HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151123_4835.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM:DON HOWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE:NOVEMBER 18,2015 SUBJECT:UNITED WATER’S REQUEST TO CHANGE ITS CORPORATE NAME TO SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC.,CASE NO.UWI-W-15-03 On November 16,2015,United Water Idaho filed a letter notice with the Commission Secretary indicating the water utility’s desire to change its name to “SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.”As outlined in the letter to the Commission Secretary,United Water Idaho’s corporate parent SUEZ Group announced its intention to operate its various businesses under a single brand name:SUEZ.Accordingly,United Water amended its Articles of Incorporation with the Idaho Secretary of State changing the name of the Idaho utility to SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.effective November 9,2015. The letter notice further states that the Company intends to change its customer bills, signage,vehicle and uniform identifiers over the next several months.In addition,the Company will notify its customers of the name change beginning in November,which “will employ digital and print advertising,bill inserts,website and social media postings,and outdoor advertising.” Letter at 1. Separate correspondence from the utility’s Vice President and General Manager, Gregory P.Wyatt,indicated that there would be “no change in existing control,ownership, corporate structure,operations or management,and no cost of the {name change]program will be passed on to customers.”He also stated that the utility will continue to provide excellent service to Boise area customers. As part of the notice filing,the utility included a complete copy of SUEZ Water Idaho’s tariff schedules which indicate the name change.The tariff schedules have a proposed DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 effective date of December 22,2015,and reflect the stipulated rates agreed to by the parties in the Company’s pending general rate case,UWI-W-15-01. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Because the name change does not affect rates and the cost of changing the name will not be borne by ratepayers,Staff recommends that the Commission acknowledge the name change and order the utility to submit a new Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 143 in the name of SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.United Water’s Certificate No.143 needs to be updated because it has been amended approximately 24 times since the Company’s last name change (from Boise Water to United Water Idaho). COMMISSION DECISION 1.Does the Commission accept the utility’s proposal to change its name to SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.? 2.Does the Commission wish to order the utility to submit a consolidated Certificate No.143 under the SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.name? Don Howell Deputy Attorney General bls/M:UWI-W-I 5-03_dh DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 S U e2 :eguIatory Bu&ness 461 From Road,Suite 400 Paramus,NJ 07652 tel 201 -784-7083 fax 201-750-5728 email Gary.Prettymanunltedwater.com November 16,2015 Via Electronic Filing Jean Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O.Box 83720 472 W.Washington Street Boise,ID 83720-0074 Re:Corporate Name Chanae of the United Water Inc.Companies Dear Secretary Jewell: SUEZ Group (“SUEZ”)is the ultimate corporate parent of United Water Inc.and the public utility subsidiary providing service in Idaho is United Water Idaho Inc.SUEZ is a global enterprise with over 80,000 employees operating in 70 countries under 50 different brands. Earlier this year,SUEZ announced that it intended to operate its various businesses under a single brand:SUEZ.Consistent with that effort,United Water Idaho Inc.is undergoing a name change.The purpose of this letter is to advise the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the “IPUC”)that the name change set out below became effective on November 9,2015 with the Secretary of State of Idaho: COMPANY NAME NEW COMPANY NAME United Water Idaho Inc.SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. Corresponding changes will be made to bills,signage,vehicles and uniforms during the remainder of this year and early next year.SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.will notify its customers of the name change through an outreach program beginning in November,which will employ digital and print advertising,bill inserts,website and social media postings,and outdoor advertising.The name changes will have no impact on the Idaho customers,who will continue to receive water service under the same rates,terms and conditions as are currently in effect. United Water is changing its brand to SUEZ Head office —461 From Road,SuIte 400,Paramus,NJ 07652—Tel:(201)767-9300 —www.unltedwater.com ‘I Jean Jewell,Secretary November 16,2015 Page 2 Finally,so that the IPUC’s records accurately reflect the name changes of SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.,enclosed are copies of various materials filed with,and received from,the Idaho Secretary of State effectuating the name change as well as a copy of the bill insert that will be sent to customers.Additionally,also attached is a complete copy of SUEZ Water Idaho tariff which indicates the name changes and the effective date. Based upon discussions with Staff,the attached Tariff also reflects the stipulated rates to become effective December 22,2015.Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the name change or any of the attached materials. Best regards, Gary S.Prettyman Senior Director -Regulatory Business GSP:dmv cc:Donald L.Howell,II DAG Randy Lobb,Administrator Tern Carlock Beverly Barker Greg Wyatt Joe Miller United Water Is changing its brand to SUEZ Head office —461 From Road,Suite 400,Paramus,NJ 07652—Tel:(201)767-9300 —www unitedwater.com ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT (.G:enerál Bustness) To .tb Sucretaiy dfState of the StatØ of idaho Ptsuant to Title 30,Chapt 1,1daio Code -Hid undfstgned SECRETARY OF STATEoraiionneridsftsarts.Df IpñJj STATE OF IDAHO WthO corporation has been administratively dissolved and the corporate name Isno Lenger available Yet use,tile ahlorfdmeflt(s)below must bolude b cháiie aT cotporate neme 2,The text of each arnendmentls as follows: The Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation are hereby amended by striking out Article I thereof and by SL&bstIIutlng in lieu of said Article the following new Article as adopted: 1,The name of the corporation shall be SUEZ Water Idaho mc; .lbs date of edoption of the amendment(s)was:_OIOb 1 2015 4.Manner fadopUo check one) []The arneiulrnerft onssLi xLisv&y of matters whlbh do not require.sharehdlder.eotion pursuanto sectional)i 1OO?3Q I 1OD 111d30 I 1006,ldahoCode andwas,therefore)adopedythebosrdof directors. None of the corporation’s shares have been Issued and was1 therefore,adopted by the incorporator board of dIrectors; Eti Approval by the shareholdersIs required andthe shareholdersduty approv.ed the amendment(s)as required byeither Title30,Idaho Code or bythe ArticlesofIncorporation. tDMO -3ECREPARY O’8’’ATE 11/09/2815 05:00 CK:PREPA!D CT:1157 BH:149967’7 1l 3tJ..OO =ao.oo AVD EOF #2 1 2tLflO =21J..OO EXPEDtPZ C 4 2W L The.narnedfThecorpoi’aUon ls UNITED WATER ILAH 2Oi5tjQy.-9 PH 2;42 FILED EFFECTIVE Dated:- :Slgneth Typed Nemr’\j 5Q1r)Ic’ Capacity - Setre(juy t Sirio usa cult Ti Ii bPrn w I nrrrrat I I W1.JUUEflidJnSertkIdd 1112115 4:40 PM I I El [.•iiI lI 70 countries Globally,our demand br natural resources wiLl more than double our current supply It we don I start working towards a solution now it will be too Late 50 companies.Thars why SUEZ Is consolidating our businesses around a single mission— preparing for the resource revoLution.By pooling our resources today,were able I foc to bring a global network to work on a local Level We do this so you can continue to enjoy the great water and service you do today,(or many years to come. -- Thinking Ahead Learn more at mysuezwater.corn suez b9S61.stio.jbrand_nsrtfr.dd 2 11/2115 4:45 PM I— GREGORY P.WYATI Vice President and General Manager UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.OCT 22 PH j:29 8248 W.VICTORY ROAD BOISE1 ID 83709 TEL 208-362-1300 9lmES COM8SQ October 19,2015 Commissioner Paul Kjellander Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O.Box 83720 472 W.Washington Street Boise,ID 83720-0074 Dear Commissioner Paul Kjellander: I am pleased to inform you that effective November 9,2015 the name ofUnited Water Idaho Inc.will be changed to SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. Corresponding changes will be made to bills,signage,vehicles and uniforms during the remainder of this year and early next year.Tariff filings reflecting the name change will also be made. This is part of a Suez program to unify a complex global multi-brand structure that currently does not enable customers to adequately identify the Company as a water and waste services solutions provider.Our customers will be notified of the name change through an outreach program beginning in early November,which will employ digital and print advertising,bill inserts,website and social media postings,and outdoor advertising.Meetings with your Staff are being scheduled to fully explain the name change and the timeline in detail. This is a change ofname only.There is no change in existing control,ownership,corporate structure,operations or management,and no costs of the program will be passed on to customers. Most importantly,there will be no change in the excellent utility service we provide to the Boise area customers every day. SUEZ Water Idaho looks forward to continuing its great relationships with you,your Staff,our customers,and other stakeholders under this new name.If you or your Staffhas any questions. please contact me.Thank you. Very Truly Yours, c Presi ent and General Manager