HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070129Comments.pdfI/~(Ib Jean Jewell ,/10 ./"", vi I" l-f From: Sent: To: Subject: jsteiner~spro. net Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:57 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Lorna Steiner follows: - - -- - -- - - - -- --- - - - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - --- Case Number: IPC-E-06-34 and - Name: Lorna Steiner Address: 24597 Collett Rd. City: Oreana State: 10 Zip: 83650 Home Telephone: (208) 834-2595Contact E-Mail: j steiner~spro. net Name of U~i~ity ~ompa~~ 10 Power Co. Add to Malllng Llst: Please describe your question or comment briefly: Over the past 5 years I have become very interested in the wind power proj ects that arecuurently being debated. I was raised on an Idaho farm and am currently farming and ranching. So I have first hand knowledge of the dreaded ' power bills ' that come, especially in the summer months when our pumps are running. There have been months when we pay $11,000.00 in pumping bills. This is a lot of money, but I realize that we are very small producers and that the bigger farms have much bigger bills then we do. When we started farming 25 years ago our bill ran about $1,400 per month on a 200 hsp pump. It has been up to as much as $3,9000 per month, while we still receive practically the same amount per ton for our crops as we did 20 years ago. As a producer and power user I feel that we need to support any and all projects that will produce clean and efficiant powerthat can help minamize the costs. This proj ect is in a very rural setting and will not cause any adverse problems to the neighborhood. In fact I would bet others in the area would like to have the same oportunity on their farms. We all struggle with operating costs and could use the extra source of income that a proj ect like this could generate. This will not only help the property owner it will funnel on down through the local enomomy. It will help the tax base for the County as well. We have watched the other states develop their power and Idaho has lagged behind. I hope that the PUC will encourage other producers of wind power in this state. With all of the development of subdi visions in Idaho and talks of power shortages I don t see why a proj ect like this would even be questioned. It has been known for a long time that agriculture has built most of the power lines that are now servicing these subdivisions. We all need low cost power in this state and wind power is a free natural resource that is ever renewable.Please encourage this proj ect and others like it. The form submi ted on http: / /www. puc. idaho. gov / forms/ ipuc1 / ipuc. html IP address is 207.70.144 - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - / 0/r 2-7) jJN' Jean Jewell v' fa .;- \1 From: Sent: To: Subject: rons~mountain-home. us Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:39 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Ron Swearingen follows: - - - - - ---- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - -- Case Number: ipc E06 34 & 35 Name: Ron SwearingenAddress: 150 S. 3rd E. City: Mountain Home State: 10 Zip: 83647 Home Telephone: 208 587-3264 Contact E-Mail: rons~mountain-home. us Name of Utility Company: Add to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly: I am writing in support of the Bennett Creek Windfarm proj ect near Mountain Home, 10. As the Oirector of Economic Oevelopment for the City of Mountain Home, I am very interested in the utility costs or our State and region. Renewable energy is the long term answer toour energy demands. This windfarm, and other projects like it, are necessary if we are to retain our low cost electricity advantage over other regions of the country. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to participate in this process... The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuci/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - AA- !p'- . ( 'Vltla Jean Jewell 1o " \ From: Sent: To: Subject: Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:35 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Oave & Karen Jenkins follows: - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- --- - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- Case Number: IPC-E-06-34 and - Name: Oave & Karen Jenkins Address: 17694 Ore ana Loop Rd. City: Oreana State: 10 Zip: 83650 Home Telephone: 208-834-2451 Contact E-Mail: NA Name of Utility Company: 10 Power Add to Mailing List: no ..- Please describe your question or comment briefly: We farm & ranch in the Ore ana & Grandview area. We have been in the area for 46 years and have watched the power costs continually raise, making the profit line in farming get smaller and smaller. We believe that the country should be making greater strides towardwind power. It is clean and environmentally friendly. This helps both the power users to help with low cost of production and the farmer or private property owner that is sponsoring the projects. If every farmer could have a wind project on their farm it would be a great boost to the farming industry and help with the ever escalating power costs.Please approve these proj ects . The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuci/ipuc.html IP address is 207.70.144 - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- b-- F 0"'1v/ (Iv Jean Jewell 10 .. k From: Sent: To: Subject: none Thursday, January 25 , 2007 3:20 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Eulogio Pena follows: ----- ------ -- ---- ----- - - - --- -- ------ Case Number: IPC-E-06-34 Name: Eulogio Pena Address: Ore ana Loop Rd. City: Oreana State: Idaho Zip: 83650 Home Telephone: 834-2120 Contact E-Mail: none Name of Utility Company: Add to Mailing List: no and -35 Idaho Power Co. Please describe your question or comment briefly: I live in Owyhee County, but have worked in both Elmore and Owyhee counties for the past 30 years. Most of the farms that I have worked on have been from pumping proj ects. I know that the power cost for the area farmers have become a bigger problem almost every year. I think that the wind power proj ects should be encouraged through out Idaho. It is not hazardous to the area and is much friendlier to the area then either nuclear or coal fired plants. We all curse the wind out here so why not put it to a good use and harness it to make power. It will also help the local farmer or rancher that owns the property. The economy in the rural areas need all the help it can get. I support this case Thank you. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuci/ipuc.html IP address is 207.70.144 - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - ----- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -