HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070514Comments.pdfDONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 3366 ) Ii 1:i ' ~. j! ~:: S L; ! ii : I'' 1 - ' , i i; Ui ii.ii i~::.:: C;Ci,i;,,18Si. Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT) (PCA) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM) JUNE 1,2007 THROUGH MAY 31 , 2008. CASE NO. IPC-07- COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Donald L. Howell, II, Deputy Attorney General, respectfully submits the following comments in response to Order No. 30302, the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure issued on April 18, 2007. BACKGROUND On April 13, 2007, Idaho Power Company filed its annual Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application. Since 1993 , the PCA mechanism has permitted Idaho Power to adjust its rates upward or downward to reflect the Company s annual "power supply costs." Because of its predominant reliance on hydroelectric generation, Idaho Power s actual cost of providing electricity (its power supply cost) varies from year-to-year depending on changes in streamflow and the market price of STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14 2007 power. The annual PCA surcharge or credit is combined with the Company s "base rates l to produce a customer s overall energy rate. In this PCA Application Idaho Power requests recovery of $30.7 million of above normal power supply costs. The Company estimates that this represents a $77.5 million increase in revenues from existing PCA rates (which are below normalized base rates), or an average increase in rates of 14.5%. Attachment A to these comments is a graphic that shows the history ofIdaho Power s residential energy rates and identifies the PCA component. STAFF AUDIT AND ANALYSIS The PCA has three components: 1) a projection component; 2) a true-up component that corrects for the previous years projection error; and 3) a true-up of the previous year s true-up that is a final correction. Set out below are the Staff's comments on the three PCA components. A. The PCA Projection The National Weather Service Northwest River Forecast Center in Portland, Oregon forecasts the April through July Brownlee Reservoir inflow this year to be 3.30 million acre-feet (mat). This is only 52% of the average inflow. A regression equation developed from the results of a power supply model run is used to project "Net Power Supply Costs.See Order No. 24806 and Staff Attachment B. Using the forecasted 3.30 maf and the regression equation, Staff calculates Net Power Supply Costs for April 2007 through March 2008, to be $75,497 940. As authorized by Commission Order, Staff increased the calculated Net Power Supply Costs by expected PURPA qualifying facility purchases of $54 632 157 and reduced the amount by the expected net benefit of cloud seeding $895,462 ($1 004 538-900 000) to generate an expected PCA expense of $129 234 635. This is approximately $28.3 million above normal power supply cost levels on a total company basis. Staff found that its calculation agreed with Idaho Power s calculation. The calculation of the projection rate component is shown on lines 1 through 6 of Attachment C, where the projection rate component is calculated to be 0.1888 ~/kWh. Staff's calculation ofthe projection rate component agrees with Idaho Power s calculation. I Base rates were established by the Commission in Idaho Power Case No. IPC-O5-28. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2007 B. The PCA True-up The PCA True-up captures the difference between the projected power supply costs from the past PCA year and the actual power supply costs that the Company incurred during that same year. Rates were set in the previous PCA period to collect or refund to customers the difference between the projected power supply costs and those costs reflected in rates. The differences between projected power supply costs and actual power supply costs is the PCA deferral balance. This deferral balance, when surcharged or refunded to customers is known as the PCA True-up component. Exhibit No.3 to Idaho Power witness Schwendiman s testimony illustrates the calculation of the true-up deferral amount. Attachment D is Staff's calculation of the true-up deferral amount. Staff found no differences in methodology or amounts from those presented by the Company. As shown on Page 2 of Attachment D, line 64 in the "Totals" column, the true-up amount with interest is $42 115 284. The true up amount used by the Company to calculate the true up rate also included an Emission Allowance tax benefit of $27 025 013 , which is not included in Company Exhibit No.3 or Staff Attachment D. In rounded numbers the true up amount, including the emission allowance tax benefit, is composed as follows: ITEM Last Year s Projection (Rebate) 90 % of Last Year s Above Normal Power Supply Costs Last Year s Above Normal PURPA Facilities Costs Emission Allowance Sales Credit Miscellaneous Adjustments (Lines 49 50) mterest MILLIONS $ 19. $ 68. $ (1.6) $(42. $ (1. $ (0. --------- True Up Expense (Deferral)$ 42. Emission Allowance Tax Benefit $(27. --------- Total True Up Deferral with Emission Tax Benefit $ 15. To verify revenues and costs associated with Idaho Power s true-up deferrals, Staff conducted