HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061227Intervenor funding petition.pdfLaw Office of William M. Eddie 610 SW Alder St. Suite 910 Portland, OR 97205 Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Re: IPC-O4- Dear Ms. Jewell: December 21 2006 Ph: 503-542-5245 Fax: 503-225-0276 Cell: 208-484-7908 c:ro;::; 0 , ~- rr1 ~i ~i ~ Please find enclosed for filing the original and seven (7) copies of the NW Energy Coalition s APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING. I have included a cover page of this document to be conformed and returned to me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. William M. Eddie .r:- CJ'1 William M. Eddie (ISB# 5800) ADVOCATES FOR THE WEST 610 SW Alder St., Suite 910 Portland, OR 97205 Ph: (503) 542-5245 Fax: (503) 225-0276 bill~eddielawfirm.com "" .. . 1.- .'-. v 1: I '/~: !) lauD DEe 26 PN 3: 45 lq/\i-iO PUDi UTILI i lio ;:1 ("'IY" !"""~- """-"'"". 10v 0i' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF FINANCIAL DISINCENTIVES TO INVESTMENT IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY BY IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO.IPC- E-04- APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING Pursuant to Idaho Code 9 61-617 A and Rules of Procedure 161 through 165, NW Energy Coalition hereby applies for intervenor funding in this matter in the amount of $8 342.1 O. This application is supported by the following Supporting Points and Authorities. SUPPORTING POINTS AND AUTHORITIES An award of intervenor funding in this matter is warranted under the criteria in Rule of Procedure 165. The NW Energy Coalition (or "the Coalition ) is a non-profit organization whose ability to participate in Commission proceedings in a meaningful way is limited by its modest staff and financial resources. NW Energy Coalition s involvement in this case contributed materially to the resolution of this matter, and to the initiation of a separate application by Idaho Power Company. The Coalition s involvement was a multi-year effort culminating in a Stipulation now pending before APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -- 1 the Commission to initiate a pilot decoupling program for Idaho Power Company, as well as a pending application by the Company to adopt a performance incentive program for one demand- side management program (IPC-06-32). The issues addressed this case were of general concern to Idaho Power customers, but NW Energy Coalition s members primarily take service under Schedules 1 and 7 (residential and small commercial). COALITION'S PARTY STATUS IN THIS CASE Before addressing the requirements of Rule of Procedure 162, the Coalition notes the somewhat unusual procedural posture of this case. The origins of this case are in Idaho Power Company s 2003-04 general rate case (IPC-03-13). The Coalition intervened in that case, and presented testimony of Ralph Cavanagh urging the adoption of a fixed-cost adjustment (or decoupling ) mechanism to better align the interests of Idaho Power s customers and shareholders. Mr. Cavanagh also recommended an exploration of performance incentives to encourage strong performance in demand-side management ("DSM") by Idaho Power Company. Following hearings in that case, NW Energy Coalition, Idaho Power Company, Commission Staff, and the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power entered a "Joint Proposal" committing to work together to resolve issues raised by Mr. Cavanagh's testimony in a workshop setting. The Commission decided in Order No. 29505 that such an investigation should go forward, and specifically ordered: "The parties to the (Joint Proposal) are directed to propose a workshop schedule and initiate a proceeding.Because the Coalition was responsible for raising the decoupling and DSM performance incentive issues in the rate case, and because it wished to initiate the workshops as soon as possible, the Coalition made the compliance filing required by Order 29505 on June 18, 2004, thereby initiating this docket. Thus, as a technical APPLICA TION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -- 2 matter, the Coalition s party status in this docket in 2004 and 2005 initially was as the petitioner. The Coalition participated fully in the first round of workshop proceedings, which primarily were held in late 2004. Following the Final Report on workshop proceedings filed on February 15 2006, Idaho Power simulated the impact of decoupling and then filed an Application to establish a fixed-cost adjustment mechanism on January 30, 2006. The Commission issued a Notice of Application and Notice of Intervention Deadline on March 6, 2006. The Coalition was granted intervenor status on March 28 , 2006, and participated in further workshops leading to the Stipulation now before the Commission. See Order 30004 (granting the Coalition intervention in this docket). The Coalition requests that the Commission allow recovery of the full amount of intervenor funding requested herein because (a) the Coalition is an Intervenor in this docket; and (b) the Coalition s efforts in this docket in 2004 and 2005 were necessary for the achievement of the Stipulation filed with the Commission on December 18, 2006, and contributed materially to the Company s application now pending in IPC-06-32. A grant of intervenor funding in this case is fully consistent with the intent of Idaho Code 9 61-617 A(1): "It is hereby declared the policy of this state to encourage participation at all stages of all proceedings before the commission so that all affected customers receive full and fair representation in those proceedings. " REQUIREMENTS OF RULES 162 AND 165 ARE MET The following information and statements fulfill the requirements of Rule of Procedure 162, and demonstrate that an award of intervenor funding is warranted under Rule 165: Itemized list of expenses. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -- 3 Intervenors incurred attorney fees for William M. Eddie (the undersigned) in the amount of $8 090.00. This amount reflects 31.6 hours in 2004 and 2005 at $125 per hour ($3 950.00); and 27.6 hours in 2006 at $150 per hour ($4140.00). Mr. Eddie s itemized hourly records are attached hereto as Exhibit 1. In addition, the Coalition incurred the following travel costs for travel on November 18 2006: -- Airfare for Mr. Eddie: $224. -- Ground transport: $27. Costs related to the time expended by Coalition employees Nancy Hirsh, Ken Miller, and Steven Weiss for participating in and preparing workshops and (for Mr. Weiss) in preparing his testimony and working with counsel are waived for purposes of this application. In addition, the Coalition incurred other minor copying, postal, and telecommunication expenses which are waived for purposes of this application. Total Fees and Costs Requested: $ 8.342.10. Statement of proposed findings. Intervenor proposes the Commission adopt the following finding with respect to this Application: NW Energy Coalition s participation in this case materially contributed to Commission s decision in this matter. We find that NW Energy Coalition s requested award is reasonable in amount, and that the costs of intervention constituted a significant hardship for intervenors. NW Energy Coalition addressed issues of concern to the APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -- 4 general body of Idaho Power customers. Intervenor funding in the amount $8 342.10 is awarded to NW Energy Coalition. Statement showing costs are reasonable. The costs for which recovery is requested are reasonable. For attorney fees, NW Energy Coalition seeks recovery at hourly rates of $125 and $150 per hour for Mr. Eddie s time. The Coalition submits this rate is commensurate with or below rates charged by other attorneys of similar experience practicing in a specialized area of law. The Commission has previously granted intervenor funding for Mr. Eddie s time at somewhat lower rates. See Order Nos. 28894 28756, and 29505. In Order No. 30035, the Commission recently approved rates of $175 and $185 per hour for more senior counsel than Mr. Eddie, as part of an intervenor funding request by the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association. In other litigation matters, Mr. Eddie typically bills his time at $200 per hour and higher. Mr. Eddie reviewed his time sheets in this case and redacted hours that were arguably duplicative or otherwise unnecessary. The Coalition is seeking compensation for 59.2 hours of his time, for a total attorney fee amount of $8090.00. These hours and the other costs incurred by the Coalition were reasonably necessary for the Coalition participation in this matter. Explanation of cost statement. Payment of the requested costs would constitute a financial hardship for NW Energy Coalition. The Coalition is a non-profit (IRS 501(c)(3)) organization with an annual budget of slightly more than $600 000. With these limited resources to pay the salaries of eleven (11) staff members, plus overhead, the Coalition seeks to influence energy policy decisions in the four (4) APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -- 5 northwest states through participation at state, regional (e. g. Bonneville Power Administration) and national venues. NW Energy Coalition would not be able to pay the attorney fees and other costs incurred in this matter without suffering financial hardship. Statement of difference. NW Energy Coalition s participation in this matter differed materially from all other parties. The Coalition is largely responsible for this docket's initiation. The Coalition participated in this docket as a strong proponent for the adoption of an appropriate and balanced decoupling mechanism, and for a DSM performance incentive for Idaho Power. This is a unique perspective among the parties, grounded on the Coalition s belief that such measures will help ensure that least-cost and least-risk resources are acquired for the benefit of customers. The Coalition also believes that Idaho Power Company should be rewarded for providing excellent energy service to customers, including by offering robust and successful conserVation programs. Thus, the Coalition s involvement touched on all issues at stake in this docket. As evidence of the Coalition s central role in the workshops, the Coalition took the lead role in drafting and achieving consensus on the joint Final Report on Workshop Proceedings, filed February 15 2005. Although a stipulated decoupling proposal and a thoroughly-vetted DSM performance incentive are now pending before the Commission, there was considerable debate among the parties on the merits, design, and details of each. Both the Stipulation presented to the Commission in this docket, and Idaho Power s application for a DSM performance incentive in case IPC-06-, include specific provisions for which the Coalition advocated. The Commission has previously authorized recovery of intervenor funding in cases resolved via workshops and settlement conferences. See Order 30035 (authorizing $32 742 in intervenor funding in Idaho Power s 2005 rate case, which was resolved through the Commission s approval APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -- 6 of a stipulated settlement); and Order 29868 (authorizing $17 500 in intervenor funding for workshop proceedings cost of service docket). 