HomeMy WebLinkAbout200512282nd affidavit of Jared Grover.pdfCi\l i! ! Dean J. Miller ISB #1968 McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ill 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 i oe(ll),mcdevitt -miller. com :' 1::,:1: r::;; . '.' !f;:U::~iC , , . ,) ' ' i j' I S c:: Attorneys for Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC and Cassia Wind Farm OR\G\NAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA ITER OF THE PETITION OF CASSIA WIND TO DETERMINE EXEMPTION STATUS Case No. IPC-O5- SECOND AFFIDAVIT OF JARED GROVER STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada Jared Grover, being first duly sworn upon an oath, deposes and says: 1. Attached hereto as Exhibit D is the testimony and exhibits of Jared Grover in Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. IPC-O5-22. 2. Attached hereto as Exhibit E is correspondence indicating completion of Feasibility Studies 3. Attached hereto as Exhibit F are cancelled checks indicating payment to Idaho Power Company for System Impact Studies. 4. Attached hereto as Exhibit G are pages from the Idaho Power Company web site indicating status of interconnection applications. SECOND AFFIDAVIT OF JARED GROVER - 1 12/28/2005 12: 59 2083236155 PAGE 03/04 , 5. Attached hereto as Exhibit H are summary pages of wind studies submitted to Idaho Power Company. 6. Attached hereto as confidential Exhibit I is correspondence to Idaho Power Company from John Deere Credit Company. 7. Attached hereto as confidential Exhibit J is correspondence to Idaho Power Company and a John Deere Credit Term Sheet. 8. Attached hereto as Exhibit K is correspondence regarding turbines. 9. Attached hereto as Exhibit L is correspondence relating to land use approvals. 10. Attached hereto as Exhibit M is e-mail correspondence to/from Idaho Power Company. 11. Attached hereto as Exhibit N is correspondence to/from Idaho Power Company. 12. Further your affiant sayeth not. Dated this 1-. ~day of December, 2005. State of Idaho :ss County of Ada On this day of December, 2005 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and said State, personally appeared Jared Grover, known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same, and that the statements therein contained are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. hand and affixed my official Seal the CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ~-1ray of December, 2005, I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 i i ewell ~puc.state.id. us Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 BKline(Q2idahopower. com MMoen~idahopower.com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email SECOND AFFIDAVIT OF JARED GROVER - 3 Dean J. Miller ISB #1968 McDEVm & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ID 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 ioe~mcdevitt-miller.com J ;- ' \ . c:. _i '( '"', ' ~OG5 JUL I 5 PM 4: I 9 iO /d10 PUBLIC U fill TIES COMMISSION Attorneys for Magic Wind LLC. Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC (Magic and Cassia)OR I G\ NAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA ITER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER TEl\1PORARIL Y SUSPENDING IDAHO POWER'S PURPA OBLIGATION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE ENERGY GENERATED BY WlND- POWERED SMALL POWER PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Case No. IPC-O5-22 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JARED GROVER Exhibit D Page 1 of 17 Please state your name and business address. My name is Jared Grover and my business address is 3635 Kingswood Drive, Boise, Idaho 83704. What is your association with or relation to Cassia Wind Fann LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC (collectively Cassia Wind) interveners this case? I am the owner and manager. Please describe your professional and business background. I received my Masters of Accountancy -Taxation from Boise State University. I am a fanner in the Hagerman Idaho area. Because of high power rates in 2004, I could not afford to irrigate, and moved to Boise. With power rates high and not expected to substantially be reduced, I decided I would not be able to afford to irrigate another season and I sold my water rights on my fann. Now, the best use of my fann, and those around me, is to develop wind. I am currently working full-time developing these wind projects. Please describe the wind generation projects Cassia Wind is proposing to develop. Cassia Wind is developing two wind projects in Twin Falls County. One is located on my fann, and the other is on another local fanner s land who has also sold his water rights. The wind projects total capacity will be 18.9MWand 1O.5MW. What is the intended date for the project to achieve commercial operation? Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Exhibit D Page 2 of 17 We intend to have the first project (18.9 MW) operational by year-end 2005. Is there a benefit to achieving commercial operation by year end 2005? Under the current tax legislation, a Production Tax Credit (pTC) is given to new wind projects over the rust 10 years of operation. The PTC credit provides an incentive for investors to invest in wind projects and makes the projects economically feasible. The PTC is set to expire at the end of the 2005. Because of the upcoming expiration, investors are putting their money into projects that can be completed before year end. If a project is not likely to be completed before the PTC credits expire, the investors will go elsewhere. Another benefit of completing a project before 2005 is that turbines are scarce and increasing in price. Most manufacturers have filled orders through the middle to 3rd quarter of 2006. If a project is postponed, it is difficult to convince the manufacturers to hold the turbines instead of simply selling them to other willing and able buyers. Based on what has happened in the last year, more delay before taking delivery of turbines will mean increased costs. Please describe the activities Cassia Wind has undertaken with a view toward achieving commercial operation by year end 2005. Many activities have been, and are being done to have the project completed in time to be eligible for the PTC's. I have purchased a 50 Meter anemometer tower, and also have a percentage ownership of 4 other Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Exhibit D Page 3 of 17 anemometers within 10 miles of the project. We have been collecting data from some of the towers for several years. From these anemometers, I have spent significant amounts of time and money compiling and analyzing the data. I have negotiated land lease contracts, and initiated the local permitting process. I have personally invested tens of thousands of dollars into the project. To facilitate achieving commercial operation by year end I traveled in and out of the state to meet with equipment manufacturers and potential investors. Long term financial projections have been created for the projects using the wind data, current turbine prices, financing rates, construction costs, and PURPA rates. Using these projections, private investors and bank loans have been found for financing. The investors are requiring a signed PP A before money is spent on further development such as ground preparation, or paying the large down payment required for delivery of the wind turbines. I have met with Idaho Power Co.'s engineers as part of the interconnection study. I am currently waiting for a completed interconnection agreement and a power purchase agreement. Has Cassia Wind submitted an Interconnection Applications to Idaho Power Company? Yes. Attached to my testimony as Exhibit No. 602 is a correct copy of our submitted Interconnection Applications. Does submission of an Interconnection Application carry with it a fmancial commitment? CJrover, I)i Magic Wind LLC Exhibit D Page 4 of17 Yes, according to Idaho Power Company procedures, a feasibility analysis fee of $10 000 or $2000, depending on size, for each project must be paid at the time the Application is submitted. Did Cassia Wind pay the required fees? Yes it did. Would Cassia Wind have submitted the Interconnection Applications and paid the analysis fee if it did not seriously intend to complete the project? Absolutely Not. Submission of an Interconnection Application is a substantial milestone in the development process. If the project was not viable we would have abandoned the project at an earlier stage, perhaps even before spending money on additional anemometer towers, meetings and seminars to meet with and work with manufacturers and investors. am working full-time on these projects and I assure you that Cassia Wind is very serious about making these projects a reality. Has Cassia Wind requested to receive Firm Energy Sales Agreement from Idaho Power Company? Yes. I have requested to receive Firm Energy Sales Agreement from Idaho Power but have not yet received one. Upon submittal of my first interconnection study application I followed the instructions outlined on the Generation Interconnection Application. It says "Upon receipt of these items, Idaho Power Company will notify you in writing of the applicable contract application date and begin the process of drafting the appropriate energy sales agreement for your review." (see page 2 of the application Cirover, I)i Magic Wind LLC Exhibit D Page 5 of 17 instructions) I submitted the items and expected to receive a draft of an energy sales agreement. One application was submitted on 5/26/2005 and the other on 6/15/2005 (accepted by Idaho Power on 6/16/2005). On 6/17/2005 I emailed my Idaho Power Contact Randy Alphin and again requested my PP A be started. I later called and left another message to which Randy called me back shortly. He explained that Idaho Power would not be signing any new contracts until the PUC had decided on this issue. Upon my request by email I was sent an email summarizing that part of our conversation. Have you had any other conversations relating to your Power Purchase Agreement? Yes. I talked to Randy Alphin again and asked him if it were possible to negotiate a contract, even considering a lower price because my investors are wanting to continue with the project, or move on to other projects. wanted to know if there was any way that I could get a signed contract. We discussed the possibility of negotiating a contract with a lower Rate in exchange for excluding or substantially reducing the 90/110 rule from the contract. The next day Randy called me and told me Idaho Power has decided to wait until after the PUC has decided on this case. In undertaking the development activities you have described, did Cassia Wind rely on the Commission s policies and procedures being stable and predictable? Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Exhibit D Page 6 of 17 Yes. Much preparation on my part has been put into getting these projects through the preliminary stages of data collection and economic feasibility. Investors, manufacturers, and contractors have placed good faith in the completion of these projects. All of us rely on the Commission maintaining stable and predictable policies. If the Commission were to grant Idaho Power s requested "temporary suspension" could not Cassia Wind simply temporarily halt its development efforts and then resume after the suspension terminated? No. It is important for the Commission to understand that although the Company s request is phrased in terms of "temporary suspension" it is, in effect, a death sentence for our projects. It would be very difficult to restart these projects. The loss of the investors and turbines on this project would not only leave a bad name on the Cassia Wind projects, but the very economic fundamentals will change substantially. As explained earlier turbine prices continue to rise due to high demand and high steel prices. Investors will be turned off by projects that look risky because it has stopped before, and they will also not be interested it the PTC tax credits are not available. In addition, part of the project financing is planned to be based on bank loans. If interest rates continue to rise, as they are expected , the higher rates will substantially increase the expenses of the project which will also discourage investors. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes it does. Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Exhibit D Page 7 of 17 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the y of July, 2005, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 i iewell(g)puc.state. id. us Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 BKline~idahopower.com MMoen~idahopower.com Linda Nordstrom PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97232 Ii sa.nordstrom ~pacificorp. com Fax: 503.813.7252 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Bob Lively Pacificorp One Utah Center, 23rd Floor 201 S. Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 84140 bob.livel y~pacifico11' .com Fax: 801.220.2798 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email William J. Batt John R. Hammond, Jr. Batt & Fisher, LLP U S Bank Plaza, Sth Floor 101 South Capital Boulevard O. Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Fax: 208.331.2400 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ::1 Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Exhibit D re 8 of 17 Michael Heckler Hand Delivered Director of Marketing & Development S. Mail Windland Incorporated Fax 7669 West Riverside Drive, Suite 102 Fed. Express Boise, ID 83714 Email mheckler~windland.com Fax: 208.375.2894 Peter J. Richardson Hand Delivered James T. Carkulis S. Mail Richardson & O'Leary PLLC Fax 99 East State Street Fed. Express O. Box 1849 Email Eagle, ID 83616 peter~richardsonando leafY .com Fax: 208.938.7904 Glenn Ikemoto Hand Delivered Principal S. Mail Energy Vision, LLC Fax 672 Blair Avenue Fed. Express Piedmont, CA 94611 Email lenni acbell.net Fax: 510.217.2239 Richard L. Storro Hand Delivered Director, Power Supply S. Mail 1411 E. Mission Ave.Fax O. Box 3727, MSC-Fed. Express Spokane, W A 99220-3727 Email dick. storro~avistacorp. com Fax: 509.495.4272 R. Blair Strong Hand Delivered Paine, Hamblen, Coffm, Brooke &S. Mail Miller LLP Fax 717 West Sprague Ave., Suite 1200 Fed. Express Spokane, WA 99201-3505 Email r .blair .stron2:~Dainehamblen.com Fax: 509.838.0007 Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Exhibit D Page 9 of 17 IDAHO POWER Date received by Idaho Power Company An IDACORP Company Interconnection Application for Small Generators oe:::20 1. Project Name C A~51f't G II \;V' 2. Description of Project /$.9 /1'/ l,fto.. 3. Proposed In-Service Date UO-C- 1005 4. Total Project Name Plate Rating (in kW or MW) (If multiple units at same location, add name plate ratings of each unit together) 5. Energy Output (current intention) Sell energy output to Idaho Power Company (If this is a PURPA. Qualifying Facility (QF). please attach a copy of the FERC-QF certification) Transport energy output outside of the Idaho Power Company Service Territory Net Metering Other (Please describe) 6. Initial Feasibility Analysis Fee Based upon Total Project Name Plate Rating (kW). the initial feasibility analysis fee will be: Less than 1,000 kW-$100 0 1 000 thru 10,000 kW-$2,000 ~ Greater than 10,000 kW-$10,OOO This fee will be applied to the costs of processing this application for interconnection and for the initial feasibility analysis. In the event the actual costs of the initial feasibility analysis exceed this fee, the applicant will be responsible to pay all additional costs. If after the initial feasibility analysis is completed. the applicant decides to proceed with this project, additional detailed system impact study costs. all interconnection costs, and any other a licable recessin fees will be the obli ation of the a licant State Range OR Street Address Township Section lt1a Nearest Intersection 5et! 8. Project Owner/Developer Company Contact tf . Mailing Address Mailing Address City Phone I) e OfJ1 37/Fax (1.01 Note: This application is an interconnection request. not a request for transmission service. This application does not address the requirements for additional studies and/or upgrades for any transmission services that might be required for delivery of energy to a purchaser other than Idaho Power Company. Under our Open Access Transmission Tariff rules, procedures for obtaining transmission service are posted on our OASIS site at: http://oasis.idahopower.com. Title and Company Signature: Owner/Authorized Agent Name (Type or - ) ~COpy CIC c..I.C Q :s .....- ~ .c ~ ~ = Exhibit D Page 10 of 17 Date IDAHO POWER AI! IDACORP company Date received by Idaho Power Company Project Description Questionnaire for Small Generators c::20 MW 1. Project NameCttr~f4 G1/ IAJ.arl 2. Description of Energy Source Hydro FERC License No. or FERC exemption No. ~Wind Unit Size(s)Mk/I Number of Units Geothermal Biomass or Waste I Type of Fuel I Source of Fuel Thermal I Fuel Other 3. Generation Data Estimated Annual Generation ((kWh)Estimated Project Capacity (kW) (If the Estimated Project Capacity is less than 100 kW oroceed to item 5 of this Questionnaire) Non-Dispatchable Plant:Expected Energy Deliveries (kWh) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Heavy Load Light Load Jul Aug Sap Oct Nov Dee Heavy Load Light Load (Heavv load hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11 :00 o.m.. Monday-Saturday. All day Sunday are liaht hours) Dispatchable Plant: Project Capacity Dispatchability (kW) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total kW Dispatchable kW Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee Total kW Disoatehable kW Minimum Baseload Energy to be Delivered (kWh) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Heavy Load Light Load Jul AuQ Sep Oct Nov Dee Heavy Load Light Load (Heavy load hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m., Monday-Saturday. All day Sunday are Liaht load hours) 8102 cPC \C ~- Q :s N:a ~ ~ ~ xhibit D ra4e 11 1 17 4. Generation Facilities Maximum Capabilities kVa kVAR A) Type Synchronous Total Capacity kW (Unity Power Factor) Power Factor Range Induction Total Capacity kW(At Power Factor) DC Generator with Inverter Total Capacity B) Generator Data Make Model Number of Units Winding Delta 0 Wye Voltage Note: In multiple unit installations, if all generators are not of the same type, capacity, etc., list each unit separately. C) Inverter (Wave form data must be provided) Make Model Voltage Rating Output Rating kVA Number of Phases D) Step Up Transformers: Idaho Power will specify the connection and high-side voltage. Will Idaho Power supply, own, and maintain the step up transformers?0 No Yes Size kVA I Voltage Pad Mount Pole Mount 5. Single Line Diagram Provide a generation facility single-line diagram showing all unit protection and control equipment with this application. Submitted by Name (Type or Print) J ~ TiUe and Company (; (OVer Signature Date QC)c..\C Q ... :.c ~ .- ~.:: ~~ ~ Exhibit D Page 12 of 17 Map Output Page 1 of Ownersh i ")6512;21351- CI'3S12E2H: SE The Idaho Department of Water Resources is maintaining this web site as a public service. Persons using infonnation from this site for official purposes compieteness are required, are hereby notified that they should first verify the infonnation with the public records or other primary sources from which tt 11'\1 ~fer c.()rll1~c.,~CI1 fl'1t c- ()~ f ,de -p t4, 1~, be. , the J", (1;'11 C(( f6t W17~ Id, iQc2..Q re.~ ~.f Wt"(l http://maps.idwr.idaho.goy/servlet!com.esri.esrimap .Esrimap ?ServiceN ame=oyerviewmap...5/23/2005 QC)\C ~.... Q:E ~ .- ~ .J: ~ ~ ==-. Exhibit D Page 13 of 17 IDAHO POWER An IOACORP ComP3ny Interconnection Application for Small Generators c::20 MW Date re i; "1 2. Description of Project 1. Project Name I C (.( tJ (' f/) . Proposed In-Service Date /YJ.J 100 5. Energy Output (current intention) E:1' Sell energy output to Idaho Power Company (If this is a PURPA, Qualifying Facility (QF), please attach a copy of the FERC-QF certification) Transport energy output outside of the Idaho Power Company Service Territory Net Metering Other (Please describe) 6. Initial Feasibility Analysis Fee Based upon Total Project Name Plate Rating (kW), the initial feasibility analysis fee will be: Less than 1,000 kW-$100 ~ 1,000 thru 10,000 kW-$2,OOO 0 Greater than 10,000 kW-$10,OOO This fee will be applied to the costs of processing this application for interconnection and for the initial feasibility analysis. In the event the actual costs of the initial feasibility analysis exceed this fee, the applicant will be responsible to pay all additional costs. If after the initial feasibility analysis is completed, the applicant decides to proceed with this project, additional detailed system impact study costs, all interconnection costs. and any other a licable rocessin fees will be the obli ation of the a licant. State Township Section 7. Project Location General Location Range OR Street Address Nearest Intersection 8. Project Owner/Developer Company Contact nv~ City Phone Note: This application is an interconnection request, not a request for transmission service. This application does not address the requirements for additional studies and/or upgrades for any transmission services that might be required for delivery of energy to a purchaser other than Idaho Power Company. Under our Open Access Transmission Tariff rules, procedures for obtaining transmission service are posted on our OASIS site at: http:/foasis.idahopower.com. Owner/Authorized Agent Name (Type,gUarint) .J o Title and Company Date Signature: f0COPY \C c....... Q :8 It) ... ~-= ~~ ~ Exhibit D Map Output Page 1 of Ownershic -,- ~' . ijS12E2::3W:-;".V ,,8 12E2::;S"~;';':)312::223=\,.... J-33: 2E22S-:5~E22SEI\E " , Q$12E23~E:'VI " :':,. .jij:3 1252 I SEi - ')3 ~ 2E22,,~,'JSW i3S r;:EZJNWS")!)S'2E2,r, S5 po:.S 2::Z2~ES': 3~S12E22~'I'.'SE ~5S1.2E22M;gE: . 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": '. , ': L' .::" " :: ,-f,S12-"7SWSW ~ "" ';j' e/ ' : 6S12E2SSCS Ji,;$i2E2TSES',,\' ~6S12E2iSI/"6$12 ~') i"'3ES ::?':; : . ~5$12E.. ~!~~~b~ ~~ ~ ~1~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~, ~l~~ i)':.iSi2E2~~ESE. The Idaho Department of Water Resources is maintaining this web site as a public service- Persons using Information from thiS site for official purposes completeness are required, are hereby notified that they should first verify the information with the public records or other primary sources from which It http://maps.idwr.idaho.gov/servlet!com.esri.esrimap .Esrimap ?ServiceN ame=overviewmap. ..5/23/2005 \0 ee..- 0 :.s \0:a ~ ~ = c.. Exhibit D IDAHO POWER An IDACORP Company Date received by Idaho Power Company Project Description Questionnaire for Small Generators -=:20 MW 1. Project Name I (455/CA Vj ForWl 2. Description of Energy SourceHydro FERC License No. or FERC exemption No.Wind Unit Size(s) kw. Geothermal Number of Units 7 Biomass or Waste Type of Fuel Source of Fuel Thermal Other Fuel 3. Generation Data Estimated Annual Generation ((kWh)Estimated Project Capacity (kW) (If the Estimated Project Capacity is less than 100 kW. proceed to item 5 of this questionnaire) Non-Dispatchable Plant:Expected Energy Deliveries (kWh) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Heavy Load Light Load Jul Aug Sep Oct Noy Dee Heavy Load Light Load (Heavv load hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11 :00 c.m. Monday-Saturday. Ali day Sunday are lioht hours) Dispatchable Plant: Project Capacity Dispatchability (kW) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total kW Disoatehable kW Jul Aua Sep Oct Noy Dee Total kW Disoatehable kW Minimum Baseload Energy to be Delivered (kWh) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Heaw Load Liaht Load Jul Aug Sep Oct Noy Dee Heaw Load Llaht Load (Heavv load hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11 :00 c.m. Monday-Saturday. All day Sunday are Light load hours) 8102 CPt \C .... ... ~ :s t--- .- ~-= t),O CISr.iI Q. Exhibit D 4. Generation Facilities Maximum Capabilities kVa kVAR A) Type Synchronous Total Capacity kW (Unity Power Factor) Power Factor Range Induction Total Capacity kW(At Power Factor) 0 DC Generator with Inverter Total Capacity B) Generator Data Make Model Number of Units Winding Delta 0 Wye Voltage Note: In multiple unit installations, if all generators are not of the same type, capacity, etc., list each unit separately. C) Inverter (Wave form data must be provided) Make Model Voltage Rating Output Rating kVA Number of Phases D) Step Up Transformers: Idaho Power will specify the connection and high-side voltage. Will Idaho Power supply, own. and maintain the step up transformers?0 No Yes Size kVA I Voltage Pad Mount Pole Mount 5. Single Line Diagram Provide a generation 'acUity single-line diagram showing all unit protection and control equipment with this application. Date "= '-... ~ :s go .. ~ ..c ~ ~ ~ Exhibit D IEWiO POWER IDAHO POWER COMPANY O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 An IDACORP Company November 10, 2005 Jared Grover 4219N Creswell Boise ID 83713 RE:Cassia Gulch Wind Park Project Dear Mr. Grover: Attached is the Final Feasibility Study Report for the above-referenced Project. The Feasibility analysis indicates that modification/addition of some facilities will be required to integrate the network resource capacity addition of your Project into the Idaho Power system. We require further study to evaluate the system integration requirements for this Project, along with the facilities' physical constraints. Attached please find a Draft Interconnection System Impact Study Agreement that describes the studies required to meet this request, the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, and the work schedules required. In order to proceed with this application, we must receive notice from you within 30 Calendar Days of receipt of this letter, otherwise your application will be deemed withdrawn. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ben Hendry Transmission & Distribution Planning Cc:Dave Angell/IPC Attachments Feasibility Study Report Interconnection System Impact Study Agreement Exhibit E Page 1 of 2 ~=RQj An IDACORP Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 October 4, 2005 Jared Grover 3635 Kingswood Drive Boise, Idaho 83704 Subject: Cassia Wind Park Feasibility Study Results Dear Mr. Grover Requested In- Date of Request Location Amount Service Date Bell Rapids - Hagerman May 25, 2005 Twin Falls County, Idaho 10.5 MW Mid 2006 This letter is to inform you of the progress of your Generation Interconnection request referenced above. The Feasibility Analysis of the proposed project indicates that feeder alterations are required to integrate your generation at the proposed location per our system analysis. The results of the study are attached in the Generator Interconnection Feasibility Study, Final Report. A System Impact Study is required for this project. A System Impact Study Agreement will be provided to you by Rowena Bishop. Please call me at (208) 388-2701 if you have questions about the results of this study. Sincerely, David Angell Engineering Leader Transmission & Distribution Planning Enclosurecc: Ben Hendry Loomis, Lisa Bishop, Rowena Exhibit E Page 2 of 2 tTlIlLt:r r nt:nUlY https://www4.usbank.comlinternetBankingIRequestRouter?requestCn~~~~ Check Images This image contains confidential and personal information. If you print it, please store it in a secure place toprevent unauthorized use or theft of this information. For your safety, we recommend that you shred the document if you choose to discard or destroy the image copy, Account#: 153351598542 Date Processed:12/23/05 Check #:1887 Amount:000. ------ .-,-- , Ifl_hho-...r"l","* I'd be a hamomaI.u. 0- ma~be 887 '&vdor.l!.";;D 9U72I12Jl ./ r--- .... ~LLAV ~ === "0000300000..-.Iloo- - ...- ., $' ;' / ,... ". '. "'... '., ":.' 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If you print it, please store it in a secure place to prevent unauthorized use or theft of this information. For your safety, we recommend that you shred the document if you choose to discard or destroy the image copy. Account#: 153351598542 Date Processed:12/23/05 Check # 1886 Amount:000. ",,, to r,"~ -' ICfIIIO'" 1886ho CO-rlt. .1:.0.. tho -... 0 6 ~ 920.372112!1 J,tJt)O.c., -""'-... ....".,..... '- "- "'. .... ~t ~~S- SIT t92 1D JfJ PKT ACCT 2G2t538186G56t ,g~ c/)... ~:1!!:C:::II ~::; - III oiA :... ... Jozs:.'1) 10..* SLC~ J2222M5 .11 :.: 1JIIIRt 1417 ~221-0527-S"" - 2 i :~5f B~1 1 i ~~ . :-;:; (t:::1 .I'". ... c:::rr.-.c."')36Ej6i:j 3B-- : ,:" -. ., .~ ~.- ,",,;- -' ~ ', , ~ -- . -" - ~ ': . - i . - _ 0 '0 """ ~ . -,..;;. ". -- ." ' Closc V'lindow 1 of 1 Z'o :f. "fLAIlS ~ ==, '- ..-_... t -IIIV1 , ~~ ' ~~5 ~TJ ~O&r-~...0 .... m-c:;or-CO" -c: c CI)() gi5~!8~;::t...Q~-i=iO~~~....::000-4"';0-g~::u~~O2 . C/)~ -;.... C1J:u.A. C:~Z -c~: ::oO~ ~'It! ~~'It. C Exhibit F X~~~ ?f:f? AM wano t"ower - ADout us - Uomg l1usmess With Us - Wholesale Gener... i1:1AK)a.;!! POWERc;;o=c;:;;:;;-; Employment Company Information Community Regulatory Information Doing Business With Us Purchasing Terms Generation Interconnect Application List Idaho Power Solutions Transmission Services RFP Ancillary Services lof6 http://www.idahopower.com!aboutusibusmess/generatio nlnterconn ec: 11- CIIIIi8Customer Service Energy CenW- Newsroom River! & Recreation Small Generator Interconnection Application List Below is the most current information for active small generator interconnection applications (less than 20 MW) within the Idaho Power system. Related Link: Larqe Generators qreater than 20 Meqawatts Last Updated on: 12/23/2005 ---"'-'-- _m__m--- --- _n_ __-------- _m___n.m______mm_--m___' Queue Date Received 12/12/2005 Status Type 154 New PURPA Max Summer Max Winter Total Project Size POI Related Studies 3MW Location ___nmn___-n_m___n_n___n___m__ Twin Falls County In Service In Service Changes Date Updated Why Not CompletedHydro ----'------------ ____m_ __---- Date Status Received Tbd Study Timeline Change n__m_____mm______-------mmm___m__-_---n____n_m__-__..m_--__nm__nm__mnm____--- Type Total Project Size25 kW Distribution Feeder Why Not Study TimelineCompleted ChangeNA Hydro NA NA __n_m_______n_m-n_nmm__-nn_mn____mmn__--m_---_m______-m---_mn___n__--nm_n_mn___m__-_n____nnnn____m__________n_mn_____n____m___-----mm-Queue Date Status Type Location In ServiceReceived Changes Facility ___n__---__n__n Queue 151 08/29/2005 Max Max Winter Summer Related Facility Studies New Net Metering POI 150 08/16/2005 Construction Net Metering Max Max Winter Total Project POI Summer Size 500 kW Distribution FeederRelated Facility Why Not Study TimelineStudies Completed ChangeNA Wind NA --- --- m__--__nn_m_m______-- --------- ___--n__--m_____ ------------------ -_--____n_-_m___________nn__Queue Date Status Type Received 04/01/2007 Study Reports Location Twin Falls County, 10 In Service 02/01/2006 Study Reports Bannock County, 10 In Service 03/01/2006 Study Reports 12/23/05 In Service Changes Date Updated 12/09/05 Date Updated 12/09/05 _m__n____nn_-n--_m_m_--m_--___m___---_---m_m_m_- 149 08/11/2005 Construction Net Metering Max Summer Max Winter Total Project Size POI Location In Service Changes Owyhee County, NA In Service Date Updated Exhibit G~e 1 u 12/26~2005 12:09 PM Idaho Power - About Us - Doing Business With Us - Wholesale Gener...http://www.idahopower.comlaboutusibusiness/ generation I nterconnec 20kW Distribution Feeder 02/01/2006 12/09/05 Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study ReportsStudiesCompletedChange WindU---_m_u-n --n__- ------------------ U---- -'-- --U-m_-- -------------------------- Queue Date Status Type Location In ServiceReceivedChanges 147 07/25/2005 Construction Net Metering Elmore County, Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date UpdatedSummerSize 5kW Distribution Feeder 01/31/2006 12/09/05 Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study ReportsStudiesCompletedChange Wind _m__,_ ---------------- ----_u_ ------ - uuu__U__U'-_mu'__--______m ----- -------------------------- _m_u_--- __--------, Queue Date Status Type Location In ServiceReceivedChanges 135 06/1712005 Feasibility PURPA Twin Falls County, 10 Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date UpdatedSummerSize 18.9 MW 34.5KV Distribution 12/25/2005 12/06/05Feeder Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study ReportsStudiesCompletedChange Wind -----------------------.------------------------------- ---u-----.u, ---'-----'----__ ____n,___ __- ------_u_ ------------- --_n______nn___n______----------_U_U---_m__---_Queue Date Status Type Location In ServiceReceivedChanges 134 06/16/2005 System Impact PURPA Twin Falls County, 10 Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date UpdatedSummerSize 18.9 MW Fossil Gulch 12/01/2005 12/06/05 Distribution Feeder Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study ReportsStudiesCompletedChange Wind--_u_-_u----nu_-_mm_____-u_u_mm________mu__m___uu_--mm___---___U------ --------_- __mu_____-- ------'--- _umm---------_mm___mu_u-__mn_------mm__'---__n-Queue Date Status Type Location In ServiceReceivedChanges 133 06/15/2005 Facility Study PURPA Ada County, 10 Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date UpdatedSummerSize 2MW 12.5KV Distribution 05/10/2006 12/06/05 Feeder Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study ReportsStudiesCompletedChange Other__n___u__-----_u_--------__-m_m-m_m__mm____m_____m__uu__ ------------- ---U_--------__m_u____---______m__________m----------------------_m_--_um__-_muu_'_m_____Queue Date Status Type Received 132 06/13/2005 Feasibility PURPA Max Max Winter Total Project POISummerSize 7MW Tbd Location In Service Changes Ada County, 10 In Service Date Updated 05/01/2006 12/06/05 2 of6 Exhibit G Pa2;e 2 of 8 12/26/2005 12:09 PM idaho Power - About Us - Doing Business With Us - Wholesale Gener... 3 of6 http://www.idahopower .comlaboutuslbusiness/ generationInterconnecl Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study ReportsStudiesCompletedChange Hydro ---- .--..,- '-----_.._- ------ __n __- ---- Queue Date Status Type Location In ServiceReceivedChanges 131 06/08/2005 Construction Net Metering Blaine County, Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date UpdatedSummerSize 2KW Distribution Feeder 01/31/2006 12/09/05 Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study ReportsStudiesCompletedChange --m__--m--_n _________-- ___m_______--n--_m__--_'U-__n___-_m--' _------------- _--_m_____ _------ mm____m- ----- ____m-mmmmmn----mu_n_-Queue Date Status Type Location In ServiceReceivedChanges 130 06/08/2005 Construction Net Metering Blaine County, Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date UpdatedSummerSize 5kW Distribution Feeder 01/31/2006 12/09/05 Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study ReportsStudiesCompletedChange --_ --m'_n m__m___mu'm___u___m_u _-------- _m__-um_-m._--_mm-mm__m___-______m_m_um___m_______--__m_u__m__-U_m_m_'m______--_m_u_____u_m_n ___- Queue Date Status Type Location In ServiceReceivedChanges 129 06/07/2005 Feasibility PURPA Twin Falls County, 10 Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date UpdatedSummerSize 10MW 138kV 07/01/2006 12/06/05 Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study ReportsStudiesCompletedChange Wind Queue nm_- - --__m- -_m_- -_mm__- __mm- - -- ___mu__um__m____m___- __m__- m_-_m_m_____-- ____m_____m_m - _Um__-- m__m_u___- um-muu - -------- -- _mm_____mu--_-mm_- -- Type 128 Max Summer Related Studies --_m_UUu-m___-- Queue 127 Max Summer Date Received OS/26/2005 Status Location In Service Changes Twin Falls County, 10 In Service Date Updated 07/01/2006 12/06/05 Study Reports System Impact PURPA Max Winter Total Project Size POI 10.5 MW Fossil Gulch Distribution Feeder Study Timeline Change Facility Why Not CompletedWind -'-'U_ ------'- _u_m_-_m___---m_u____-,------------_u- ----- Date Status Received --u_u__m____---__mu_____------- ---- -_U_U _---- -_u_uu--_mm_____U_-_-_-_m__m___m____--_---- Type Location Bannock County, 10 POI In Service Distribution Feeder 03/01/2006 In Service Changes OS/26/2005 Facility Study Max Winter Total Project Size 125 kW Date Updated 12/06/05 Exhibit G Page 3 of 8 12/26/2005 12:09 PM Idaho Power - About Us - Doing Business With Us - Wholesale Gener...http://www.idahopower.corn!aboutusibusiness/ generati onInterconnect. ' Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study Reports Studies Completed Change __n_mm__n_'_---_--m__--- _- -- n n.----_ --_ un _--__mm__n__ __-- Queue Date Status Type Location In Service Received Changes 126 OS/23/2005 Construction Net Metering Gooding County, ID Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date Updated Summer Size 20kW Distribution Feeder 03/01/2006 12/09/05 Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study Reports Studies Completed Change Wind--_____un____m._____um__m__n______- --- -_____--m___m_____------ --_n_ - -- - --- __m___m_____m_m____--___m_ ___. - Queue Date Status Type Location In Service Received Changes 123 03/23/2005 Construction Blaine County, Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date Updated Summer Size 10kW Distribution Feeder 07/01/2006 12/09/05 Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study Reports Studies Completed Change _n___-- --- ___mmn___-- --- m__m_m______--_--_m--mn____-___nm_un_nn____mm__u___m____mnn_____m_m---_m____----_-_mn_____m___---______m_m___- Queue Date Status Type Location In Service Received Changes 122 03/03/2005 Construction Bingham County, ID Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date Updated Summer Size 25kW Distribution Feeder 04/01/2006 12/09/05 Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study Reports Studies Completed Change Wind-______m_m_ ___ _---_m---_mmu___ --_- mmm__m---____'m_---nuu__---m______---______m___m__m_m_---nnn---_mmm__mm__---___m_nmn-n__m____________m Queue Date Status Type Location In Service Received Changes 116 01/13/2005 Facility Study PURPA Twin Falls County, ID Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date Updated Summer Size 10.5 MW 138kV Bliss/King 10/01/2005 12/06/05 Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study Reports Studies Completed Change Windnnm_n_ --__---_ _____nnnnn___-_-nn____'__m_ ___ ___n_-m___---_m__m__-,u____n___--_------------______m_nm__---___m____---n_m__m_------ ------ Queue Date Status Type Location In Service Received Changes 115 12/0212004 Facility Study Net Metering Twin Falls County, ID Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date Updated Summer Size 125 kW 13kV Distribution 02101/2006 12/09/05 Feeder 4 of6 Exhibit G Page 4 of 8 12/26/2005 12:09 PlV Idaho Power - About Us - Doing Business With Us - Wholesale Gener...http://www.idahopower.com!aboutusibusiness/generati onlnterco nnect.- Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study Reports Studies Completed Change Windmm__m------------_m_m_.--_m___-- -------- --_m-- ___---_,..