HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080507Comment.pdfIrfl~I01 Jean Jewell 01"~., ¡j ~ rJI From: Sent: To: Subject: Jean Jewell Wednesday, May 07,200810:26 AM Jean Jewell FW: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form -----Original Message----- From: larry~hendersoncorporatìon. com (mail to: larry~hendersoncorporatìon. com) Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 1: 20 AM To: Tonya Clarkj Frontj Beverly Barkerj Ed Howell Subject: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form A Complaint/Inquiry from Larry follows: Name: Larry Contact E-Mail: larry~hendersoncorporation. com Daytime Telephone: 368.0011 Home Address: 1400 Sunrise Rim City: Boise State: UT Zipcode: 888888 If this concerns a Business, Business Name : Business Address: Business Phone: 368.0011 Name of Utility Company: idaho power Have you contacted the utility regarding your concern?: No Please describe your question or complaint briefly: I strongly disagree with idaho power wanting to inscrease our rates, because of the high amount of snow we had this winter. as long as I can remember electric rate increases and decreases have been tied in to snow fall amounts and with a banner year of precipatation they should decrease. They increased last year along with an increase in the fall or wihter. maybe idaho power needs to cut back like most of their customers are having to do. part of the reason some of us make this home is because of the less expensive cost of living and that is why employers don't have to pay as much as they would in larger cities. The form submi ted on http:l/www. puc. idaho. gov /forms/ cons/ cons. html IP address is cons - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1