HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081024Lobb Direct.pdfRECElV 2008 OCT 2.4 PH 3: 28 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIO~AHO p~eU~i"\ON UTiLiTIES COiiIM¡v~ l BEFORE THE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) CASE NO.IPC-E-08-10 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ) TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE)OF IDAHO. ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RANDY LOBB IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OCTOBER 24, 2008 1 Q.Please state your name and business address for 2 the record. 3 A.My name is Randy Lobb and my business address is 4 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. 5 Q.By whom are you employed? 6 A.I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities 7 Commission as Utilities Division Administrator. 8 Q.What is your educational and professional 9 background? 10 A.I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in 11 Agricultural Engineering from the University of Idaho in 12 1980 and worked for the Idaho Department of Water Resources 13 from June of 1980 to November of 1987. I received my Idaho 14 license as a registered professional Civil Engineer in 1985 15 and began work at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in 16 December of 1987. My duties at the Commission currently 17 include case management and oversight of all technical 18 Staff assigned to Commission filings. I have conducted 19 analysis of utility rate applications, rate design, tariff 20 analysis and customer petitions. I have testified in 21 numerous proceedings before the Commission including cases 22 dealing with rate structure, cost of service, power supply, 23 line extensions, regulatory policy and facility 24 acquisitions. 25 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in this CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 1 1 case? 2 A.The purpose of my testimony is to introduce Staff 3 wi tnesses, identify issues addressed by each and discuss 4 the various policy issues associated with this case. 5 Q.Could you please describe Staff's filing in this 6 case? 7 A.Yes. Staff Auditor Cecily Vaughn begins with 8 actual audited cost data for the historical 12-month base 9 period of January 1,2007 through December 31,2007. She 10 then updates the historical data to reflect changes in 11 investment and expense levels through December 31, 2008. 12 The resulting annual revenue requirement increase proposed 13 by Staff is approximately $9.68 million for an overall 14 increase of 1.44%. 15 The revenue requirement proposal is based on her 16 recommendations for expense adjustments, the rate base 17 additions and expense adjustments of Staff accounting 18 witness Leckie, the various expense adjustments of Staff 19 accounting witness Nobbs, the power supply expense 20 adjustment of Staff Engineering witness Sterling and the 21 cost of capital recommendations of Staff accounting witness 22 Carlock. 23 Ms. Vaughn is responsible for summarizing all 24 revenue requirement adj ustments in the jurisdictional 25 separations study model showing accounting and allocation CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 2 1 of Company costs. In addition, Ms. Vaughn specifically 2 discusses the Company's proposed treatment of Adjustment 3 for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) associated with 4 Hells Canyon relicensing construction work in progress 5 (CWIP). Ms. Vaughn recommends an adjustment of $2.9 6 million to reflect a more accurate recovery in rates of 7 annual AFUDC accruals. Ms Vaughn also discusses her 8 recommended reduction of $885,000 in annual P-card 9 expendi tures and her $653,000 pass through to customers of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)credit. Finally,Ms.Vaughn addresses the Company proposal to increase various 2007 capital and expense accounts using a 10 11 12 13 compound annual growth rate (CAGR) escalator. Ms. Vaughn 14 recommends reducing the Company's proposed increase in 15 expense accounts from $15.9 million to $1.75 million and 16 reducing materials/supplies related ratebase for an 17 additional revenue requirement decrease of $780,000. 18 Senior Staff Auditor Joe Leckie discusses various 19 adjustments to O&M expenses and verifies the Company's rate 20 base calculation. Mr. Leckie accepts the Company's 21 calculation of rate base using the 13-month average, 22 including Company proposed plant additions through December 23 31, 2008, annualizing of major plant additions and 24 escalation in plant accounts under $2 million to arrive at 25 a recommended rate base level of approximately $2.1 CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 3 1 billion. 2 Mr. Leckie also proposes to limit salary expense 3 to known and measureable changes through 2008 resulting in 4 a reduction in Company proposed revenue requirement of $2.9 5 million. Mr. Leckie further recommends reductions in 6 incentive payments ($3.2 million) and removes the 2009 7 Structured Salary adjustment (SSA) ($3.0 million) . 8 Additionally, he recommends adjustments in miscellaneous 9 revenue, depreciation expense, legal fees and interest paid 10 on deferred director fees to further reduce the Company's 11 request by $2.1 million. Finally, Mr. Leckie discusses the 12 Company's limited application of cost containment and the 13 need to improve cost reduction programs. 14 Staff Auditor John Nobbs addresses various 900 15 Series account expense adjustments to reflect the 16 extraordinary level of expenses incurred in the historic 17 base year. Mr. Nobb's adjustments reduce the Company's 18 recommended test year revenue requirement by $667,000. 19 Senior Staff Engineer Rick Sterling is 20 responsible for review of the Company's Aurora power supply 21 model used to calculate annual net power supply costs. Mr. 22 Sterling proposes an adjustment in the natural gas price 23 forecast used by the Company in its modeling. The results 24 of the forecast modification are increases in fuel 25 expenses, purchase power costs and opportunity sales for an CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB , R . (D i ) 4 STAFF 1 overall decrease in Company proposed annual net power 2 supply expenses of $11.2 million. 3 Deputy Administrator and Audit Section Supervisor 4 Terri Carlock addresses cost of capital and return on 5 equi ty . Ms. Carlock recommends a return on equity of 6 10.25% and a capital structure of approximately 51% debt 7 and 49% equity for an overall recommended rate of return of 8 8.057%. 9 Senior Staff Engineer Keith Hessing addresses 10 class cost of service (COS) methodology, class revenue 11 spread and the power cost adjustment (PCA) load growth 12 adjustment component. Mr. Hessing recommends that the 13 Commission accept the 3cp/12cp cost of service methodology 14 proposed by the Company. Using the jurisdictional 15 allocation study modified to reflect Staff's proposed 16 adjustments, Mr. Hessing applies the cost of service (COS) 17 study results to recommend class revenue requirement 18 changes ranging from no change for some classes where COS 19 suggests declines are warranted to a 4.9% cap on the 20 increase for the other classes where larger increases are 21 suggested by the COS. Mr. Hessing's recommendation of no 22 increase for the residential class, when combined with his 23 revenue recommendations for the other classes, generates 24 Staff's recommended overall revenue requirement increase of 25 1.44 percent. Mr. Hessing further recommends that the load CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 5 1 growth adjustment in the PCA remain unchanged from that 2 approved by settlement in Case No. IPC-E-07-08 until the 3 Commission decides the issue in Case No. IPC-E-08-19. 4 Staff Economist Bryan Lanspery addresses issues 5 associated with residential rate design. After a review of 6 potential rate design alternatives and the Company's 7 proposal, Mr. Lanspery recommends that the Commission adopt 8 a three block tiered rate design with block breaks at 1000 9 and 2000 kWh per month in winter months and 1000 kWh and 10 3000 kWh in summer months. Mr. Lanspery determines that 11 the current customer charge of $4.0 per month combined with 12 revenue generated under his summer and winter three tiered 13 energy rate proposal will provide the current annual 14 revenue requirement for the residential class as 15 recommended by Staff. Mr. Lanspery also supports the 16 Company's recommendation to adopt a load factor based rate 17 design for irrigation customers. 18 Staff economist Matt Elam addresses rate design 19 for all non residential customer classes except irrigation. 20 Mr. Elam evaluates and accepts the rate design proposals of 21 the Company for Schedules 7, 9 and 19 as adjusted for Staff 22 recommended class revenue requirement. While Mr. Elam 23 recommends no change in the Schedule 7 customer charge, he 24 specifically supports the Company recommendation for a year 25 round two tiered energy rate. He also specifically CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 6 1 supports the Company recommendation to implement time-of- 2 use (TOU) rates for Schedule 9 commercial customers. 