contribution alone does not immediately 9 transfer ownership or monetary values to beneficiaries in 10 exchange for employee services. In contrast, payment of 11 salaries or wages would transfer ownership of cash from the 12 Company to the employee. 13 Third, employees do not recognize income when 14 contributions are made. 15 Fourth, employees recognize income only if trust 16 assets are available after satisfying prior claims, and if 17 they are distributed. lS Fifth, it should be recognized that if IDACORP 19 contributed its own stock to the trust, trust corpus may be 20 available to creditors of both IDACORP and Idaho Power 21 Company. Also, in the future previous contributions which 22 remain undistributed could revert to IDACORP, even though 23 Idaho Power Company recorded the expense. 24 Staff recommends these charges totaling $459,524, 25 shown in Exhibit No. ios, be removed from 2007 base year CASE NO. IPC-E-OS-10 10/24/0S NOBBS, J. (Di) 5 STAFF 2 1 expenses and revenue requirement. 4 3 921? Q.What did you find during your audit of Account A.Account 921 - Office Supplies and Expenses, is 5 used to record office supplies, travel, and similar 6 expenses. This account contains numerous entries from 7 Accounts Payable One Card (P-card) transactions as most S expense accounts do. Staff witness Vaughn will discuss 9 these in her testimony. 10 12 11 923? Q.What did you find in your examination of Account A.Account 923 - Outside Services Expense, contained 13 many entries for P-card charges, which Staff witness Vaughn 14 will address in her testimony. 15 This account also contained charges for legal 16 services with descriptions suggesting these services may be 17 for stockholder services or for the parent company of Idaho lS Power Company (IDACORP) or for the non-qualified deferred 19 compensation plan. Staff witness Leckie will discuss these 20 in his testimony. 21 I also found three entries totaling $36,375 for 22 Architects' Services, which should have been capitalized 23 rather than expensed. None of these were included in 24 adjustments shown in Smith Exhibit No. 30, page 9, for 25 Account 923. Staff recommends this $36,375 be removed from CASE NO. IPC-E-OS-10 10/24/ OS NOBBS, J. (Di) 6 STAFF 1 2007 base year expenses and revenue requirement, subject to 2 a small adjustment for depreciation. See Exhibit No. 109. 3 Q.What did you find during your examination of FERC 4 Account 924? 5 A.Account 924 - Property Insurance Expenses, 6 contains many entries whose descriptions are incomplete or 7 cryptic. However, Staff was able to satisfy itself by 8 testing and other audit methods. Staff believes that the 9 amount claimed is a reasonable representation of broker's 10 fees, insurance premiums and other insurance related 11 expenses for the base year 2007. 12 Q.What did you find in your audit of Account 928? 13 A.Account 928 - Regulatory Commission Expenses 14 contains fees for regulatory licenses and assessments i legal 15 fees for cases before regulatory commissions and similar 16 expenses. These expenses are classified and recorded in 17 subaccounts such as 928.101, 928.102, etc. 18 During my audit of subaccount 928.101 - FERC Order 19 No. 472, I found two accruals recorded in 2007 containing 20 out-of -period charges totaling $163,901. Each accrual 21 covered a one-year period. 22 The first accrual consisted of twelve entries 23 totaling $392,956. These twelve entries covered the period 24 October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007. Out of period 25 accruals included the three months of October, November and CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 NOBBS, J. (Di) 7 STAFF 1 December of 2006. If equal charges for each month were 2 accrued, charges for these three months would be $98,239. 3 The second accrual, totaling $87,549, consisted of 4 four entries. This total covered the period October l, 2007 5 through September 30, 2008. Charges for the nine out-of- 6 period months of January 2008 through September 2008 using 7 equal accruals would be $65,662. 