HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080718Comments.pdfr~'iiog vi AJ./'1 ~.1 If pC-£-OK'JÒ July 15, 2008 Public Utilities Commission Power Ra 472 Wes Washington Stree Boise, ID 83702 2: 40 Re: Power Ra Afer reciving my las seer power bils, I believe you have gone far enough in approving rate increa for Ida Power. I ca't tell exaly due to a chage in biling cycles, but my monthly bils are up ab i 5%. Th incremen in coed wi ev in fu an groc cost ar killin us. Thy ne to ti th belt al wi th res of us. It do-'t so lie much whenth apply fo sma inc, bu all ofthe smal increase add up an co th prou rate in. Enogh is enugh. Sincely,-i~\~ LDHaton 3708N 2535E Twi Falls, ID 83301 ifr ~~/6~fp lfa /JÝ.¡f,~'~ (fi :i- £. -OK-¡ 0Jv~_~_~~ .-_~ ~.~...k4-Òq~D !4 tv .C- ~~ ~~ '/1 . .; ¡~1I01 if, A-v./~~.$ If/ Uc.~'~-9g-lo . 8; 07 JUly 13,2008 3932 Lelad Way Bois;Ida 83709 Idao Public Utilities Commsion P:O;Box 837.20 ~; Idao 83720-0074 Sirs; So Idao Power wants stil ANOTHER 10% ra to recover costs. Wht paricular costs do they wat to. cover? All thse new additions that al you corprations and politicians want in theiteof economic growt? If all that growth is supposed to be so great how come everyhig increases in cast whileservice-whicA isnonexistent~ decreass or ceass altogether? Why aren'tthe schools able to provide the basic supplies for Cblses if th growth ìs so great? I ca from a sma fa area inPa. fUour taxes weren't tht outeous yet our supplies were there on th fist day of schooL Here we have thousds of taxpayers not maybe.ahurdred,ortwo and.yetthere isn~tenough. money. Why is that? Grwt tht isn't need should be paying for itself. In othr words. if you want-to add more houss, those houses pay for themselves just as.a rual house that may be several miles out must pay a high price to brin in an electric lie. !tis not those who have lived.hereJor20-30';50yeas. whoar addïn.to the cost of electrity and using it . indiscrimintely. An it is notthoseofus on fied station incomes tht are usin it by burg lights day an night.inide an out, us ai conditiones when it is 70 degrees outside, ruing TV s, computers 24 hours a day whennoonè is using them. Some of us. · useless old folks who did your diry workfor.you corprations-those you all so haughtily looked down your noses at but complained lie hell ifaspot of dus was misse-ca't aford to go anywhere or keep payi for everyhig the wealthy want for free. For may of us our TYis our only entertent, our car the only way togetthe.few groceries we can aford or get to the yearly doctor, appointment. Yet wear expected to pay every groce store, every phacy, every home improvement store, ever util compy for their gas and electricity costs. Who in the hell is giVÎgus gas money? NOBODY,.but weare expcted to pay 5- 10..15 others from our $500.00 to maybe $900.00 fied incomes that we can not increase becáuse we can no longer'work. Naw Idao Power wats more money to recover costs tht are a par of doin. busineS$.lsuspeetit is to pay those shholders and the alreay overpaid executives. Also it is wanted, no doubt, to pay for that expnsive remodel job they are so proudly. toutin in this last Customer Connection. Copy enclosed. Of course this is to claim that they ar savi energ. You wa to remodel then pay for it out of your prfis, not oncusomer~s baks. ..~'1 k~ ~o i . . 11y abo ~Peed my custoiiecha(ge fiOll $4J)6 to $5.641$2.88-$8.52 this .lMayofus fid it ridiculous to be paying a utilty company to be a customer. Ths espeially since we have little choice these days buttohave elecicity an gas to ' heat and light our home since we can't ver well aU burn coal or wood stoves as we did ' . . . . in the countr when I wa growi up. Nor ca we have an outous to us for a toilet in th cities. We al suct th chage is just so they ca pay the shaeholders an executives their outreous saes. My suggestion for Ida Poweris fist-get rid of the phony pap IDACORP Company, whch is one an th sae as Ida Power. There is ONL YONEpower compy here. Most,ofus.wer satisfied wi them untll thy sted raing rates ever year for no real reason other tha gree. Second, maybe th highest paid executives need to tighten THEIR belts as they wih us to do. I've tigened mie prett tit aleay. I go nowhre excet to the store and doctor appointments. I bum one light at niht, not al lights everyhere and certy not in the daytime and outside. Outside light comes on only if there is motion at the driveway and shuts. off in 1 miute. Since theÍe is seldom anyone here that rarely lights up. I do ru an i l/2-lirs irationpun in th irigation sen to water my ~ acre in the suer rar th using citwatet. Th water water ftit.tr, be an a vegetable gaen to help me surve on those proucts when preseed for the wiier months. 