6 & 7. Statements of recommendation and class. NW Energy Coalition s recommendations and positions focused on matters which impact all utility customers. NW Energy Coalition s membership includes individuals, organizations such as Idaho Rivers United and Idaho Rural Council, and thus the Coalition most directly represents the interests of residential and small commercial customers. CONCLUSION The Coalition respectfully requests that the foregoing Application for Award of Intervenor Funding be granted, and that Idaho Power pay $8 342.10 directly to Advocates for the West as counsel for the Coalition for proper distribution. Dated: December 21 2006 Respectfully submitted William M. Eddie On behalf of NW Energy Coalition APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -- 7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 21 st day of December 2006, true and correct copies of the foregoing APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING were delivered to the following persons via U.S. Mail: Jean Jewell (original + seven copies) , Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Barton Kline Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Peter Richardson Richardson & O'Leary 515 N. 2ih St. Boise, ID 83702 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -- 8 Hours Expended by William M. Eddie IPC-04- 2004 and 2005Date Service 6/6/2004 email to parties re: schedule for wkshops 6/7/2004 tc wi B.Kline re: schedule; draft petition to start proceeeding 6/8/2004 revise petition 6/9/2004 revise petition; email corresp wi interested parties 6/17/2004 mtg wi RGale, D.Bachrach re; petition etc; tc wi Richardson re: petition; finalize and attn re: filing petition 8/10/2004 tc wi E.Hirst re: ppt presentation; review same 8/23/2.Q04 tc wi N.Hirsh , email wi RGaie re workshop; tc wi Purdy re: same 9/22/2004 tc wi S.Hayman re: next meeting 9/23/2004 tc wi S.Hayman re: next meeting 9/27/2004 prep for and attend workshop 11/30/2004 prep for meeting 12/1; tc wi N.Hirsh re: same 12/112004 prep for and attend mtgs wi RCavanagh and RGale; attend decoupling workshop 12/6/2004 tc wi RCavanagh re: simulation 12/8/2004 draft simulation strawman; mtg wi RLobb re; next steps; email corresp wi RCavanagh , N.Hirsh Hayman re: same 12/11/2004 review IPC pilot proposal 12/13/2004 prep for and attend decoupling wkshop 117/2005 tc wi RCavanagh re: report status 1/26/2005 tc and emails re: delay in report 1/30/2005 draft final report to Commission 1/31/2005 draft final report to Commission; email to RCavanagh, N.Hirsh re: same 2/112005 revise report; tc and email w/RCavanagh re: same re: revisions 2/7/2005 review IPC emails on pilot and simulation; email to RCavanagh re: same 2/8/2005 tc wi RCavanagh re: report; review IPC changes and email re: same 2/9/2005 revise final report and misc emails re: same 2/10/2005 review recentlPC and staff edits; email re: same 2/11/2005 misc emails and edit report 2/14/2005 finalize report, conf wi Eijckelhof re: filing 3/912005 conf call re: pilot program Total = Hours 0.2 0.4 31. EXHIBIT Hours Expended by William M. Eddie IPC-04- 2006Date Service 3/7/2006 review application package 3/17/2006 email and tc w NWEC; draft and attn re: file intervene petition 5/15/2006 tcs wi RCavanagh , R Gale , RLobb all re: decoupling vs PCA growth rate 5/16/2006 review filings in decoupling and load growth adjustment case; tc wi RCavanagh, AChang; IPC re: same 5/17/2006 prep for and attend wkshop; lunch wi AChang 8/31/2006 prep for and attend decoupling settlement conf 9/112006 draft update email to NWEC 9/18/2006 review T.Tatum email and draft email to B.Kline Woodbury re: status 9/19/2006 draft change of address notice and attn re: file and serve 9/21/2006 review Staff FCA proposal; email to RCavanagh re: same; emails re: same to S.Weiss, K.Milier and draft propsed concepts to modify same 9/27/2006 tc wi S.Weiss re: progress in case; draft NWEC response to Staff proposal and tc wi K.Milier re: same; research on energy codes 9/28/2006 modify NWEC response to staff proposal and email to NWEC re: same; tc wi N.Hirsh re: same 11/3/2006 misc email wi NWEC re: IPC proposal and wi staff re: next wkshop; arrange travel 11/6/2006 review T.Tatum and LAnderson emails; email to NWEC re: same; email to T.Tatum, RGaie re: status of incentive discussion 11/7/2006 tc wi S.Weiss and N.Hirsh re: prep for wkshop; review file in prep for wkshop 11/8/2006 travel, prep for and attend decoupling wkshop; attend mtg at IPC re: performance incentive; draft email update to NWEC staff 11/20/2006 review draft stip and send to NWEC 1214/2006 email wi NWEC staff and IPC re: submission of testimony? 12/12/2006 review motion re: stip and RGaie draft testimony; email to NWEC re: same and possible testimony Hours 0.4 0.2 0.4 1.4 12/13/2006 review and sign motion for approval of stip; email wi Weiss re: scope of testimony 12/18/2006 review draft testimony from S.Weiss; comment on same; email to S.Weiss re: same; 12/19/2006 email wi S.Weiss re: final testimony; attn re: filing same; Total = 0.4 27.