HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070813Decision memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM to:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE ~C-5-0rt-l ~ FROM:DANIEL KLEIN DATE:AUGUST 7, 2007 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PAM AND SCOTT BOWERS AGAINST IDAHO POWER On July 3 2007, the Commission received a "formal" complaint (Attachment 1) from Pam and Scott Bowers against Idaho Power. On July 26 2007, the Bowers amplified their complaint (Attachment 2). The Bowers would like to have new rules or laws enacted dealing with shared transformers for business customers. The Bowers were unsatisfied with the outcome of the informal procedures to resolve their complaint and have filed this formal complaint. BACKGROUND In December of 2004, Bowers Transportation obtained service from Idaho Power at 15941 Gunfire Rd. in Caldwell. The Bowers business is located in a thirteen-lot commercial subdivision (Attachment 3). A 50 KW pad-mounted transformer was placed in a recorded utility easement on the Bowers property to serve their lot. The Bowers were required to pay $1 461 for the line extension costs above the terminal facility allowance. To serve the commercial subdivision, Idaho Power plans to serve two adjoining lots from each transformer. If the two adjoining lots have similar electrical needs, then Idaho Power serves both lots from the same transformer. When the lot adjacent to the Bowers was ready to be served in December 2006 Idaho Power ran the new line extension from the transformer serving the Bowers to its new customer, Terra-West Inc. The Bowers complained that it was inequitable that they had to pay for a line extension to obtain service and Terra-West did not. Neither the Bowers nor Terra- West were required to pay DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -AUGUST 7, 2007 for the shared transformer because it is part of the allowance for overhead terminal facilities applied to the Bowers' original line extension request. Terra-West was not required to pay any money towards the shared facilities. On December 7, 2006, Pam Bowers called and filed an informal complaint with the Commission. In response to the complaint, Idaho Power stated that it had followed its tariff, and there was no basis for the Bowers and the neighbor to each have their own transformer. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Bowers are not satisfied with the outcome of the informal complaint. Consequently, they have filed a formal complaint. See Rules 23 , 25 and 54, IDAP A , . 024 and 054. In essence, the Bowers are asking that the Commission reexamine Idaho Power s line extension tariff, and Staff may wish to file comments at a later date. Staff recommends that the Commission open a case and process it under modified procedure. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept the Bowers' formal complaint? Does the Commission wish to issue a Summons or proceed under Modified Procedure? ~ /;K2: Daniel Klein DK:udmemos/formal complaint bowers DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2-AUGUST 7, 2007 07/03/2007 10: 58 2082859845 BOI,.JERS PAGE Bl Vctw~ 'JO~N :? O:(N ~dY\ ~"'4S'+- 7'-1-7'i-f~ :5 /1-"3 7l2. TRANS1vITITAL COVER TO P L\ f'(\ 0 Nt ' C It 0 f' "-.J -::- c;-. -R.v.. t5R oUo..J FROM Pf'rn1 ) ' 1= ~ o1t -lliw ~ K DATE ~ 3/ 07 FAX k,'736 r6WE'~ DOCUMENT 0...0DESCRIPTION 0 R.m Co (V\ P I D. l TOTAL PAGES, INCLUDES TIllS PAGE T1.D D SENT BY: APTO mc- PRMLEDGED &. CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION This fax & documeol(s) attached hereto, may contain confidential &: or legal privileged infonnstion. Theinformation is intended "ONLY" fur the use by the recipient named above. PLEASE ADVISE 208-286-9909 OF ANY DEFrCIENCY WITH THIS lNFORMATION- IF YOU HAVE RECEJVED TIllS TNFORMA TJON-COMMUNICA TION TN ERROR. PLEASE NOTIFY US-SENDERIMMEDJA TEL Y BY PHONE AND SHRED TIlE MIS-DIRECTED FAX JNFORMA TION. AJ'Iydisclosure, copying distribution or use of the contents of in fonnation received in error is strictly prohiPited. Pamela A. Bowers ORIGINAL DQCUMENTS WILL: FOLLOW BY CERTIFITED MAll. # 0 FOLLOW.BY REGULAR MAIL FOLLOW BY EXPRESS MAIL FAXED ~f13 0 - :::------ui11essReq11f;Sted DATE 7/ 3 / u7 A.M. ..Scott" & Pamela A. Bowers BOWERS TRANSPO~T 9559 W. Hills Gate Dr, StID-., ID, 83669-5300 hapwin25~msn,com spdvwing(w.msri.comPHONE 208-286-9909 (FAX) WILL NOT BE MAILED... f AX 208-286-9846 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 2 ",,67 10: 58 28828E,984E,BOl..)ERS PAGE 82 7/3 07 I~WE NEED HELP TO GET SOME RULES AND LAWS PASSED TO PREVENT THIS KIND OF A8USE. We purchased a CommerdaJ Jot in Caldwell we were told and did pay for and install poWer to ourlot as did everyone In our commercial subdivision. Except for one-our neighbor that works for Idaho Power, installs under-ground utilities. He builtand While we were gone broke and entered into our property..cut the lock. Hooked up to theequipment we paid for. He now has our-the service for FREE!!! - Idaho Power claims this is their easement so they can and have done what they - - - - wellwanted. They have protected and backed this neighbor at our expense. A law Or rules need to b~ passed to prevent this kind of abuse in the future. 1. Sharing of equipment should be fair and equal...each party pays the same amount2. Sharing the equipment should be installed on the lot line, equally, 50-50 not on anotherproperty and lines run under fences Into the other lot owners property...creating rights for thatneighbor to trespass and creating a prescriptive easement against our property, clouding our title! 3. Breaking and entering should be iIIegaL.NOtice should be given... a phone cedi, a letter writtennotice of some kind for the taking of another's property, or use of it.4. Since it is legal, by declaring a utility easement, a written agreement should be required between the parties espeCIally In our case where nothing Is SO-SO...not even do we have equaluse of the power. We have maybe 200 amps he has 600+ amps. We have to pay for more amps if we want more power, he got his for free! New rules need to be put in place, laws need to be in place to protect lot owners like us in thefuture. We can t find out WHY Idaho Power is doing this and especially towards us only us! Thanks Pam 286-9909 Fax 286-9846 :';:!!J\Ning~:!~:)lil::i1. ~:. (lr; Attachment 1 Page 2 of 2 07/26/2067 10: 39 26:32859:345 BOWEriS PAGE 01 leA Vl!Iya flfrAAli Date: - 7/ ~/ c,l 1RANSMITTAL COVER TO Lu(\\f)\ \ r;;~( FRO P~ ~ ~ ColT 15u w~~- DATE j I d-L ( FAX 3.3 Lf''3762- g~i=~bN k ~it tA. cIr- CO-0 \~ ~ Q R. sku-- ~(\'- ('fIk-C:K f--d)~1 Q N C'Yfu.S) TOTAL PAGES. INCLUDES THIS PAGE (it) SENT BY~ APTO. me. PRIVILEDGED & CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION This tax & documcn1(s) 3Itached hereto. may contain tlQDfidenti.!l & Of" legal privileged infoIIDarion, Theinformation is Urtended "ONt Y" for the use by the ~jent named 3OOVC.PLEASE ADVISE 20~286-9909 OF ANY DEFICIENCY WITH THIS INFORMATION. IF YOU HA RECEIVED THJ:S lNFOnIA TION-GOMMUNlCA nON IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US-SENDERIMMEDIATELY BY PHONE AND SHRED THE MIS-DIRECTED FAX INPORMA TIaN. Anydisclosure, copying disIn"butioi1 or use afUte contents ofinfurmation received in error is strictly prohibited. Pamela A. Bo\Vel:S - ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS wn..L~ A~"U FOLLOW BY CERTIFITED MAIL # FOLLOW BY REGULAR MAIL FOLLOW BY EXPRESS MAIL (fAX) WILL NOT BE MAILED...L---- - . -tf1'lleSs Requested By: -=---- --- DATE APTO.In~ A.M. ""Scott" & Pmnela A. Bowers 9559 W. Hills Gate Dr. Star, ID. 83669-5300 hapwinQ;sCIV.msn.com sDdvwing(Zi).msn.comPHONE 208-286-9909 FAX 208-286-9846 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 4 ""-"---- .