HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080725Comments.pdfflo' ¿~~ùR v (: Av' /'70 ~,t H ~.... .....~ .. ¡zí:'Ib.j¡ ~, ~~_ +.r~. A 1\ . · "'AA_ '0 ,ie" ,,,,~ 1;;'U ~ 007 f "","yC' 1-- i. 2-t) 9- ;ff uJ 1,f¡j;Sè/ Jl~4o¡te/ 1¿;lfJJ$'.i 8:\ t. ffe--6--0?;-16 .9-~~~ i~1.'.'...... .~.Ù:.' ,.. .....~.~.S,~~~~'f~ ~~..~.~~~~..~.J4..~~~.--~ k ~~.Ør.~.~~,.~ ~Â~I.p~) rv~ ~ CV.~ Jf~~ .~..~. ~'-r. tk~.~..~.r?~.~n"'.~ ~..tW~ ...... ..., "Vtlí5~7'~~'~. ~'~.4-.~~lv~'~~Æ~r~~~'.r;'.;r ~ ~r~t-~d~./1h.- .~~Á..'d/~.~~~~/FJ"l~~~ ;i J7~ ¿r. è~'UV'- f. ¡;-.'.l,:Ä/~~£/1J p~ 'l/~w r i f/ÇIA. Î+Ltpe---lL.øm~ rIA. z.1-7' '1-77 '1 ~ Barb Barrows ~Vi ~-.,(ÝÍi~' -;L ¡. I From: Sent: To: Subject: gervaiscæcableone.net Monday, July 21,20086:42 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Robin follows: Case Number: IPC-E-08-10 Name: Robin Address: 5201 Frui thill Place City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83709 Daytime Telephone: 208-378-9893 Contact E-Mail: gervais~cableone.net Name of utili ty comp~daho PowerAdd to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I am writing to protest this new increase. There has already been an increase this year and it is wrong for them to request another increase. Our pay has decreased, our expenses have increased. There is no more money in my budget for them to increase their rates, again. They say that the reason for their increase is growth. Then let growth pay for itself. If there are new customers, doesn i t that mean new revenue base for them? We cannot keep footing the bill for any more increases. I say, i no i to allowing any new increases for Idaho Power. Sincerely, Robin Gervais The form submi ted on http://www. puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1 Barb Barrows t. ~\(H Q' \ 111-vI ~1t~ i From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Wednesday, July 23,200810:21 AM Jean Jewell FW: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form :if c - ¡r -0 çl -10 -----Original Message----- From: Front Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 10: 06 AM To: Chris Hecht Subject: FW: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form -~---Original Message----- From: SSCHIFF10~FRONTIERNET .NET (mailto:SSCHIFF10~FRONTIERNET .NET) Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 4:00 AM To: Tonya Clark; Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell Subject: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form A Complaint/Inquiry from BILL SCHIFFMAN follows: Name: BILL SCHIFFMAN Contact E-Mail: SSCHIFF10~FRONTIERNET.NET Daytime Telephone: 208-347-4445 Home Address: PO BOX 367 City: NEW MEADOWS State: IDAHO Zipcode: 83654 If this concerns a Business, Business Name: WEST BRIDGEWATER ANTIQUES & ESPRESSO Business Address: PO BOX 367, NEW MEADOWS, IDAHO Business Phone: 347 - 3072 Name of Utility Company: IDAHO POWER COMPANY Have you contacted the utility regarding your concern?: yes Please describe your question or complaint briefly: Concerning the ipco june 27th filed request for a 9.9 percent rate increase: The reason given by ipco for the rate increase iis growth, resi- dential growth. I believe that new residential growth should pay its own way. Why should every other customer classification be charged a rate increase, at a higher percentage rate than residential, at all? I am a small business owner who feels like I am being charged an un- fair rate increase for someone elses benefit. Please deny this unfair request and ask ipco to charge new residential growth for its own electricity. The form submi ted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ cons/ cons. html IP address is cons 1 Barb Barrows ~í .;~.11: ~. 1 H From: Sent: To: Subject: vickyd2cæcableone.net Sunday, July 20, 2008 4:24 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Vicky Davis follows: Case Number: IfC-L-O-¡-IO Name: Vicky Davis Address: 2913 E 3600 N #60 City: Twin Falls State: ID Zip: 83301 Daytime Telephone: 208-734-4189 Contact E-Mail: vickyd2~cableone.net Name of Utili ty comp~daho Power Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: I just got a notice in the mail from Idaho Power saying increase in the price of electricity. HOW DARE THEY?! going up while incomes are declining or are stagnant. that they are asking for 9.9 per cent Everywhere in the economy, prices are If you allow this increase, I will NOT be able to afford heat in the winter - I am barely making it now. $4.20 gasoline. $8.00 a Ib of coffee. $1.99 for a GD small bag of salad macroni. WTF DO YOU PEOPLE EXPECT US TO DO? Don't allow this increase. It is excessive and unnecessary. They should cut back on their expenses just like everybody else is having to do. The form submi ted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1 ví v;~.:; ¡. I Barb Barrows From: Sent: To: Subject: vickyd2cæcableone.net Sunday, July 20, 2008 1 :00 PM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Vicky Davis follows: Case Number: Name: Vicky Davis Address: 2913 E 3600 N #60 Ci ty: Twin Falls State: ID Zip: 83301 Daytime Telephone: 208-734-4189 Contact E-Mail: vickyd2~cableone.net Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Sirs, I sent a comment to you earlier today regarding Idaho Power's request for a rate hike. Since that time, I have been doing some more reading so I have more comments to add. In Idaho Power' s letter announcing the request for rate increase, they say, 'Our long- range planning process forecasts nearly 13,000 new customers annually for the next 20 years. Each of them means an investment in infrastructure that provides them the power i . A couple of paragraphs before that, they say referring to a chart of the different rates for different customers, 'Idaho Power' s specific rate proposals for customer groups seeks to align more closely customers rates with the costs of providing them electrical service i. I suggest that they should keep with their stated policy of aligning costs for customer groups by having the customer group 'new customer' pay the full load (no pun intended) for their electric service rather than asking existing customers to pay for the cost of new infrastructure to support the i new customer group i. Secondly, I think there should be an investigation into this rate hike to see if it is related to the mortgage market meltdown. When I went to IDACORP' s website, I was surprised to see that they are in the 'affordable housing i business. And they started that business in 1998 supposedly with unregulated funds from another business venture in . green technologies i . Since they sold that venture in 2006 - after the 2005 Energy Bill passed defeating PUCHA, the appearance is that they didn't need that sleight of hand trick to mask the obvious violation of PUHCA when they got into the home building business. Also, I i m not a lawyer, but it seems to me that by building new homes and creating the need for new infrastructure - and then making their existing customers subsidize it, that borders on racketeering. And it is just that very kind of thing that the original PUCHA legislation sought to prevent. I will be sending a copy of this email to my state representative and senators in the Idaho legislature and to our federal representatives because it is a case in point why they should reinstate the PUHCA and make it even tougher than it was before. 1 Barb Barrows .r pY. It "f/)11¥¡;/~ ~.:. H, From: Sent: To: Subject: brighterfutureformecæyahoo.com Friday, July 18, 2008 11 :24 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from June Johnson follows: Case Number: :£e. - £..r -10 Name: June Johnson Address: 11854 hwy 78 City: melba State: ID Zip: 83641 Daytime Telephone: 2084658404 Contact E-Mail: brighterfutureforme~yahoo.com Name of utility Company: idaho power Add to Mailing List: no- Please describe your comment briefly: re: REQUEST FOR RATE INCREASE Unfortunately, IP has requested yet another rate increase. I want this increase to be denied. The fact that more people will move to the treasure valley does not j usti fy a rate increase for those of us already here. Let the new housing and residents pay the increase. I am sick of all of these increases and it i S been very hard to afford the cost of electricity as it is. With lots of snow, our rates should have decreased! Our cost of living raises (I work for the state) haven i t even come close to keeping up with the cost of living and if things get any worse, our family will be leaving Idaho because we can 't aford to stay any more. We have a small house (1350 sq ft) built in 1998), yet between gas and electricity we spend over $200 per month on average. We can i t afford to buy more efficient heaters and appliances because we are so squeezed. While the NW is supposed to have the cheapest power, it doesn i t feel like that to us, especially with wages in this damn state being so low. We don i t want to leave Idaho, but with prices rising faster than incomes it i s going to be impossible not to and with IP trying to raise rates 1- 2 times per year, how is anyone supposed to be able to afford it? I also want to say we need to invest heavily in geothermal, wind and solar power. NOTHING ELSE!! NOT Nuclear! We need to move quicker and reward those people that are converting their homes to these renewable resources. Please deny the next rate increase! I i m tired of rate increases and the excuses for them. The form submi ted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1 '/~/(I09' Jean Jewell Y/1: IA. v:i/h ~. .. 1-1i From: Sent: To: Subject: szuehicæctcweb.net Friday, July 18, 2008 8:48 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form . A Comment from Steven P Zuehl follows: -- - ---- ------ ------ -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- Case Number: IPC-E-08-10 Name: Steven P Zuehl Address: PO Box 517 City: Riggins State: Idaho Zip: 83549 Daytime Telephone: 208 -628-3003Contact E-Mail: szuehl~ctcweb.net ~ Name of Utility Company: Idaho power/Avista Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: Idaho Power is always asking for another rate increase and our ser vice in Riggins never gets any better. Riggins is at the end of the line for Idaho Power. There is no loop like most places so fewer people are out of service. Avista Power is across the river about 3 miles north of Riggins. Avista i s service from Grangeville and Idaho Power service should be connected up so that we are in a loop. I would gladley pay for any increase in power rates if Idaho Power would put Riggins on a loop. The last time our power was out from 8: 20pm until 5: 15 am. That is over 8 hours. I am not alone in this request. The City of Riggins and the Chamber of Commerece will also be contacting you. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is -- - - ---- ---- - - --- - ----- 1 '/~18IOt Jean Jewell ,/ r; /1)/.,l;~.:' /1 From: Sent: To: Subject: hawkstone1 ~gmail.com Friday, July 18, 2008 9:42 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Hawk Stone follows: - - - -------- -------- - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- Case Number: IPC-E-08-10 Name: Hawk Stone Address: 302 Resseguie City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83702 Daytime Telephone: 2083730588 Contact E-Mail: hawkstone1~mail.com Name of Utili ty Comp~~daho PowerAdd to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: Idaho Power has requested a rate increase, primarily attributable to, in their words,i growth i, both in terms of area population, and in terms of house size. I live in a 1936 bungalow house, and I don' t think my power rates should increase because new people are moving to the Treasure Valley and building big homes. Please consider letting growth pay for itself, and having the higher rates apply to new electricity customers only. Alternatively, up-front impact fees should be used, rather than expecting all the company' s customers to shoulder the load. Thank you Hawk Stone Boise, ID The form submi ted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - --- ---- -- - - ---- --- - ----- ------ 1