------ ---m--,_---_m--m __-----_---- Queue Date Status Type Location In Service Received Changes 114 11/16/2004 Facility Study PURPA Gooding County, 10 Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date Updated Summer Size 5MW 34.5 Distribution 04/01/2006 12/06/05 Feeder Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study Reports Studies Completed Change Other__m _-- _m__m__--m_mnmn_----m--__nn ------------,-- mn-- --_ __n _--____--,- ---_mn_-_m--'_____ Queue Date Status Type Location In Service Received Changes 105 03/18/2004 Construction PURPA Cassia County, Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date Updated Summer Size 10MW Milner Distribution 05/15/2006 12/06/05 Feeder Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study Reports Studies Completed Change Wind__mn__m_m___m_---mn--_mnnmn_-----mmm_m_____mn_m___mmnm_mnm_- --__ ____mmmm ,.._ _m__m_ ___ _nn ___n___-__-------______mm_m_mnm-----_n Queue Date Status Type Location In Service Received Changes 10/20/2003 Construction PURPA Gem County, 10 Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Date Updated Summer Size 17.5MW 06/01/2006 12/06/05Boise Cascade Emmett 69kV Sub Related Facility Why Not Study TimelineStudies Completed ChangeNA Other NA NA nm_mn--m_________n___m__n_n_m____n__mn--nm_m--_____m-__nnm_--mnnm ___ __m__mnm '__ __nnm--n--_----_____n_m_mm_---m-m----------n--- --_____ Queue Date Status Type Location In ServiceReceived Changes Study Reports 06/20/2001 Construction PURPA Twin Falls County 10 Max Max Winter Total Project POI In Service Summer Size 500 kW 46kV Twin Falls 03/01/2006 Sub-Buhl Sub Related Facility Why Not Study Timeline Study Reports Studies Completed Change Hydro Waiting On Long Lead NA Time Eqt Date Updated 12/06/05 __m--_mnn.__--_n____m_m___--n_m__m_'_nm___m_n______----'_m--_--__m__--___m_mm___m_______m___m_--__ _---___ __--m_mmnnn ____n-_m_m_m_m___ ------- Customer Service EnerQV Center Newsroom Rivers & Recreation About Us Contact Us Site Map IDACORP Home Site Specs ChanQe Presentation 5 of6 12/26~iM~~w Page 5 of 8 Idaho Power - About Us - Doing Business With Us - Wholesale Gener... Copyright 19 1995-2005 Idaho Power Company All rights reserved- Revised on 12/26/2005- MIL-5076235532 6 of6 http://www.idahopower.com/aboutusibus mess/ generationInterconnect.- Exhibit G Pa2e 6 of 8 12/26/2005 12:09 PM (J Q '" " ' -. . -- . u n _ . - _ . . . . _ - _ . ~ . . " .1 : PI . -- - . . -- - -. . - . - - ~t U a y r e p o n s Kn o w n po s t e d Se r v l c St a t i o n o r T r a n s de v i a t i o n s Ty p e o f f a c i l i t y De v i a t i o n su b s e q u e n t t o e T y p e Ma x Ma x Li n e w h e r e to I n - Av a i l a b i l i t y (c o m b i n e d c y c l e , s f r o m me e t i n g & Da t e o f St a t u s o f NR o r Su m m e r W i n t e r In t e r c o n n w i l l b e Pr o j e c t e d I n - se r v i c e of r e l a t e d ba s e l o a d , C T , If n o t c o m p l e t e d - st u d y di s c u s s i o n o f Re q u e s t Re q u e s t Lo c a t i o n ou t p u t ou t p u t To t a l ( M W ) ma d e Se r v i c e D a t e da t e . st u d i e s fu e l t y p e ) ex p l a n a t i o n tl m e f i n e s re s u l t s . Da n s k i n -- - ~ 4/ 2 1 / 2 0 0 3 SI S A El m o r e C o u n t y 16 4 17 7 . 4 17 1 . Su b s t a t i o n 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 7 Tw i n F a l l s 13 8 k V B l i s s - 11 7 1/ 1 3 / 2 0 0 5 FS A Co u n t y 10 1 . Ki n g 10 / 3 1 / 2 0 0 5 Wi n d Br o w n l e e / Q u -- - - NR / Un i o n C o u n t y , ar t z 2 3 0 k V 12 0 1/ 3 1 / 2 0 0 5 Fe a s i b i l i t y 25 0 . li n e 10 / 1 5 / 2 0 0 6 Wi n d f- - - - - - - _. _ - - - - ~- - - - - Mi n i d o k a - Ad e l a i d e 12 1 2/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 5 SI S A Ca s s i a C o u n t y 24 0 24 0 24 0 . 13 8 k V l i n e 12 / 1 / 2 0 0 6 Wi n d On t a r i o Ma l h e u r Su b s t a t i o n 12 5 4/ 2 6 / 2 0 0 5 Fe a s i b i l i t y Co u n t y , O R 90 . 69 k V 12 / 3 1 / 2 0 0 6 Tw i n F a l l s Cl i f f 13 6 6/ 2 3 / 2 0 0 5 SI S A Co u n t y 64 . Su b s t a t i o n 9/ 3 0 / 2 0 1 0 Hy d r o 13 7 7/ 8 / 2 0 0 5 SI S A El m o r e C o u n t y 99 . Be n n e t t M t n 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 7 13 8 7/ 8 / 2 0 0 5 SI S A El m o r e C o u n t y 17 0 19 6 19 6 . Be n n e t t M t n 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 7 13 9 7/ 8 / 2 0 0 5 SI S A El m o r e C o u n t y 10 0 12 4 12 4 . Be n n e t t M t n 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 7 Ga r n e t 14 2 7/ 8 / 2 0 0 5 SI S A Ca n y o n C o u n t y 17 4 20 0 20 0 . 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O O I i ~ - ;, . , en e r a t o r nt e r c o n n e c t l o n LD D l l c a t i o n s ar a e en e r a o r s :: - :s t U a y r e p o n s Kn o w n po s t e d Se r v l c St a t i o n o r T r a n s de v i a t i o n s Ty p e o f f a c i l i t y De v i a t i o n su b s e q u e n t t o e T y p e Ma x Ma x Li n e w h e r e to I n - Av a i l a b i l i t y (c o m b i n e d c y c l e , s f r o m me e t i n g & Da t e o f St a t u s o f NR o r Su m m e r Wi n t e r in t e r c o n n w i l l b e Pr o j e c t e d I n - se r v i c e of r e l a t e d ba s e l o a d , C T , If n o t c o m p l e t e d - st u d y di s c u s s i o n o f Re q u e s t Re q u e s t Lo c a t i o n ou t p u t ou t p u t To t a l ( M W ) ma d e Se r v i c e D a t e da t e . st u d i e s fu e l t y p e ) ex p l a n a t i o n tl m e l l n e s re s u l t s . ~- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ - Tw i n F a l l s 15 3 11 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 5 Ne w Co u n t y 90 . tb d 12 / 3 1 / 2 0 0 7 wi n d la s t u p d a t e 12 / 7 / 2 0 0 5 Th e I n t e r c o n n e c t i o n q u e u e f o r G e n e r a t o r s c: 2 0 M W i s l o c a t e d a t Gl o s s a r y o f t e r m s NO T E : ht t p : / / i d a h o p o w e r . c om l a b o u t u s / b u s i n es 51 ge n e r a t i o n I n t e r c 0 n n e c t J SI S A Sy s t e m I m p a c t S t u d y -- - - f- - -- - - - Ne t w o r k R e s o u r c e - - . - - -- - - - - -- - - - - En e r g y R e s o u r c e . - Fe a s i b i l i t y Fe a s i b i l i t y S t u d y FS A Fa c i l i t y S t u d y A g r e e m e n t 20 M W ~ ~ ~ ~ (J C I = - .. . . 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I I i , i i I I I I oS 1 5 ellellen 1 0 Fr e q u e n cy D i s t r i b u t i o n G r a p h ~~ ~ ~ y (% ) . E s t i m a t e d E n e r g y ( k W h ) 0% - Wi n d S p e e d ( m p h ) Pe r c e n t o f T o t a l W i n d E n e r g ~ I n n e r C i r c l e Pe r c e n t o f T o t a l T i m e Ou t e r C i r c l e St a t i s t i c s Da y s U s e d i n C a l c u l a t i o n : 3 9 2 . Ho u r s U s e d i n C a l c u l a t i o n : 9 4 1 2 . Gu s t S p e e d : 5 4 . 4 m p h Gu s t T i m e : ii I U : J I : / ! ! t ' i f : : : . i . Es t i m a t e d E n e r g y O u t p u t : 4 4 7 5 0 9 6 k W h Ca l c u l a t e d A i r D e n s i t y : 1 . 11 2 k g / m Av e r a g e W i n d S p e e d : 1 4 . 99 m p h Av e r a g e W i n d D i r e c t i o n : 1 8 3 d e g r e e s Ca p a c i t y F a c t o r : 0 . Tu r b i n e M a n u f a c t u r e r : G E W i n d E n e r g y Tu r b i n e M o d e l : G E 1 . 5 S L , 1 7 m r o t o r Tu r b i n e R a t i n g : 1 5 0 0 k W Es t i m a t e d A n n u a l P r o d u c t i o n : 4 1 6 5 0 1 8 k W h / Y e a r Jc a l e d Es t . A n n u C l 1 P r o d u c i o n : 47 0 0 4 7 3 k W h / Y e a r Sc a l e d A i r D e n s i t y : 1 . 10 4 kg / m Sc a l e d C a p a c i t y F a c t o r : 0 . 30 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 6% - ;. 5 % . ~ 4 % . I! !~ 3 % - .. ! ! ! 2 % - ell 0: : ;: . , ... 20 0 0 0 0 c: :W: c . 1 5 0 0 0 0 " C 3 : 2! ~ C'C I .. . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 . .. . . 11 1 50 0 0 0 Wi n d A n a l y s i s S u m m a r y R e p o r t Si t e N u m b e r Pr o j e c t : Lo c a t i o n : Si t e E l e v a t i o n : Av e r a g i n g T i m e : Si t e I n f o rm a t i o n Ca s s i a W i n d Gr o v e r F a r m 34 0 0 f t Da t e R a n g e : 10 m i n . 3/ 1 7 / 0 4 6 : 3 0 - 5/ 2 0 / 0 5 1 2 : 4 0 Di u r n a l W i n d S p e e d P a t t e r n - ' - - -- - - ~; ; ; ; : : ; ~ ; ~ ~: ~ ~ i : ~ ~ ~ r e e S J ~ 6 % ;:. . .5i 5 % 2! 4 % 11 -~ 3 % Gi 2 % 0: : "'= . io O ! (J Q = - tD . . . . N s : -. . I - , . ... . r- . ~ - - , - 1- - .. - - ", . I- - t ' . (' ! i ; ~ ,.. . . lo o o " ". i- " I. . . . ~ i' "o J ~" " - - -- - - - - .. , - - - - -- - c- - -. - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - 1, - - - " " - - m ;' 1 2 8. 1 0 In 0 , 11 13 1 5 17 19 2 1 Ho u r s 25 0 20 0 V I 15 0 : : s 10 0 2 ! 50 ~ -- - - 16 0 0 . - 14 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 .. . 8 0 0 a. 6 0 0 40 0 20 0 Fr e q u e n c y D i s t r i b u t i o n G r a p h II R e l~ ~ ~ e fr e q u e n ~y ( o / ~ ~~ s ri ; ~ t ~ d E n e~ Y (k ~ ~! I -- ' -- ' - - - - - 1- - - - - - ' .. - Se n s o r I n f o r m a t i o n Se n s o r / T o w e r H e i g h t : Sc a l e d H e i g h t : Wi n d v a n e O f f s e t : GE 1 . 5 S L , 1 1 m r o t o r , 1n n 20 30 40 Wi n d S p e e d ( m p h ) -" - " - - - - - - - - - -- - ' - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - 30 0 0 0 0 . . -1 . Wi n d S p e e d ( m p h ) 25 0 0 0 0 :: - . .. . 20 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 - g 3 : .. . ~ co . . . . . 10 0 0 0 0 . .. .II ) 50 0 0 0 16 4 f t 26 2 f t de g r e e s Wi n d R o s e G r a p h Dr a g w i n d r o s e p i c t u r e h e r e an d s i z e f o r b e s t v i e w i n g . ' P e r c e n t o f T o t a l W i n d E n e r g y I n n e r Ci r c l e = 0 % Pe r c e n t o f T o t a l T i m e Ou t e r C i r c l e = 7 0 % St a t i s t i c s Da y s U s e d i n C a l c u l a t i o n : 4 2 9 . Ho u r s U s e d i n C a l c u l a t i o n : 1 0 2 9 7 . Gu s t S p e e d : 5 6 . 59 1 0 9 m p h Gu s t T i m e : 4 / 7 / 2 0 0 5 1 7 : 2 0 Es t i m a t e d E n e r g y O u t p u t : 4 1 9 4 8 2 7 k W h Ca l c u l a t e d A i r D e n s i t y : 1 . 10 1 k g / m Av e r a g e W i n d S p e e d : 1 4 . 05 m p h - A v e r a g e W i n d D i r e c t i o n : 1 8 7 d e g r e e s Ca p a c i t y F a c t o r : 0 . Tu r b i n e M a n u f a c t u r e r : G E W i n d E n e r g y Tu r b i n e M o d e l : G E 1 . 5 S L , 1 7 m r o t o r Tu r b i n e R a t i n g : 1 5 0 0 k W Es t i m a t e d A n n u a l P r o d u c t i o n : 3 5 6 8 6 2 1 k W h / Y e a r Sc a l e d E s t . A n n u a l P r o d u c i o n : 4 0 9 5 4 9 9 k W h / Y e a r Sc a l e d A i r D e n s i t y : 1 . 09 4 k g / m Sc a l e d C a p a c i t y F a c t o r : 0 . (Feb 03 - Mar 04) Days in File Hours in File Average Wind Speed (mph) Average Wind Direction Maximum Wind Speed (mph) Maximum Wind Speed Time Minimum Wind Speed (mph) Minimum Wind Speed Time 392. 9412. 14. 182. 54.4 9/12/20039:30 9/3/2003 21 : 1 0 Total # of Data Points 56558 # of Data Points with 0 mph Average Windspeed % of data at 0 mph 0.15% Power Curve Used for Calculations GE 1.5 SL, 77m rotorTurbine Rating (kW) 1500 Capacity Factor 0. Capacity Factor at Scaled Height 0. Tower Height (m) Scale to Height (m) Calculated Air Density Rating (kg/mI\3) Scaled Air Density Rating (kg/mI\3) Estimated Energy Output (kWh) Derated Output due to Air Density (kWh) Scaled Energy Output (kWh) Derated Scaled Energy Output (kWh) Row Containing Last Entry 112 104 4475095. 4060925. 5050414. 4552823. 56570 Exhibit H Page 3 of 7 Diurnal Variation Hour of Average Average Average Wind Positive Average Negative Average Day Wind Speed Standard Direction Standard Standard (mph)Deviation (degrees)Deviation Deviation 12. 12. 12. 13.1.27 160.15.12. 12.47 13. 15.41 178.43 17.13. 16.41 2.42 195.18,13. 16.2.44 16.203.40 19.14. 15.41 1.41 203.16.14. 14.1.29 188.47 15.12. Exhibit H Page 4 of 7 Wi n d A n a l y s i s S u m m a r y R e p o r t 16 4 f t 26 2 f t de g r e e s Si t e N u m b e r Si t e I n f o r m a t i o n Se n s o r I n f o r m a t i o n Pr o j e c t : Ca s s i a G u l c h Lo c a t i o n : Gr o v e r F a r m Si t e E l e v a t i o n : Av e r a g i n g T i m e : Gr o v e r 0 3 - Se n s o r l T o w e r H e i g h t : Sc a l e d H e i g h t : Wi n d v a n e O f f s e t : 34 0 0 f t 10 m i n . Da t e R a n g e : 2/ 1 8 / 0 3 1 2 : 1 0 - 3/ 1 7 / 0 4 6 : 2 0 Di u r n a l W i n d S p e e d P a t t e r n -A v e r a g e Wi n d S p e e d ( m p h l ~A v e r a g e Wi n d D i r e c t i o n I d e g r e e s l __ _ _ 25 0 0 25 0 20 0 0 oS 1 5 10 H - - - 15 0 t ; Q) Q ) .. Q ) .- . . 10 0 - g 15 0 0 10 0 0 . 20 30 40 Wi n d S p e e d ( m p h ) 40 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 ~ .. . 25 0 0 0 0 c W: c 20 0 0 0 0 - g 3 : .. . ~ II I 15 0 0 0 0 E +: ; 10 0 0 0 0 ~ :0 - , 5 % tJ 5i 00 . ~ 4 % - ~ 3 % ~ 2 % D:: . 5 0 0 0 0 0% . U i Wi n d S p e e d ( m p h ) .. . .. . ~I e d E s t . A n n u a l P r o d u c i o n : Sc a l e d A i r D e n s i t y : 1 . 09 4 k g / m Sc a l e d C a p a c i t y F a c t o r : 3400 m/d/yy h:mO m/d/yy h:mO MCJgip~dGI~~riqg qCJt~:~Gtrle . ' . .' ' cto2:-2,II'1~~~ir1g~ir11~~~amp~:,qtrlq: . Average Speed Standard Deviation Average Direction 15.57788678 1. 13.90758539 1.11.45125981 1.879211442 1.012404003 1.780958419 1. 11.05824772 1. 11.15650074 2. 12.63029609 2. 13.31806725 2. 14.10409144 3. 14.59535655 2. 12.92505516 2.41 18.52547748 2. 16.26565795 2. 16.26565795 2. 13.61282632 2.46 13.31806725 1. 12.82680214 1. 15.97089888 2. 16.95342911 1. 16.95342911 1. 16.95342911 1. 16.26565795 2.16.46216399 1. 18.91848957 1. 20.58879096 1. 18.03421236 2. 20.39228492 3. 22.35734538 1. 23.24162259 2. 23.92939375 2. 24.81367096 3. 26.09096026 2. 23.83114073 1. Site Site Description Location Description Elevation (ft) SensorlTower Height (m) Wind VaneOffset (degrees) Start Time: Stop Time: Raw Header: Time Stamp 2/18/200312:10 2/18/2003 12:20 2/18/2003 12:30 2/18/2003 12:40 2/18/200312:50 2/18/2003 13:00 2/18/2003 13: 1 0 2/18/2003 13:20 2/18/2003 13:30 2/18/2003 13:40 2/18/2003 13: 2/18/200314:00 2/18/200314:10 2/18/2003 14:20 2/18/200314:30 2/18/200314:40 2/18/200314:50 2/18/2003 15:00 2/18/2003 15: 1 0 2/18/2003 15:20 2/18/200315:30 2/18/2003 15:40 2/18/2003 15:50 2/18/200316:00 2/18/200316:10 2/18/2003 16:20 2/18/200316:30 2/18/200316:40 2/18/200316:50 2/18/200317:00 2/18/200317:10 2/18/2003 17:20 2/18/200317:30 2/18/2003 17:40 2/18/200317:50 To analyze data as is or to patch, type 1. To analyze without erroneous data, type 0 or leave blank. = 164 ft Month To Graph 293 293 293 293 293 270 248 248 248 248 270 270 270 270 293 270 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 248 248 248 248 Exhibit H Page 6 of 7 (Feb 03 - Mar 04) Days in File Hours in File Average Wind Speed (mph) Average Wind Direction Maximum Wind Speed (mph) Maximum Wind Speed Time Minimum Wind Speed (mph) Minimum Wind Speed Time Total # of Data Points # of Data Points with 0 mph Average Windspeed % of data at 0 mph Power Curve Used for Calculations 2. Turbine Rating (kW) Capacity Factor Capacity Factor at Scaled Height Tower Height (m) Scale to Height (m) Calculated Air Density Rating (kg/mA3) Scaled Air Density Rating (kg/mA3) Estimated Energy Output (kWh) Derated Output due to Air Density (kWh) Scaled Energy Output (kWh) Derated Scaled Energy Output (kWh) Row Containing Last Entry 392. 9412. 14. 182. 54.4 9/12/20039:30 9/3/200321:10 56558 15% 2000 101 094 56570 Exhibit H Pa2e 7 of 7 EXHIBIT I IN THE SECOND AFFIDAVIT JARED GROVER CONFIDENTIAL AND WAS FILED SEP ARA TEL Y EXHIBIT J IN THE SECOND AFFIDAVIT JARED GROVER CONFIDENTIAL AND WAS FILED SEP ARA TEL Y ~). Chpper' Wlt'olUr'UW~H , IfILL;, J1.,rv' , 'JOO" MJ Humphries .Blue Ri1,bon EnCl"gy LLC 2630 Central Avc Ids.h~ Falls, Idaho 83406 Rc: Schwendima!1"r.~lrcha.!;.c Order ancLf)jl1crS Dear Mr. HumphriC"- TI1tc;. JI"ffP.t' i~ to RcJrnowlcdllC your DtJtcha~ order letter. our -phone conversations, lu)d specifically i'1gre~ to the inithd terms for the SChWl".l1dimml Project We. arC planning on a firm delivery schedule for December 2005, hut iftbe federal nC is e;st.tendcd b~Y(lnd th~ cur.rent DecembC'.); 31 , 2005 expiration. we would lilce to p11.'~11 hRc:k the delivery dn1e Wltil Febn1ary?-006. 1 Will mamtn111 tllis project's po!\f,ltml In the: pru~I1~I.i.uu :1v1 L~,lul~ ","mil;; ""~ fi~l~ti~ the Turbine Supply A~comcl1t over the nE'.1I't 1)10l1111. We too are hopeful that you. will q1.1ic:ldy t'e!':ol1fC the outstanding ia~me5 .and complete your power pw('JII1!'!c l\grc~ents with P~ifiCorr nnel f,daho Powet'- Bas.ed on 011'.r ...nnvf".r~~tinTl,, ;Jnl1l'.()1'ltin.l!ent on exei:\~tiJ'!P'. the Turbine Sl.1D\,ly Agl.'eeJ.nent we wilt be planning on pl'Oyjding not only th~ turbines tor the SchwenrHmul1 project, but m:!o the Magic project, the t\\I() pr~jects on tho Wt"'.~t sidc: of Bell Rapids (Cassia 1 and ?) and the Sc1)1'Ocdor Project according to the followi~ li.!~t: Schwcndirnan Magic Wjnct. Ca:;sia. 1 Cassj~ ? ~cllr()~J;tcl.' 20MW :l.OMW lOMW 20MW 10MW 80 NrW 4:) MW 125 IvfW 8 Turbine!! (maybe 7) 8 TLU'blllC:i 4 Tnrl)hlCS 8 TurbjQc)R 4 Turbincs 32 Turbines Other Late 2006 Projects: TO1:alB U Turbines (maybe 19) 50 Turhhlcs Exhibit K Page 1 of 3 MJ Humphri~. JUlj,e) 30, 2005 Page 2 Please confinn tb.i~ illfommtion and keep mf'. nl~c1ated on YOUl' pi'ogress. -Please nolc ,that meeting thesP. compressed ma.nufacturing schedules is very time r..cnsitive and that I nct:d to (',onthme to keep my m,m.agement up~to~spccd on your pr()~5.s. We 8ft". C'.OntinuitJ,g to pC'.rfann preliminary site swtabiUtyanalysis of the wjud r~sotJIC8 d;1t~ from yom aadicJ liitc.3) nnd ..vill noGC1 ~ddition~ d~tSl:&om the trnn~h1ins -;:l1'P.'iJ ~!: O!i"I"n a~ pm:~ihtl"., I Wl.dcrstand that yon hftv/;", been inJa1yzmgthe benefits and costs of:,;cvcral other wind turbine g~ni:;J'ntor5 and havt:: decided to build your projects with Ctippe1' WTO!i m1ller t.h3n n eombinatioTJ of equipment you have: purchased fi:mn Suzlon and. GE. 1 agree trmt, this is a wise dccisio~l !\tld. in lUY estimation. wilt serve yon very wc.ll in thE': both the short- and long-term, The Clipper 2,5 megawl'\1:t . " ).,1bcrty" wmd 'J,'nri)Jnc - me roost teclmol()ffically advanced wind turbine in the world - wa~ developed in a. lmique public/pdvate p1ll1nersbip with the U.S. Depacunent of Energy and thl::: California EI~CJ'gy Coniroj/iillo11. The result is (I WTG that win ;,igDificantly rcduce componcn1 fAilure:;, mdllce operations and ro.ainten~nr,C Elspenses~ and i$ dC\5Iigned for a .30-ycar opera.tiT\llli- - :"O'MI1'J'l/;'-1.' tiUU\ the indu:-.t-ry Dttln~ -;'If 20 ,Te9.1:B. Ple::!~e kecp in mind one morc thing about 1mbinc availabilit-y :1t1d scarcity of5t1pply. 1 don t warn to sound Ijk~ I'm. tryirtg roO rush you - 5i.ncc I know YOlll1lldcrstand this JI1orc than .most. people, but you need to be awm'c that there i!) ;.:In increasingly pro1))cmatic shortage f)f WTOs ill the markL:,Jj;. Other mal1ufac1urcrs are sold Qut for 2006 and 2007 is sel.Jing ont rnpidly. Ol'ders arc being placed. with 15 month.oCj al1(11ongcr lead tim(',s rOl' . niSlt1Y manufactllxe;t:s. We can sched111c your new croP-t.!;; for the Clipper tu(hines, but we need to m.ak(': those order:i finn with. cash deposits a., soon as yom' I,owcr purc1wsc agreements arc C',onlp1ctcd, New oroCJt'r. I1t Clipper are now 10 months Ol.\t duedO shortage of compon0111s )n our supply chain. As you know, an order with le~:'! t11.'1n 6 months fiom p11rd~a3c to delivery- i!:l ~~():nr.id~r:0d!l t"I1P.b C'J.1'iler :;and Ca11 Ul('.!'.('o!'1'i1P 1"lJ.11~rn1~t I'.I~~!~. I am JookiJ13 fornrard to a strong~ long-term relationship with you that might go beyond WTO supply and include your -idea:s to estabUsb. il maintcDanc('. and operations business in Idnhn. With kind regt'lrd!'!. JAA Thomas FeUcr Clipper WindlloVI'Cl' DcveloproeJ'lt. Company Exhibit K Page 2 of 3 COX, OH?YJAN &. BRA.NDSTF.,TTER~ Chartered \ Tj'O~\-U~',g gd'r-,( l)i,,~T i)~" .~T ( , \\"; R.:("rJ1~ i). CC'X jOH~1 :'1. Uf!MAW Of.,A.N C- 13R.'\NDSTJ,;TIEit 5\~"!:."S"TP..E:::T T'm:,O\'flC~!':IO;\ .n61!~ ItMHO rt\LJ,S.IU,li1iC ~~,'i\.~.:(,3') . $CffiIl.A. ':Qm~R (1t!Iit.3-11 '~~m~.DF '1!i!: ~B;t..:1x.~ ;tAR ~c~n.:(m'.n Tal;.l3PJOclJ..~JST o;,'8iI9 ~L.ju~1 T::;r.fPHmr: (:lQ~) 5~2-aM.s ~oyn(\~r~7:':'_~~la Sl'.ptt'-mber 1 ~ 2005 J)('.f!t1 .1. MiUerr Esq. 420 West BJ\nnoc:k O. Box: 2564-83101 Boise, ill g:; 70'2 smt ,d/ifnl!simife Rc:l\'1J. Rumph1'ie~ Wind P:rnjt'.ct Dtar i\1r. M111et': Mr. M..T. I -I~1.1.phrio~ rcq':'-e;stl::d that I r~port to you. the.~c: p'!ltchases; O:n May 24, 2005, tell. T.owetS and rurbbes' fO1' tba Magic WiJJ.d P:z:ojt~c:t from Suzlon Enetgy Limited On Junll 2. 200S. ~~cvcnty towe.t:!). and t11'rhinc!I far the Cassi::l. W\.n.d Park and Ca.isirl Wind Projects. Ifth~e is any flltih~r inform.aI.iOl\ wltidt 1 cm obtaiu for YO\.l, kindly ad"i.~("" Best regards. Cry ~WS'-?"?l'-~,V~ ()h\1 Ohman. At.tom~J a't Law NOIwr L.. ItClr"cly C. L\.llpbl~ ~,;", fr'l'..li'b~iJi~ ..- .... --..... t"'_.. "" ""' .I . ~.... I' ,.....,. -~ . ......\- ... - , ~ I ~ \., "' ,,\.~\ . fh"" "- ~!: Exhibit K Page 3 of 3 OCT 1 1 ZO05 IDAHO FISH & GAME MAGIC VALLEY REGION 319 South 417 East Jerome, ID 83338 October 7, 2005 Dirk Kempthorne / Governor Steven M. Huffaker / Director Bill Crafton Twin Falls County Planning and Zoning 246 3rd Avenue East Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 Re: Conditional Use Permit Application for Wind Energy Development, Cassia Gulch Wind Park, LLC and Cassia Wind Farms, LLC, Bell Rapids, Twin Falls County Dear Bill: Idaho Department ofFish and Game (IDFG) has toured the sites and reviewed the proposal from Jared Grover to install 14, 2.1 MW wind turbines on two sites in the Bell Rapids area of Twin Falls County. The proposed Cassia Gulch Wind Park (9 turbines) is located in Township 6 South, Range 12 E, Section 27 while the proposed Cassia Wind Farm (5 turbines) is located in Township 7 Sout~ Range 12 E, Section 3. The turbines will be 124 meters (407 ft.) high with 88 meter (289 ft.) diameter blades. Minimum spacing between turbines will be 132 meters (433 ft.). We have identified the following issues and recommendations for your consideration. IDFG recognizes the value of and need for developing alternative forms of energy production. Wind energy facilities have the potential to produce clean and reliable energy. However, we have concerns regarding the location of proposed facilities and the potential immediate and long- term impacts to wildlife populations and habitats. Wind energy facilities can adversely impact wildlife, especially birds (Erickson et al. 2001 , Leddyet al. 1999, Manes et al. 2002) and bats (Erickson et al. 2001, Johnson et al 2002), through habitat loss and fragmentation, avoidance of and displacement from preferred habitats, and direct mortality through turbine and tower strikes. As displayed on the attached map, the proposed wind parks are located near or immediately adjacent to isolated parcels of sagebrush habitat on public lands. These parcels, known as wildlife tracts, are publicly owned and cooperatively managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and IDFG for permanent wildlife habitat and public recreation. Due to the loss of native habitats, wildlife tracts are crucial for production and survival of upland game birds, big game, and a variety of nongame wildlife. Tracts provide seasonal and year-long habitat for ring-necked pheasants, gray partridge, California quail, sage grouse, mourning dove mule deer, pronghorn, coyote, red fox, black-tailed jackrabbits, cottontail rabbits, and an assortment of rap tors, songbirds, small mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. To minimize the potential impacts (disturbance, avoidance, and direct mortality) of wind park development on wildlife use associated with tracts, we recommend no turbines are sited within 0.5 miles of existing wildlife tracts. Keeping Idaho s Wild(ife Heritage Exhibit L - . age of 10Equal Opportwuty Employer' 208-324-4359 Fax: 208-324-1160' Idaho Relay (TDD) SerVIce: 1-800-377-3529 http://www_state_Id_us/f'.:shgamP Historic land use practices, highly fragmented native sagebrush habitats, and anecdotal data suggest relatively low bird use in the Bell Rapids area. However, IDFG is unaware of any quantitative studies, surveys, or inventories of seasonal, year-long, or migratory bird (or bat) use in the area. Unlike fall bird migration, spring migration occurs over a longer period (March through June) along indistinct routes. We recommend, as a condition of the permit, the applicant be required to conduct a formal survey of spring and fall bird and bat use of the proposed project areas. Data acquired through this effort could be used to modify project operations in the event birdlbat mortality via turbine or tower strikes becomes an issue at either of the proposed sites. We recommend, as a condition of the permit, the applicant be required to conduct an impact study (for bird/bat mortality) ofthe new wind park facilities. Seasonal monitoring (spring and fall) in alternate years over a six year period would be sufficient. Data acquired through this effort could be used to modify project operations in the event bird or bat mortality via turbine strikes becomes an issue at either of the proposed sites. Monitoring would cease at the end ofthe six year period if data indicate low levels of bird and bat mortality. If mortality rates are detel'IIrined to have localized or regional scale population impacts, we recommend, as a condition ofthe permit, that options for habitat based mitigation and modifications in project operations (e.g. seasonal turbine shut-down) be made available. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment. If you have any questions please contact Mike McDonald, Environmental Staff Biologist, at this office. David Parrish Magic Valley Regional Supervisor Cc: Jared Grover (Applicant) IDFG (NRPB) ECc: IDFG (R4 staff) Literature Cited: Erickson, W., G. D. Johnson, M. D. Strickland, D. P. Young, Jr., K. J. Seroka, and R. E. Good. 2001. Avian Collisions with Wind Turbines: A Summary of Existing Studies and Comparisons to Other Sources of Avian Collision Mortality in the United States. National Wind Coordinating Committee Resource Document. 62 pp. G. D. Johnson, W. P. Erickson, M. D. Strickland, M. F. Shepard, D. A. Shepard, and S. A. Sarappo. Collision mortality of local and migrant birds at a large-scale wind-power development on Buffalo Ridge, Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 30(3):879-887. Leddy, K. L., K. F. Higgins, and D. E. Naugle. 1999. Effects of wind turbines on upland nesting birds in Conservation Reserve Program grasslands. Wilson Bulletin. 111: 1 00-1 04. Manes, R., S. Harmon, B. Obermeyer, and R. Applegate. 2002. Wind Energy and Wildlife: an attempt at pragmatism. Wildlife Management Institute. 8 pp. Exhibit L Page 2 of 10 1WIN FALLS HIGHWAY DISTRICT 1234 HIGHLAND AVENUE EAST 1WIN FALLS, IDAHO 83301-7878PHONE: 208- 733-4062FAX: 208-733-4934 EMAIL: tfhwy~cableone.net HERMAN J. OSTERKAMP , CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER ARTHUR R. BAILY, COMMISSIONER RON PIERCE, COMMISSIONER DAVE BURGESS, DIRECTOR KAREN DALTON , SEC- TREASURER YOUR ROADS OUR JOB" December 8 , 2005 Bill Crafton , Director Twin Falls County Planning & Zoning 246 Third Avenue East Twin Falls , Idaho 83301 RE:Conditional Use Permit Application Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC Dear Sir: Brian Davis, Project Manager of referenced Wind Parks has requested that the Highway District provide comments regarding the proposed development of Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC. At our regular Board meeting on December 7 2005, this project was discussed at length. The Commissioners decided unanimously to support the project with the following requirements and concerns: 1. The Twin Falls Highway District will require a $10 000. bond for the duration of the construction to cover any damages to the roadway and culverts. 2. The Twin Falls Highway District requested that Mr. Davis keep the Director informed of the project such as schedule and size of loads to the site. Permits will be required for any overweight or over length loads. 3. The project site is located on a gravel road that has little to no traffic. The Highway District provides low maintenance in the winter months on this road. 4. The temporary access road and the tempoiary' curve on 150 E 5950 N will be restored to its original condition upon completion. If you have any questions please call me at 733-4062. Sincerely, Dave Burgess Director DB:kmd Exhibit L Page 3 of 10 TRANSPORTATION BOARD Charles Winder Chairman John X. Combo Vice Chairman District 6 John McHugh District 1 Bruce Sweeney District 2 Monte McClure District 3 Gary Blick District 4 Neil Miller District 5 David Ekern, RE- Director Sue Higgins Board Secretary IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT O. Box 7129 Boise 10 83707-1129 (208) 334-8000 itd.idaho.gov December 7 2005 Jared Grover Cassia Wind Farm LLC 4200 N. Cloverdale Rd Boise, ill 83713 SUBJECT:5 structure wind turbine array located as DJllows: Township 7 South, Range 12 Section 3 of the Boise Meridian, Twin Falls County. Array runs north south and is situated just east of the Elmore County, Twin Falls County line, The Division of Aeronautics evaluated the wind farm under the authority of Idaho Code 21- 513 through 21-520 and Idaho Transportation DepartmETlt Rule No. 39.04.02. The proposed wind turbine array, if built as described ir ,he site location documents provided by the proponent, will be a hazard to air flight. You will be required to mark with white paint and light for night operation the following turbines which are referenced by their FAA Aeronautical Study Numbers: 2005 - ANM - 2331 - OE 2005 - ANM - 2327 - OE The State ofIdaho will accept a single red flashing light in accordance with Chapters 4 , and 12 of FAA Advisory Circular 7017460-, Change 1. T1.~ State ofIdaho also concurs with the FAA's requirement for synchronization of the lights during night time operation. Any changes in location or height of structures proposed will j nvalidate this determination. Please contact me at 208-334-8895 if! can be of further assistance. Lr; MARK LESSOR Aviation Technician CC:MEL Manager, Buhl Municipal Airport Twin Falls County Planning and Zoning Exhibit L Page 4 of 10 TRANSPORTATION BOARD Charles Winder Chairman John X. Combo Vice Chairman District 6 John McHugh District 1 Bruce Sweeney District 2 Monte McClure District 3 Gary Blick District 4 Neil Miller District 5 David Ekern, PE Director Sue Higgins Board Secretary IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT O. Box 7129 Boise 10 83707-1129 (208) 334-8000 itd.idaho.gov December 1 , 2005 Jared Grover Cassia Wind Farm LLC 4200 N. Cloverdale Rd Boise, ill 83713 SUBJECT:9 structure wind turbine array located aE follows: Township 6 South, Range 12 East Sections 22 and 27 of the Boise Meridian, Twin Falls County. Array runs north south. The Division of Aeronautics evaluated the wind farm under the authority ofldaho Code 21- 513 through 21-520 and Idaho Transportation Department Rule No, 39.04.02. The proposed wind turbine array, if built as described i1 the site location documents provided by the proponent, will be a hazard to air flight. You will be required to mark with white paint all the turbines and light for night operation the following turbines which are referenced by their FAA Aeronautical Study Numbers: 2005 - ANM - 2325 - 2005 - ANM - 2322 - OE 2005 - ANM - 2323 - OE 2005 - ANM - 2326 - OE The State ofldaho will accept a single red flashing light in accordance with Chapters 4 , and 12 of FAA Advisory Circular 70/7460-, Change 1. The State ofldaho also concurs with the FAA's requirement for synchronization of the light~; during night time operation, Any changes in location or height of structures proposed wiIl invalidate this determination. Please contact me at 208-334-8895 ifl can be of further assistance, MARK LESSOR Aviation Technician CC:MEL Manager, Buhl Municipal Airport Twin Falls County Planning and Zoning Exhibit L Page 5 of 10 Wayne Tousley Sheriff (208) 736-4177 o. Box 146 Twin Falls, ID 83303-0146 Ed Gudgell Under Sheriff FAX (208) 736-4006 12/13/2005 To:Brian Davis Project Coordinator 4200 North Cloverdale Road Boise Idaho 83713 Re:Cassia Gulch Wind Park, LLC. & Cassia Wind Farm, LLC Mr. Davis Review of the proposed development, located between 6050 N/6075 N and 100 E. /150 , County of Twin Falls, is located in Twin Falls County Sheriffs West District. Response time for that area would be twenty to thirty minutes on an average, with greater response time due to the traffic conditions and manpower restraints., However, the indicated sections for development are at the furthest northwestern section of Twin Falls County and are not routinely patrolled, due to manpower. The indicated area is used at different times of the year by sportsmen and off road activities, with numerous access roads into the areas. Depending on this type of industries experience elsewhere with vandalism, destruction of property and unauthorized person on the property, it is suggested by Twin Falls County Sheriffs Office that steps be taken to prevent any lose to the sites, i.e. fencing and lighting. Special concern should be taken during the construction of the site due to the current activities being reported of theft construction equipment and heavy electrical wiring. Twin Falls County Sheriffs office personnel are trained in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Through Developers and Contractors we can establish a safer community by eliminating potential criminal locations or safety hazards. CPTED starts from the Developer to the residing home owner and can result in lower insurance rates as well as enhance prospects of purchasers. The practice of reviewing residential and commercial plans, including landscaping, can be vital to prevent and eliminate potential criminal activity around our community, :::7 In Public Service ,. Ji, C iJ, el(~ . Wilson gations/ Crime Prevention Exhibit L Page 6 of 10 TRANSPORTATION BOARD Charles Winder Chairman John X. Combo Vice Chairman District 6 John McHugh District 1 Bruce Sweeney District 2 Monte McClure District 3 Gary Blick District 4 Neil Miller District 5 David Ekern, P. Director Sue Higgins Board Secretary IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT O. Box 7129 Boise 10 83707-1129 (208) 334-8000 itd.idaho.gov December 7 , 2005 Jared Grover Cassia Wind Farm LLC 4200 N. Cloverdale Rd Boise, ill 83713 SUBJECT:5 structure wind turbine array located as follows: Township 7 South, Range 12 Section 3 of the Boise Meridian, Twin Falls County. Array runs north south and is situated just east of the Elmore County, Twin Falls County line. The Division of Aeronautics evaluated the wind farm under the authority of Idaho Code 21- 513 through 21-520 and Idaho Transportation Department Rule No. 39.04.02. The proposed wind turbine array, if built as described in the site location documents provided by the proponent, will be a hazard to air flight. You will be required to mark with white paint and light for night operation the following turbines which are referenced by their FAA Aeronautical Study Numbers: 2005 - ANM - 2331 - OE 2005 - ANM - 2327 - OE The State ofldaho will accept a single red flashing light in accordance with Chapters 4 , and 12 of FAA Advisory Circular 7017460-Change 1. The State ofldaho also concurs with the FAA's requirement for synchronization of the lights during night time operation. Any changes in location or height of structures proposed will invalidate this determination. Please contact me at 208-334-8895 ifl can be of further assistance. Sincerely, ~ ' MARK LESSOR Aviation Technician CC:MEL Manager, Buhl Municipal Airport Twin Falls County Planning and Zoning Exhibit L Page 7 of 10 TRANSPORTATION BOARD Charles Winder Chairman John X- Combo Vice Chairman District 6 John McHugh District 1 Bruce Sweeney District 2 Monte McClure District 3 Gary Blick District 4 Neil Miller District 5 David Ekern, PE. Director Sue Higgins Board Secretary IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT O. Box 7129 Boise 10 83707-1129 (208) 334-8000 itd.idaho.gov December 1 , 2005 Jared Grover Cassia Wind Fann LLC 4200 N, Cloverdale Rd Boise, ill 83713 SUBJECT:9 structure wind turbine array located as follows: Township 6 South, Range 12 East Sections 22 and 27 of the Boise Meridian, Twin Falls County. Array runs north / south. The Division of Aeronautics evaluated the wind fann under the authority ofIdaho Code 21- 513 through 21-520 and Idaho Transportation Department Rule No. 39,04.02. The proposed wind turbine array, if built as described in the site location documents provided by the proponent, will be a hazard to air flight. You will be required to mark with white paint all the turbines and light for night operation the following turbines which are referenced by their FAA Aeronautical Study Numbers: 2005 - ANM - 2325 - DE 2005 - ANM - 2322 - DE 2005 - ANM - 2323 - DE 2005 - ANM - 2326 - DE The State ofIdaho will accept a single red flashing light in accordance with Chapters 4, 5, and 12 of FAA Advisory Circular 7017460-, Change 1. The State ofIdaho also concurs with the FAA's requirement for synchronization of the lights during night time operation. Any changes in location or height of structures proposed will invalidate this detennination. Please contact me at 208-334-8895 ifI can be of further assistance. Sincerely, ~~I) MARK LESSOR Aviation Technician CC:MEL Manager, Buhl Municipal Airport Twin Falls County Planning and Zoning Exhibit L Page 8 of 10 Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Airspace Branch, ASW-520 2601 Meacham Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76137-0520 Aeronautical Study No. 2005 -ANM-233 O- Issued Date: 11/18/2005 Jared Grover Cassia Wind Farm LLC 4200 N Cloverdale RdBoise, ID 83713 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has completed an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.C., Section 44718 and, if applicable, Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Type:Wind Turbine Boise, ID 42-50-40.5 NAD 83 115-14. 407 feet above ground level (AGL) 3855 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) Structure Location: Latitude: Longitude: Heights: This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s) , if any, is (are) met: It is required that the enclosed FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, be completed and returned to this office any time the project is abandoned or: At least 10 days prior to start of construction (7460-2, Part I) Within 5 days after the construction reaches its greatest height (7460-2, Part II) As a result of this structure being critical to flight safety, it is required that the FAA be kept appraised as to the status of the project. Failure to respond to periodic FAA inquiries could invalidate this determination. Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviationsafety. However, if marking and/or lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed and maintained in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 70/7460-1 K. This determination expires on 05/18/2007 unless: (a) (b) extended, revised or terminated by the issuing office. the construction is subj ect to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed , as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of thisdetermination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. Page 1 Exhibit L Page 9 of 10 NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE POSTMARKED OR DELIVERED TO THIS OFFICE AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency (ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State I or local government body. A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal Communications Commission if the structure is subj ect to their licensing authority. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (425) 227-2558. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2005-ANM-2330-0E. Signature Control No: 438858-419938 Kathie Curran Technician (DNE) 7460-2 Attached Page 2 Exhibit L Page 10 of 10 limall - Power Purchase Agreements http://mail.google,comimail/?&ik-f447c75ald&view=pt&th-10613e. G~CJiI i:I,';\l\'~k 8ET~ jared graver c::jdgrover~gmail.com::o Power Purchase Agreements 6 messages jared graver c::jdgrover~gmail.com::o Reply-To: jared grover c::jdgrover~gmail.com::o To: rallphin~idahopower.com Bcc: jaredgrover~mail.boisestate.edu Hi Randy, Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 2:59 PM It was good talking to you today, I look forward to getting everything worked out with the agreements with Idaho Power. I talked to my investors and told them what you told me. That Idaho Power would negotiate the contracts, but would not sign any contracts until after the PUC has made a decision on the case (Idaho Power asking for a moratorium for power purchase agreements). You said that you would have some type of letter that I could have that would explain this to them. If you could fax that to me ~208 323 6155. Or if you don t have the letter yet, just reply to this email in a couple of sentences that I can forward on to them. I just want everyone to know that I am doing alii can to facilitate the projects. Thanks Jared Allphin, Randy c::RAliphin~idahopower.com::o To: jared grover c::jdgrover~gmail.com::o Jared Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 6:10 AM As we discussed over the telephone, Idaho Power has filed at the commission a petition requesting a temporary suspension of our Idaho Power's obligation to enter into PURPA wind agreements. The Commission has set a schedule to consider this petition. Until such time as Idaho Power receives direction from the commission on this petition, Idaho Power will not be signing a wind agreement for your proposed projects. If you desire, we can move forward with preparing and reviewing draft agreements. Idaho Power reserves the right to modify or change these draft agreements at any time until the agreements have been executed by both parties and approved by the commission. As we discussed over the phone, I have an e-mail from you dated June 17 requesting draft agreements. I contacted our Generation Interconnection group and received a copy of your interconnection applications, If you desire I will use information from these applications to begin drafting agreements. 100 Exhibit M Pa2;e 1 of 212/26/200511 :49 AM lJmall - rower rurcnase Agreements http://mail.google.cornlmaiV?&ik-f44 7 c7 Sa I d&view=pt&th= 0613e I have received numerous requests for agreements, I am handling these requests in the order I received them. Once I receive word from you that you wish for me to begin preparing draft agreements it will most likely be a couple of weeks before I can have draft back to you for review. Please let me know how you would like to proceed Randy (Quoted text hidden) (INFO) -- Access Manager: This transmission may contain information that is privileged , confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. A2 jared grover o(jdgrover~gmail.com~ Reply-To: jared grover c::jdgrover~gmail.com~ To: "Allphin , Randy" c::RAliphin~idahopower.com~ Randy: Fri, Jul1 , 2005 at 2:56 PM Thanks for the quick email explaining Idaho Powers stance on the issue, It was helpful to give to my investors. As we have discussed I am interested in getting a PURPA contract signedd and done as soon as possible. Please send me anything that is needed to move forward with preparing the contract. Jared (Quoted text hidden) jared graver o(jdgrover~gmail.com~ Reply-To: jdgrover~gmail.com To: Joe Miller c::joe~mcdevitt-miller.com~ Thu , Sap 1 , 2005 at 3:56 PM (Quoted text hidden) Jared graver o(jdgrover~gmail.com~ Reply-To: jdgrover~gmail.com To: Joe Miller c::joe~mcdevitt-miller,com~ Thu, Sap 1 , 2005 at 3:57 PM (Quoted text hidden) jared graver o(jdgrover~gmail.com~ Reply-To: jdgrover~gmail.com To: Joe Miller c::joe~mcdevitt-miller.com~ Thu, Sap 1, 2005 at 3:57 PM 2 of3 Exhibit M 12/26/2qiige 1'M-W An IDACORP Company Randy C. Allphin Contract Administrator August 8, 2005 Jared Grover 3635 Kingswood Drive Boise, lD 83704 E-mail Copy: jdgroverCillgmail.com Original: US Mail RE:Cassia Wind Farm Request for a PURPA contract for a proposed Wind Generation Facility. Dear Mr. Grover: On June 17 2005, Idaho Power Company (Company) filed a Petition with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) requesting a temporary suspension of the Company s obligation to enter into new contracts to purchase energy generated by qualifying wind-powered small power production facilities (QFs) at the published rates. On August 4 2005 , the rommission j,ssllen Orner No. 291119 in response to the Petition filed by Idaho Power Company. In Order No. 29839, the Commission ruled that only intermittent wind generMion projects with a nameplate rating of 100 kW or less are eligible for the published avoided cost rates. In this Order the Commission also established criteria to assess the eligibility of larger wind generation projects that had commenced the development process prior to July 1,2005 to receive PURP A contracts containing the published rates. The eligibility criteria for those larger projects, as set out in Order No. 29839. are as follows: Telephone: (208) 388.2614 Fax: (208) 433-5163 Rallphinfi!)ldahopower,com Exhibit N Page 1 of 13 I) Submittal of a signed power purchase agreement to the utility no later then July 1 2005 or submittal of a completed Application for Interconnection Study and payment of study fees to the utility no later then July 1 2005. 2) In addition to the eligibility criteria set out in item I , to qualify for the published rates the larger QF must also be able to demonstrate other indicia of substantial progress and project maturity. Examples of these items include but are not limited to: ) A QF certificate for the project ) Wind study(s) demonstrating a viable site for the project ) Project and access road site control ) A signed contract for the supply of wind turbines ) Arranged financing for the projectf) Progress on facility pennitting and licensing Our records indicate you contacted Idaho Power concerning a PURP A contract for the Cassia Wind Fann with an estimated size of 10.5 MW prior to the issuance of Commission Order No. 29839. Summarized below are Idaho Power Power Supply s records in regards to the data you have submitted for your proposed wind project and the status of meeting the eligibility criteria as described in Commission Order No. 29839. Item 1 Subminal of a signed Purchase Power Agreement Submittal of a completed Application for Interconnection What is the status of your application for interconnection for your proposed wind project? While this may seem to be a strange request coming from Idaho Power, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission orders prohibit Idaho Power s Power Supply business unit from obtaining this infonnation directly from the Idaho Power Delivery business unit. Please provide complete interconnection application status infonnation, including when application was made for interconnection and evidence that the required study fees have been paid to Idaho Power Delivery business unit. Telephone: (208) 388-2614 Fax: (208)433-5163 Raliphin(j'j!ldahopower,com Exhibit N Page 2 of 13 You have previously provided Idaho Power Power Supply business unit a copy of your interconnection application. Please confirm the current status of this application. .../ If your project has submitted one or both of the above-required documents please provide the documentation of the items specified below in Item 2. ,/ If neither of the above documents had been submitted to Idaho Power Company prior to July 1 2005, as specified in the Commission Order, your project is subject to the revised published rate eligibility cap for a qualified intermittent wind projects of 100 kW or smaller. Item 2 Please provide documentation that demonstrates other indicia of substantial progress and project maturity. Examples of these items include but are not limited to: A OF certificate for the project Wind study demonstrating a viable site for the project Project and access road site control A signed contract for the supply of wind turbines Arranged financing for the project f.)Progress on facility permitting and licensing If there is other data that you believe indicates that your project was substantially lIlatun;; VI' complete as of July 1 2005 , please provide this data at the same time. Please provide the requested data to Randy Allphin at Idaho Power Company: US Mail:Idaho Power Company Attn: Randy Allphin POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Email:RaIIDhin~idahoDower.com ----- Telephone: (208) 388-2614 Fax: (208) 433-5163 Raliphin(!i)ldahopower,com Exhibit N Page 3 of 13 Fax:(208) -133-5163 Please mark all Faxes - Attention Randy Allphin and also notify Randy Allphin bye-mail or telephone that a Fax is being sent. Irlilho Power will review the provided data and may request addition information. If it is determined that the project has met the eligibility criteria as established by the Commission, Idaho Power will prepare and provide a draft PURP A agreement for your review. Please note this is not an offer to purchase and no PURPA contract is effective until the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has reviewed it and approved it for ratemaking purposes. The Commission has set stringent time limits for continued processing of this case. As a result it is important that we receive your response to this letter no later than 5 PM, Mountain Standard Time, August 15,2005. Failure to provide complete infonnation within this time period may mean that your request would not be considered eligible to receive the published rates. If you have any questions please contact me at your convenience. Very truly yours 12 (J.~, tndY c. Allphin Idaho Power Company Contract Administrator Telephone: (108) 388-2614 Fax: (208) 433-5163 Rallphinli9Idahopower_com Exhibit N Page 4 of 13 An IDACORP Company Randy C. Allphin Contract Administrator August 8, 2005 Jared Grover 3635 Kingswood Drive Boise. ID 83704 E-mail Copy: jdgrover(f!)gmail.com Original: US Mail RE:Cassia Gulch Wind Park Request for a PURPA contract for a proposed Wind Generation Facility. Dear Mr. Grover: On June 17,2005, Idaho Power Company (Company) filed a Petition with the Idaho Public Utilitics Commission (Commission) requesting n temporary suspension of the Company s obligation to enter into new contracts to purchase energy generated by qualifying wind-powered small power production facilities (QFs) at the published rates. On August 4, 2005 , the Commission issued Order No. 29839 in response to the Petition filed by Idaho Power Company. In Order No. 29839, the Commission ruled that only intennittent wind generation projects with a nameplate rating of 100 kW or less are eligible for the published avoided cost rates. In this Order the Commission also established criteria to assess the eligibility of larger wind generation projects that had commenced the development process prior to Jllly 1 , 7.00'i to receive PT JRPA contracts containing the published rates. The eligibility criteria for those larger projects, as set out in Order No- 2QR1Q, are as follows: ------ Telephone: (208) 388-2614 Fax: (208)433-5163 Rallphin(f!1Idahopower,eom Exhibit N Page 5 of 13 1) Submittal of a signed power purchase agreement to the utility no later then July I 2005 or submittal of a completed Application for Interconnection Study and payment of study fees to the utility no later then July 1 2005. 2) In addition to the eligibility criteria set out in item I , to qualify for the published rates the larger QF must also be able to demonstrate other indicia of substantial progress and project maturity. Examples of these items include but are not limited to: ) A QF certificate for the project ) Wind study(s) demonstrating a viable site for the project ) Project and access road site control ) A signed contract for the supply of wind turbines ) Arranged financing for the project f.) Progress on facility pennitting and licensing Our records indicate you contacted Idaho Power concerning a PURPA contract for the Cassia Gulch Wind Park with an estimated size of 18.9 MW prior to the issuance of Commission Order No. 29839. Summarized below are Idaho Power Power Supply s records in regards to the data you have submitted for your proposed wind project and the status of meeting the eligibility criteria as described in Commission Order No. 29839. IL t: III 1 Submittal of a signed Purchase Power Agreement Submittal of a completed Application for Interconnection What is the status of your application for interconnection for your proposed wind project? Whilc this may sccm to bc a strangc rcqucst coming from Idaho Power, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission orders prohibit Idaho Power s Power Supply business unit from obtaining this infonnation directly from the Idaho Power Delivery business unit. Please provide complete interconnection application status infonnation, including when application was made for interconnection and evidence that the required study fees have been paid to Idaho Power Delivery business unit. Telephone: (208) :188-2614 Fax: (208) 4:1:1-516:1 Raliphinl(i)ldahopower,com Exhibit N Page 6 of 13 You have previously provided Idaho Power Power Supply business unit a copy of your interconnection application. Please confirm the current status of this application. v" If your project has submitted one or both of the above-required documents please provide the documentation of the items specified below in Item 2. v" If neither of the above documents had been submitted to Idaho Power Company prior to July 1 2005, as specified in the Commission Order, your project is subject to the revised published rate eligibility cap for a qualified intennittent wind projects of 100 kW or smaller. Item 2 Please provide docllment~tion th~t demonstrates other indici~ of substantial progress and project maturity. Examples of these items include but are not limited to: A OF certificate for the project Wind study demonstrating a viable site for the project Project and access road site control A signed contract for the supply of wind turbines Arranged financing for the project f.)Progress on facility pennitting and licensing If there is other data that you believe indicatcs that your projcct was substantially maturc or complete as of July 1 2005, please provide this data at the same time. Please provide the requested data to Randy Allphin at Idaho Power Company: US Mail:Idaho Power Company Attn: Randy Allphin POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Email:Rail ph in(qJ.idahopower .com Telephone: (208) 388.2614 Fax: (208) 433.5163 Raliphini1j)ldahopower,eom Exhibit N Page 7 of 13 Fax:(208) 433-5163 Please mark all Faxes - Attention Randy Allphin and also notify Randy Allphin bye-mail or telephone that a Fax is being sent. Idaho Power will review the provided data and may request addition information. If it is determined that the project has met the eligibility criteria as established by the Commission, Idaho Power will prepare and provide a draft PURPA agreement for your review. Please note this is not an offer to purchase and no PURPA contract is effective until the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has reviewed it and approved it for ratemaking purposes- The Commission has set stringent time limits for continued processing of this case, As a result it is important that we receive your response to this letter no later than 5 PM, Mountain Standard Time, August 15, 2005. Failure to provide complete information within this time period may mean that your request would not be considered eligible to receive the published rates. If you have any questions please contact me at your convenience. Very truly yours. Randy C. Allphin Idaho Power Company Contract Administrator - - Telephone: (208) 388-2614 Fax: (208) 4)3-5163 Raliphin~ldahopower.com Exhibit N Page 8 of 13 Jared Grover Cassia Wind Farm LLC Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC 4219 N Creswell Way Boise ID 83713 208371 4066 208323 6155 fax 8/12/2005 Idaho Power Company Attn: Randy Allphin PO Box 70 Boise Idaho 83707 Dear Mr. Allphin This letter is written in response to your request of August 8 , 2005 for information regarding the status of several items relating to my proposed projects. As you may know some of the information you are requesting is higWy confidential in nature and is not something that I would normally divulge to the utility, and potentially to competitors. is for this same reason that the FERC orders prohibit Idaho Power s Power Supply business unit from obtaining this information directly from the Idaho Power Delivery business unit. Subject to this limitation, the following is submitted in response to your request. Under order 29839 two items and several examples were set forth to determine grandfathering. Following is a detailed list which I believe will show that my projects have made "Substantial Progress" and "Project Maturity. 1) Submittal of a signed power purchase agreement to the utility no later than July submittal of a completed Application for Interconnection Study and payment of study fees to the utility no later than July 1, 2005. Signed Power Purchase Agreement I followed in the instructions provided for me by Idaho Power Co for my interconnection study, (See Attachment A) and according to the instructions Idaho Power Co would prepare and forward a power purchase agreement to me (see Attachment A page 2), I have never received one (even though one application was submitted in May). Since these are the first PURP A projects I have been involved in, I didn t have a draft of a previous one, nor did I have legal counsel at the time who could prepare me one. I have been relying on Exhibit N Page 9 of 13 Idaho Power Co. to provide me one as described in the instructions, and did not have a chance to sign one. OR, Completed Application for Interconnection Study and Payment of Fees I submitted a completed Application for Interconnection Study and payment of fees for each of my projects. One was dated 5/26/05, and the other dated 6/1612005. I also paid the Fees by Check at the time of submittal 5/24/05, and 6/15/05 respectively. My recent discussions with Idaho Power Company indicate that the connection study for one will be completed within two weeks and the other should be completed by September. A copy of my --.J applications were submitted as part of the case. 2) the QF must also be able to demonstrate other indicia of substantial progress and project maturity, e.g., (1) a wind study demonstrating a viable site for the project, (2) a signed contract for wind turbines, (3) arranged financing for the project, and/or (4) related progress on the facility permitting and licensing path r Wind Study I have collected a substantial amount of data, and have completed a wind study. I have a percentage ownership in 4 anemometer towers used for collecting data, and also have complete ownership of an additional 50 meter tower at my site. Usually at least 6 months to 1 year of data from one or more anemometers is required to complete a wind study. The projects I am involved with have much more data than minimally required. I have used tools developed by the Idaho National Lab to evaluate my data. Based on this I believe the projects are viable. The nearby operational Fossil Gulch wind project also validates the viability of my projects. The data and the results of the analysis are highly confidential. I would consider disclosing the details of the data upon execution of an appropriate confidentiality agreement by Idaho Power. I have attached a three page excerpt from part of the wind study as Attachment B. This is to simply provide minimal documentation of the wind study. \ Arranged Financing for Project I have met with multiple investors both in and out of state. Several investors have expressed interest in the projects. They have visited the sites looked at the wind data and are excited about completing my projects. It has been helpful that the existing Fossil Gulch wind project is located less than 10 miles away. Having an existing, operational wind farm close by reassures the investors that the project is viable. However, like myself, they have been Exhibit N Page 10 of 13 discouraged by the delay of power purchase agreements and hope that the projects are able to move ahead quickly. They have both the funds and the turbines earmarked for my project. have signed confidentiality agreements which prohibit me providing further details. I believe that enough information can be provided to meet the requirements of grandfathering without involving my investors, however, as a final measure; I may be able to convince my investors to set aside confidentiality agreement and provide a letter of intent, or possibly a letter from a third party verifying their intent to finance the projects. \Signed Contract for Wind Turbines Wind turbines are available for my wind projects. The investors interested in my project have allotted turbines for my project. The investors have contracts in place for supply of wind turbines. I have selected one investor out of several investors having access to turbines which have expressed interest in these projects, but obviously a power purchase agreement needs to be signed before they make a multi million dollar commitment of turbines to my specific project. In addition to my investors, I have also made arrangements with other investors/developers to have access to turbines through their turbine contracts. If required, further details can be given upon execution of a confidentiality agreement by Idaho Power Co. No investor/developer that I am aware of would sign a contract to provide wind turbines to a specific project before both a Power Purchase Agreement and a Interconnection Study are completed:.J tRelated progress on facility permitting and licensing path Although one would typically wait for a power purchase agreement and interconnection study before investing a substantial amount of time and money in obtaining permits for the potential project, I have chosen to continue to move ahead anyway as seen below. Much progress has been made on the permitting and licensing path for the Cassia wind projects. Since land where these projects will be constructed is owned by members of the wind projects, and because county roads and utilities border the properties, access controls (easements etc.) to land for roads, utilities etc are not an issue. I own the land for one of the projects, and another member of the LLC owns the other property. Attachment C is a letter providing Cassia Wind Farm LLC with the option of arranging a wind farm on the other property. In addition to owning the land, extraordinary efforts are being taken to ensure a smooth completion of the permitting process. One such effort is arranging a land swap for a neighboring land owner that wants land further away from the project. I have been in contact with Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Fish and Game, the Twin Falls planning and zoning administration as well as the Idaho Transportation Department. In the farm project an Avian Impact study was Exhibit N Page 11 of 13 performed this spring, Completion of the interconnection study will be required before finalizing easements and collecting details for final permits. Renaissance Engineering has been involved with site selection as well as site planning etc. We have gone through three phases of preparation and are waiting for interconnection agreements to be finalized before finishing the site planning. In addition to the work above, and even though I do not even have a draft for a power purchase agreement under PURP A, I submitted my form 556 and self-certification as a qualifying facility under PURP A as a small power production facility in July. QFO5-180-000, QFO5-170-000 To complete the permitting process I am required to wait for a Power Purchase agreement before spending the large amounts of money required to complete foundation studies and micro siting placement study for Turbines. Not having a Power Purchase Agreement is halting my progress in this regard. Hopefully you will agree that the work that has been done to complete the projects have made substantial progress, on a viable project, and that they are as mature as they can be without an approved Power Purchase Agreement. I request that you accept my projects as viable and sufficiently mature for grandfathering under order 29839 and prepare a Power Purchase agreement for my projects so that I can continue with, and complete the projects. Please contact me if further clarification or additional information is needed. fJY' Jared Grover Manager, Cassia Wind Farm LLC Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC Exhibit N Page 12 of 13 Jared Grover Cassia Wind Farm LLC Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC 4219N Creswell Way Boise ID 83713 (208) 371-4066, (208) 323-6155 fax 8/25/2005 Idaho Power Company Attn: Randy Allphin PO Box 70 Boise Idaho 83707 Dear Mr. Allphin This letter is written in addition to the response of your request on August 2005 for information relating to my proposed projects. Although further information has not been requested to determine the "grandfathering status" of my projects, and notwithstanding the confidential nature of these documents, I have decided to submit several items, I believe the attached letters will provide helpful information in determining the maturity and level of investment into my projects. Attachment D is a letter from Brian Jackson of Renaissance Engineering & Design PLLC in which he discusses my projects and our projects. Brian has been involved with the Bell Rapids project since data collection for wind began. He has done extensive analysis on the data on the farm project and since my location is part of the farm project I have been able to use his work for analysis in addition to the wind data for my site. At the time I was considering purchasing additional land from the local irrigation company which would add value to my projects. Since that time, I have bid on, and committed to purchase almost 700 acres from the farm project. Attachment E is a faxed letter from the local irrigation project that is selling me the land. As you can imagine, with current bids for land on the project being over $300 per acre, my purchase of an additional 700 is one of several substantial investments I have made to make these wind projects a reality. Attachment F is a letter from Renaissance Engineering & Design PLLC which discusses the maturity, and progress that has been made on my projects. Please include these attachments with the other items submitted previously. Please contact me if further clarification or additional information is needed. Sincerely,rJ~ Jared Grover Manager, Cassia Wind Farm LLC, Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC Exhibit N Page 13 of 13