1 can no longer afford'my medication for high blood presse cause'by diseaed kiys-thse were inried anthere is NOTHO one ca do for th dise except eat low soum I nee my shoulde and lmee joints repad but that will not happen, as I have no health inurance. Many.people have them repaired so they can play golf; aUld like is to be able to car for my propert! I get a hacut-no stle-maybe 3-4 times'8. year. ' I bae my own brea and cok my own me an at ties I do not even cook but have a cold meal inea My enteren is th. TV or re boks tht I bought years aga. ' So my extravagant life needs to be redce even more accordig tô you, who are. supposed.to.be . looki out for us, the co.numer.' Rather tha paying corprations high profis to pay for phony companes an hih pri execs an shaeholder who are alady Weathy, how abut loki ou for th work ma an those ofuS who can no . . longer.work afer doing your dir work until our bodies fell apa? Seems tome that we" mae those profis possible while we can't save a penny' no matter how ha we tr. As to how to "Mae Your Sum Enegy Bills" in th enclose Cusome Connecion I'd like to rely poin by poin. Use ceiling & box fa-In this hous you would us a ceilig fan at thetIskof lopping off your head. The hous stays cool most days üthe doors and widows ar. opened in th early morng. . Close blinds doin day-suight ìsthe best light source the is in ths house~ I have trees on the eastand west side th sh the hous from the su In the evenig th blinds may be paially close to reduce the sun but I do NOTbu electrc' light in the dayligt hour lie my neighbors do wh neer ope th wiows or thir drs and blinds. My blinds ar close at ni for prvay an to reduce he or cold as th camaybe. ' Have always cleaned our filters an coil. I. never needed anyone to tell me, tht! '. Weater stg ìs done at time of consction. A few crks th appe later is alowed to sty. Why? As my Dad sad to let the ai cirate a bit on its own' Aiight. houses àre not healty especially in the winer. .We always opened the. widow.once in the while in the winter to circulae the ai sincewebured'coal. We were sèldom down wi colds by doin th. Remide we were too poorto see doctors and used home remedies and old ways to keep ourselves heathy. Thow out peectly fuctionig equipment and buy new garbae that wil brea . down in a yea. Riht! We all have thousds of dollars to buy new fuces every couple of years. If the Energy Star fuces work lie the Energy Star light bulbs they wil last all ofa week! We bought some and took them back as they ceased to fuction in a week. We bought another kid. And the la two suggestions are so stupid as to be fuy. First let Ida Power control my air conditioner. Since they have no idea üI may be il, may be baking bread or can or freezing my garden produce, I sure as hell am not going to alow someone else to ru th ai conditioner for me. I ru it only Ü the hous is hot and may a time' Ü I leave it on automatic I have to go tu it off I other words I may nee the temperatue to be a 76 degrees rather tha 70 degrees. At other times I may nee the temperature to be a bit lower such as when I come in pouring sweat from mowig the lawn. Nobody but me knows what I am doing at any paicular time and I sure as hell am not havig somebody deciding when I am too hot or too cold! And the last one takes the cake. Don't use your air conditioner when it is hot. Wht in the hell do you dodos thi we bought the unt for? To have it sittin there looki prett while we sweker in th heat? You don't nee it on in the morn nor most nights so when ar we suppose to be alowed to use it Ü not when it is hot? Get rea an plan as we who have been in the low pay bracket all our lives have to do. When we us somethi it is judiciously. We use thigs until they can't be used anymore for anythig. Maybe you corprations ought to get th old fahioned priniple into your hea inea of thowi out this tht fuction jus beuse somebody came out with a pret shiy new modeL. An old neighbor of ours stil uses her refrigerator that is at least 50 years old. It . fuctions ver well than you. The sa wi may of her applians. She bought the best tht was available