3 Finally, Mr. Elam evaluates the effects of TOU rates on 4 large industrial Schedule 19 customers and supports the 5 Company proposal to increase TOU energy rate differentials . 6 Staff Economist Lynn Anderson addresses the 7 demand side management (DSM) expenditures made by the 8 Company over the last two years. Mr. Anderson recommends 9 that the Commission defer approval of the Company's DSM 10 program expenditures from the DSM tariff rider for calendar 11 years 2003 through 2007 until sufficient information is 12 provided to evaluate prudency. Mr. Anderson specifies what 13 information should be provided in terms of program specific 14 DSM expenditures and resultant energy savings for 15 presentation in future DSM or general rate proceedings. 16 Finally, Consumer Investigators Marilyn Parker 17 and Curtis Thaden address a broad range of consumer issues. 18 Ms. Parker concludes that the Company has done a reasonable 19 job of reducing overall customer complaints and improving 20 overall customer service. She specifically recommends that 21 the Company be directed to re-evaluate the convenience fees 22 it charges for electronic payments. 23 Mr. Thaden provides information on customer 24 income levels and employment levels and evaluates the low 25 income programs provided by the Company. CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 7 1 2 Q.What has been your role in this case? A.My role as Staff Administrator has been to 3 oversee the preparation of the Staff case with respect to 4 identification of issues, coordination of positions on 5 those issues and development of Staff policy. 6 Q.What are the important policy issues in this 7 case? A.In my opinion, the most important policy issues8 9 include establishing the rate case test year, identifying 10 revenue requirement adj ustments, assigning cost of service 11 responsibility and applying appropriate rate design. 12 TEST YEA 13 Q.What is the Company's proposed test year in this 14 case? A.The Company proposes to use a 12 -month test year15 16 ending December 31, 2008. 17 Q.Does this represent a change from test year 18 proposals made by the Company in past cases? 19 Yes, it does represent a change in terms of theA. 20 methods used to establish test year levels for revenues, 21 expenses, investment totals and determine annual revenue 22 requirement. 23 24 Q.Please explain. A.In past rate cases, the Company has used a 25 variety of approaches to establish what it believes to be a CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 8 1 representative annual revenue requirement recoverable 2 through rates. It has used 12 months of actual historic 3 cost data updated for known and measurable changes. It has 4 proposed a split test year that utilizes 6 months of actual 5 booked costs and 6 months of forecasted or budgeted costs, 6 wi th actual cost provided before hearing, to establish 7 annual revenue requirement and set rates. In its last 8 case, the Company proposed a 12-month test period using 9 fully budgeted costs. 10 In this case, the Company has proposed to start 11 with 12 months of actual 2007 booked costs and then update 12 those costs by including known and measurable expense 13 changes, annualizing for partial year expenditures, 14 annualizing for major plant additions as if they were in 15 service for the entire year and finally, inflating a 16 variety of expense and capital accounts based on the annual 17 growth rate in those accounts over prior years. 18 Q.Why has the Company continually changed the 19 method by which it determines annual revenue requirement? 20 A.The Company argues that the methodology changes 21 are necessary to reduce the effects of "regulatory lag" and 22 improve the Company's ability to earn its authorized 23 return. 24 Q.Wha tis " regulatory lag"? 25 A.Regulatory lag generally refers to the delay CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 9 1 between when the Company actually requests cost recovery 2 and when new Commission approved rates become effective to 3 recover those costs. 4 Q.How does the Company proposed test year in this 5 case address "regulatory lag"? 6 A.The Company's proposed test year addresses 7 regulatory lag in the following ways: 8 1) It updates actual account expenditures 9 incurred during a historical base test period to reflect 10 known and measurable future changes through year-end 2008. 11 Salaries are escalated through 2009. 