HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180824Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLAITDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: JOHNATHAN FARLEY DATE: AUGUST 23,2018 SUBJECT:PROPOSED EXEMPTION FROM IDAHO POWER'S RULE C TARIFT PROVISIONS REGARDING AGGREGATED METER READING PURSUANT TO CASE NO.IPC-E.07.02, Idaho Power's Rule C states that a customer with more than one delivery point or separate meters at a single premises, will not have meter readings combined or aggregated for any purpose exc€pt for determining if the customer's total poner requirements exceed 20,000kW. In OrderNo. 30274, the Commission granted the Company an exemption from Rule C's aggregated meter reading provision to allow bills for specific large accormts to be prepared by combining the readings from multiple meters. Order No. 30274 also authorized a streamlined regulatory procedure for handling future requests for exemptions'to Rule C. Instead of requiring thc Company to file a petition, the Company is authorized to provide the Commission with information supporting its decision to grant a customer an exemption to Rule C. If the Commission does not object to a proposed exernption, the affected customer will be added to a list of customers exempted from the Rule C provision. On August 2,20l8,Idaho Power submitted a letter to the Commission requesting to add Idaho Central Credit Union's (ICCU) Chubbuck facility to the list of Rule C exemptions. ICCU recently applied for Alternate Distribution Service under the Company's Schedule 46. Idaho Power installed tu,o primary metering packages, an automatic transfer switch, and upgraded transformers. Of the two primary feeders, one will actively serve ICCU while the other primary will serve as a redundant line on a separate circuit. The automatic switch will engage when a failure is detected to ensure a continuous power supply to the facility. The standard 1DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 23,2018 configuration for Alternate Distribution Service requires both primary feeders to be metered separately. The Cornpany believes that aggregating the meter reading is the most optimal solution to ensure ICCU is appropriately billed for the services it receives. Idaho Power requested a response from the Commission by August 31, 2018. STAFF RECOMMEDATION Staffhas no objection to Idaho Power's proposed Rule C exemption for the Idaho Central Credit Union facility in Chubbuck, ID. Staff recommends that the Commission accept ldaho Power's proposal to add the facility to the list of Rule C exemptions. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission accept Idaho Power's proposal to add the facility to the list of Rule C exemptions? i:udmemos/Idaho Powcr Rule C Decision Memo 2DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 23,2018 trm" An TDACoRP Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom @idahopower.com' August 2,2018 LDN:kkt Tim Tatum Ryan Adelman Steven Muse Buz.Pfeiffer :iECSIVED 2010 iUC 2 Pl{ lr: lB ,. .Jit..lc, ]l,t[itssloN Diane Hanian, Seoetary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 8372Gl0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-07-02, Order No. 30274 Exemption from the Company's Rule C Provisions Regarding Aggregated Meter Reading Dear Ms. Hanian: Pursuant to Order No. 30274 in Case No. IPC-E-07{2, ldaho Power Company ("Company') hereby requests to add an additional customer to the list of customers €xempt from Rule C's aggregated meter reading provisions. As outlined in the abbreviated procedure approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") in Order No. 30274, the Company is providing the customer's name, city location, and an explanation of why aggregation is appropriate for review priorto aggregating meter readings. The Commission envisioned that the Commission Staff would notify the Commission if it has an objection to the customer proposed for aggregation (Order No. 30274, p. 3). The ldaho Cenfrai Credit Union ('ICCU) facitity in Chubbuc* recently applied for Altemate Distribution Service (?DS') under Schedule 46. ln response, ldaho Power installed upgraded transformers, an automatictransferswitch, andtwo primary metering packages. Becausethe automatic transfer switch requires a separate meter to facilitate independent operation, wtrich is the standard altemative distribution configuration, the optimal metering solution is to aggregate the meter readings. Aggregated meter readings for ADS were specifically envisioned in Order No. 30274, and will ensure the Customer is appropriately billed for the seMces received. Because it is anticipated that the required facilities will be installed by September, the Company respectfully requests a response to this request for exemption by August 31'1. lf the ICCU facility in Ghubbuck is granted an exemption, the Company willsubmit an updated list of Customers exempt from Rule C's aggregated meter reading provisions to the Commission. lf you have any questions regarding this request, please contacl Regulatory Analyst Grant Anderson at 388-&498 or qanderson@idahooower.com. Sincerely, Ar; lZl***,*' Lisa D. Nordstrom P,O. Box 70 (&1707) 1221 W tdaho 5t. Boise, lD 83702 cc: