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' . / / ~, I~-t ~"~~ - ~~!( i lUi ø I ' ~ dPæl 0U i ~ç~:::!1 ~t7.) _tkßa~/~~" 1t4 I tk if ~ ~~~, . Iæ' 4ah~' I . - l' #1 J-.. b¡, ~ r: ,~, 'iJ 4M IØ~- ~ . " , i tU,~ .5?o~~ . -í~ ~rd. ~ &3)(5 I / ~ ~~I 0 ~ ~~l1UV ¿J~~~ "' ., i/uf ~ f1''I'nSlr vSi1 l) Jean Jewell L iß ¡f r r /1ó~'~ ll From: Sent: To: Subject: ghservice(grtci. net Thursday, August 14, 20086:45 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Gary Hickenlooper follows: -- --------- -- - ---- - -- - - - -- - - - --- - - -- Case Number: IPC-E-08-10 Name: Gary Hickenlooper Address: 590 W. Ladd Circle City: Hammett State: ID Zip: 83627 Daytime Telephone: 208-366-2928 Contact E-Mail: ghservice~rtci.net Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: noe- Please describe your comment briefly: Idaho Power's stated justification for a rate increase by their own statement includes providing reliable power to its customers. Is there a metric for assessing their performance in this area? Do they provide information to the IPUC showing areas of their service territory having reliability issues and also showing how they are addressing those areas? Are all problem areas disclosed or only select ones? Unless things have changed over the years, Idaho Power can not log power losses that automatically reclose. What effort do they expend attempting to determine service areas that have such events? How much do they solicit input from customers in those areas and how easy is it to make such input? When input is received, how much effort is applied toward improving the situation? A number of years ago (I'm guessing about 15 years ago) Hammett experienced frequent short power events that were not logged due to automatic reclosure. It was bad enough that all digital clocks would need to be reset at least weekly and sometimes more than once in a day. After some investigation by IPUC, a short time after IPUC requests for information from Idaho Power, the situation changed dramatically. The power in Hammett was rarely off for even short periods of time. I have no idea what they did but whatever it was it took care of the issues for many years. That is up until this year. Over the last month or two we have been without power in Hammett for more than 38 hours. Those hours include one event that had us off for over 24 hours. Two more recent events comprise another 14 or more hours. There is some question in my mind as to whether or not Idaho Power has cut back on emergency service capability to save money. Hammett appears to be low on the priority list in the case of large area outages. In fact, this is usually the last area they bring back on line. While I can understand their priority to get the larger areas back on line first I still question whether they have cut back too far on emergency capabilities. I do know that they have outside contract crews they call in to offset their lack of manpower in larger events, however considering the relatively small size of service area affected with our 24 plus hour outage it leaves me wondering about what would happen in a truly large outage situation. The most recent event, comprising over 4 hours of outage in Hammett, I had an opportunity to find out the cause. This is rare because generally Idaho Power's recorded message addressing an affected area do not specify what the cause was. If they do give any information as to the cause it is very limited. Today their recorded message indicated a pole needed to be replaced 1 due to a range fire. I contacted Elmore County Sheriff Dispatch to find out where the fire was. They told me it was north of milepost 112, which is one of the Hammett exits. We drove out to see what had happened and had an opportunity to ask a driver of a BLM fire truck what started the fire. As it turns out it was failure of Idaho Pow~r' s line that started the pole on fire which then started a small range fire. The power event prior to this one, a week or two ago, that left us without power for more than 8 hours was two poles down according to Idaho Power's recorded message. There was no indication as to where those poles were located or why they went down. Was this situation another failure of their equipment or just an unfortunate event out of their control? I suppose my points here are that a large portion of the lines, poles and equipment serving Hammett were installed 60 years or more ago and are therefore prone to failure due to age and the fact Hammett is growing. The methods and routing used 60 years ago quite possibly are not reliable today either. As near as I can tell, living in Hammett for 23 years, nothing has been done in this area in the form of preventative maintenance or upgrades. Some of the poles here have had short poles installed next to them and the two tied together to 'prop' up the poles. Some poles are so old, dry and cracked I'm expecting the next wind storm to bring them down. It appears to me that Idaho Power's approach to this area is to fix problems only when the system fails. This puts us at risk for a large number of future failures. Outages are not only inconvenient but can destroy electronic equipment, cause loss of refrigerated food and use up large quantities of batteries that are backups for things like carbon monoxide alarms, sprinkler timers and the like. If Idaho Power is going to use reliable power as a reason for rate increases it is going to be necessary for them to actually use funds to fix areas such as Hammett. It would also behoove IPUC to seek documentation from Idaho Power that they are actually doing so. In fact, it would be interesting for IPUC to actively seek customer input on satisfaction with Idaho Power to ascertain how well they are doing in the public's eye and to identify possible areas needing improvement that may not otherwise be visible to IPUC. A yearly survey of a select sample of customers in each service area by mail might be something of value. While the numerous power issues in Hammett recently may be due to simply a group of unusual unfortunate events, considering the age of the equipment and the lack of preventative maintenance and improvements it is likely a lot more issues will show up very well in the near future. I also believe IPUC should look closely at the time it is taking Idaho Power to restore power in small events and determine if they are adequate, especially in the case of a large outage. The form submitted on http://www.puc . idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc .html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- 2