an audit of all actual revenues and expenses that occurred during the PCA year. These revenues and costs included the cloud seeding program, fuel expenses for coal, fuel expenses for gas, and power purchases and sales. Staff also examined PCA Settlement Agreement Credits from Order No. 29600, Emission Allowance Sales Credit from Order No. 30041 , and the Risk STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14 2007 Management operating plans. The following items are included in the PCA true-up: 1. Water Lease Purchases.Idaho Power entered into an agreement to purchase 5 000 acre-feet of water (an acre foot of water is enough water to cover an acre, one foot deep) for $14 per acre- foot. The total cost of $70 000 was offset by an agreement with Powerex Corporation. In exchange for the release of the irrigation water, Powerex agreed to pay Idaho Power $7 500. Idaho Power leased the water from Water District 63 in Lucky Peak Reservoir through the Water Supply Bank. Although not a normal, recurring PCA line item, the terms of the agreement for the water lease purchase are reasonable and recovery through the PCA is reasonable because the water is equivalent to fuel for power. The actual water lease purchase expense of $62 500 is a cost to customers and is subject to jurisdictional allocation and 90/10 sharing. 2. Cloud Seedin2: Pro2:ram.Idaho Power spent approximately $1 , I 08 094 on cloud seeding program costs during the prior PCA year. Beginning in October 2006, upon the completion of the general rate case, IPC-05-28 and the issuance of final order, Order No. 30035 , monthly cloud seeding expenses and benefits were incorporated into base rates. The net benefit from the cloud seeding program that is included in base rates forthis deferral year (October 2006 through March 2007) is $895,462. The actual amount of cloud seeding expense for the PCA period from April 2006 through March 2007 is $804 603. Actual expenses are less than the net benefit included in base rates by $90 559. This represents a benefit to customers and is subject to jurisdictional allocation and 90/10 sharing. 3. Fuel Expense - Coal.A large portion of Idaho Powers electricity comes from thermal power produced from coal plants. The three coal plants that Idaho Power owns an interest in are Bridger, Valmy, and Boardman. For the audit period of April 2006 to March 2007 the total coal expense for all plants in operation was $110 532 921. The total coal expense included in base rates is $95 138 364. The increase or decrease in the coal expense from base rates is included in the PCA for recovery from or refund to customers. This year s PCA deferral balance includes a difference between costs currently included in rates and actual costs of$15 394 557. This cost is subject jurisdictional allocation and 90/10 sharing. 4. Fuel Expense - Gas.Idaho Power owns two gas-fired combustion turbine generating plants, Danskin and Bennett Mountain. These plants are both located near Mountain Home and account for 100% of gas usage. For the audit period of April 2006 to March 2007 the total variable gas and gas transportation expense for both plants was $8 181 907. The total gas and gas transportation expense included in base rates is $4,451 500. The increase or decrease in gas STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14 2007 expense from base rates is included in the PCA for recovery from or refund to customers. In this year s PCA deferral balance, the gas expense that is included for future recovery from customers is 730,407 and is subject to jurisdictional allocation and 90/10 sharing. 5. Power Purchases and Sales.During the PCA year ending March 31 , 2007, the Company sold surplus power totaling $205 529 288, while total power purchases, excluding PURPA contracts, were $224 881 906. The total surplus sales included in base rates is $64 162 300 and the total power purchases included in base rates is $11 842 800. The increase or decrease in the power sales and purchases from base rates is included in the PCA for recovery from or refund to customers and is subject to jurisdictional allocation and 90/10 sharing. Actual surplus sales exceeded base amounts by $141 366 988. This cost difference is a benefit to customers. Actual purchased power amounts exceeded base amounts by $213 039 106. This cost difference becomes a cost to customers. Net surplus sales (surplus power sales greater than power purchases) of $52 319 500 are built into base rates. In this PCA year, actual power purchases exceeded surplus power sales by $19 352 618. The difference between what is built into base rates and the actual expenditures is captured in the PCA deferral. The net of the power purchase difference and the surplus sales difference included in this PCA year for recovery (cost to customers) is $71 672 118. This amount is subject to jurisdictional allocation and 90/10 sharing. Staff reviewed the power purchases and sales in conjunction with the Company s Risk Management Operating Plans. Our analysis did not find any transaction that was not reasonable or did not follow the Risk Management Committee s recommendations. These transactions were made with an assortment of credit-worthy partners on a timely basis, and there were no transactions conducted with an Idaho Power affiliate. 