HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050830Answer to Windland's petition.pdf\1'""' L. L r. ~.. ILED f7\L.::.J ---",=,..". Dean J. Miller ISB #1968 McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ill 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 ioe~mcdevitt -miller .com ;r;;1~ 1,,1 I t:l 4:44\.JjJV !-h!U ..... ; ,) p, ;\ CJ F u B Lie "~,,,"..""" c.:J : I L \ I j t. ~ v U r.h'-\ ..J v Attorneys for Magic Wind, LLC Cassia Wind Park LLC and Cassia Wind LLC OR'G'NAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA TIER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING IDAHO POWER'S PURPA OBLIGATION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE ENERGY GENERATED BY WIND- POWERED SMALL POWER PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Case No. IPC-O5- ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY COME NOW Magic Wind LLC, Cassia Wind Park LLC and Cassia Wind LLC (collectively referred to as "Magic and Cassia ) and Answers the Petitions of Windland Incorporated ("Windland") for Reconsideration and Stay as follows: INTRODUCTION In both the Petition for Reconsideration and the Petition for Stay Windland advances three arguments to support its request that the Commission abandon the policy regarding grandfathering" adopted in Order No. 29839 ("Suspension Order ) issued on August 4, 2005. In the Suspension Order, the Commission adopted the following policy: ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY - This Commission fmds it reasonable to establish the following criteria to determine the eligibility of PURP A qualifying wind generating facilities for contracts at the published avoided cost rates. F or purposes of determining eligibility we find it reasonable to use the date of the Commission s Notice in this case, i., July 1 , 2005. For those QF projects in the negotiation queue on that date, the criteria that we will look at to determine project eligibility are: (1) submittal of a signed power purchase agreement to the utility, or (2) submittal to the utility of a completed Application for Interconnection Study and payment of fee. In addition to rIDding of existence of one or both of the preceding threshold criteria, the QF must also be able to demonstrate other indicia of substantial progress and project maturity, e., (1) a wind study demonstrating a viable site for the project, (2) a signed contract for wind turbines, (3) arranged financing for the project, and/or (4) related progress on the facility permitting and licensing path. Suspension Order, pp 9-10. Windland argues: With respect to wind generation, the current PURP A rates are above avoided cost. The grandfathering policy protects projects that have no contractual or legal right to protection. The Suspension Order limits Idaho Power s ability complete an RFP process and to possibly acquire cheaper resources. As demonstrated below, each of these arguments is wrong, either as a matter of fact or law and accordingly, both the Petition for Reconsideration and Petition for Stay should be denied. ARGUMENT A. Until modified by a competent Order following hearing.. the current PURP A rates are.. by defmition.. fair.. iust and reasonable. The current avoided cost rates were established pursuant to law following appropriate administrative process. See Order No. 29646 (December 1 2004), Order No. 29124 (September 2002). Windland did not participate in the proceedings to establish those rates. Windland' ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY - belief, never previously asserted in a proper proceeding, that current rates are unreasonable, does not make them so. The Commission has determined there are enough facts to warrant investigation of PUPRA rates, but it has not yet found them to be unjust or unreasonable. And, it may be that upon full investigation the current rates, which are based heavily on 2004 natural gas prices, will appear to be a bargain. (See e. g. Case No. INT -05-, Notice of Application, August 26, 2005 advising that Intermountain Gas believes its Weighted Cost of Gas has increased 27.2%). Further, Windland suggests price comparisons that are misleading. By comparing the current levelized PURPA rate of$61/mwh to Idaho Power s anticipated RFP price of$55mwh2 Windland fails to account for the discount that results from the "90/110" reduction contained in standard form Idaho Power Purchase Power Agreements. Magic and Cassia s consultants have estimated that the "90/110" discount will result in effective rate approximately 0% lower than the published rate, leading to an effective PURP A rate very near the anticipated RFP price. Moreover, the use of a PURPA rate of$61/mwh is misleading. Wind generation projects universally opt for payment under IPCo s non-Ievelized rate schedule. Under that schedule the first year rate for a 2005 contract is $50.34/mwh. See Order No. 29646, Appendix B. When reduced by the "90/110" discount the current effective PURP A rate is closer to $45/mwh. Accordingly, Windland's calculation of supposed overpayments by IPCo (Petition for Stay, pg 3) IS erroneous. As a matter of regulatory policy the Commission may adopt a exemption policy independent of contract law. 1 $61 /mwh is actually the rate for 2006 contracts. To reflect today s conditions Windland should have used the 2005 rate of$59.62. See Order No. 29646, Appendix B.2 It is not clear whether the $55/mwh rate includes or does not include transmission and ancillary services. ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY - Windland incorrectly asserts that only projects with signed contacts are eligible for exemption and that the grandfathering policy to that effect adopted by the Commission in A. W. Brown is required by law. In A. W. Brown the Commission adopted a policy that to be entitled to existing rates a project must show there is a signed contract to sell at that rate or a meritorious complaint alleging that the project was mature and that the developer had attempted, and failed to negotiate a contract with the utility. See Order No. 24192. On appeal, the Supreme Court upheld the Commission s authority to adopt such a policy as against a claim the Commission was preempted by federal law from adopting such a limitation. See A. W. Brown v. Idaho Power 112 Idaho 812, 816, 828 P.2d 841 (1992). A critical distinction, however, is that the Court in A. W. Brown held only that the limitation established by the Commission was within its authority; the Court did not hold the limitation was legally required or that it was the only limitation that could be adopted. The precise question before the Supreme Court was: We fust consider whether the Commission had authority to establish the requirement that, before a CSPP can lock-in a certain rate, there must be a signed contract to sell at that rate or a meritorious complaint alleging that the project was mature and that the developer had attempted, and failed, to negotiate a contract with the utility." 112 Idaho at 816. Put differently, as a matter of policy, the Commission can adopt any grandfathering policy which, based on evidence, is reasonable in the circumstance. The policy adopted in A. W. Brown is not mandated by law. The subsequent case of Rosebud Enterprises Inc.v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Idaho Power Company, 131 Idaho 1 951 P.2d 521 (1997) does not change this analysis. Rosebud affmned the holding in A. W. Brown and confirmed the Commission was not pre- empted by federal law from adopting a policy requiring the existence of a legally enforceable ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY - obligation as a condition to grandfathering. 131 Idaho at 6. Rosebud did not hold that such a policy was required by law or that the Commission could not adopt some other standard. While it is not precisely the policy advocated by Magic and Cassia, the exemption standard adopted by the Commission in Order No. 29839 is reasonable in today s circumstances. In the A. W Brown context the only issue was which projects were entitled to older, higher, rates. Here, more sweeping changes to the entire regulatory structure for wind generation are proposed. It is not unreasonable to exempt a larger category of potential projects, who have relied on the continuance of the existing structure, than would be exempted under the A. W. Brown rule. It cannot be said that the exemption policy in Order No. 29839 is "unreasonable, unlawful erroneous or not in conformity with the law.IPUCRP 331. Idaho Power, itself, recognizes that the A. W. Brown policy is not required by law. In this case, Idaho Power proposed an exemption for those projects "in the final stages of contract negotiation." (Gale, Direct, Tr., pg. 47). This, obviously, is a broader exemption than that approved in A. W Brown and Rosebud. Idaho Power acknowledges that neither the existence of a signed contract or some other form of legally enforceable obligation is a legally necessary predicate for exemption from the Suspension Order. Windland's suggestion to permit no exemptions to the Suspension Order is extreme. There is admittedly tension between the RFP process for wind acquisition and the PURP A process for wind acquisition. Each method has its merits, which need not be discussed here. Windland, motivated obviously by its self-interest, however, suggests an extreme position which