HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050718Grover direct and exhibit.pdf:~=CEiVED Dean J. Miller ISB #1968 McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ill 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336:6912 ioe~mcdevi11:miJ1er .com - it, '1"1';' t4 ~iJ",J vU;- . J "i iO riD PUBL UflLlTlES COr'1f~1ISSION Attorneys for Magic Wind LLC, Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC (Magic and Cassia) OR' GI NAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING IDAHO POWER'S PURPA OBLIGATION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE ENERGY GENERATED BY WIND- POWERED SMALL POWER PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Case No, IPC-O5- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JARED GROVER Please state your name and business address. My name is Jared Grover and my business address is 3635 Kingswood Drive, Boise, Idaho 83704. What is your association with or relation to Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC (collectively Cassia Wind) interveners this case? I am the owner and manager. Please describe your professional and business background. I received my Masters of Accountancy -Taxation from Boise State University. I am a farmer in the Hagerman Idaho area. Because of high power rates in 2004, I could not afford to irrigate, and moved to Boise. With power rates high and not expected to substantially be reduced, I decided I would not be able to afford to irrigate another season and I sold my water rights on my farm. Now, the best use of my farm, and those around me, is to develop wind. I am currently working full-time developing these wind projects. Please describe the wind generation projects Cassia Wind is proposing to develop. Cassia Wind is developing two wind projects in Twin Falls County. One is located on my farm, and the other is on another local farmer s land who has also sold his water rights. The wind projects total capacity will be 18.9MWand 10.5MW. What is the intended date for the project to achieve commercial operation? Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC We intend to have the first project (18.9 MW) operational by year-end 2005. Is there a benefit to achieving commercial operation by year end 2005? Under the current tax legislation, a Production Tax Credit (PTC) is given to new wind projects over the first 10 years of operation. The PTC credit provides an incentive for investors to invest in wind projects and makes the projects economically feasible. The PTC is set to expire at the end of the 2005. Because of the upcoming expiration, investors are putting their money into projects that can be completed before year end. If a project is not likely to be completed before the PTC credits expire, the investors will go elsewhere. Another benefit of completing a project before 2005 is that turbines are scarce and increasing in price. Most manufacturers have filled orders through the middle to 3rd quarter of2006. If a project is postponed, it is difficult to convince the manufacturers to hold the turbines instead of simply selling them to other willing and able buyers. Based on what has happened in the last year, more delay before taking delivery of turbines will mean increased costs. Please describe the activities Cassia Wind has undertaken with a view toward achieving commercial operation by year end 2005. Many activities have been, and are being done to have the project completed in time to be eligible for the PTC's. I have purchased a 50 Meter anemometer tower, and also have a percentage ownership of 4 other Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC anemometers within 10 miles of the project. We have been collecting data from some of the towers for several years. From these anemometers, I have spent significant amounts of time and money compiling and analyzing the data. I have negotiated land lease contracts, and initiated the local permitting process. I have personally invested tens of thousands of dollars into the project. To facilitate achieving commercial operation by year end I traveled in and out of the state to meet with equipment manufacturers and potential investors. Long term financial projections have been created for the projects using the wind data, current turbine prices, financing rates, construction costs, and PURP A rates. Using these projections, private investors and bank loans have