6. Emission Allowance Sales Credit.In June 2005 , Idaho Power Company filed an application requesting blanket authority to sell surplus sulfur dioxide (SO2) allowances; and an accounting order to provide for recording any sale(s) of such allowances. In Order No. 30041 , Case No. IPC-05-, the Commission approved and adopted a stipulation providing for the inclusion of the SO2 allowance sales proceeds in the Company s annual PCA, with 90% ofthe net proceeds to be passed on to customers, and 10% of the net proceeds to be retained as a shareholder benefit. The Commission also ordered that the net of tax, 90% portion of the proceeds allocated to customers in the Stipulation, shall be grossed-up to recognize the tax savings that will accrue when the 90% credit is provided to customers through the PCA. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14 2007 The Commission found the PCA, which is designed to track and true-up abnormal power supply costs and revenues, to be the logical mechanism to track and distribute proceeds from the sale of excess SO2 allowances. SO2 allowances are allocated to the Company based on the ownership and operation of its thermaVcoal powered plants. Excess allowances are a direct result of many factors associated with the operation of the coal plants including installation of environmental equipment, the geographic location of the plant, the total time the plant is operated, the nature of the coal used to fuel the plant, as well as other factors. The allowances accrue as a direct result of plant operation and ownership in much the same way that energy generated from the plant is used to meet ratepayer demand and generate surplus sales revenue to offset plant-operating costs. To the extent that coal costs, environmental costs, and surplus energy sales increase or decrease costs, the cost differences are captured in the PCA and passed through to customers. It is logical that SO2 allowances pass through in a similar manner. The net proceeds of the emission allowance sales are $81 647 500. The Idaho jurisdictional portion is $76 807 243. The 90% portion to be passed on to customers is $69 126 519, which is the customer benefit after tax amount of$42 101 506 and the tax benefit amount of$27 025 013. The emission allowance sales credit has been properly accounted for in the PCA deferral calculation. 7. Actual Oualifvin2: Facilities Purchases includin2: Net Meterin2:.A Qualifying Facility (QF) is a generating facility which meets the requirements for QF status under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURP A) and part 292 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission s Regulations (18 c.F.R. Part 292), and which has obtained certification of its QF status. There are two types of QFs: cogeneration facilities and small power production facilities. Qualifying Facilities are sometimes referred to as cogeneration/small power producers or by the acronym CSPP. A Cogeneration Facility is a generating facility that sequentially produces electricity and another form of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) used for industrial, commercial residential or institutional purposes, and otherwise meets the requirements of 18 C.R. ~~ 292.203(b) and 292.205 for operation, efficiency and use of energy output. A Small Power Production Facility is a generating facility whose primary energy source is renewable (hydro, wind, solar, etc.), biomass, waste, or geothermal resources, and that otherwise meets the requirements of 18 C.R. ~~ 292.203(a), 292.203(c) and 292.204. Small power production facilities are limited in size to 80 MW, with the exception of certain types of facilities STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2007 certified prior to 1995 and designated as "eligible" under section 3(17)(E) of the Federal Power Act (FPA) (15 D.C. ~ 796(17)(E), which have no size limitation. Idaho Power has many contracts with qualifying facilities. For the audit period of April 2006 to March 2007 the actual QF expense is $52 320 145. The QF expense included in base rates is $54 059 005. The increase or decrease in the QF expense from base rates is included in the PCA for recovery from or refund to customers. In this year s PCA deferral balance, the actual QF expense was less than the base QF by $1 738 860. This amount is a benefit to customers and reduces the PCA deferral balance. It is not subject to the 90/10 sharing due to the nature ofPURPA contracts in that the Company must purchase the output of the Qualifying Facilities. It is subject to jurisdictional allocation. 8. Settlement A2:reement (Order No. 29600).In a Stipulation involving Idaho Power and the Commission Staff, both parties agreed on a single comprehensive settlement amount to resolve several outstanding issues identified in the Stipulation. The parties proposed that the expense adjustment rate for growth (EARG) component in the PCA would continue at the existing value 16.84 mills per KWH, until the next general revenue requirement case in which the Commission resets the base rates used for PCA computation purposes. Idaho Power also agreed to provide a $19.3 million revenue credit to Idaho Power Customers in the Company s PCA. This revenue credit is a separate $804 166 monthly line item for the months June 2004 through May 2006 in the PCA true-up calculation and includes interest from June 1 2004 at the PCA carrying charge rate. It was also agreed that the June 2003 Valmy Unit No.2 incident issues should be resolved in the PCA. The Commission approved the Stipulation in Order No. 29600 issued in September 2004. Staff verified that all settlement components of the Stipulation were incorporated in this PCA Application. The Company has included the proper monthly credit of $804 167 for customers for the months of April and May of 2006, the final two months of the credit resulting from the settlement agreement approved in Order No. 29600. 