completely favors the RFP process over the PURP A process-it would permit no exemptions from the Suspension Order. It is often the case that the Commission must balance ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY - competing interests, each of which is good in its own right. It is rarely the case that, as suggested by Windland, an absolute preference of one over the other is the best choice. Here, the Commission exemption policy from the Suspension Order, while not precisely the policy advocated by Magic and Cassia, is a reasoned balancing of interests: It prospectively guards against perceived excesses of the PURP A process, but provides appropriate relief to those who relied on the PURPA process regulatory framework to being projects close to maturity. CONCLUSION Based on the reasons and authorities cited herein, both Windland' s Petition for Reconsideration and Petition for Stay should be denied. DATED this .day of August, 2005. Respectfully submitted McDEVITT & MILLER LLP ean J. Iller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 W. Bannock Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (208) 343-7500Fax: (208) 336-6912 Counsel for Magic Wind LLC, Cassia Wind Park LLC and Cassia Wind LLC ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the50lliaay of August, 2005, I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 j iewell(illpuc.state.id. us Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 swoodbu(illpuc. state. I....JI I....JI I....JI Hand Delivered I....JI S. Mail I....JI Fax I....JI Fed. Express I....JI Email Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 BKline(illidahopower. com MMoen(illidahopower. com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Linda Nordstrom PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97232 Fax: 503.813.7252 lisa.nordstrom~pacifi corp. com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Bob Lively Pacificorp One Utah Center, 23rd Floor 201 S. Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 84140 Fax: 801.220.2798 bob .li vely(illpacificorp. com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email I....JI I....JI I....JI I....JI I....JI I....JI I....JI ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY - William J. Batt John R. Hammond, Jr. Batt & Fisher, LLP U S Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 South Capital Boulevard O. Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Fax: 208.331.2400 irh~battfisher .com wi b~ battfisher. com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Michael Heckler Director of Marketing & Development Windland Incorporated 7669 West Riverside Drive, Suite 102 Boise, ID 83714 Fax: 208.375.2894 mheckler~windland. com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Peter J. Richardson James T. Carkulis Richardson & 0' Leary PLLC 99 East State Street O. Box 1849 Eagle, ID 83616 Fax: 208.938.7904 peter~richardsonandoleary .com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Glenn Ikemoto Principal Energy Vision, LLC 672 Blair Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 Fax: 510.217.2239 glenni~pacbel1.net Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email '-8 '-8 '-8 '-8 '-8 '-8 '-8 '-8 ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY - Richard L. Storro Director, Power Supply and David Meyer 1411 E. Mission Ave. O. Box 3727, MSC- 7 Spokane, W A 99220-3727 Fax: 509.495.4272 dick. storro~avistacorp. com davi d. meyer~avistacorp. com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email R. Blair Strong Paine, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke & Miller LLP 717 West Sprague Ave., Suite 1200 Spokane, W A 99201-3505 Fax: 509.838.0007 r. blair .strong~painehamblen.com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email J. R. Simp lot Company Attn: David Hawk Director, Energy Natural Resources 999 Main Street Box27 Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 389-7306 Fax: (208) 389-7333 dhawk~simplot.com I....i I....i I....i I....i I....i I....i Hand Delivered I....i S. Mail I....i Fax I....i Fed. Express I....i Email R. Scott Pasley Assistant General Counsel J. R. Simp lot Company 999 Main Street P. O. Box 27 Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 389-7321 (208) 389-7464 telefax gJasley~simplot.com Hand Delivered I....i S. Mail I....i Fax I....i Fed. Express I....i Email I....i ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY - William M. Eddie Advocates for the West O. Box 1612 Boise, ID 83701 billeddie~rmc i. net Hand Delivered '-8 S. Mail '-8 Fax '-8 Fed. Express '-8 Email ANSWER OF MAGIC AND CASSIA TO WINDLAND'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND PETITION FOR STAY -