12 13 expenditures to reflect the fact that costs will be 2) It annualizes partial year test period 14 incurred in the future for the entire year. 15 3) It includes forecasted plant additions to be 16 completed before December 31, 2008. 17 18 million) completed before December 31, 2008 as if they were 4) It annualizes major plant additions (over $2 19 in service for the entire year. 20 5) It escalates various expense and capital 21 accounts by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) based on 22 the growth in that account in prior years. 23 6) It forecasts variable power supply costs 24 based on estimated 2008 average customer totals. 25 Q.What is Staff's position with respect to the CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R . (D i) 10 STAFF 1 Company's proposed test year and adjustments? 2 A.Staff generally accepts the Company proposed 2008 3 test year that begins with actual 2007 calendar year costs 4 updated through December 31, 2008. There are notable 5 exceptions associated with forecast methodology. Items 1 6 and 2 listed above dealing with traditional known and 7 measurable changes and annualization of existing partial 8 year costs have been accepted in the past by the Commission 9 and are supported by Staff in this case. Staff has 10 recommended that salary changes be limited to year-end 11 2008. 12 Staff also supports the inclusion of maj or plant 13 addi tions (in excess of $2 million) expected to be 14 completed prior to December 31, 2008 and annualizing such 15 plant as if it were in service for the entire year. While 16 this adjustment has been allowed by the Commission in the 17 past on a proj ect by proj ect basis for very large plant 18 additions, it has not been approved across the board for 19 proj ects as small as $2 million. The Commission has 20 historically required expense reducing or revenue producing 21 offsets to match proj ect cost recovery in rates. Although 22 the Company has included a revenue producing impact for 23 some plant in this case, it has not included any impact for 24 others. 25 Staff supports some but not all of the Company's CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 11 STAFF 1 proposed escalation of expense and capital accounts on the 2 basis of a CAGR. Staff witness Vaughn addresses the 3 Company's proposal and recommends that escalation be 4 limi ted to select accounts with more reasonable increases. 5 The effect of this recommendation is an annual revenue 6 requirement that is $15.01 million less than that proposed 7 by the Company. 8 Q.Company witness Gale states in testimony that the 9 methodology used by the Company to escalate historic 10 expense and capital account totals was consistent with 11 input received by Staff and others in workshops addressing 12' forecasted test years. Why then does Staff oppose the 13 Company's full application of this methodology? 14 A.Staff agrees that the methodology used by the 15 Company in this case, an escalator applied to historic 16 account totals, is superior to the fully budgeted future 17 test year proposed by the Company in its last general rate 18 case. The impact of the forecast in this case can at least 19 be evaluated. However, Staff does not believe that the 20 Company's choice of escalator or the accounts chosen for 21 escalation reasonably meet the "known and measureable" cost 22 standards. 23 Q.Can any forecasted increase meet the "known and 24 measurable" cost standard? 25 A.I believe it is very difficult to meet the known CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 12 STAFF 1 and measurable standard using any budget projection, 2 forecast or estimate of future costs. However, Staff has 3 tried to balance the need for timely cost recovery with the 4 Commission's obligation to audit and verify that costs have 5 been or will be reasonably incurred. That is why Staff has 6 agreed to support including major capital investment in 7 rates before some of the costs are actually incurred and 8 before the plant is actually in service. These maj or 9 investments are scheduled to be online by December 31, 10 2008, to be used and useful when rates are effective. 11 Staff has also agreed to go beyond the 13 month average 12 rate base for major plant additions to include plant in 13 rate base as if it had been in service for the entire year. 14 Furthermore, Staff has agreed to use forecasted 2008 15 customer totals to establish annual variable power supply 16 costs. Finally, Staff has agreed to escalate capital 17 accounts and some expense accounts using the Company 18 proposed CAGR. While Staff does not agree with all of the 19 recommended forecasted increases, it has agreed to 20 cautiously move beyond the strict interpretation of what 21 has traditionally been "known and measurable" . 22 Q.Why does Staff agree with the Company's proposal 23 to account for 2008 capital expenditures? 24 A.Staff recognizes the impact of growing load on 25 Company expenditures and the need to include major plant CASE NO. IPC-E- 08 - 1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 13 STAFF 1 additions in rates on a more timely basis. Consequently, 2 Staff supports the Company's proposal for treatment of 2008 3 plant additions in excess of $2 million. The expected 4 expenditures and the timeline for these additions are 5 generally known and measureable. 6 Staff has also agreed in this case to accept the 7 Company's proposal to escalate (at 6%) 2008 plant additions 8 with the exception of Staff witness Vaugh's recommended 9 reduction for escalated materials and supplies in ratebase, 10 of less than $2 million. Staff does not believe that this 11 adjustment necessarily reaches the same level of need nor 12 is it as justified from a known and measurable standpoint. 13 Nevertheless, Staff recognizes the smaller capital 14 requirements associated with growing load and will continue 15 to evaluate the merits of escalating these capital accounts 16 in future rate cases. Staff witness Leckie addresses this 17 issue further in his testimony. 18 STAFF ADJUSTMNTS 19 Q.Staff has recommended a reduction of $56.9 20 million in the annual revenue requirement proposed by Idaho 21 Power Company. In what areas were the adjustments made? 22 A.The annual revenue requirement adjustments were 23 primarily made in the following areas. 24 1) A decrease of $16.9 million due to a 25 recommended reduction in return on equity from CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 14 STAFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11.25% to 10.25%. 2) A decrease of $15.01 million due to reductions in the Company's proposed CAGR O&M/materials supplies account escalation. 3) A decrease of $11.2 million in proposed variable power supply cost. 4) A $7.3 million adjustment that includes an increase in miscellaneous revenues, a reduction in legal fees, miscellaneous expenses and P-card expenses, a reduction in depreciation expense, a reduction in annual AFUDC recovery associated with Hells Canyon relicensing and spreading of a prior FERC credit. 5) A decrease of $4.6 million due to reductions in 2008 salary adjustments, a reduction in anticipated 2008 employee and executive salary incentives and elimination of forecasted 2009 salary increases. Q.You mention above a reduction in the Company 20 proposed adjustment for funds used during construction 21 (AFUDC) associated with Hells' Canyon relicensing. Does 22 Staff oppose the recovery of Hell's Canyon AFUDC in this 23 case? 24 A.No. In fact Staff agrees that AFUDC recovery 25 through rates is justified in this case. While Staff would CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 15 STAFF 1 not normally recommend recovery of any proj ect cost before 2 the project is completed and expenditures appropriately 3 reviewed, the magnitude of deferred construction work in 4 progress (CWIP) costs, the magnitude of AFUDC associated 5 wi th those costs and the length of the relicensing process 6 make it necessary in this instance. 7 Staff agrees with the Company that the current 8 AFUDC accrual on an annual basis should be recovered 9 through rates as an expense rather than allowed to accrue 10 in the deferred account for later recovery through rates as 11 a capital investment. The AFUDC adjustment proposed by 12 Staff simply reflects what Staff believes is a more 13 accurate estimate of annual AFUDC accrual. Staff also 14 believes that AFUDC accrual on Hells Canyon relicensing 15 CWIP should cease after 2009 with a filing by the Company 16 to incorporate all project costs in rates. Staff witness 17 Vaughn discusses the AFUDC adjustment further in her 18 testimony. 19 Q.How were the areas and magnitude of other Staff 20 adjustments determined? 21 A.The areas for adjustment were identified as a 22 result of extensive Staff audit of Company books and an 23 evaluation of the methodology and justification used by the 24 Company to update actual 2007 booked costs to the 2008 test 25 year levels. CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 16 STAFF 1 Staff's overall approach in developing revenue 2 requirement is to identify expenses and investment that are 3 inappropriate or otherwise excessive and should not be 4 subject to recovery from customers. Additionally, Staff 5 evaluated the methodology used by the Company to increase 6 or adjust actual costs to reflect future costs that are 7 expected to be incurred. Staff has tried to balance the 8 need for timely cost recovery with the need to assure that 9 costs are appropriately incurred, and capital investments 10 are both used and useful in providing utility service and 11 known and measurable for recovery through rates. 12 The specific rationale and justification for each 13 adjustment is further addressed in the testimony of 14 individual Staff witnesses. 15 Q.Do you believe the Staff recommendation for a 16 1.44% revenue requirement increase in this case balances 17 the needs of the Company with the needs of its customers? 18 A.Yes, I do. While Staff has taken a critical look 19 at all underlying Company expenses, the proposed 20 adjustments have been limited almost entirely to return on 21 equity and forecasted increases in expenses for 2008. In 22 fact, except for the CAGR adjustment in materials and 23 supplies addressed by Staff witness Vaughn, Staff 24 recommended no adjustments to Company proposed capital 25 additions. At the same time, Staff has agreed to a broad CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 . LOBB, R. (Di) 17 STAFF 1 range of adjustments to the historical base year in 2 developing the 2008 test year designed to allow more timely 3 recovery of capital investment and expenses. These 4 previously discussed adjustments include annualized capital 5 additions forecasted for completion in 2008, CAGR 6 escalation of capital plant additions of less than $2 7 million, CAGR escalation of O&M expense accounts, the use 8 of variable power supply costs using forecasted 2008 loads 9 and recovery of annually accumulated AFUDC associated with 10 Hell's Canyon relicensing. 11 I believe Staff's recommendations serve customers 12 by limiting rate recovery to a reasonable level of Company 13 costs. While not moving to a fully forecasted test year as 14 recommended by the Company, Staff has agreed to cautiously 15 move from the traditional definition of known and 16 measureable adj ustments of historical data to allow test 17 year adjustments based on estimates and forecasts. 18 COST OF SERVICE 19 Q.What other policy positions has the Staff taken 20 in this case? 21 A.The remaining policy issues deal primarily with 22 class cost of service allocation methodology, rate spread 23 among the classes and rate design. Staff's positions on 24 these issues were developed in conjunction with the 25 technical Staff who address those issues in testimony filed CASE NO. IPC-E- 08 - 10 10/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 18 STAFF 1 in this case and are discussed by those witnesses. 2 Generally, it is the Staff's policy to maintain consistency 3 between rate cases with regard to power supply, 4 jurisdictional allocations and class cost of service 5 methodologies. Staff believes its methodologies in this 6 case for these functions adhere to that policy. 7 With respect to cost of service, Staff believes 8 that the 3cp/12cp methodology proposed by the Company 9 reasonably allocates costs to the various classes. Staff 10 believes, and Mr. Hessing explains in his testimony, that 11 the small changes in this methodology over that last 12 approved by the Commission in Case No. IPC-E-03-13 is 13 justified by more accurately assigning cost based on 14 causation. Specifically, the recommended cost of service 15 study provides a more accurate allocation of production 16 costs based on how production plant is used, when it is 17 used and the value of the plant at the time it is used. 18 With respect to revenue spread among the classes, 19 Staff believes that cost of service is an inexact science 20 to be used as a guide in setting class revenue requirement. 21 That is why Staff witness Hessing uses cost of service in 22 his proposal to move toward, but not all the way to, cost 23 of service as indicated by the study. Mr. Hessing's 24 proposal provides rate stability by limiting revenue 25 requirement changes within each class to a relatively small CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 19 STAFF 1 range. Although cost of service in conjunction with 2 Staff's proposed revenue requirement could have justified a 3 reduction in residential rates, it was determined that no 4 increase was most appropriate. This approach recognizes 5 the potential bill reducing impact on residential customers 6 of the tiered rate design and the moderating effect on 7 other classes of no change in the residential revenue 8 requirement. 9 RATE DESIGN 10 Q.What is Staff's policy with respect to rate 11 design within the customer classes? 12 A.Staff's policy with respect to rate design is to 13 balance the need to send appropriate price signals with the 14 need to have relatively stable rates and appropriate 15 revenue recovery. 16 Q.What is Staff's position with respect to the rate 17 design recommendations of the Company? 18 A.Staff believes the Company has done a good job of 19 proposing customer rates that meet the Staff objectives 20 described above. In fact, the Company proposal to 21 establish residential tiered rates year round and increase 22 the first energy block from 300 to 600 kWh per month was 23 quite reasonable. Staff also agrees with the Company's 24 rate design proposals based on irrigation load factor and 25 the Time of Use (TOU) rate proposed for large commercial CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 20 STAFF 1 customers. These rate design proposals recognize the 2 principal that rates should follow costs without 3 sacrificing rate stability. With adjustments for its 4 revenue requirement recommendation, Staff supports all of 5 the rate design recommendations of the Company with the 6 exception of the Schedule 1 residential rate and customer 7 charges for Schedule 7. 8 Q.Why has Staff proposed a different rate structure 9 for the residential customer class? 10 A.Staff simply believes that we can and should do 11 more to send the most appropriate price signal to as many 12 residential customers as possible. That is why Staff has 13 made the three tiered inverted block rate proposal to 14 provide at least two break points where rates change to 15 reflect higher production costs. Certainly, time of use 16 (TOU) rates made available with the installation of 17 automated meters will allow the Company to send a broad 18 range of price signals to customers that better reflect 19 cost of service. The multiple tiered rate structure serves 20 a similar role until TOU rates are implemented. Staff 21 witness Lanspery provides greater detail on Staff's 22 residential rate design recommendation. 23 Q.Does this conclude your direct testimony in this 24 proceeding? 25 A.Yes, it does. CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 LOBB, R. (Di) 21 STAFF CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2008, SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RANDY LOBB, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1O, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE LISA D NORDSTROM DONOV AN E WALKER IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: bkline(iidahopower.com Inordstrom(iidahopower .com dwalker(iidahopower.com PETER J RICHARDSON RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PO BOX 7218 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: peter(irichardsonandoleary.com RANDALL C BUDGE ERICLOLSEN RACINE OLSON NYE ETAL PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 E-MAIL: rcb(iracinelaw.net elo(iracinelaw.net MICHAEL L KURTZ ESQ KURT J BOEHM ESQ BOEHM KURTZ & LOWRY 36 E SEVENTH ST STE 1510 CINCINATI OH 45202 E-MAIL: mkurz(iBKLlawfrm.com kboehm(iBKLlawfirm.com BRAD MPURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bmpurdy(ihotmail.com JOHN R GALE VP - REGULATORY AFFAIRS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: rgale(iidahopower.com DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreading(imindspring.com ANTHONY Y ANKEL 29814 LAK ROAD BAY VILLAGE OH 44140 E-MAIL: yanelCfattbi.com KEVIN HIGGINS ENERGY STRATEGIES LLC PARKS IDE TOWERS 215 S STATE ST STE 200 SALT LAKE CITY UT 841 1 1 E-MAIL: khiggins(ienergystrat.com LOTH COOKE ARTHUR PERRY BRUDER UNITED STATE DEPT OF ENERGY 1000 INDEPENDENCE AVE SW WASHINGTON DC 20585 E-MAIL: lot.cooke(ihq.doe.gov arhur. bruder(ihq .doe. gOY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE DWIGHT ETHERIDGE EXETER ASSOCIATES INC 5565 STERRTT PLACE, SUITE 310 COLUMBIA MD 21044 E-MAIL: detheridgeCfexeterassociates.com DENNIS E PESEAU, Ph.D. UTILITY RESOURCES INC 1500 LIBERTY STREET SE, SUITE 250 SALEM OR 97302 E-MAIL: dpeseauCfexcite.com CONLEY E WARD MICHAEL C CREAMER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 WBANNOCKST PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 E-MAIL: cew(igivenspursley.com KEN MILLER CLEAN ENERGY PROGRA DIRECTOR SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE PO BOX 1731 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: kmiler(isnakeriverallance.org JJ~SECRETARY - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE