HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070917Notice of Appeal.pdfJohn R. Hammond, Jr., ISB No. 5470 FISHER LAW GROUP U S Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 South Capitol Boulevard O. Box 1308 Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 331-1000 (208) 331-2400 facsimile irh((i),battfisher.com HEGEl\,' ""- LUU; Sr.!) ! I Lf 14 .12:45 T! tl i'f: ;)~!i t~li f ,.; V I'll J ";/v.vi' Attorneys for Avimor, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROV AL OF ) AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN A VIMOR, LLC AND IDAHO POWER TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND SUBSTATION FACILITIES TO THE AVIMOR MULTI-USEDEVELOPMENT Case No. IPC-O6- NOTICE OF APPEAL TO: A VIM OR, LLC, an Idaho Limited Liability Company APPELLANT THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RESPONDENT NOTICE OF APPEAL THE ABOVE NAMED RESPONDENT, THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AND ITS ATTORNEY, THE HON. LAWRENCE WASDEN, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, AND JEAN D. JEWELL, SECRETARY OF THE ABOVE NAMED RESPONDENT. NOTICE OF APPEAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: The above named appellant, Avimor, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, appeals against the above named Respondent to the Idaho Supreme Court from Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order Nos. 30322 and 30396 entered in Case No. IPC-06-23 on May 24 2007 and August 3, 2007, respectively. Appellant has a right to appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court, and the Orders described in paragraph 1 above are appealable orders pursuant to Idaho Code ~ 61-627 Rule lICe) of the Idaho Appellate Rules, and Rule 341 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA Appellant's preliminary statement of the Issues on appeal which the appellant intends to assert in the appeal is: In general, Avimor asserts that Final Order Nos. 30322 and 30396 are unreasonable, unlawful, erroneous, unduly discriminatory and not in conformance with the facts ofrecord and/or applicable law. Specifically, Avimor contends: 1 )Avimor asserts that Final Order Nos. 30322 and 30396 are unreasonable unlawful, erroneous, unduly discriminatory and not in conformance with the facts record and/or applicable law because the Commission s sole reason for not approving the terms ofthe proposed amended Special Facilities Agreement or original Special Facilities Agreement, that they would place a "great financial burden" and "undue risk" on existing ratepayers, is not supported by substantial and competent evidence in the record.. The Commission s findings in Order Nos. 30322 and 30396 discriminate against A vimor to its detriment in violation of Idaho Code ~ 61-315 and also in violation ofthe Equal Protection Clause of the United States and Idaho Constitutions; and NOTICE OF APPEAL The Commission s finding that new evidence concerning what the average per customer connection cost provided to Avimor as a result of the filing ofldaho Power Company s new rate case with the Commission, Case No. IPC-07-, was not sufficient to justify increasing the refund amount is unreasonable, unlawful, erroneous unduly discriminatory as that average cost number is currently before the Commission for its review and has been verifiable for some time. No order has been entered in Case No. IPC-06-23 sealing all or any portion of the record. No reporter s transcript is requested. The appellant requests the following documents to be included in the agency s record in addition to those automatically included under Rule 28 of the Idaho Appellate Rules. Board of Ada County Commissioners, Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order 05-00l-, pp. 1 , 10 & 23-, submitted under separate cover. In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Increase its Interim and Base Rates and Charges for Electric Service Order No. 29505 Case No. IPC-03-13. In the Matter of Idaho Power Company s Application to Implement a Demand Side Management Incentive Pilot Program Case No. IPC-06-, Order No. 30268. In the Matter of Idaho Power Company s 2006 Integrated Resource Plan Case No. IPC-06-, Order No. 30281. NOTICE OF APPEAL In the Matter of the Application of Pacificorp DBA Utah Power Light Company for Approval of a New DSM Cost Recovery Mechanism and Enhanced Energy Efficiency Programs for Commercial, Industrial Agricultural and Residential Customers P AC-05-1 0, Order 29952. In the Matter of the Investigation Concerning Issues Related to Idaho Power Company s Cost of Service Case No. IPC-06-, The Parties' Final Report pp. 1- 7. Idaho Power Company s Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff, Case No. IPC-06-23. Idaho Power Company s Responses to Discovery Request of Avimor, LLC dated March 16, 2007, submitted under separate cover. Electronic mail between Alden J. Holm, Tim Tatum and Greg Said, dated March 8 , 16, 19 and 20, 2007, submitted under separate cover. I certify that: (a)That no copy of this notice of appeal was served on a reporter as this case was processed by a written proceeding and there are no transcripts; (b)copy of this Notice of Appeal has been served on the Commission Secretary for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission; (c)The estimated fee for the preparation of the agency s record on appeal has been paid; (d)That the appellate filing fee has been paid. NOTICE OF APPEAL (e)That service has been made upon all parties required to be served pursuant to Rule 20 of the Idaho Appellate Rules and the Attorney General of Idaho pursuant to Idaho Code ~ 67-1401(1). DATED This 14th day of September, 2007. FISHER LA W GROUP, LLP ammond, Jr. y for A vimor, LLC NOTICE OF APPEAL CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY That on this 14th day of September, 2007, I caused to be served the foregoing upon all parties of record in this proceeding as indicated below: Jean Jewell IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 W. Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-5983 ii ewel((i),puc. state. id. us Monica B. Moen IDAHO POWER COMPANY P. O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 mmoen(~jdahopower. com Weldon Stutzman IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 W. Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 W eldon.stutzman~puc.idaho.gov ( J ( J (xJ ( J ( J (xJ ( J ( J Certified Mail First Class Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile Certified Mail First Class Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile ( J ( J (xJ ( J Certified Mail First Class Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile NOTICE OF APPEAL