8 This subaccount was examined for entries to remove 9 these out-of-period charges. None were found and no entry 10 was found with a dollar amount large enough to remove such . 11 charges. Smith Exhibit No. 29, pages 6 and 8 and 12 Schwendiman Exhibi t No. 41, page 6, both refer to Account 13 928, or subaccount 928.101. Neither exhibit shows an 14 equivalent adj ustment. The sum of these two adj ustments for 15 out-of-period charges reduces total expenses and revenue 16 requirement for the 2007 base year by $163,901 as seen in 17 Exhibit No. 110. 18 Q.What did you find during your examination of 19 Account 930. 200? 20 A.Account 930.200 - Miscellaneous Expenses contains 21 expenses not properly classified in other accounts. 22 During my examination I found numerous charges, 23 which were paid via Company P-card. Staff witness Vaughn 24 will provide testimony on P-card charges. 25 I also found entries for Directors' Fees and CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 NOBBS, J. (Di) 8 STAFF 1 related expenses or entries which appear to be shareholder 2 expenses. Staff witness Leckie will cover these in his 3 testimony. 4 In addition, there were entries described in Smith 5 testimony, Exhibit No. 30, pages 2 and 3. These exhibit 6 pages identified certain charges by specific account number 7 and removed them from expenses for the 2007 base year, 8 complying with previous Commission Orders. 9 Lastly, I found entries described as being for a 10 travel alarm clock and for candy. These expenditures appear 11 to be personal, a contribution or frivolous. Also, four 12 entries described as donations to Caldwell Economic 13 Development, Eastern Oregon Visitors, the Idaho Economic 14 Development Association and the Pocatello Men's Basketball 15 League were found. These donations were not listed among 16 the contributions removed by Idaho Power Company, as shown 17 on pages 2 and 3 of Smith Exhibit No. 30. Staff was unable 18 to identify adjustments to Account 928.200 that removed 19 these amounts from the year-end balance and none could be 20 identified as P-card entries. Staff recommends the amounts 21 for the contributions, alarm clock and candy reduce 2007 22 base year expenses by a total of $7,150 as seen in Exhibit 23 No. 111. 24 Exhibit No. 112 summarizes the total recommended 25 adjustments for my testimony. All adjustments reduce 2007 CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 NOBBS, J. (Di) 9 STAFF 1 base year expenses and revenue requirement by a total of 3 2 $666,950. Q.Does this conclude your direct testimony in this 5 4 proceeding? 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A.Yes, it does. CASE NO. IPC-E-OS-10 10/24/0S NOBBS, J. (Di) 10 STAFF Eft Date 3/31/2007 6/30/2007 10/31/2007 12/31/2007 Idaho Power Company Audit Adjustments Account 920.350 Base Year 2007 Unit Source Description IPC EDC QUARTERLY ENTRY IPC EDC QUARTERLY ENTRY IPC Executive Deferred Comp IPC Executive Deferred Comp Total Amount 161,739 216,973 88,810 (7,997) $459,524 ExhibitNo. 108 Case No. IPC-E-08-10 J. Nobbs, Staff 10/24/08 Idaho Power Company Audit Adjustments Account 923 Base Year 2007 Date Vendor Source Description 6/30/2007 ZGA ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS 6/30/2007 ZGA ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS 11/30/2007 ZGAARPL CHQ MASTER PLAN Total Amount 6,290 16,025 14,060 36,375 Subject to Amortization or Depreciation Exhibit No. 109 Case No. IPC-E-08-10 J. Nobbs, Staff 10/24/08 -.o-. coN~O)i: _ca i: c. :J E 0o () I'ü ~ g .. en NQ) - W ~ ff ~a. E ü-o en.. :J ca ..."C "C- c::! "C:Jc: -- CO CO CO CO CO -. 0) 0) -. I' I' CO CO I' ('~ ('Ø)0) N ---.i. -.-. -. ~ i. 0 ~ 0) 0) 0)It 0) CO -. CO "l (' CD 0ci. CO i. i. i. 0) 0) (' 0) -. -. -.Ø)-. -.o -.~N CD ~:J ~ -- oi oi oi LÖ or cx LÖ c: c: c:--0 0)N o 0)-. 0)..CO i.C" E N NNN('~('('~~~Ø)~ N -. N CO 0) CD COC"--- ce ~I- -a. CI..:J :J I- ,go.i (90. 0:Jü :JWt) i I-C: c: CI 0Ü I I CI CI CI CI CI CI I- ü CI CI CI CI -g 5 W W W W W W c: W W W i. W .