HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080805Comments.pdfl~jV1 If; ,,)/./-1 ~.í (1i OPEN LETTER TO Idaho Public Utilities Commission July 23, 2008 25 Pl'î4: 27 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 Regarding Idaho Power's request for a rate hike: The Vice President for Regulatory Affairs, Mr. Ric Gale states the two forces driving this increase are the growing number of customers and the growing demand for electricity. This statement in itself seems to be the answer to covering costs. As all current customers use power, we pay for it. So likewise wil future customers. The fact that base rates may be increased or decreased based on water levels in hydropower dams, the general public wil probably be understanding. And whether or not Idaho Power gets the full rate increase they request, the rates DO go up every year no matter what the water level is. I cannot speak for the irrigation farmers since I'm not in that capacity but wil agree with a statement made by Lynn Tominaga, Executive Director of the Idaho Groundwater Appropriators Assoc., "We're paying for the growth of others." I believe this is tre in the residential areas also. It's comforting to know Idaho Power rates are among the lowest in the nation. This makes me wonder how elderly folks like us, on fixed incomes, manage living expenses in other states. Idaho Power spent upward of $2 bilion dollars purchasing wind & geo thermal resources. Are these resources not paying for themselves? They also increased the generating capacity by an additional 180 megawatts compared to 2005. If a single megawatt can power 650 homes (as I understand from the report in the Idaho Statesman) then those homes should be able to support themselves without Idaho Power raising rates for everyone. Perhaps Idaho Power, as well as other utilties should learn to operate on a more realistic budget instead of continually expanding and expecting customers to pick up the balance. Respectfully,~--~~) ¿ Barbara A. Grate 10886 Gila Dr. Kuna, Idaho 83634 Cc: Idaho Power Co Idaho Statesman Kuna-Melba News ¡~'/01 ý~ ,li//.~~: H \ 9 Ida Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Paul & Gayle Roberts 140 North 400 West Blackfoot, il 83221 To Whom It May Conce: We are wrting in reg to Ida Power's reuest for a 9.9 percent rate increase. Weare asking you to deny their request. Due to the preset st.of th ec we kn of may peple who are already stretched to the limi an we feel th. ai elecci rate increae would be devastating to them. Wit at .be gou for .galine and dieseL. Ati commodities are being price highe an hi to ma up for the fuel increaes. The Governor wants to raise taxes on fuel, 4nver's lices, an rest. Wh an whee will it st0p'? Most pris ~ way up,soastlhas 80 to 9(.4. Cost of living and pay raises average 3%. Th co is beiisquezeftome:er ~ion. Increasing the power rate for irrgaiOl will ag even me higher co prces. We nee to cut the vicious circle and the PUC ca be th fi step in ths procss. Help the consumer for a change. Once again we sty re th you de Idao Power's reuest for a rate increase..~ ffnw/rAu 1~~bI01~ Jean Jewell v''1 ~. ~ 1-1i From: Sent: To: Subject: Jean Jewell Friday, August 01, 2008 11 :35 AM Jean Jewell FW: Jessie May FW: Consumer ComplainUlnquiry Form - - - - -Original Message- - - -- From: jesselmay~ahoo.com (mailto:jesselmay~ahoo.com) Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 8:06 AM To: Tonya Clarkj Frontj Beverly Barkerj Ed Howell Subject: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form A Complaint/Inquiry from Jesse May follows: - - --------- -- -------- - - --- - - --- - ---- Name: Jesse May Contact E-Mail: jesselma~ahoo.com Daytime Telephone: 208-703-7710 Home Address: 10448 lockwood City: boise State: id Zipcode: 83709 If this concerns a Business, Business Name: Business Address: Business Phone: Name of Utility Company: idaho power Have you contacted the utility regarding your concern?: No Please describe your question or complaint briefly: I think its time that the commmuni ty stop getting hit with all the increases that idaho power is getting away with due to i. p. u. c. approving, i believe as a consumer they should have to deal with these issues just like everyone else, i Its time for these high paid people to feel the squeeze themselves instead of passing it on to the consumer' i As a resident mt bill has risen way too high in the last year. Not more than 6 months or so ago we were paying 80$ a month level pay, now as of July 26, 2008 we currently are paying almost 130$ a month level pay, i hate to see what none level pay looks like i I would just like to see something done about businesses taking advantage of people now adays , especially with the rest of the economy as bad as it is. Thanks for taking the time to read my complaint #IPC-E-08-10 Sincerely Jesse May The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/cons/cons.html IP address is cons- -- ------ ---- -- - - ---- ---- - --- - - -- --- 1 ~¡~ i/5/oí'.~/10 It .L/../.10 ~. r H Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: adobejewelry(§cableone. net Thursday, July 24, 2008 9: 18 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from J. B. Knudson follows: - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: avlj Ii AS -Ði II'c.-£-ó1-¡O Name: J. B. Knudson Address: 228 E. 8th ave. City: Jerome State: Idaho Zip: 83338 Daytime Telephone: 208-324-1493 Contact E-Mail: adobejewelr~cableone.net Name of utility Company: Idaho Power Add to MailingList:~ Please describe your comment briefly: Reading the information sent me from Idaho power and why they need a rate increase doesn' t seem fair to me. They list that one reason is the size of the homes we are building, all the t. v. · s they have and the power they use. I live in 900 sq ft. and have for more then 20 years, and I don i t want to subsize larger homes power bill. If these people can afford a large home and all the other trapings, than let them pay the own power bill for what they use. The older folks don i t need to pay part of the president of the banks bill. The form submi ted on http://ww . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - -- - ---- ---- -- - ----- --- - - - --- - -- --- 1