HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081211Comments.pdf12/11/2008 08: 21 12085872175 Ik~?1lilOip'110 4/. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT¿r,~. . i-fi PAGE 01/03 20080Ee II AM 8: 49 F A X REct.1VEn IDA.H. u"" p- 1 'L'.' \ v..~UD~.l,j UTILITIES COMMISSION TO:Idaho pUblic utilities Commission FROM:Ci ty of Mountain Horne SUBJ:idaho power DATE:December 9, 2008 Tota pages this fax: 3 The letters included in this fax were mailedto Mr _ LaMont Keen expressing our ongoing support of Idaho Power in their efforts to provide electricity to our growing area and encouraging them to continue their efforts'to find al terna ti ve energy sources_ Faxed by Ron Swearingen Director - Economic Development City of Mountain Home 208 587 2173 ~ Economic Development Ofce 150 S 3rdE Mountaín Hornt ID 83647 587-2173 phone.. ......581-2175 fa ecisc~ountai-home.us 12/11/2008 08: 21 12085872175 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PAGE 02/03 160 South 3rd East, PO Box 10. Mountain Home. ID 83647 (208)587-2104 Fax (208)587-2110 November 24, 2008 Mr. J. LaMont Keen Idao Power Company Corprate Communcaton Deparnt P.O. Box 70 Boise1 ID 83707 Dear Mr, Keen: We appreciae Idao Power's efrts to promote alternative ener an to encourge ener conservon We reeny tok advantage of the energy asssment offed by your company. and will now begin to implement may of the measures identified in th process. We recognze ener effciency as a key elemen in addssig the ever-increas demd for power. However1 efciency and coerion wil not be enoug; parculy if Idahoan ar prtect frm the real cost of maintang and imprvig ou power deliver system. Idao ha enjoyed relavely low po cost for may years. Converly, there is wórk to be done which may cal for adtiona reene. such as the crtical need to prpely main and upgrade our power delivery intu to kee supply stable for yeas to come. I :rgn a moderte incre in rates may be reui to provide tht revenue. an create adtiona incetive for th public to consee. Plea conside tl leter a statement of sup for in the tough decision ness to gute a se powe system. Ou communties depd on it. We rely on a consisten, dele suly of eleccity to pump our wells, mata public saety. an at new business. I have ever confden th by wong togeer with state elecd offcials, th Public Utilities Commssion an other we ca :f a soluton tht is fa to alL. Sincerl\ 6rr\Y',-.V TomRist Mayor ~..e.U5 12/11/2008 08: 21 /~'t.¡.i IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION vi A.I!,/~~.~ r(I Public Hearing IPC-E-08-10 Pocatello. Idaho WHAT DO YOU THINK? If you cannot or do not want to testify in person at this hearing but want your opinion noted, please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, 1083720-0074. You may also post comments on our Web Site. http://ww. puc. idaho.gov Click "comments & questions." Ck a. a- Print Name t ..ß.IP¡l lJ. (...r82 Sign Nameci.. D,.." Mailing Address 7/1 IV l H. 4.i""Phone Number 'Lf! :2 3 r ~.6 ~ City and State Pæ, f J Zip Code Ct 3 :: (! L December 8, 2008 /ß-ß..rOf Jean Jewell ,r~ iui /Í~.;, flt From: Sent: To: Subject: tjwri~cableone. net Tuesday, December 09, 2008 3:39 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Thomas Wright follows: Case Number: IPc-£-ot- /0 Name: Thomas Wright Address: 4933 Yakima City: Pocatello State: Idaho Zip: 83204 Daytime Telephone: 208-232-7634 Contact E-Mail: tjwri~cableone.net Name of Utili ty Compa~ Idaho PowerAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: NO to Idaho Power's request for a rate increase. Their billing statements looks worse that Quest Communications with all its charges and surcharges. They want their customers to pay for all their expenses plus installation of new construction, etc. In other words, they want their cake and eat it too! I am tired of subsidizing their operation. They are just milking the public for all they think they can get! The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho .gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1