9. Bennett Mountain Credit.In Order No. 29790, Case No. IPC- E-05-1 0, the Commission approved recovery of Bennett Mountain power plant costs and required that the related reduction in power supply expense be included in the Company s 2006-2007 PCA. The Company has included the proper monthly amount to reflect the reduction in power supply costs resulting from the Bennett Mountain power plant. The credit began in June 2005 and was to run for 12 months. The current deferral balance includes the final two months of the credit. This credit totals 972 and is not subject to the 90/10 sharing. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14 2007 In final analysis the PCA Forecast and True Up methodology produced an unexpectedly large surcharge deferral balance. The PCA year beginning April 2006 was forecasted to be an above normal water year with below normal power supply costs. A negative forecast rate component was established which credited customers $19.7 million dollars during the true up period. Actual power supply costs captured in the true up calculation were $64.5 million above normal. This amount combined with the forecast credit would have produced a true up amount of $84.2 million. This is a very large amount to accrue in a good or even normal water year. It is only the application of$69.1 million of non-recurring SO2 Emission Allowance Sales benefits that brought the true up amount down to the $15.1 million balance subject to recovery. Without the Emission Allowance Sales benefits the true up amount and rate would have been extremely high in a water year that turned out to be about normal. This result was caused by a number of factors. Base power supply costs are outdated because normalized power supply costs from 2003 are still being used for PCA purposes. These costs were not updated in the IPC-05-28 general rate case because of concerns over the AURORA modeled power supply results presented by the Company in that case. The Load Growth Adjustment Factor is also outdated. The factor used during the true up period in this case was $16.84 per MWh. At $16.84 per MWh $10.1 million was adjusted out of the true up amount. The Load Growth Adjustment factor is to be $29.41 per MWh for the next PCA year, which if used last year would have almost doubled the load growth adjustment amount (Case No. IPC-06-, Order No. 30215 dated January 9 2007). Staff believes that Load Growth Adjustment Factors based on real marginal costs could be much higher. Staff plans to review these and other issues affecting PCA deferral balances as a part ofIdaho Power s upcoming general rate case. C. The PCA True-up of the True-up The PCA true-up of the true-up amount is the difference between what was anticipated to be collected or refunded when the PCA rate for the true-up was set and what was actually collected or refunded. When special adjustments are not carried into the true up of the true up calculation, the amount represents the under or over recovery of the true up amount from the previous year due to a different amount of kWh being sold than was anticipated in the rate design. The true up of the true up is a benefit to both the Company and customers because any over-collection is returned to customers, and any under-collection is recovered by the Company. The true-up amount set for recovery in last year s PCA case (IPC-06-07) was negative $39 513 704 and the rate calculated to return that amount to customers was -3113 ~/kWh. With STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14 2007 other adjustments and interest considerations, the approved rate under refunded the true-up amount by $7 941 094. As shown on Attachment C, line 13 , this amount is used to calculate the true-up of the true-up PCA rate component of -0589 ~/kWh. This is the same rate the Company calculated. PCARATES The Staff's calculated PCA rate of 0.2419 ~/kWh is the sum of the three components listed above (0.1888 + 0.1120 - 0.0589 = 0.2419). This rate is shown on Attachment C, line 16. These are the same rates included in the Company s filing. Staff Attachment E summarizes all PCA rate components and their associated expense amounts. It also shows amounts allocated to other jurisdictions and amounts shared with shareholders. Attachment F shows the proposed average increase above base rates by class and Attachment G shows the proposed average increase above existing rates by class (last year s PCA rates to this year s PCA rates). In both of these attachments the percentage increase to larger customers is substantially more than the average percentage increase. When power supply costs increase rates, larger customers receive larger than