when they buik and she takes care of what she ba. She lives just fme with what sh has. We also us what we have and would do very well too if you'd all stop the gred and stop trying to dictate what is really not good for us or anythig else. You holler "gren" when in fact you wase resources lie craz whie we who have always ha to watch every penny have lived what you call "green" al along. It is called being poor and conserving and using up what you have. I.e. a dress when new is for "Sunday best" then it is everyday clothig then when it is too worn it is us as a rag until it ca't be us anymre. Ony thn is tht dress thrwn away and tht may be i 5 to 20 yeas later. Tht, folks, is "green"! So myself arid my neighbors say NO more increases in power raes. We DO NOT MA Californa or New York wages here therefore we CANOT PAY those same high prices. Sircerely,-;/J1lA~ ~ ~-, Mrs. Sandra Hickstein . Corporate Communication P.O. Box7fJ Boise. /0 837tJ7 ... ':: ..p How Does Idaho Power Save Energy? Helping our customers bt' energy eítìciellt is one way we help reduce electricity demand, keep rates low and (;are for the environment. We work tog('ther with the communities we serve 10 creale new, innovative programs and sen'ices encouraging you to do your part. Idaho Power also iakes aClion to reduce our company's energy USt' and support our commitnwllt 10 the environment. Did you know up to half of your honw's energy costs go directly to heating and woHngY As a business, we face a similar challengl". In 2005 at our corporare iii Miircìi. ,thoo Power teicDrateu '15 fi~t company-wide Energy Effiçiency Month for employees, encouraging their participation in our energy efficiency and demand reduction programs_ Pklumd from left to righlt1w Senior Vke President D,1n Minor. Sfmior Vice Pre,ident Jim Miler, Vice President Warren Kline, Presídent & Chief Exewtive Officer LãMo!l Keen. Vice President Ric Gale and Senior Vice PreSident & Chiel Financial Offcer Darrel Anderson headquarters in Boise, we replaced ¡he heating ventilation and air conditioning (11\'AC) systems. We also installed a new energy inaiiagement system with digital controls to more efficient Iv managt' tilt building's eiwironnwnt and reduce costs, Last veal'. we replaced boilers to improve efficiency and enhance the use oí geothermal energy, In addition, a new lighting maJligement system mduces the use of elect rk lighti ng. As necessary remodeling occurs, the company l('places ca rpei ing with recycled carpet squares adhered to tlw l100r bv low volatile organir compound (VOC) water.hased adhesiw. \\'alls recl'ive a fresh coai ofVOC paint. "Green" ceiling tiles aiid Stee!case hiriiiiire repla¡;c older tediiiologies. Newly installed window coverings at the company's corporali' headquarters reduce the amount of heai load on the building. vet allow in naturallíght. Glass See more "Idaho Po....cr .Saves Energy" on back Energy Efficiency · ..get involved. Bill Insert Correction Pie charts on an electricity bill insert mailed recently to Idaho Power's Idaho customers outlining the company's annual Power Cost Adjustment and where your electricity comes from contains an error. The legend explaining the company's normal compared to 2007 resource mix does not show . "Renewable Resources" although the charts iUustrate the amount. The pie chart should reflect Idaho Power normally expects to receive 4.4 percent of its electricity from renewables, including wind and geothermal generation. However, in 2007. the company actually received only four-tenths of a percent from renewable sources. A COHect version of the bil insert is on the company's Web site. www.idahopower.com.Click on "Customer Service: then "Bil Inserts." 0.3%,4.4% 6.1% r0.4%1.2%-, r-3.9% .1%. ydro oal i,Gas Renewables PURPA Purchases Stovetop Baked Beans . ) . ; wed ,..in -JfHYi, ::J:Çf;ut-.; . 3 t,:n~; 1 ~j ~.ì-,i'-(P;- ;Jli~_d :)eói'\, ' :~s.td ,_:~iij 1_:h1,!;f:a~~Dietary information per servng: Ca:or;ei; 239 Pwte;;': 12g Ca.txr'¡drates: 419 fat: 3g (holestemi: Smg )cÓilmi: 330mg ;,::i 109 . '4 G.iD Ketch.íp . ~-'4 c~p .:1¡H:f, mct,d)5.b . '-~ ()",p :JfO'An :,Jg~- . 1 ~ablps;joJ; ~'re~::Jte(i f~-,~L'.:::rd l'é,d. 8 S€,v,'Ý". "oJi ., "~. Prace bacon in Ò jar-~p. ~e~ri ~rjiie~, (~;ok ~wer rredi;,fm htç;! heat t.ntii ~~enì'r hrowr,_ Dròtr' ard d¡sca-:'d e((!?s 'trea5t\ Ad toe cnim 2"() ",tt., L"E¡ :er11' 'it,' in the beans. ~eichup. r.olassts. boo...n S,j(Jû' "rd 'lus!