HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080813Comments.pdf(~iJor vi: ¡LV.,,1; ~.~ Hi 8: Augst 8, 2008 Idaho Public Utilties Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 We tiAve received a letter from Idaho Power stating they have filed a request for a rate incr~ase that would cost residential customers an additional 6.3%. It seems like they get an increase then file for another, and the !PUC usually gives.them at least par of the requested amount. Also, since they have a monopoly in the power market they get what they want. When I was working in the business world my employer had competitors so couldn't pass off all the costs they had to up-date, buy new equipment, etc. They had to be paid for by them~lves and couldn't be passed on to the customers because they wouldn't be competitive with others in our market. A 6% increase would ceainly make it much harder on elderly people like my husband and me, but also on the working poor. The economy is a mess, pnces of everhing are nsing and many more are unemployed and salary increases if any don't even keep people on an even keel, and seniors like us get a measly 3% from Social Secunty of which a good porton is taen out for Medicae. Therefore we are opposed to any increase. . Than you for your consideration of this leter. Sincerely,~~~ (Ms.) Elizabeh Nelson 3644 E. Imgrant Pass Court Boise, ID 83716-6906 Telephone: (208) 343-7079 ip ~l/~/o~~ Jean Jewell (;ß /t.v.i~~. , From: Sent: To: Subject: trishabear1970(§yahoo.com Friday, August 08, 2008 11 :56 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Trisha Wieber follows: -- - ---- --- - -- ----- - - - - - --- -- - -- - - - -- Case Number: Name: Trisha Wieber Address: 4980 Collister Dr City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83703 Daytime Telephone: 208-853-0796 Contac~~Mail: trishabear197~yahoo. com Name List: r.of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing Please describe your comment briefly: We are a single income family of eight. Our Idaho Power budget pay amount just jumped from $59/mo to $94/mo this summer... that's BEFORE the currently proposed rate hike! All the utility bills are climbing~ as are bills such as grocery & gasoline. We are quite cautious/ conservati ve in our energy usage. Unfortunately ~ even the two tiered billing structure is against us. Perhaps Idaho Power (and others) should look at how many people reside per residence. We simply can i t afford for all these utility companies to keep raising their rates. Please vote AGAINST the proposed rate increase. Thank you for your time. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is -- - - --- - - --- - - --- - - ---- 1 (~Frg)I;(O tl~ Jean Jewell 11" AV.vi~.." rfi From: Sent: To: Subject: mlkaltenecker(§hotmail.com Saturday, August 09, 2008 6:27 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Marylyn Kal tenecker follows: - - ------ --- - - - ------- - - --- - - - -- - -- -- Case Number: IPC-E-08-10 Name: Marylyn Kal tenecker Address: 6622 Saxton Avenue City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83714 Daytime Telephone: 208-853-9257 Contact E-Mail: mlkal tenecke~hotmail. com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to MailingList:€j Please describe your comment briefly: I wish to encourage the IPUC to deny another rate increase for its residential customers. Those customers received a 4.7 percent increase in March 2008 and with the newly proposed increase of 6.67 percent the rates will increase to over 11 percent. Most wage earners are lucky to receive a one or two percent annual salary increase. My teaching salary certainly falls into that category. In addition~ the elderly and those living on fixed incomes~ who are already struggling~ will face additional hardships. Surely there is a better way for Idaho Power to serve its customers. The company blames population growth and power usage. Perhaps requiring developers to share the burden with the company would help. It appears at this point too many are enjoying profits at the public expense. Perhaps too~ Idaho Power can cut overhead~ use company profits to expand and chalk it up to the cost of doing business. Thank you for considering this request. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 /~L¡O¡l Jean Jewell v¿;~. i H From: Sent: To: Subject: tondeectark(§clearwire. net Wednesday, August 06,20083:12 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Tondee Clark follows: Case Number: Idaho Power Rate Increase Name: Tondee Clark Address: 12062 W Flintlock Dr City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83713 Daytime Telephone: 208-377-8188 Contact E-Mail: tondeeclark~clearwire.net Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Co. Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: Idaho Power Co. is proposing another rate increase. Please deny their request. I like Idaho Power as a company ~ however ~ an increase would hurt my family's pocketbook. I hope Idaho Power Co. would budget accordingly for wind power. It' s the future. Sincerely~ Tondee P. Clark The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is 1 / ~ l-5fqW~b'J (,f/L f.~t Jean Jewell '/í~c l- , From: Sent: To: Subject: Gene Fadness Tuesday, August OS, 2008 3:33 PM Jean Jewell FW: Consumer ComplainVlnquiry Form - - - - -Original Message- - - -- From: Front Sent: Monday ~ August 04 ~ 2008 7: 58 AM To: Gene Fadness Subject: FW: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form - - - - -Original Message- - - -- From: kheartsz~yahoo. com (mail to: kheartsz~yahoo.coml Sent: Friday~ August 01~ 200S 3:43 PM To: Frontj Beverly Barkerj Ed Howell Subject: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form A Complaint/Inquiry from Kellie George follows: -- ----------- -------- ---- - ---- - ----- Name: Kellie George Contact E-Mail: kheartsz~ahoo.com Daytime Telephone: 208-459-2539 Home Address: 15877 S 10th Ave Ci ty: Caldwell State: ID Zipcode: 83607 If this concerns a Business ~ Business Name: Business Address: Business Phone: Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Have you contacted the utility regarding your concern?: No Please describe your question or complaint briefly: I would like to submit my protest against Idaho Power receiving a another rate increase. Most companies have to payoff loans to expand. Idaho Power should not be able to act like congress and be able to enact a tax against the people to pay for running it i s business. Idaho Power makes a profit. So I think they should invest their profit and get loans to pay for expansion. We citizens are taxed and pay for increases of power way too much. My power bill has doubled and doubled over the ten years I i ve lived in my home. If I have to tighten up my belt to survive this economy ~ so should Idaho Power. The rich will keep being able to pay for it' s power. This increase is going to make power for working people and the poor almost impossible. Is this Idaho Power's goal? To make a basic need impossible for the basic person to pay for. Decline Idaho Power' s request for another rate increase. I feel like they ask for an increase every other week. Someone needs to control their outrageous rates and if your not it then please direct me to who is. Thank you~ Kellie George 1 /~~fJean Jewell ,/~ 14-(,/f; ~o : 1-1i From: Sent: To: Subject: Ric~Smith9289(§msn.com Sunday, August 03, 2008 7:40 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Rick Smith follows: - ------- ----- -- - - ---- --- - - ---- --- --- Case Number: Name: Rick Smith Address: 2273 Stephen Ave City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83706 Daytime Telephone: 921-2394 Contact E-Mail: RickSmith9289~msn.com Name of Utili ty Compan~:Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I am requesting that the Idaho Public Utility Commission vote NO on Idaho Power rate increase. They need to keep our power in Idaho and quit selling it out of state. The last rate increase was to much. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is --- -- - -- ---- -- - ---- - --- - ---- - -- - - -- 1