been found for financing. The investors are requiring a signed PP A before money is spent on further development such as ground preparation, or paying the large down payment required for delivery of the wind turbines. I have met with Idaho Power Co.s engineers as part of the interconnection study. am currently waiting for a completed interconnection agreement and a power purchase agreement. Has Cassia Wind submitted an Interconnection Applications to Idaho Power Company? Yes. Attached to my testimony as Exhibit No. 602 is a correct copy of our submitted Interconnection Applications. Does submission of an Interconnection Application carry with it a financial commitment? Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Yes, according to Idaho Power Company procedures, a feasibility analysis fee of $10 000 or $2000, depending on size, for each project must be paid at the time the Application is submitted. Did Cassia Wind pay the required fees? Yes it did. Would Cassia Wind have submitted the Interconnection Applications and paid the analysis fee if it did not seriously intend to complete the project? Absolutely Not. Submission of an Interconnection Application is a substantial milestone in the development process. If the project was not viable we would have abandoned the project at an earlier stage, perhaps even before spending money on additional anemometer towers, meetings and seminars to meet with and work with manufacturers and investors. am working full-time on these projects and I assure you that Cassia Wind is very serious about making these projects a reality. Has Cassia Wind requested to receive Firm Energy Sales Agreement from Idaho Power Company? Yes. I have requested to receive Firm Energy Sales Agreement from Idaho Power but have not yet received one. Upon submittal of my first interconnection study application I followed the instructions outlined on the Generation Interconnection Application. It says "Upon receipt of these items, Idaho Power Company will notify you in writing of the applicable contract application date and begin the process of drafting the appropriate energy sales agreement for your review." (see page 2 of the application Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC instructions) I submitted the items and expected to receive a draft of an energy sales agreement. One application was submitted on 5/26/2005 and the other on 6/15/2005 (accepted by Idaho Power on 6/16/2005). 6/17/2005 I emailed my Idaho Power Contact Randy Alphin and again requested my PP A be started. I later called and left another message to which Randy called me back shortly. He explained that Idaho Power would not be signing any new contracts until the PUC had decided on this issue. Upon my request by email I was sent an email summarizing that part of our conversation. Have you had any other conversations relating to your Power Purchase Agreement? Yes. I talked to Randy Alphin again and asked him if it were possible to negotiate a contract, even considering a lower price because my investors are wanting to continue with the project, or move on to other projects. wanted to know if there was any way that I could get a signed contract. We discussed the possibility of negotiating a contract with a lower Rate in exchange for excluding or substantially reducing the 90/110 rule from the contract. The next day Randy called me and told me Idaho Power has decided to wait until after the PUC has decided on this case. In undertaking the development activities you have described, did Cassia Wind rely on the Commission s policies and procedures being stable and predictable? Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Yes. Much preparation on my part has been put into getting these projects through the preliminary stages of data collection and economic feasibility. Investors, manufacturers, and contractors have placed good faith in the completion of these projects. All of us rely on the Commission maintaining stable and predictable policies. If the Commission were to grant Idaho Power s requested "temporary suspension" could not Cassia Wind simply temporarily halt its development efforts and then resume after the suspension terminated? No. It is important for the Commission to understand that although the Company s request is phrased in terms of "temporary suspension" it is, in effect, a death sentence for our projects. It would be very difficult to restart these projects. The loss of the investors and turbines on this project would not only leave a bad name on the Cassia Wind projects, but the very economic fundamentals will change substantially. As explained earlier turbine prices continue to rise due to high demand and high steel prices. Investors will be turned off by projects that look risky because it has stopped before, and they will also not be interested it the PTC tax credits are not available. In addition, part of the project financing is planned to be based on bank loans. If interest rates continue to rise, as they are expected , the higher rates will substantially increase the expenses of the project which will also discourage investors. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes it does. Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the y of July, 2005 , I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 i iewell(fYpuc.state.id. us Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 BKline(fYidahopower. com MMoen(fYidahopower.com Linda Nordstrom Pacifi Corp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97232 lisa.nordstrom(fYpacificorp. com Fax: 503.813.7252 ' Bob Lively Pacificorp One Utah Center, 23rd Floor 201 S. Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 84140 bob .li vel y(fYpacificorp. com Fax: 801.220.2798 William J. Batt John R. Hammond, Jr. Batt & Fisher, LLP U S Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 South Capital Boulevard O. Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Fax: 208.331.2400 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Michael Heckler Hand Delivered Director of Marketing & Development S. Mail Windland Incorporated Fax 7669 West Riverside Drive, Suite 102 Fed. Express Boise, ID 83714 Email mheckler(fYwindland. com Fax: 208.375.2894 Peter J. Richardson Hand Delivered James T. Carkulis S. Mail Richardson & O'Leary PLLC Fax 99 East State Street Fed. Express O. Box 1849 Email Eagle, ID 83616 peter(fYrichardsonandoleary .com Fax: 208.938.7904 Glenn Ikemoto Hand Delivered Principal S. Mail Energy Vision, LLC Fax 672 Blair Avenue Fed. Express Piedmont, CA 94611 Email lenni (illpac bel 1. net Fax: 510.217.2239 Richard L. Storro Hand Delivered Director, Power Supply S. Mail 1411 E. Mission Ave.Fax O. Box 3727, MSC- 7 Fed. Express Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Email dick. storro(fYavistacorp. com Fax: 509.495.4272 R. Blair Strong Hand Delivered Paine, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke &S. Mail Miller LLP Fax 717 West Sprague Ave., Suite 1200 Fed. Express Spokane, W A 99201-3505 Email r. blair .strong(fYpainehamblen.com Fax: 509.838.0007 Grover, Di Magic Wind LLC Date received by Idaho Power Company Interconnection Application for Small Generators -(20 MW 1. Project Name A55 r/f 11 \;/, pa. (' An IDACORP Company 2. Description of Project / q ~' I If 'I Lv 3. Proposed In-Service Date LO CL-C- 1 () 0 4. Total Project Name Plate Rating (in kW or MW) (If multiple units at same location, add name plate ratings of each unit together) 5. Energy Output (current intention) Sell energy output to Idaho Power Company (If this is a PURPA, Qualifying Facility (QF), please attach a copy of the FERC-QF certification) Transport energy output outside of the Idaho Power Company Service Territory Net Metering Other (Please describe) 6. Initial Feasibility Analysis Fee Based upon Total Project Name Plate Rating (kW), the initial feasibility analysis fee will be: D less than 1 000 kW-$100 D 1 000 thru 10,000 kW-000 ~. Greater than 10,000 kW-$10,000 This fee will be applied to the costs of processing this application for interconnection and for the initial feasibility analysis. In the event the actual costs of the initial feasibility analysis exceed this fee, the applicant will be responsible to pay all additional costs. If after the initial feasibility analysis is completed, the applicant decides to proceed with this project, additional detailed system impact study costs, all interconnection costs, and any other a licable rocessin fees will be the obli ation of the a Ii cant. 7. Project location (Please provide sketc" or map) General Location el e rvv, c\,.., State Range OR Street Address Township Section f1/1 a Nearest Intersection ~ee 8. Project Owner/Developer Company Contact City Phone (2f) 1 ) State Fax 70"- (2-0% Note: This application is an interconnection request, not a request for transmission service. This application does not address the requirements for additional studies and/or upgrades for any transmission services that might be required for delivery of energy to a purchaser other than Idaho Power Company. Under our Open Access Transmission Tariff rules, procedures for obtaining transmission service are posted on our OASIS site at: http://oasis.idahopower.com. Owner/Authorized Agent Name (Type o~t) Title and Company Signature: c.,.~ 0 ......- ~ ,.Q .- ~..= bf) ~ ~~ ~ Date 1- Of) fE)COPY ~_R An IDACORP company Date received by Idaho Power Company Project Description Questionnaire for Small Generators -=:20 MW 1. Project Name I C65~f4 0-1/ w.~J Pc.rl 2. Description of Energy SourceHydro FERC License No. or FERC exemption No. IXr Wind Geothermal Biomass or Waste Unit Size(s)Number of Units Type of Fuel Source of Fuel Thermal Other Fuel 3. Generation Data Estimated Annual Generation ((kWh)Estimated Project Capacity (kW) (If th~ Estimated Project Capacity is less than 100 kW proceed to item 5 of this questionnaire) Non-Dispatchable Plant:Expected Energy Deliveries (kWh) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Heavy Load Light Load Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Heavy Load Light Load (Heavv load hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m., Monday-Saturday. All day Sunday are light hours) Dispatchable Plant: Project Capacity Dispatchability (kW) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun ... Total kW Dispatchable kW Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total kW Dispatchable kW Minimum Baseload Energy to be Delivered (kWh) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Heavy Load Light Load Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Heavy Load Light Load (Heavy load hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m., Monday-Saturday. All day Sunday are Light load hours) 8/02 CPC "= ~ ...... Q :c N ..... ~..= bJ) ~ = 4. Generation Facilities Maximum Capabilities kVa kVAR A) Type Synchronous Total Capacity kW (Unity Power Factor) Power Factor Range Induction Total Capacity kW (At Power Factor) DC Generator with Inverter Total Capacity B) Generator Data Make Model Number of Units Winding Delta Wye Voltage Note: In multiple unit installations, if all generators are not of the same type, capacity, etc., list each unit separately. C) Inverter (Wave form data must be provided) Make Model Voltage Rating Output Rating kVA Number of Phases D) Step Up Transformers: Idaho Power will specify the connection and high-side voltage. Will Idaho Power supply, own, and maintain the step up transformers?Yes Size kVA Voltage Pad Mount Pole Mount 5. Single Line Diagram Provide a generation facility single-line diagram showing all unit protection and control equipment with this application. 6. Other pertinent data (Please list and attach additional pages) Submitted by Name (Type or Print) t:i;.f Title and Company Crover Signature Date ~ 00 L/ c.,.~ 0 ...... .. ff')..c ... ~..= bIJ ~ ~~ ~ 1ap Output Page 1 of 1 ;:' Ownership i/;i;i'I:' H~~' :::':, ,:\:~: : :j;;:I,. ;',~ " . i ..,,,' 06$1ZEl1SE:E ~~, ~ " . 'S12"22S""W iJ~"P"?Zg;'i"" ). : "' " i" " . ~t. ~,.. :'.....' ":""" , _. 1 --"'-"~""""";:'~:" ;:H"' ",;;;~'-' ':::fi::;;Ii'(4" i"" \ ": T ~ / ': ": ? : I. ;, , ,:: ,~'~' Z~"2""'"'-"" ' ","'" , :=")~'::: ",.~ ~), ;:' i 1:;;. "'i' ~'!~;;\';~, '"".' ", ,. . ""."' , '- , i6!2i:j'4G48N:~;~l, ?:,: J ,J;:) 2...... 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Proposed In-Service Date /Yl 100 4. Total Project Name Plate Rating JC"())YIn kW or MW) (If multiple units at same location, add name plate ratings of each unit together) 5. Energy Output (current intention) 8:( Sell energy output to Idaho Power Company (If this is a PURPA, Qualifying Facility (QF), please attach a copy of the FERC-QF certification) Transport energy output outside of the Idaho Power Company Service Territory Net Metering Other (Please describe) 6. Initial Feasibility Analysis Fee Based upon Total Project Name Plate Rating (kW), the initial feasibility analysis fee will be: Less than 1 000 kW-$1 00 ~ 1 000 thru 10,000 kW-OOO Greater than 10,000 kW-$10,OOO This fee will be applied to the costs of processing this application for interconnection and for the initial feasibility analysis. In the event the actual costs of the initial feasibility