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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050718Opening brief.pdfDean 1. Miller ISB #1968 McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ill 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 oe r- Ll~~ ~ "( : F~'W L..;LED ~! L. ' . ,onr 1\)1 \5 Pr'! \1' , !-uuv VI ,- "- 'co t\ Pl!8LtC . _ -r,t \~!r:(/ CO~1fl\SStON;j\\L!litJ Attorneys for Magic Wind, LLC, Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC (Magic and Cassia) ORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING IDAHO POWER'S PURPA OBLIGATION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE ENERGY GENERA TED BY WIND- POWERED SMALL POWER PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Case No. IPC-O5- BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC COME NOW Magic Wind LLC, Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC (referred to collectively as "Magic and Cassia ) and submit the following Brief in response to the Commission s Notice of Petition dated July 1 2005. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT Magic Wind LLC, Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC are limited purpose companies formed by two owners of agricultural lands located in Twin Falls County, Mr. Armand Eckert and Mr. Jared Grover. In light of the declining fortunes of the agricultural sector, Mr. Eckert and Mr. Grover hope to convert their lands to a potentially productive use- wind generation. (See Direct Testimony of Armand Eckert, Jared Grover). BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC - 1 Magic and Cassia do not object to an investigation to examine the issues raised in Idaho Power Company s (IPCo) Petition and would participate to the extent their resources permit. this Brief, however, Magic and Cassia advance two contentions: 1. Idaho Power Company has not made a record showing sufficient to warrant a suspension of its PURP A obligations. 2. If the Commission nonetheless orders a suspension, the suspension should not apply to projects that were filed with IPCo, on or before June 17, 2005 an Interconnection Application for Small Generators. ARGUMENT SUSPENSION OF PURP A OBLIGATIONS IS AN EXTRAORDINARY AND POTENTIALL Y ILLEGAL REMEMDY WHICH SHOUD BE GRANTED ONLY IN AN EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCE A. A Puported suspension ofPURP A obligations is of doubtful legality. As Exergy Development Group correctly points out in its June 27 2005 Answer to Petition the utility obligation to purchase arises sections 201 and 210 of the federal Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1978. While a state commission can adopt reasonable policies and procedures to implement the federal scheme (See A. W. Brown v. Idaho Power 121 Idaho 812 (1992)), it is not clear that a state commission can suspend, even temporarily, a federally created obligation. A totally chaotic circumstance would arise, for example, if the Idaho State Tax Commission could temporarily suspend IPCo s obligation to pay taxes required by the federal Internal Revenue Code or if the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality could temporarily suspend IPCo s obligation to comply with the Federal Clean Air Act. For this reason, it has always been the law that state legislative and judicial decision makers must BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC - 2 give preclusive effect to federal enactments no matter what the strength of the competing local interests. Every first year law student knows this. See, Martin v. Hunter s Lessee S. 304 (1816). It is also a requirement of section 201 and 210 , as well as state law (See Idaho Code 61- 325) that rates and practices between qualifying facilities must be non- discriminatory. IPCo s proposal to suspend its obligation with respect to some quality facilities- wind generators-while not suspending its obligations for others is, without doubt, discriminatory on its face. When a proposal is discriminatory on its face, the burden is upon the proponent to show that the discrimination is not "undue or unreasonable." The Commission is required to make record based, evidentiary findings justifying a different in treatment. Agricultural Products v. Utah Power 98 Idaho 23 (1976). When faced with the prospect that a proposed course of action is legally infirm , a reasoned decision making approach is to weigh the prospect of illegality against the magnitude of harm that would result from inaction. For example, if great and immediate injury (such as loss of life, financial collapse or the like) would undoubtedly result from inaction, the risk of illegality fades in significant. If, on the other hand, the risk of real harm is slight and the risk of illegality is measurable, the balance tips in favor of inaction. Also to be considered in this balancing is the harm caused to the legitimate interests of third parties. In particular, as established by the testimony of Mr. Eckert and Mr. Grover, the requested "temporary suspension " from their perspective, is not a simply a temporary hiatus in the development process, but is more in the nature of a death sentence for their projects. As will be discussed in more in testimony to be filed herewith and by others, the risk of irreversible harm to IPCo or its customers is slight. As discussed above, the risk of illegality BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC - 3 is significant and the risk of harm to legitimate interests of third parties is great. Accordingly, the requested suspension should be denied pending a full investigation of the issues raised by the IPCo petition. B. Commission precedent in the area of interim rate increases establishes a standard for deciding whether to change course prior to a full hearing. Idaho Power s request for a suspension of its PURP A obligations is analogous to a request for an interim rate increase in connection with a general rate increase. It asks the Commission to depart from the status quo based on untested allegations, before interested parties have been accorded a full opportunity for investigation and analysis. Most recently, in Case No. IPC-03- , the Commission explained the standard for interim relief as follows: "Interim rate relief is an extraordinary remedy to be granted only in an emergency or where there is danger that the utility will not be able to render adequate service if relief is withheld.Order No. 29403, pg 96. The logic behind the rule in interim rate increase cases is obvious: the Commission will not authorize sudden changes in rates or policy, with potentially harmful consequences to the legitimate interests of third parties, prior to a full hearing in which all matters can be fully explored unless there is an emergency or some other immediate need. As will be discussed below, and at oral argument, IPCo has not established the existence of anything resembling an emergency or immediate need of relief. Nor has IPCo alleged any facts establishing that its ratepayers would be materially harmed in the absence of a