HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070611Residential customer notice.pdfTune 8, 2007 Dear Idaho Power Customer: On June 8, Idaho Power filed a request with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to increase base rates by an average of J 0.35 percent. For our residemia 1 customers, the proposed increase is 4.5 percent. Please allow me to share some of the reasons for this proposed increase and to suggest some ways you can lessen the impact ofhigher electricity rates. We anticipate that the rates will become effective January 2008. Our decision wasn t made lightly and we carefully considered the impacts to individuals and families, farms and businesses. But to provide you with reliable responsible electrical service today and tomorrow, our company must continually invest in our electrical system and then periodically seek rate increases. Rates And Service Reliability Between 2006 and the end of this year, Idaho Power will have placed in service $300 million of additional investment in its system, including improvements and upgrades to our established power plants, power lines and substations, as well as building new facilities, or buying new equipment Eke trucks and computers. Operating and maintenance expenses have increased substantially over the same two-year period, driven by the increased levels of power purchases, continued rapid customer growth, and inflation. All of these activities are directly tied to our ability to continue to provide you reliable energy service today and in the future. I've included more information on the back of this letter to further exl)lain this issue. Efficient Use ,Can Help You Manage Your Bill Idaho Power is committed to promoting energy efficiency as a way to sluw- the increasing demand for elecuicity and to manage rising energy costs. Whether s purchasing energy efficient products, participating in one of our efficiency programs or using a little less electricity whenever possible, there are ways you can lessen the impact of this proposed increase. We want to help you. We have included a Summer Tip Card to jump start your efforts. In addition, there program information and further tips in the "Energy Center" of our Web site- www.ldahopower.com. Remember, the more of us who practice energy efficiency, the better it works. Rates Remain Among Nation s Lowest Independent annual surveys consistently show that the prices you pay for electricity are among the country s lowest, a fact in which we have long taken pride. I again invite you to visit another area on our Web site- www.idahopower.com/eustomerserviee/rates/ eleeprIcemaps .cfm - compare Idaho Power s rates with those paid in other areas of the country. With investor-owned utilities across the nation facing similar issues and escalating costs, we believe that when this pending price adjustment is settled your electricity rates will still be among the lowest rates in America. We understand that you rely on us to provide you with reliable service at a fair price and are committed to serving you in the most efficient, and responsible manner possible, Cordially, /f2 L-l Ric Gale Vice President, Regulatory Affairs IIJAHO POVVER * An IDACORP company -r r;:... -- /-. ' c.--" =-- '-- L,-""""'0 An average residential customer who uses 1,050 kilowatt-hours ofelectrI(:ItM. monthlywiU jeean in se.dr"J~ss..thari.$3.arnol1th t~jsrproposal. About This Rate Request No doubt your firsT question about this proposed rate increase is "Why?" Not surprisingly, part ofLhe answer is the issue of growth. Southern ldaho is growing in population and in economic activity and we have spent millions of dollars since our last general rate case to keep pace, and we must spend even more to expand our electrical system to stay ahead of it. Even if we didn t add a single new customer, we still would have to invest in our increasingly complex network of power lines, transformers and substations to provide continued reliable service to our existing customers. Parts ofthis network are aging and require upgrades; others simply must be replaced. These expenditures are necessary to ensure that we have a reliable system of power generation, delivery and service support, ll1ere also is the simple fact that it costs our company more to do business today than it did yesterday. Like other businesses, we are not immune to price increases that impact our operating costs. Our costs for vehicle fuel and other products used to provide electrical service to more than 470 000 customers have grown steadily. ll1e regulatory framework under which we do business requires that we make investments in a prudent manner. Once made, we seek approval from our regulators to increase prices and begin recovery of these various investments and expenses. If approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, this proposal would increase Idaho Power s revenues $64 million annually so that we. could begin recovery of our capital investments and higher operating costs. How Can i Save? of the impact of any price increase. l1H') Energy Center at www.ldahopower.com offers many energy efficiency ideas and programs to help you manage your electricity use. How Will The Increase Affect My Bill? The proposed 4.5 percent increase for Idaho Power s residential customers would average S2.86 per month. If approved, the monthly bill for a typical residential customer using 1,050 kilowatt-hours (kV\il1) per month would increase from $64.42 to $67.22 during non-summer months and from $69.61 to $72. per month during June, Tuly and AllguSt. Other customer groups' increases will vary by electricity usage. When Will This Increase Begin? This is a proposed change and is subject to public review and Idaho Public Utilities Commission approvaL We anticipate a commission decision will be made in January 2008, The filing is accessible at Idaho Power s Web site -"'Iww.idahopower.com-or at the commission s vVeb site-w\\'W.puc.state.id.us. Copies will be available for review at the commissions office, 472 W. -Washington Street Boise, ID, as well as Idaho Power offices in Boise, Nampa, Emmett, Payette, McCall, Mountain Home, Gooding, Hailey, T\vin Falls, Pocatello, Blackfoot or Salmon. Didn t My Rates Just Go Up? The price you pay for electricity is made up of two pieces-a base rate and a Pow-er Cost Adjustment piece. This request only will affect the base rate portion ofthe price you pay for electricity which has remained unchanged since 2006, However, the other portion of your rates, the yearly Power Cost Adjustment, also affects the total amount you pay. This adjustment takes place every year on June 1st and ow ack aI?:d stream flow conditions that dictate c:JrauHg;G Overall Percentageof Increase Current Average Base Rate Proposed Average Base Rate RESIDENTIAL i!;) 2007 Jd"hc Powor SMALL COMMERCIAL LARGE COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL IRRIGATION P',med 00 '-.o::yd"d pope'