analysis exceed this fee, the applicant will be responsible to pay all additional costs. If after the initial feasibility analysis is completed, the applicant decides to proceed with this project, additional detailed system impact study costs, all interconnection costs, and any other a licable rocessin fees will be the obli ation of the a licant. State Quarter Township Section 7. Project Location General Location Range OR Street Address Nearest Intersection 8. Project Owner/Developer Company Contact n-J.l.. (2 0'1; ) Fax ()oS) 323 City Phone State Note: This application is an interconnection request, not a request for transmission service. This application does not address the requirements for additional studies and/or upgrades for any transmission services that might be required for delivery of energy to a purchaser other than Idaho Power Company. Under our Open Access Transmission Tariff rules, procedures for obtaining transmission service are posted on our OASIS site at: http://oasis.idahopower.com. Owner/Authorized Agent Name (Typeprint)J . Title and Company Date Signature: f0cOPY '= ~ ~ Q ". It'),.Q .,. ~..= ~~ = 1ap Output Page 1 of 1 Ownershi ..,.," "" " J ~~~)';' . "':;;, J ';:;t;; FjS12E22f-r;Pi;3- '/: ,- "'1- -. ")""")".. . \~. J~:..." ,...::. " ;,.,; ,;:.r:. ~:;:') ;;qV;' " ".., , ",""'-"' '.,..,.' -- ,,-...... nl,,",":'::::':::~:" /';'):::: A3 8 \2 E,23NV'lS\/'i H$12E23NE;*'W nSi 2E22S'vV8; :\' EiS'12E228:::~3Vt DuS 12E22S"PdSE (h~812E22SESE ""'""--- The Idaho Department of Water Resources is maintaining this web site as a public service. Persons using information from this site for official purposes completeness are required, are hereby notified that they should first verify the information with the public records or other primary sources from which tt http://maps.idwr.idaho.gov/ servletl com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap ?ServiceN ame=overviewmap...5/23/2005 \C ~...... 0 :s \C ... ~-= bJ) ~ = Date received by Idaho Power Company~_R An IDACORP Company Project Description Questionnaire for Small Generators -(20 MW 1. Project Name CJ.5)/Cl vJl,:;J ~rrv1 2. Description of Energy SourceHydro FERC License No. or FERC exemption No.j& Wind Unit Size(s) Geothermal Biomass or Waste k-\Al.Number of Units '( Type of Fuel Source of Fuel Thermal Fuel Other 3. Generation Data Estimated Annual Generation ((kWh)Estimated Project Capacity (kW) (If the Estimated Project Capacity is less than 100 kW proceed to item 5 of this questionnaire) Non-Dispatchable Plant:Expected Energy Deliveries (kWh) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Heavy Load Light Load Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Heavy Load Light Load (Heavy load hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11 :00 p., Monday-Saturday. All day Sunday are liQht hours) Dispatchable Plant: Project Capacity Dispatchability (kW) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total kW Dispatchable kW Jul Aua SeD Oct Nov Dec Total kW Dispatchable kW Minimum Baseload Energy to be Delivered (kWh) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Heavy Load Liaht Load Jul Aua Sep Oct Nov Dec Heavy Load Light Load (Heavy load hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11 :00 p., Monday-Saturday. All day Sunday are LiQht load hours) )!. 8/02 CPC \C ~.... 0 :a t--- .... ~-= bJ) ~ ~ 4. Generation Facilities Maximum Capabilities kVa kVAR A) Type Synchronous Total Capacity kW (Unity Power Factor) Power Factor Range Induction Total Capacity kW (At Power Factor) DC Generator with Inverter Total Capacity B) Generator Data Make Model Number of Units Winding Delta Wye Voltage Note: In multiple unit installations, if all generators are not of the same type, capacity, etc., list each unit separately. C) Inverter (Wave form data must be provided) Make Model Voltage Rating Output Rating kVA Number of Phases D) Step Up Transformers: Idaho Power will specify the connection and high-side voltage. Will Idaho Power supply, own, and maintain the step up transformers?Yes Size kVA Voltage Pad Mount Pole Mount 5. Single Line Diagram Provide a generation facility single-line diagram showing all unit protection and control equipment with this application. 6. Other pertinent data (Please list and attach additional pages) Submitted by Name JJ1.pe or Pri t) .J ,, Title and Company Signature i.. Date IJ1 \C ~..... 0 ... QO..Q '.. ~ bJ) ~ ~~ ~