¡:;;WWWWWWüwwwww CI Co U. U. U. U. U. U. -I U. U. U. U. U. 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N:t "C Q) Q) :J CI CI ce ExhìbìtNó. . 1 10 Case No. IPC-E-08-lO J. Nobbs, Staff 10/24/08 Idaho Power Company Audit Adjustments Account 930.200 Base Year 2007 Date Source Description 3/31/2007 IDAHO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASS 3/31/2007 IDAHO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASS 3/31/2007 IDAHO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASS 3/31/2007 IDAHO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASS 3/31/2007 IDAHO ECONOMIC I'EVELOPMENT ASS 10/31/2007 TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK,N 10/31/2007 TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK,N 10/31/2007 TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK,N 11/30/2007 CALDWELL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 11/30/2007 EASTERN OREGON VISITOR'S ASSOC 11/30/2007 POCATELLO MEN'S BASKETBALL LEA 12/31/2007 BUTTER TOFFEE 12/31/2007 BUTTER TOFFEE 12/31/2007 BUTTER TOFFEE 12/31/2007 BUTTER TOFFEE 12/31/2007 BUTTER TOFFEE 12/31/2007 BUTTER TOFFEE 12/31/2007 BUTTER TOFFEE Total Amount 200 200 200 200 200 1,000 (131) 18 571 457 2,500 1,125 350 3,975 141 141 225 253 282 310 366 1,718 $7,150 ExhfbitNo. rn Case No. IPC-E-08- 1 0 J. Nobbs, Staff 10/24/08 Exh No. 108 109 110 111 Acct No. 920.350 923 928.101 930.200 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SUMMARY OF AUDIT ADJUSTMENTS BASE YEAR 2007 Adjustment Description Non Qualified Deferred Compensation Architects Services Out-of-period Accruals Contributions, etc. Total Amount 459,524 36,375 163,901 7,150 $666,950 Exhibit Nó~l 1 2 Case No. IPC-E-08- 10 1. Nobbs, Staff 10/24/08 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2008, SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOHN NOBBS, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1O, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE LISA D NORDSTROM DONOVAN E WALKER IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: bkline(fidahopower.com Inordstrom(fidahopower.com dwalker(fidahopower.com JOHNRGALE VP - REGULATORY AFFAIRS IDAHO POWER COMPANY POBOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: rgale(fidahopower.com PETER J RICHARDSON RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PO BOX 7218 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: peter(frichardsonandoleary.com DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreading(fmindspring.com RANDALL C BUDGE ERIC L OLSEN RACINE OLSON NYE ET AL PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 E-MAIL: rcb(fracinelaw.net e1o(fracinelaw.net ANTHONY YANKEL 29814 LAKE ROAD BAY VILLAGE OH 44140 E-MAIL: yanel(fattbi.com MICHAEL L KURTZ ESQ KURT J BOEHM ESQ BOEHM KURTZ & LOWRY 36 E SEVENTH ST STE 1510 CINCINATI OH 45202 E-MAIL: mkurz(fBKLlawfrm.com kboehm(fBKLlawfirm.com KEVIN HIGGINS ENERGY STRATEGIES LLC PARKS IDE TOWERS 215 S STATE ST STE 200 SAL T LAKE CITY UT 841 1 1 E-MAIL: khiggins(fenergystrat.com BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bmpurdy(fhotmaiL.com LOTH COOKE ARTHUR PERRY BRUDER UNITED STATE DEPT OF ENERGY 1000 INDEPENDENCE AVE SW WASHINGTON DC 20585 E-MAIL: lot.cooke(i.doe.gov arhur. bruder(fhq.doe.gov CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE DWIGHT ETHERIDGE EXETER ASSOCIATES INC 5565 STERRTT PLACE, SUITE 310 COLUMBIA MD 21044 E-MAIL: detheridge(iexeterassociates.com DENNIS E PESEAU, Ph.D. UTILITY RESOURCES INC 1500 LIBERTY STREET SE, SUITE 250 SALEM OR 97302 E-MAIL: dpeseau(iexcite.com CONLEY E WARD MICHAEL C CREAMER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 WBANNOCK ST PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 E-MAIL: cew(igivenspursley.com KEN MILLER CLEAN ENERGY PROGRAM DIRECTOR SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE PO BOX 1731 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: kmiler(isnakeriverallance.org ~JJ~.~ SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE