HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051214Supplemental Jared Grover affidavit.pdfCL! i f::'1--i , ' Dean J. Miller ISB #1968 McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ill 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 i oeCW,mcdevitt -miller .com r- i' J / 't -, j - J. '"' I'" (... . :,0 . - '.", '-. -, : )L:C "'. C(.:: ISC;'i~J '" " Attorneys for Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC and Cassia Wind Farm LLC ORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA TIER OF THE PETITION OF CASSIA WIND TO DETERMINE EXEMPTION STATUS Case No. IPC-O5- SUPPLEMENTAL AFFIDAVIT OF JARED GROVER STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada Jared Grover, being first duly sworn upon an oath deposes and says: 1. I am the principle member of Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC and Cassia Wind Farm LLC ("Cassia Wind" 2. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a letter transmitted by John Deere Credit Company JDC") to Idaho Power Company on November 30, 2005. John Deere Credit is a subsidiary of the John Deere Company, and has the financial capacity to provide financing to the Cassia Wind Projects. The JDC letter to Idaho Power Company represents the culmination of discussions between Cassia Wind that began in the spring and early summer of2005. 3. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a letter from Signal Wind Energy construction company experienced in the installation of wind turbines. As noted in Exhibit B, it is SUPPLEMENTAL AFFIDAVIT OF JARED GROVER - 1 208-336-6912 PAGE 02/0312/12/2005 14: 45 Dee 12 05 02:04p 2083235155 important that Cassia Wind be able to make a commitment to Signal Wind Energy by January , 2006 so that construction can be scheduled to begin during the year 2006. 4. Despite the JOC letter and other evidence of project maturity previously submitted to ii, Idaho Power Company has failed, refused and neglectell to agree that Cassia Wind is exempt from the rate eligibility cap in Order No. 29839. Dated this j'J-day of December, 2005. State ofIdaho 1- :ss County of.1::1dtL- ) On this ztlhay of December, 2005, before me ~~. a notary public, personally appeared Jared Grover known or identifi 0 me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknow ge to me tbat he executed the same. Notary Pu . c for IDAHO Residing at: Commission Exp. ~(-()(p SUPPLEMENTAL AFFmA VIT OF JARED GROVER - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ~day of December, 2005, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 11 ewell~puc. state.id. Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 BKline(iV,idahopower. com MMoen~idahopower. com Hand Delivered u.s. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email SUPPLEMENTAL AFFIDAVIT OF JARED GROVER - 3 JOHN CR EDIT OO i\\A! 867:: STREET, JOIJ,srui'-, jr,WA 50131 OWUT J'ffO~:r,: (515) 267-4.199 November 30 2005 Mt, Sartor: L Kline Idaho Power Company j 221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise , 1083707 RE:Cassia Gulch Wind Park, LLC Cassia Wind Farm , LLC Confirm ,A,vai!abiiity of SuLlen 2. 'I MW Nameplate TurbinE's Dear Mr, K!lne: John Deere Credit ("JOG"), an affiliate of Deere & Company, provided Cassia GUICI1 Wind Park, LLC and Cassia Wind Fa:-, LLC (collet...'tiveiy, "CaSS!8 Wind") a Term Sheet in August 2005, a copy of which ~'vas previously provided to Idaho Power Company. The Term Sheet outlined the proposed investment in anci the financing of the two Cassia Vvind projects. The parties are currentlY finalizing the requirements of the due diJigence process, Prier to issuing the Terrn Sheet for the Cassia Wind projects, JOC staff met on numerous occasions ""Ith Mr. Grover, the developer, starting in May 2005, .Joe and Mr. Grover entered into a confidentiality agreement onl July 2005 and thereafter began our internal due d!li~lence process with the full intent of closing trle deal as soon as possibie. ~.Jiuch of the due diligence process has been (;ompleted , including an on-site physical visit to survey the proposed wind farms by our in"house engineer in Ju!y and an Independent , third-party produced , \Nind data analysis !SSUE:ej by WindLogics , which JOG has accepted, .Joe is considering a commitment for the investment , debt and allocation of a total of 14 Suzion 8-88 Arctic 2.1 MVv' nameplate turbines , which have been secured by JOC from Suzlon VVind Energy Corp.: to the Cassia 'vVind projects in order to ccmpiete the due diligence process and submit the projects to ~jDC:s senior management for approval JOC r€:,quires a confirmation from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission that each of the projects wi!! be exempt from the reduction of rate cap eligibility reduction contained in Idaho Public Ut\lities Commission Order No 29839. if approved by ,JOC's senior management team , JOG and Cassia Wind anticipate that both of the projects will be commissioned no later than December 2006, Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Mr Ba.ian L. Kiir.6 Idaho Power Company Page 2 The enciosed information is being provided by JOe and Cassia Wind at tM request of Idaho Powe, Company. It is to be used by idaho PovIler Cornpany solely for the purpose of evaluating the maturity of the Cassia Wind projects as required by idaho Public Utilities Commission Order NO, 29839, and for no other purpose, No copies of this letter may be made except as may be n8cessary for the above purposes, When copies are made , such copies rnust clearly reveal the confidential markings, Idaho Power Company shall neither disclose the existence nor the content of this letter to any third party without the written consent of JOC and Cassia, If any reguiatory body requires The production of this letter , Idaho Power "vill consult witl'1 jDC and Cassia before production of the Jetter with a view toward redacting any ponions of the letter considered by JOC or Cassia to be confidential or a trade secret Sincerely, jN DEER ~~EOIT -----" E---'----'(f' 1~~7 4- I ~ David rJL ~rija-ToWery Business Development fv1anager - Wind Energy Cc:Mr, Jared Grover, Cassia Wind Projects Mf. Dear! j, Miller, iv1cDevitt & Miller Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 12/12/2005 09: 41 2083235155 tGN ~__- WIND ENERGY"c November 1 7, 2005 Cassie Gulch Wind Park 4200 North Cloverdale Road Boise, Idaho 83704 Attn:Jared Grover Subject:Cassia Wind Farm and Wind Park Projects Dear Mr. Grover As we discussed I wanted to give you an update on the cost and schedule concerns as they relate to your Cassia Wind Farm and Cassia Wind Park Projects. While cost increases due to material prices and expedited delivery will impact the project cost as the notice to proceed date extends, the largest risk for completing the project in 2006 is being able to procure material and specialty equipment at all. Substantial engineering needs to take place prior to procurement of material and equipment. In addition, the specialty equipment needed to install wind turbines such as a 300-500 ton crane is in very high demand. Without approval to begin work prior to the end of the year the projects will suffer cost increases and schedule extensions. Please keep us informed on your progress and feel free to call if you have any further questions. Best regards, Ben Fischer President 'q,.,,; ! Vv",:;: C!H-iT:", L: c: r)i/:~ i.H;~ Hi~lh"J'-lv, 'ili,lf' 1()? -::-:hDn"!ilX";!O . ii-) 374~)! ph""" 4?A 4:1 -1j(iCo '" r,lS ;'50 Q7V, PAGE 02/02.---- Exhibit B Page 1 of 1