average percentage increases. This results because large customers have lower rates than smaller customers and an equal cents per kWh increase makes a larger percentage difference to them than it does to smaller customers whose base rates are higher. CONSUMER ISSUES Idaho Power s PCA Application, filed on April 14, 2007, contained both the customer notice and press release. Staff reviewed them and determined that they complied with the notice requirements ofIDAPA The customer notice was mailed with Idaho Power cyclical billings beginning with the April 26, 2007, statements and ending with the May 24, 2007 statements. Customers were notified of the Application by bill stuffer and will have until May 14, 2007 to file comments. As of May 8 2007, the Commission had received six comments. It is apparent from the comments that some customers still do not understand the difference between a PCA filing and a general rate case filing. Two customers who commented did not have an issue with the proposed increase although four customers were very unhappy with the possibility of another rate increase. One customer called the proposal to raise rates a "slap in the face. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14 2007 Had there not been the decrease in rates during the past twelve months as a result of last year s PCA, the PCA request this year would have been an approximate 4% rate increase for residential customers. Because the roughly 10% rate reduction to residential bills from the 2006 PCA will no longer be in effect after May 31 2007 , residential customers will see a nearly 14% net rate increase when compared with last year s rates should this year s PCA be approved. PCA RECOMMENDATIONS Staff's review identified no adjustments to the Company s calculations. Staffrecommends that the Commission approve the PCA rates as filed by the Company. Staff recommends that these PCA rates become effective June 1 2007. Respectfully submitted this JL/-tk day of May 2007. Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff:Keith Hessing Kathy Stockton Marilyn Parker i :umisc/comments/ipceO7.1 Odhkhklsmp.doc STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14 2007 v- . 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PC A E x p e n s e = N P S C + O F E x p e n s e + C l o u d S e e d i n g E x p e n s e - C l o u d S e e d i n g B e n e f i t = 7 5 , 4 9 7 94 0 + 5 4 63 2 15 7 + 1 00 4 53 8 - 1 90 0 00 0 tJ . tJ . = 1 2 9 23 4 63 5 tJ . tJ . tJ . t.. tJ . tJ . b . t. . tJ . tJ . tJ . tJ . tJ . 1.1 1.1 A I P C - 05 - 10 D a t a Re g r e s s i o n L i n e 20 0 7 F o r e c a s t tJ . tJ . 00 0 00 0 00 0 , 00 0 4 , 00 0 , 00 0 6 00 0 , 00 0 8 , 00 0 00 0 1 0 , 00 0 00 0 Ap r i l t h r o u g h J u l y B r o w n l e e I n f l o w ( A c r e - Fe e t ) 20 0 7 - 20 0 8 P C A - F i f t e e n t h A n n u a l IP C - 07 - St a f f C a s e (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) (g ) Li n e De s c r i ti o n Un i t s Ba s e Fo r e c a s t Di f f e r e n c e Ra t e Pr o j e c t i o n 2 0 0 7 - 20 0 8 : PC A E x p e n s e ($ ) 10 0 , 91 6 , 4 5 9 12 9 23 4 63 5 31 8 17 6 No r m a l i z e d S y s t e m F i r m S a l e s (M W H ) 13 , 4 9 7 55 0 13 , 4 9 7 55 0 En e r g y R a t e (~ / k W h ) 74 7 6 7 95 7 4 7 20 9 8 0 Sh a r i n g P e r c e n t a g e (% ) 90 % Fo r e c a s t R a t e (~ / k W h ) 18 8 8 2 2 1 0 8 18 8 8 il l MW h ($ / M W h ) (r t / k W h ) Tr u e - Up o f 2 0 0 6 - 20 0 7 : 09 0 , 26 7 13 , 4 7 5 24 4 11 9 8 5 1 1 1 4 11 2 0 Tr u e - Up o f t h e T r u e - Up : 94 1 09 4 ) 13 , 4 7 5 , 24 4 58 9 3 0 9 8 4 8 (0 . 05 8 9 ) PC A R a t e s : PC A R a t e A d j u s t m e n t F r o m B a s e (i t / k W h ) 24 1 9 PC A R a t e C u r r e n t l y i n E f f e c t (~ / k W h ) (0 . 36 8 9 ) Di f f e r e n c e - L a s t Y e a r t o T h i s Y e a r (i t / k W h ) 61 0 8 No t e : N e g a t i v e r a t e s a n d a m o u n t s i n d i c a t e b e n e f i t s t o r a t e p a y e r s . V1 ( / ) n ;p . -- - . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ~ UJ .. . . . . . . :e : ~ ( D ~ nz t r -- : l a ~ g \1 n c; j t p -- : I .. . . . . MWh mIKWh TRUE-UP CALCULATIONS FOR 2006 - 2007 FOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY PCA CASE NO. IPC-07- Staff Case Units 2006 APR 2006 MAY 881 064 778,002 252,090 142 316 109 774 848 594) 2006 JUN 074 252 507 (2,693,150) 1,455,481 395 617 864 008 110) 2006 JUL 273 977 507 193 860) 751 828 567 783 184 045 099 318) 2006 AUG 295 480 507 247 768) 546 516 1,482 896 620 071 361) 2006 SEPT 168 367 507 929 096) 213 236 185 594 642 (465,491 ) 2006 OCT 996 812 507 (2,499 008) 098 789 080 868 921 (301 790) DESCRIPTION 3 PCA Revenue 4 Normalized Idaho Jurisd, Sales Forecast Rate 6 Revenue 8 Load Change Adjustment 9 Actual System Firm Load - Adjusted 10 Normalized Firm Load 11 Load Change 12 Expense Adjustment ((Q)16,84) 14 Non-QF PCA 15 ACTUAL:16 Water Lease Purchases 17 Cioud Seeding Program $ 62 223 60 860 25 381 18 559 23,731 42 983 45 175 18 Fuel Expense-Coal $ 5 546 615 6 095 688 7 741 233 10 085 118 10 880 041 10 919 871 9 801 71619 Fuel Expense - Danskin $ 73 786 221 367 336 649 1 319 234 587,423 125 246 (6 289) 20 Fuel Expense - Bennett Mountain $ 132 815 580 697 1 060 247 592 883 0 478 756 260 328 21 Non-Firm Purchases $ 16 805 367 21 235 507 21 621,438 32,424 611 27 710 