----- 07/25/20(17 16: 3'268286'3845 BO\"PAGE 02 Pam & Scott Bowers 9559 W. "Hi115 Gate Dr, Star~ ID. 83669-5300 Phone 208..286-9909 Fa.'t 208-286-9846 7/16/07 To Whom It May Concern: Regarding: We are asking for HELP. ptease respond, help or give your opinion. We need to get some rules and laws passed to prevent this type of abuse... We purchased a. commercial lot in Caldwel1, Tdaho. We were told required and did pay for and install power to Olir lot, as did each lot owner in this commercial subdivision. Problem: Excent for our ncmhbor.he works for and installs under ground utilities for TdahoPower. He built a shop and while we were gone he ,instructed his employee to open our locked gate. He cut the chain; they broke in and illegally entered our property. He hooked up to our-thepower service box, the equipment we paid for, that is on our property. The neighbor DOW has our-the service for FREE !!! Idaho. pOWer claims this is their easement SO they have the right to gjvethis neighbor the right to trespass and to give him service foi free, they can do as they --- wellwant! II They have and continue to back and protect this neighbor, at our expense. New rules and upd~d Jaws need to be in place to protect others and to correct this injustice done to us. Our opinion, the neighbor has no right to use and access our property! Blessinger used his position and Idaho Power used their power and have claimed a phony easement right to give him our-the service that we paid far. We an;: retaining the right to SUe all parties .involved:now and inthe future. Neither party, no. one connected or involved and or their representatives etc... they cannot claim a prescriptive casement right to use our property now Or in the future. If it is truc and laws are in place, that we are required to share this service... New roles and lawsneed to be put into place so that it is fair for all parties. 1. The equipment shalt be instal.1ed On the property line equal1y, not on one property ownersland and lines fW1 under the fence and onto the other property owner s lot-land.2. No prescriptive easements or clouding a title on just one of the two lot owner s propertycan be given by Idaho Power. 3. The taking af another person s property should be illegal. 4. Each party receives the same amount ofpower-amps-5. Notice shall be given to both-each lot owner, prior to ,instalting equipment. Either inwriting, phone calls etc... Breaking and entering should be illegal.6. A written agreement should be required for both parties and with Idaho Power. SpeJIingout what is expected of and from each and aU partics etc... Making ooch Jot owner equal1yresponsible for payment and or damages etc ... Attachment 2 Page 2 of 4 07/25/21307 10: 2082859845 BiJlAIERS PAGE 133 We would appreciate an answer as to WHY are WE the ONLY lot owner required to s~are SERV1CE? WHY are WE the ONLY party required to pay for the equipment and installation etc.. . ? WHY does Idaho Power have th~ authority or right to give a nejghbor the use of our land, the right to trespass.., eve:t) if it is a legal easement for Idaho Power? When, Mr, Blessinger, torched our gate aJ:1d took his crew onto OUr pro?erty, we feel just as violated as we would had he done a bome in'V~ion 9t our home. Our comm~rcial yard is QUjoffice and work place. Men 1 went to Mr. Blessinger and pcrsonaHy to ask him to remove his line off my property an argument ensued and he had a religious slur leaving me to believe this is religious discrimination. It is impossible to understand this situation, why Idaho power