HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070815Comment.pdf' ",,- -- .--- a~L(.A1t- /~ M~ ./t: At/. ./fc- - iJ.- ...... 0/ J.. 00 k)-cA-A- 11/15/0-1 ;- ~R~ p. D, lJ '8" 37 d- . CE\\iE '. a ~8' 'J/?'J-tJ 00 7'1- zmn AUG \4 ~~i 8: \2 ..r-!:),\\r'r, 0' , itF\,-;iJ . o'r!SC'.iO!\\v~ UTiUTiESC h!,'il! k:i ~7;~X;t~ ct- 1i-J-..PC-07~())f i- &4-t2 tl=Jf..f(! - t:--D7-CJ3. .cV- ,?~ r!-, ~~ PA-c -Z-D'1 :tJ '1 4 ~~.tj.PC ~ z-cf'~~(J3 ~~~ 1? 2--07-07-J.. ~i 7k ~ . .,..~~ ;t- ~ ~ --!fwz ~:;C;:~'7iu~ ~... z::-~I1, aOd 10 ~' ?3J/6 P: ~A CL.;to-Ttu-l Jk ~---t/u.I'!f~ ~:!J ~ ~~ ----.. n,_,- --,, -- .. .~~" --- " " """"'K~h!;if, ::".';;;;;"" ~:-""~ir"""",:"~~ni.i\;~~- , ",., ~-"'-' ,-_. ------.--,--------. "~ ", "".. sendin . .' . a l1Iess8 toliaho owa \ ," ' .,I , ", ., '' " ,.. 1\,.otethanaeara~ " ; "" ",.. i~~~~~~ ~h Itha'S- bec()meappare.nttbattp-~J~fJ!: t~'mffiiJ~ioIiab(jutfd:o ' , needs to begin to takeresponsifuility:fGf; ~~%ij:;~~:P:~~~::~~th " " the 1ong-t~rl!lenviroJ1rpentjt~ln~~s' ~eve~al wiQd:-P..9~~r entr~:po'Yer systeII1S, am! coal, ,:to Idaho s? de~cendah1:s. There,,wiUmQstpreneur:sw:ho,w~rell1vesting plants; , '" ', ', ," " ~illiop;s~fdolI!U~J9,~ev~l ?p ,\ " It has ~E!~On~~aP.fJ:!ll"ent ., ." ~ h~elXdb"e n9~"future hydroprQJ~9t~;:b~th~,tem (Jp.ergyre~1lrG~~lIl' "tthe IPJJ€1~e~~egm 1;.:t.;~Ylt ":h ' ":,." , ,..4,Idaho.WIsely, tlie IPUC ' , to takeresponsll:~lhtyJQrJh~. ".,l~ppelUUY, ,u..ere ,m ' e manymoreW1n.l!I.~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~:~;VJJ~~r , ~~g ;~~~:i~~~~~~ntit " ' " , geother$~ll andsolarptojeC~$. , ' agieementsWithwind-power descendants., There will ' " , ' , ' pro~ucers whoseprpjects most likely belJo fu~re' , ," ' were substitIltfally comple't-hydro projects but, hopeful- favorable wind studies com-ea. Unfortunately, several ly; tlu~re will be many more' pleted that should be ' , , otherpO.ten11alwihd~power' Wind, geothermalaijdsoi~ ' acceptable. Idaho Power isihvestofs:ar~ still subjecttoa projects.EV~JJ.thoUgh these worried abolltthei;eli~bilitymoratQririm peIldingI~VC ~nd - power ~l(oj~~tsJIlay' "OfWin.d powc:;r~dw~ts theresponses to Id$ps utility, IncreaSe' the cost ofthe proYlder toguarant~(J any.suppUersw-hohave request'- Infnlstructureto Idaho, , ' ' shortfaIls.Evenhyd~hJacill~ed additionalrt1J.es and . ;, ' Power, Idaho Power. should' ties are affected by::Motherrestricti6IIs be applied to ' , , not solely think~bo:tifits Nature. If shedoesop.ot futUre WindproViders.Satijy, financial bottom lilie and "coopel(ate,the wind ~is del~YIIlay ~aveaueady th~e(f~ct aredI!cQ.on lQ ,net ' :i)l ()Vid~rs) Will sllffednthe ''created' oriebankniptcy,incoIriemay nave on Its ' , ' /futuremoretharHpaho,anlohgtlieseiiivestors: ' 'shan~holders.theIPUC ' Power, which will purchase HistorlcalIy;'id!lhoPq",er 'should se:ndldaho Power ,il outsideP9~er or' come baclc\hasaIlowedhydrop.QweT messagethat inhibiting the . ,to the IPPGWith a rate ' . , ' , p~()je~1:HlJh~9,k;~P1:qa. 'pr9Jif~rat~onof p,ppution : ." increase request. lithe IPUCp(jwet;g~jd;.Nqw,Wh~p:' ~~ " . 'fl#:ehergy!il)\Jlftis:!.Jy:t;Ijiij.g grantsldahQPowel( thesepowerCO~1:snavefirially " ' to p'assti'lfdughitsexOrbiC" and,otheriestrictiveincreased eriongnto attract tanthook"upcosts will ' r~quests, lahiJ~arful that themore tha.n'ailticipated reduce~e financial Incen- pnJfit incentivefprgreennfunb(Jrofiridependent ,live of wind and 'solar , energy will evaporate andentrepreheurs~coupledwith 'providersto deyelop polIu- Idaho wjlIsyifer greatIyin ,stateandfederal incentives, tion-free proJ~cts. 'theJongt~rrn.lr1'St*e of : ' Idaho Power appears tallow , IdahQPower is requesting what Idaho Power says, it is , ' look~t th~sen,eWelltrepre- . " th~~ih.e Win.d~p()we.l"~Qti1pa.- i:1otagreen compan~As 'a' ,ir~f.J;',~etlt.=:r =:~~~~~ its haV,eltscak(Jandeafittg()'$~Nice MYlegitilIlate , ' ' " We, theconsirn1ihgpqblic,whiIestilIhaibodng desires ' investot"Ylllalready have a , ,should be protected~ythe'of establishing its ownWind- solid busihess plan with:, "IPUC fromunfairpr~cticesof ' , , monopolistkpow;eJ:; ,; proVidersand"inretuin, receive r~I1able;s~~fl#d lo.w c'oSlpower: , . , , The Publi~ Utility ; , R~gli1atoryPoliqie$:J\c~()f, , 1978 law, iptEmded th&! the: . (Jnefgyrhtes ()(ferE:~tq,pIt(~ .vale. provip.~fS:by1,1tilfWfqm" panie~ b~f~yg~~1ble"it();thi , ' p roduter,~dWwas 'irl.t~hd-ed t~c;!Ac~f#;~~~inor~pm auction ofei):YP'onQ;i~ntall.Y fi;iendly €~rciaIEilJe~gy prodllctio,ij'as ii'rrieari~(,f): , reducin.g'enUssionsand ; . deperidelIc'e:otlothe~ hiua"" vorablesQurces:ofeJiergy/. , Even ,ti1Ollghthel'PUC'1) ,rulillg maYhe,diffic~lt,;I " , ' hope thatitwilfbe ljased subst#tti~yq~P'PJ~.PKs ' ' . goal, Ifwe'mldahp!1aveto, pay more f()rtfj.i~ .typ~ef"green" eller~ ta1n~qll1g, sho~lder lIlY slj~eqf,tp.at, burden as long aSUtiahp , ., . Power shouldersifs sbiit.e ~ '., , ", " Steve Kohntoppis. a resi" dent ofFilf!r. . . \'