èrd Reduce h~at iO rl';tGLim- ~n'lé_ at:: con~- 'Jlcov('ren, stiJrfng octa;ioraHy, fm 20 mir'ute- or until s.)U(~ thr(x-:e-ns; Re-öpes art: se.'e(red lor nurtir¡onal value and iow ('ncrgy USc ,,'n preparøtlon. They are approved oy Joanne Graft, certified red:tli t~dU(ino, from me Central Di5tntt HeøJtl~ ()ept.'Hrmè-nr In Boise¥ Idaho . * iI~~/lg)Ó~~v"~ tø~. t I~ Jean Jewell Sent: To: Subject: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 10:34 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Eric Bauerle follows: Case Number: Idaho Power rate increase _::c-E-og-lo Name: Eric Bauerle Address: 1911 E. Wilson Lane Apt. C City: Meridian State: Idaho Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: Name of Utility Company: idaho Power Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: Please say NO to the rate increase. With manic regularity, Idaho Power tells me the customer to conserve energy . When I do, this means Idaho Power sells less product (power), and their revenues go down. Then they turn around and tell you, the commission, that they aren't making enough money to continue to provide adequate product. Their revenue shortfalls are their own fault. They say growth means a needed rate increase. This is asinine, and defies Economics 101. By definition, more customers mean more product sold, which means more profit, which means higher revenue, which can be invested in infrastructure to make more product. The more power rates are raised, the more people and businesses will look for ways to save money by using less energy. This is especially true right now with the high prices of gas, food, goods and such. A rate increase will lead to LESS product sold, and less revenue. What Idaho power needs to do is shut up about all this conservation nonsense, stop whining about needed rate increases, and go find ways to make more energy and make people want to buy it. They will have more funding for infrastructure than they know what to do with. For my part, if the rate increase of 6.3% for residential is approved, I will make sure that I decrease my power usage by at least 6.3%. Perhaps 10%, just for good measure. Thank you, and God bless! Eric, an Idaho Power customer The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - ------ --- -- - ----- -- - - ---- - --- - - - -- 1 1J1 ~11J()t~ Jean Jewell 'i1d~ ~ Hi From: Sent: To: Subject: rickyphar~hotmail.com Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:21 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Richard Harris follows: Case Number: Name: Richard Harris Address: 4905 Stamm Lane City: Nampa State: ID Zip: 83687 Daytime Telephone: 208-442-8654 Contact E-Mail: rickyphar~hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: How can Idaho Power continue to use the flimsy logic that they need rate increases because of more customers? Don~t they actually make money off from each customer~ so in reality they should be lowering rates since they have more customers. Yes they do have to add infrastructure but so does any business that has more customers. A grocery chain will add more stores as they get more customers because they know that with increased. business and more customers that they will make more money. I think the citizens of Idaho and the commission are being deceived when this logic is used for rate increases. The rate increases will never stop~ they will never get enough. Rate increases should be directly tied to the average wages of the Idaho citizen. You cannot expect the citizens of Idaho to continue to pay more when they are not making more~ where do you expect them to get the funds to pay these increases? Thanks for listening Rick Harris The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - --------- -- ------ -- - - --- - - --- - - - -- 1 lj .'ý N° L/ ~ l~.~N~~ (~sr~ Jean Jewell ",0 Sent: To: Subject: Friday, July 11, 2008 4:00AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from follows: Case Number: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail : Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: I'm just curious, Idaho Power has a building downtown that has its lights on all night long. Is that really necessary? If we customers are trying reduce our use of power, shouldn't they? Plus, I don't like hearing about rate increases knowing it could be to pay for the company's electric bill. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is 1