and Blessinger have done this to us why we are the only lot owner in this commerc1al park-mbdivision that is required to share and only at "our expense As for hiring an attorney we have been ripped off, paid money and no one wi1l take the case. They admit it is a crime "but.,. " There is not enough money in it for them aod it would cost us $7,000.00 up to defend this. We were told you don t have enough money to fight them. So, we need to make changes with the rules and in the laws instead! Idaho Power company has the control-power and hundreds of attorneys paid for by the public-us~to do as they --weJJ want I!I Their own words! They can do as they -well want and can createan easement if one is not in placc~ we do not have a choice or any rights with regard to this. I still question that! The Idaho Power reps; Steve Brown, Gary Neal and Me Thee are ju.on a fewinvolved with this matter. They have given the neighbor the use of our land, clouded our title trespassed ilIegatly, lied to U$ and committed fraud, in our opinion, The PUC is backing Idaho Power and helping to protect Blessinger, in our opinion, why we cannot understand! The lying and the cover-up constantly going on in Washington, D.C- seems to be becoming the order of conduct within our justice system right here in what I would call rural Treasure Valley. Rural peop~c use to have princ1ples, honest)' and respect for other peoples rights and their constitutional rights. Our Justice system has turned their backs On the basjcs. IS OUR. QUALITYOF LIFE IN THIS MUCH TROUBLE? I Wat:lt to go before the legislature, speak about this problem, correct it, and stop thi!:! abuse. Stopthe taking of a persons land and their use of their own laud. Stop the large Corporations extreme powcr...Keep them ITom taking a land-lot owners rights, stop them from giving your property to another when they --well want to! Please HELP and respond immediately with any suggestions etc.., S- fa IIA- 0W v.I--- Pam & Scott Bow~ Attachment 2 Page 3 of 4 07/25/2007 10: 39 2~::)828E,9845 BOWERS PAGE 04 TRANSMITTAL COVER TO --Aj h Om -tL s rvt Cu. C~ CJl.A FROM .p~ i- ~ ~6rr 1f3() w (?~ DATE 11 if-(,... / 0 I FAX DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION tJJ\ Op! Nt .-J I t-)S"~0,. N € cf 6ovz.. - oe 1- ~~ k;s . D(\J ~i~ AOf JV\~ *~- 0 W -PDuJ..1A- . -ru '. S I ~) I_D-", at.- c TOTAL PAGES, INCLUDES THIS pA6~~ 3' " " ) -chj'u --.~-, SENT BY: APTO INC. ' \. '----- PRIVILEDGED & CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICA nONThis fiIx & docmnent(s) attached hereto. may contain confidential & or legal priVJleged information. Themformation is intended "ONL Y'" for the use by the n:cipient named aboVt:. PLEASE ADVISE 208-286-9909 OF ANY DEFICIENCY WITH THIS INFORMATION. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TNFORMA TION-COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US-SENDER1MMEDJA TEL Y BY PHONE AND SHRED TIlE MIS-DIRECTED FAX INFORMA TION- Any disclosure; copying distn'b.mon or use: oftbe contents of mtOnnation received in error is strictly prohibited. Pamela A, Bowers ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS WILL: FOLLOW BY CERTIFITED MAIL # FOLLOW BY REGULAR MAIL FOLLOW BY EXPRESS MAIL FAXED :d! DATE 77 ! 07 (FAX) WILL NOT BE MAILED.. Unless Requested By: A.M. "Scott" & Pamela A. Bowers BOWERS TRANSPORT 9559 W. HilJs Gate Dr. Star. ID. 83669-5300 hapwin2s(?)msn.corn m..dvwinglWrnsh.comPHONE 208-286-9909 FAX 208-286-9846 Attachment 2 Page 4 of 4 ... . . . ... . . . -- = - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - (t) ... . . . (J J Id a h o P o w e r 15 A 75 A B C al l 50 A B C .1 . Te r r A - VC . $ - t " Ao " " ' ( r S -a . Do n 8 , . g 8 31 6 - 1 5 9 1 CH A N G E X 1 2 1 TO X 1 2 9 SO A L_ _ - - - _ - 04 1 0 4 / 0 7 09 : 4 1