694 17 680 017 10 081 38222 Surplus Sales $ (33 649 301) (22 745,928) (16 169 244) (7,089 391) (12 918 832) (17,442 355) (13 612 384) 23 Expense Adjustment ((1i116,84) $ (220,065) (1 848 594) (1 008 110) (3 099 318) (1 071 361) (465 491) (301 790)24 Sub-Total $ (11 248 560) 3 599 597 13 607 594 34 251 696 25 211 696 11 339 027 6 268 138 26 BASE:27 Fuel Expense - Coal $ 7 108 200 6 800 600 6 342 000 8 714 200 8 720,308 8,448 908 8 726,40828 Fuel Expense - Danskin $ 264 800 278 500 275 700 279 600 280 800 264,700 272 300 29 Fuel Expense - Bennett Mountain 0 406 100 253 200 256 700 20 900 22,400 30 Non-Firm Purchases $ 28 000 664 100 2 715,400 3 166 600 2 765 200 479 300 35 80031 Surplus Sales $ (9 187 500) (6 566 900) (4 831 500) (2 542 200) (3 601 100) (5 736 200) (5 012 200)32 Cloud Seeding Expense 167,423 33 Cloud Seeding Benefit 0 (316,667)34 Sub-Total $ (1,786,500) 1,176 300 4 907 700 9 871,400 8,421 908 3,477 608 3 895,464 36 Change From Base 37 Emission Allowance Sales Credit38 Sub-Total 40 Deferral (Shared and Allocated) 42 OF Deferral 43 Actual (includes Net Metering) 44 Base 46 Change From Base 47 Deferral (Allocated) 49 Settlement Agreement (ON 29600) 50 Bennett Mtn, Credit (ON 29790) 51 Total Deferral (-6+40+47+49+50) 53 Principal Balances 54 Beginning Balance 55 Amount Deferred 56 Ending Balance 58 Interest Balances59 Accrual thru Prior Month 0 (30 179) (515 182) (737,922) (792 238) (807 259) 60 Interest (Q) 3% per Year 0 (30 178) (35 813) (116 373) (56 201) (12 518) 11 697 61 Prior Month's Interest Adj. (1) (449 190) (106 367) 1 884 (2 503) 62 Total Current Month Interest 0 (30 179) (485 003) (222 740) (54 317) (15 021) 11 697 63 Interest Accrued to Date 0 (30 179) (515 182) (737 922) (792 238) (807 259) (795 562) 64 Balance (True-Up & Interest) $ (12,071,060) (14 355 339) (47 064 419) (23 218 131) (5 799 264)871 566 7 787 504 66 True-Up of the True- 67 True-Up Revenues (Collections) 69 Beginning Balance 70 Adjustments: 71 2005-06 PCA Transfer (ON 30047) 72 Tax Settlement True-Up (ON 29789~ 74 Sub-Total 75 Interest (Q) 3% per Year 76 Revenue Applied to Interest 77 Revenue Applied to Balance 78 True-Up of the True-Balance Note: Negative amounts indicate benefit to ratepayers U:lkhess;nijpceO710\S(aff Case'TRUE UP 518/2007 KOH 862 931 288 700 248 MWh MWh MWh 987 134 974 066 068 (220 065) (9,462 060) (9,462 060) 013 419) 294 788 815 766 479 022 450 760 (804 167) 986) (12 071 060) 2,423 297----.9. 423 297 052 290 457 705 160 399 297 306 279 765 (804 167) 986) 254 100) 699 894 (49 712,488) (41 012 594) (34 733 566) 097 652 292 829 (195 177) (183 662) (32 224 077) 0 (12 071,060) (14 325,160) (12,071,060) (2,254 100) (32 224 077) (12 071 060) (14 325 160) (46 549 237) 619 149 513 298 (39 513 704) (15 000,406) (37,501) (37 501) 656 650 (16 657 056) 1 ,573 833 (16 657 056) (16,657 056) (41 643) (41 643) 615 476 (18 272 532) 946 500 (18 272,532) (18 272 532) (45 681) (45 681) 992 181 (19 264 713) 380 296 380 296 647 673 782,423 540 664 241 759 227 495 069 028 (46 549 237) 069 028 (22,480 209) 966 009) (19 264 713) (333 015) (19 597 728) (48 994) (48 994) 917 015) (17 680 713) 789 788 789 788 219 272 165 189 158 661 528 143 17,473,183 (22 480 209) 473 183 007 026) 118 311) (17 680 713) (17 680 713) (44 202) (44 202) 074,109) (16 606 604) 861,419 861 419 657,836 608 889 503 768 105 121 919 685 850 007 026) 685 850 678 824 (1,486 632) (16 606 604) 372,674----.9. 372 674 009 418 919 787 561 853 (642 066) (604 184) 904 241 678 824 904 241 583 066 169 515) (15 161,489) (16 606 604) (15 161,489) (41 517) (37 904) (41 517) (37 904) (1,445 115) (1 131 611) (15 161,489) (14 029 877) Attachment D Case No. IPC-07- Staff Comments 5/14/07 Page 1 of2 DESCRIPTION 3 PCA Revenue 4 Normalized Idaho Jurisd, Sales 5 Forecast Rate 6 Revenue 8 Load Change Adjustment 9 Actual System Firm Load - Adjusted 10 Normalized Firm Load 11 Load Chan 12 Expense Adjustment (i(Y16,84) 14 Non-QF PCA 15 ACTUAL: 16 Water Lease Purchases 17 Cloud Seeding Program 18 Fuel Expense - Coal 19 Fuel Expense - Danskin 20 Fuel Expense - Bennett Mountain 21 Non-Firm Purchases 22 Surplus Sales 23 Ex ense Ad ustment (rro16,24 Sub-Total 26 BASE: 27 Fuel Expense - Coal 28 Fuel Expense - Danskin 29 Fuel Expense - Bennett Mountain 30 Non-Firm Purchases 31 Surplus Sales 32 Cloud Seeding Expense 33 Cloud Seedin Benefit34 Sub-Total 36 Change From Base 37 Emission Allowance Sales Credit38 Sub-Total 40 Deferral (Shared and Allocated) 42 QF Deferral 43 Actual (includes Net Metering) 44 Base 46 Change From Base 47 Deferral (Allocated) 49 Settlement Agreement (ON 29600) 50 Bennett Mtn, Credit (ON 29790) 51 Total Deferral (-6+40+47+49+50) 53 Principal Balances 54 Beginning Balance 55 Amount Deferred 56 Ending Balance 58 Interest Balances 59 Accrual thru Prior Month 60 Interest i(Y 3% per Year 61 Prior Month's Interest Ad 62 Total Current Month Interest 63 Interest Accrued to Date 64 Balance (True-Up & Interest) 66 True-Up of the True- 67 True-Up Revenues (Collections) 69 Beginning Balance 70 Adjustments: 71 2005-06 PCA Transfer (ON 30047) 72 Tax Settlement True-Up (ON 29789) 74 Sub-Total 75 Interest i(Y 3% per Year 76 Revenue Applied to Interest 77 Revenue Applied to Balance 78 True-Up of the True-Up Balance TRUE-UP CALCULATIONS FOR 2006 - 2007 FOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY PCA CASE NO, IPC-07- Staff Case MWh mIKWh Units 2006 NOV 912 336 507 287 226) MWh MWh MWh 142 940 122,464 20,476 (344 816) 725 224 908 164,780 662,445 11,368 260 (7,761 189) 344 816 373 113 442 408 264,400 100 603 000 (1,419 600) 167,423 316,667 747 064 626 049 626 049 611 601 123 690 239 593 (115 903) (109 065) 789 763 583 066 789 763 372 829 (795 562) 21,458 21,457 774,105 598 724 126 013) (14 029 877) (14 029 877) (35 075) (35,075) 090 938) (12 938 939) Note: Negative amounts indicate benefit to ratepayers U:lkhe,,;nl;pceO710ISlaff Ca"'ITRUE UP 5/9/2007 KDH 2006 DEC 021 056 507 559 787) 346 182 274 108 72,074 213 726) 120 999 815,731 806 139 155 21,860 906 (17,822,923) 213,726 949 948 726 608 273 100 700 841 100 (3,443 800) 167,423 316 667 347,464 602,484 602 484 591 644 218 089 483 863 (265 774) (250 093) 901 338 372 829 901 338 274 166 (774 105) 932 912 733 193 540 973 282 021 ) (12 938 939) (12 938 939) (32 347) (32,347) 249 674) (11 689,265) 2007 JAN 096,401 507 748 677) 382 283 265 091 117,192 973,513) 500 852 253 901 530 042 841 568 (20 964 875) 973 513 807,475 453 508 272 200 100 387 500 889 800) 167 423 316 667 125 264 682 211 682 211 659 164 401 300 036,410 (635,110) (597 639) 810 203 274 166 810 203 084 369 (733 193) 685 685 672 508 31,411 862 400,463) (11 689,265) (11 689 265) (29 223) (29 223) 371 240) (10 318,026) 2007 FEB 032 663 507 588 886) 106 621 092 645 976 (235 356) 173 888 9,431 155 151,429 11,446 930 081 (14 089 689) 235 356 372 954 372,808 257 500 300 000 776 100) 167 423 316 667 (184 736) 557 690 557 690 6,400 608 133 362 957 595 (824 233) (775 603) 213 891 084 369 213 891 40,298 260 (672,508) 211 211 592 297 705 963 298,217) (10 318 026) (10 318,026) (25 795) (25 795) 272 422) 045 604) 2007 MAR 971 533 507 (2,435,633) 089 553 078 723 830 (182 377) 114 227 736 944 939 609,723 322 075 (21 263 175) 182 377 (562 644) 282,408 273 600 800 800 155 400) 167 423 316 (624 036) 392 392 993 117 273 307 604 (190 331) (179 101) 308 524 298,260 308 524 606 784 (592 297) 100 746 100 797 491 500 115 284 127 125) 045 604) TOTALS 586 872 (19 704 842) 372 653 662 171 710,482 (11 964 517) 500 804 603 110 532 921 123 370 058 537 224 881 906 (205 529 286) 964 517 126 970 034 138 364 257 200 194 300 11,842 800 (64 162 300) 004 538 900 002 374 900 80,595 134 712,488 882 646 154 513 320 147 059 005 738 858) 636 265) 608 333) 972) 606 784 606 784 647 556 147 (491 500) 115 284 834 824) 513,298 (39 513,704) (333 015) (15 333,421)045 604) (22 614) (22 614) (442 496) (1,104 511) (7,392 328) (7,941 093) (7 941 093) Attachment D Case No. IPC-07- Staff Comments 5/14/07 Page 2 of2 Su m m a r y o f P C A C o m p o n e n t s IP C - O7 - St a f f C a s e De s c r i p t i o n Fo r e c a s t ( 2 0 0 7 - 20 0 8 ) Tr u e U p ( 2 0 0 6 - 20 0 7 ) Re v e n u e f r o m F o r e c a s t R a t e No n - OF P o w e r S u p p l y C o s t D i f f e r e n c e Lo a d G r o w t h A d j u s t m e n t OF P o w e r S u p p l y C o s t D i f f e r e n c e Ot h e r L i m i t e d T e r m A d j u s t m e n t s : Em i s s i o n A l l o w a n c e S a l e s C r e d i t ( O . N, 3 0 0 4 1 ) Se t t l e m e n t A g r e e m e n t ( O . N. 2 9 6 0 0 ) Be n n e t t M o u n t a i n C r e d i t ( O . N. 2 9 7 9 0 ) In t e r e s t D u r i n g D e f e r r a l P e r i o d Su b - To t a l Fu t u r e E m i s s i o n A l l o w a n c e T a x B e n e f i t ( O , N. 3 0 0 4 1 ) Su b - To t a l Tr u e U p o f t h e T r u e U p Am o u n t C a r r i e d F o r w a r d Ot h e r L i m i t e d T e r m A d j u s t m e n t s : 20 0 5 - 20 0 6 P C A T r a n s f e r ( O . N, 3 0 0 4 7 ) Ta x S e t t l e m e n t T r u e U p ( O . N, 2 9 7 8 9 ) In t e r e s t D u r i n g A m o r t i z a t i o n ~ ~ n ~ Co l l e c t i o n s f r o m T r u e U p R a t e "" " p J .j : : : . . . . . , i ! 6 p J S u b - To t a l -- - H i :: 5 n Z S - S ? ~ To t a l P o w e r C o s t A d j u s t m e n t ( P C A ) t: d ~ (1 tr 1 tr 1 en I -- . ) ,.. . . . 90 . 0% S h a r i n g P e r c e n t a g e 94 . 1 % I d a h o A l l o c a t i o n In i t i a l Al l o c a t e d Sh a r e d Id a h o C u s t o m e r PC A Am o u n t to O t h e r wi t h Re v e n u e Ra t e s Ju r i s d i c t i o n s Sh a r e h o l d e r s Re q u i r e m e n t ($ ) ($ ) (i t / k W h ) 31 8 17 6 67 0 77 2 66 4 74 0 98 2 66 3 18 8 8 70 4 84 2 70 4 84 2 55 9 64 8 5, 4 6 1 01 9 70 9 86 3 38 8 76 6 (1 1 96 4 51 7 ) (7 0 5 90 7 ) 12 5 86 1 ) (1 0 13 2 74 9 ) 73 8 86 0 ) (1 0 2 59 3 ) 63 6 26 7 ) (4 9 71 2 , 4 8 8 ) 93 3 03 7 ) 67 7 94 5 ) (4 2 10 1 50 6 ) 60 8 33 3 ) 60 8 33 3 ) 97 2 ) 97 2 ) (4 9 1 50 0 ) (4 9 1 50 0 ) 74 0 82 0 71 9 , 4 8 3 90 6 05 7 11 5 28 0 (2 7 02 5 01 3 ) (2 7 02 5 01 3 ) 19 , 71 5 80 7 71 9 , 4 8 3 90 6 05 7 09 0 26 7 11 2 0 51 3 29 8 51 3 29 8 (3 9 51 3 70 4 ) (3 9 51 3 70 4 ) (3 3 3 , 01 5 ) (3 3 3 01 5 ) (4 4 2 , 4 9 6 ) (4 4 2 , 4 9 6 ) 83 4 82 3 83 4 82 3 94 1 09 4 ) 94 1 09 4 ) (0 . 