suspension. C. Matters alleged in IPCo' s Petition and suIDJorting testimony do not establish the existence an emergency or a need for immediate relief in the form of a suspension of its PURP A obligations. In its Notice of Petition dated July 1 , 2005 found , " ... the Company s Petition alone provides insufficient basis to grant the temporary suspension request." (Notice at pg 6). The BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC - 4 subsequently filed testimony of John R. Gale adds little in the way of substantive detail and consists, largely, of are-packaging of the Company s Petition. At the conclusion of the hearing schedule for July 22, 2005, after considering additional evidence and argument of other parties, Magic and Cassia believe the Commission will be left with an abiding conviction that the Company has not made a case for suspension. II. IF THE COMMISSION ENTERS AN ORDER GRANTING A SUSPENSION OF IPCO'PURP A OBLIGATIONS, DEVELOPERS WHO, ON OR BEFORE JUNE 17 2005SUBMITTED TO IPCo AN "INTERCONNECTION APPLICATION FOR SMALL GENERA TORS" SHOULD BE EXEMPT THEREFROM. If the Commission determines, despite the foregoing, to order a suspension of some nature, it must then face the question of to whom the suspension should apply and to whom it should not apply. Idaho Power itself recognizes that the suspension should not apply to projects that are in some sense mature. (See Testimony of John R. Gale, pg 18). Magic and Cassia respectfully suggest that the suspension should not apply to developers who have submitted to Idaho Power Company an "Interconnection Application for Small Generators." Examples of these Applications are Exhibits 600 and 602 to the testimony of Mr. Eckert and Mr. Grover. The following reasons support this recommendation. First, it is based on publicly available information. On its internet website, IPCo maintains a public list of developers who have submitted the Application, a true copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. (The list appears to include all small power producers, not just wind generators. Magic and Wind have asked, through a discovery request, for IPCo to provide a revised list eliminating non-wind projects, which, it is hoped will be available by the time of the July 22od hearing). Idaho Power obviously views submission of an Interconnection Application as a significant milestone by its public publication of the list of applicants. BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC - 5 Second, filing the Application, and payment of the associated fee of $1 0 000 is reasonable evidence of a serious intent to complete the proposed project. The Application requires submission of detailed engineering and other information. (See Exhibit Nos. 600 and 602, Testimony of Armand Eckert and Jared Grover). Only a developer who seriously intends pursue the project would have assembled the detailed information necessary to complete the Application. Finally, this recommendation offers an administratively simple "bright line" test for determining the scope of any suspension. It avoids the necessity of a case by case determination of which projects meet some ill-defined definition of "maturity. Specifically, Magic and Cassia recommend that any Commission order establishing a suspension contain the following language: It is further Ordered that the suspension established by this Order shall not apply to projects that on or before June 17 2005 submitted to Idaho PowerCompany a completed Interconnection Application for Small Generators and it is further Ordered that Idaho Power Company shall continue the project development process, in accordance with policies procedures and rates in effect on July 17, 2005, with respect to those projects as if this suspension did not exist and in good faith." 1 Of course, adoption of this exemption standard would not preclude other individual projects from making a case for an individual exemption based on facts peculiar to their projects. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Magic and Cassia respectfully request that the Commission enter its order denying the requested suspension of the Company s PURP A obligations. If, however 1 Because Magic and Cassia are interested in contracting with Idaho Power Company, they have not examined the contracting process for A vista and Pacificorp. Presumably, similar Applications are required by those Companies. BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC - 6 a suspension of some nature is ordered, the Commission should create an exemption to the suspension as suggested herein. Dated this day of July, 2005 Respectfull y submitted McDEVITT & MILLER LLP u~~ ean . Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 W. Bannock Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (208) 343-7500Fax: (208) 336-6912 Counsel for Magic Wind LLC, Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC - 7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ay of July, 2005, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street o. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 i us Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 BKline~idahopower. com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Linda Nordstrom Pacifi Corp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97232 I isa.nordstrom~pacificorp. com Fax: 503.813.7252 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Bob Lively Pacificorp One Utah Center, 23rd Floor 201 S. Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 84140 bob.Ii vel y~pacificorp. com Fax: 801.220.2798 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email William J. Batt John R. Hammond, Jr. Batt & Fisher, LLP U S Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 South Capital Boulevard O. Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Fax: 208.331.2400 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ij/ BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC - 8 Michael Heckler Hand Delivered Director of Marketing & Development S. Mail W indland Incorporated Fax 7669 West Riverside Drive, Suite 102 Fed. Express Boise, ID 83714 Email mheckler~windland. com Fax: 208.375.2894 Peter J. Richardson Hand Delivered James T. Carkulis S. Mail Richardson & O'Leary PLLC Fax 99 East State Street Fed. Express O. Box 1849 Email Eagle, ID 83616 peter~richardsonandoleary. com Fax: 208.938.7904 Glenn Ikemoto Hand Delivered Principal S. Mail Energy Vision, LLC Fax 672 Blair Avenue Fed. Express Piedmont, CA 94611 Email lenni Fax: 510.217.2239 Richard L. Storro Hand Delivered Director, Power Supply S. Mail 1411 E. Mission Ave.Fax O. Box 3727, MSC-Fed. Express Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Email dick. storro~avistacorp. com Fax: 509.495.4272 R. Blair Strong Hand Delivered Paine, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke &S. Mail Miller LLP Fax 717 West Sprague Ave., Suite 1200 Fed. Express Spokane, W A 99201-3505 Email r. blair .stron g~p Fax: 509.838.0007 BRIEF OF MAGIC WIND LLC, CASSIA WIND FARM LLC AND CASSIA GULCH WIND PARK LLC - 9