HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090323Comment.pdfIß~/1t (ic.,/(~.~di PO Box 2387 Sun Valley, ID 83353 718 Morning Star Road Sun Valley, ID 83353 March 18, 2009 i:r:rr:q fj i i.. -"./ E",.~ ~ ';, 10D9 MAR 23 AM 8: 2' ::Pc. -t= -0 ~ - JO Idaho Public Utllitle. Co..I..lon PO Box 83720 Bol.e, ID 83720-0074 REi Idaho Power Acct 1187885080 Hello: Thla'etterlâln,rela..dSifòyoarrat.lf1c..e.... with th.. new,tler .ttlictur8.. alnce' 'I..t...ii.er, we have been eXlre.ely con.clou. 'oflowerlng our energy u.aie. We rarely turned on air condltlonlngla.t .u..er. W. cl.an our furnac. fllt.r. regularly. W. .wltch.d all our light bullb., Interior and .xt.rlor. W. wa.h only with full load. (dl.h.. and cloth..). We have neweneriy .fflcl.nt wa.h.r and dry.r (Oct 08). W. hay. addr....d .v.ry part of our ho.. (10 y.ar. old). Th..e are Ju.t a handful of lot. of way. w. ..rlou.lybegan co..rvlni and reducing .n.rgy. Ini.l.nuarywehadan extre..ly high Id.ho Pow.rbtll.W."had .n .I.ctrlcl...âfld;âljò'a r.'pr...nt.tlv.!frô..~..ho Po..' . CO. 8 too... ho.e to ...... en.rgy con.u.ptlon. W. have since turned off our heat tapes on the roof, except for occasional use, and since the last power reading we have emptied, winterized, and turned off our hot tub. We feel we are very conscious of energy use and conserve whenever possible, even though It makes for Inconveniences. We were happy to learn from .Ian 09 to Feb 09 we reduced our consumption from 9304 kWh used to 8353 kWh used. Now Imagine our chagrin to look further Into the bill and find out our bill was $20 hlgherll In my wildest Imagination, I do NOT see how your tier rate program Is going to help people that are really consciously reducing power. With a 4800 square foot home In the mountains, there Is no possible way we would only use 2000 kWh In one month. The house would probably freeze upll i don't want to pay a penny more than i need to for power bills, nor do i want to consume any more eneriy than necessary, but the sting of the rate Increase and the way It Is structured certainly nullifies our Joy of what we thought was a substantial savings In usage. Over ten years ago, the City of Seattle started a tiered rate structure for water usage. We were living In Seattle during this time. We received many notices monthly for about 3 months ahead of time. Our bill. .how.d u. .xactly what our usag. for that month would look like In the new upcoming rat. .chedule. It was well explained and th.r.fore th.re w.r. no .urprl..s when the n.w sch.dule klck.d In. AI.o, each household had th.lr own tl.r. It was d..lgn.d on your u.age during the pa.t 12 month., .valuatlng each month. If you u..d I.ss water In .Jun. of 95 that you had u..d the pr.vlou. .Jun. of 94, your bill was I..s. It penalized those folks who were u.lng MORE water than b.fore. It also took Into account how many p.ople w.re living In your hou..hold the current y.ar (.urv.y Includ.d In bill). All In all, It was fair and balanc.d. P.opl. had gr.at Inc.ntlv. to think about each time they turn.d on their faucet, washed clothes, and wat.r.d their lawn.. It'. too bad Idaho Pow.r has done such a poor Job of .xplalnlng their n.w rat.s, omitted giving lot. of advanc. .xplanatlon and warning, and providing almo.t no Inc.ntlve for low.r u.age from th.lr cu.tom.rs with the mo.t usag.. The tl.r .tructure being the .am. for a .mall apartm.nt and a 4800 square foot home do.. not make a bit of ..n.. and Is highly unfair. Who thinks thl. stuff up? We are mo.t unhappy and dl.appolnt.d custom.rs. Truly yours, ~~~~ Phyllis Odell Mark Odell Billing address: 4111 EMadl.on St, "398 Seattle, WA 88112