05 8 9 ) 09 2 88 9 39 0 25 6 57 0 79 7 13 1 83 6 24 1 9 1 VI r J J ( J ~ 1 4 -- - . . . . . .. . . . "" " ~ "'" :! : : ~ ( 1 ) ~ S 9 ~ S ~ ~ g (1 ) ( J ' T j .. . . . t r J en I -.. . ) .. . . . . Li n e Ta r i f f D e s c r i p t i o n Un i f o r m T a r i f f R a t e s : Re s i d e n t i a l S e r v i c e Sm a l l G e n e r a l S e r v i c e La r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e Du s k t o D a w n L i g h t i n g La r g e P o w e r S e r v i c e Ag r i c u l t u r a l I r r i g a t i o n S e r v i c e Un m e t e r e d G e n e r a l S e r v i c e St r e e t L i g h t i n g Tr a f f i c C o n t r o l L i g h t i n g 10 To t a l U n i f o r m T a r i f f s Sp e c i a l C o n t r a c t s : Mi c r o n J R S i m p l o t DO E To t a l S p e c i a l C o n t r a c t s To t a l I d a h o Re t a i l S a l e s IP C - 07 - Id a h o P o w e r C o m p a n y Su m m a r y o f R e v e n u e I m p a c t St a t e o f I d a h o No r m a l i z e d 1 2 - Mo n t h s E n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 5 6/ 1 / 0 6 B a s e as e ate s o 6 /1 / 07 P C A (1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) (8 ) Ra t e 20 0 5 A v g . 20 0 5 S a l e s 06 / 0 1 / 0 6 06 / 0 1 / 0 7 Sc h . Nu m b e r o f No r m a l i z e d Ba s e PC A To t a l Av e r a g e Pe r c e n t No . Cu s t o m e r s (k W h ) Re v e n u e us t m e n t Re v e n u e (t / k W h Ch a n 1/ 4 / 5 35 9 , 80 2 50 3 , 86 5 , 23 0 26 6 , 72 8 , 02 9 10 , 89 4 , 85 0 27 7 , 62 2 , 87 9 16 4 08 % 30 , 89 9 21 8 , 60 5 , 82 5 16 , 03 9 , 93 7 52 8 , 80 7 16 , 56 8 , 7 4 4 57 9 30 % 20 , 99 8 22 7 , 11 8 , 62 2 13 0 , 35 4 , 52 2 80 6 . 4 0 0 13 8 , 16 0 , 92 2 28 1 99 % 93 3 , 90 6 93 8 , 95 6 14 , 35 4 95 3 , 31 0 16 . 06 5 53 % 11 5 05 6 , 65 8 , 50 4 63 , 55 1 . 4 5 7 97 5 , 05 7 68 , 52 6 , 51 4 33 2 83 % 24 / 2 5 15 , 08 5 1, 5 7 4 , 10 0 , 11 7 71 , 7 8 7 , 67 2 80 7 , 7 4 8 75 , 59 5 . 4 2 0 80 2 30 % 31 0 16 , 20 2 , 7 0 7 87 3 , 32 3 39 , 19 4 91 2 , 51 7 63 2 4. 4 9 % 12 9 18 , 7 0 4 , 63 6 95 4 , 04 3 45 , 24 7 99 9 , 29 0 10 . 68 9 32 % 84 2 , 17 3 27 0 08 7 18 , 97 0 28 9 , 05 7 68 6 02 % 42 9 . 4 1 0 11 , 6 2 9 , 03 1 , 7 2 0 55 2 . 4 9 8 , 02 6 28 , 13 0 , 62 7 58 0 , 62 8 , 65 3 99 3 09 % 67 3 , 7 6 0 , 25 0 17 , 91 7 , 7 4 5 1, 6 2 9 , 82 6 19 , 54 7 , 57 1 90 1 10 % 18 7 , 63 2 , 19 9 64 5 , 19 1 45 3 , 88 2 09 9 , 07 3 2. 7 1 8 9. 7 7 % 20 4 , 73 8 , 94 3 16 2 , 1 6 3 49 5 , 2 6 4 65 7 . 4 2 7 76 3 59 % 06 6 , 13 1 , 39 2 27 , 72 5 , 09 9 57 8 , 97 2 30 , 30 4 , 07 1 84 2 30 % 42 9 . 4 1 3 12 , 69 5 , 16 3 , 11 2 58 0 , 22 3 , 12 5 30 , 7 0 9 , 59 9 61 0 , 93 2 , 72 4 81 2 29 % V1 l Z J n ~ ;: : : : . S - g ; :! : : ~ ( 1 ) ~ On z t t -- . ) (1 ) .. . . . . . ~ '" d . - + (1 ) .- + t I 1 VJ I -- . ) ... . . . Li n e ar i f f D e s c r i p t i o n Un i f o r m T a r i f f R a t e s : Re s i d e n t i a l S e r v i c e Sm a l l G e n e r a l S e r v i c e La r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e Du s k t o D a w n L i g h t i n g La r g e P o w e r S e r v i c e Ag r i c u l t u r a l I r r i g a t i o n S e r v i c e Un m e t e r e d G e n e r a l S e r v i c e St r e e t L i g h t i n g Tr a f f i c C o n t r o l L i g h t i n g 10 To t a l U n i f o r m T a r i f f s Sp e c i a l C o n t r a c t s : 11 Mi c r o n 12 J R S i m p l o t 13 D O E 14 To t a l Sp e c i a l Co n t r a c t s 15 To t a l Id a h o Re t a i l S a l e s IP C - 07 - Id a h o P o w e r C o m p a n y Su m m a r y of Re v e n u e I m p a c t St a t e of Id a h o No r m a l i z e d 1 2 - Mo n t h s E n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 20 0 5 6/ 1 / 0 6 B a s e 06 P C A t o 6 07 (1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) (8 ) Ra t e 20 0 5 Av g . 20 0 5 Sa l e s 06 / 0 1 / 0 6 06 / 0 1 / 0 7 Sc h . Nu m b e r o f No r m a l i z e d Ba s e & P C A PC A To t a l Av e r a g e Pe r c e n t No . Cu s t o m e r s (k W h ) Re v e n u e us t m e n t Re v e n u e (t / kW h Ch a n 1/ 4 / 5 35 9 , 80 2 50 3 , 86 5 , 23 0 25 0 , 11 3 , 27 0 27 , 50 9 , 60 9 27 7 , 62 2 , 87 9 16 4 11 , 00 % 30 , 89 9 21 8 , 60 5 , 82 5 15 , 23 3 , 50 0 33 5 , 2 4 4 16 , 56 8 . 7 4 4 57 9 8. 7 7 % 20 , 99 8 22 7 , 11 8 , 62 2 11 8 . 4 4 9 , 68 1 9. 7 1 1 , 2 4 1 13 8 , 16 0 , 92 2 28 1 16 . 64 % 93 3 , 90 6 91 7 , 06 6 36 , 24 4 95 3 , 31 0 16 . 06 5 95 % 11 5 05 6 , 65 8 , 50 4 55 , 96 4 . 4 4 4 12 , 56 2 , 07 0 68 , 52 6 , 51 4 33 2 22 . 4 5 % 24 1 2 5 15 , 08 5 1, 5 7 4 , 10 0 , 11 7 65 , 98 0 , 81 7 61 4 , 60 4 75 , 59 5 . 4 2 1 80 2 14 , 57 % 31 0 16 , 20 2 . 7 0 7 81 3 , 55 1 98 , 96 6 91 2 , 51 7 63 2 12 . 16 % 12 9 18 . 7 0 4 , 63 6 88 5 , 04 2 11 4 , 24 8 99 9 , 29 0 10 . 68 9 06 % 84 2 , 17 3 24 1. 1 47 , 90 0 28 9 , 05 7 68 6 19 . 86 % 42 9 . 4 1 0 11 , 62 9 , 03 1 , 72 0 50 9 , 59 8 , 52 8 71 , 0 3 0 , 12 6 58 0 , 62 8 , 65 4 99 3 13 , 94 % 67 3 . 7 60 , 25 0 15 . 4 3 2 , 24 3 11 5 , 32 8 19 , 54 7 , 57 1 90 1 26 . 67 % 18 7 , 63 2 , 19 9 95 3 , 01 6 14 6 , 05 7 09 9 , 07 3 71 8 28 . 99 % 20 4 , 73 8 , 94 3 4. 4 0 6 , 88 1 1, 2 5 0 , 54 5 65 7 . 4 2 6 2. 7 6 3 28 . 38 % 06 6 , 13 1 , 39 2 23 , 79 2 , 14 0 51 1 , 9 3 0 30 , 30 4 , 07 0 84 2 27 . 37 % 42 9 , 4 1 3 12 , 69 5 , 16 3 , 11 2 53 3 , 39 0 , 66 8 77 , 54 2 , 05 6 61 0 , 93 2 . 7 2 4 81 2 14 . 54 % CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 14TH DAY OF MAY 2007 SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-07-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE LISA D NORDSTROM IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 MAIL: bkline(~jdahopower.com InordstromcmidaJill)20Wer. com JOHN R GALE GREGORY W SAID IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 MAIL: rgale~idahopower.com gsaidcmidahopower.com TARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE