HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090421Comment.pdf,¡ I~~If, ~. ~ fIi ,/~.~ ~ tfii () Cit)~(J Ida Puli Uties Coion Apr 18, 200 .-C-E-OY -10 RECEJVE:() Re: Ida Powe Co. - New Th Tier- Ra Incr. ./ 2UU9 APR 2' PM 2: 00 IDAHO Pi !i~:,( ! UTfLlTlES c'nlâ¡'; 1 ':J" ,,'. "~"' f"fl;i"~'li)0It)r£ De Commioner Th is a compla towa the Th Tier Sy and the 1.61% Ra Incr by Ida Powe , as wa alowed by the Coio as ofFeb 1,20. The Th Tier Sys oo idenes th di us and doe no identifY th necity (of elecc) of the Use. My selfas a high us ha ba no ot option for ener as I live ouide any ci us ar wh ot opton ar not avale. I mus even pup my ow wa. A preum is us pad up:fnt to ge lies ex to pr elecci. Why is it th I sh pa more for ea KWHus out of neit co to low us of neit Isn't it stl chea to deli mo go (elecc) th a li? Is't th re on invesen mu quck on delive th ti mor gooth a li to a reidece? I believe eve 1r to us wh eleccit they ge as a neity. TheTh Tier Sy is grssly t1ed as pu in effec Th Idao Power Co. paet st the us ra woud be prlJ the Tier as us. Ther is no meon tb Ida Pow would us thir own prn metod ra th wh is mos commonl us wh given the fa. Their me cha mo to the cuopier. On nee a mat degr to follow their met. Th is deciv th pulic.The 1.61% avee ra incr, usin th Th Tier Sy is high un. Th in shoud be dibut ac al us on an eq bais. As the incre wa put in eff th sm ne us pays lie ifany in, wher the lanecitus incr wa lOtyo-2001o. Thedi wi be mor drc du th Suer Perod. An coation sueson mut be adto al us, lae or sm and th sa goe fo inin ra to ence coon Al mus do th pa Tell the sm us th their ra ma no in at al do not spns any coon to them It su liew. 1, as a la us (in Tier 3) fi it imible to coe enoug to eve dr to Tier 2 as my us is al ou of nec~ Grly un to the us th have al in the pa and stlat preset. relied on al elecc neit us.I reues th th abve ma be addr by the Coion as so as posible. 16834 S. Vis Ave. Kun Idao 83634 Telephone: 208-331-6187 Sinly, Ton Mor~~ : ,.-,,,\:.;.; :.. " .-,.tl...., -'n ...;.; :'::'.d ,:l' .;.;... ". ~'. .:: ." ;: ;.;.r: - .: ( ;. c ~ ~- ::..~-:-r;: "'" i ~ ;;:t:~e ..;, "..~:"J~.-...01L:.- ;;: \ :.' "~. .' .:, ,... ~.\ ,:.t.~;~ '.- ~~::.' .,y.?(~ :~;*- '!" ~ - ~ !)rr~., .;. ..... : :,: .~ r.' i:: f -:; ",'-:~." L i~,..:'-~, ,r)., "~.."; ~)~,h ;.-.-., ':. :',i.," .i,~~- r-. ... :'r'."7 ;. .,. " :., ~(r';l-"¡:, ;,.' :;~_:'", ,". ~ .'-':- , . ' ~. . :, '- ~.'"or ~~1r'.~ ~~.i::" 1:~~;" ::~t'..,;.~ 'f'"....:..:....! ¡.:.:;',.~,,:.. --,~(~ .;'!,:'~.:.;. ¡n'A'-';,~ 1 .'""':"",..:."..,...- t.,"":_'~(,;. .'.: :.:;:." -~,' ¡...~ , : ;~, ,