HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061122Comments.pdf)"",- frd!-r p 1l1~/OL, Jean Jewell /10 A, *" 10 UyIV~ From: Sent: To: Subject: jbrawer~jbrawerlaw.com Wednesday. November 22 , 2006 5:54 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Judi Brawer follows: - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - Case Number: IPC-E-06- Name: Judi Brawer Address: 1502 N. 7th Street City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83702 Home Telephone: 208-871-0596 Contact E-Mail: jbrawer0jbrawerlaw. com Name of Utility Company.: Idaho PowerAdd to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly:I am very concerned about this proposed proj ect and thus request that the Commission hold a public hearing on this matter instead of proceeding pursuant to the so-called 'modifiedprocedure' being used here. This modified procedure only provides for public comment and does not enable the public to learn more about this project from either the Commission, Idaho Power or the developer, Avimor, LLC. The public needs more information on this project in order to provide adequate and educated comments. Some issues that need to be addressed include: what is the exact location for the transmssion lines and facilities and whether Idaho Power and/or the developer has a legalrigt-of-way. If no right-of-way exists, how is Idaho Power and/or the developer going toproceed? What are the potential impacts to wildlife, livestock and/or humans of the electromagnetic fields put out by the transmission and substation facilities? What are any other environmental impacts? Is the funding agreement peculiar to this case or are new transmission lines and facilities often funded in this manner (The developer fronting the money and then gettingpaid back by Idaho Power)? What are the potential ramifications to the taxpayers of this funding agreement? Is this project of sufficient size to provide power to the Avimor development at full buildout or will Avimor, LLC need to apply for future increases in the size and strength of the transmission and substation facilities? Will these facilities also provide power to the other developments in that area - for example, the M3 and Kastera developments? Thank you, Judith M. Brawer The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ". ~1 at 0 Jean Jewell .I~ lv./10 w~' From: Sent: To: Subject: lindachriste~yahoo.com Wednesday, November 22 20061:10 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Linda Ferri follows: - - - -- --- -- ---- - - - - -- ---- --- --- - ---- Case Number: IPC-E-06-23 Name: Linda Ferri Address: 845 W Quarter Drive City: Eagle State: 10 Zip: 83616 Home Telephone: 208-939-7106Contact E-Mail: lindachriste0yahoo. com Name of Utility Compa Tl~ Idaho PowerAdd to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly: I am very concerned when Idaho Power commits to paying SunCor $4. 3million in 10 years. This will directly effect my utility rates. In essence, I will end up paying for the new substation if enough homes are not built. Considering the current housing slump, this is a gamble that I am not comfortable with. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc/ipuc.html IP address is - - - ------- ----- - - - - - -- - --- --- -- - - --- ~zZ/O" Jean Jewell A-II .,/ -7u ~v0 ~ H- From: Sent: To: Subject: etspereg rine29~yahoo. com Wednesday. November 22 200612:10 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Shannon Hull follows: - ---- - - - -- ---- - --- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- Case Number: IPC-E-06-23 Name: Shannon Hull Address: 7999 Stack Rock Drive City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83714 Home Telephone: 208-939-8360Contact E-Mail: etsperegrine2 90yahoo. com Name of Utility Company: Idaho PowerAdd to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly: Idaho Power getting 4.3 million dollars to add a substation for Avimor sounds great -- what does not sound great is the fact that the 4.3 million has to be paid back. That amounts to a huge increase for Idaho Power Customers. I am an Idaho Power Customer, and I don t want to have to pay for this. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc/ipuc.html IP address is -- -- - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - --- 1~46~ Jean Jewell lV.vfv~ From: Sent: To: Subject: kjsdad~hotmail.com Tuesday, November 21 , 2006 1 :26 PM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Kevin Herbert follows: -- -- -- -- - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- Case Number: IPC-E-06-23 Name: Kevin Herbert Address: 15387 N. Spring Creek Ln. City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83714 Home Telephone: 208-938-0374Contact E-Mail: kj sdad0hotmail. com Name of Utili ty Compa~Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly: Do not run the utility lines on private property and if you have to work with the owners to limit the impact to them even if it costs you a little more money. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc/ipuc.html IP address is 71.39.118. - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j~. AJ'~~II Jean Jewell ./10 1+11. ;/ fa ~A-LJ' ~ If From: Sent: To: Subject: twononas~msn.com Tuesday, November 21 , 200612:08 PM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Leslie Nona follows: - --- -- -- ---- -- --- -------- - ---- - - - -- Case Number: IPC-E-06-23 Name: Leslie NonaAddress: 6411 W. Dry Creek Road City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83714 Home Telephone: 208-345-9792 Contact E-Mail: twononas0msn.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: I believe this arrangement with Avimor merits a public hearing, and will require moretime before any decisions are made. Furthermore, more information needs to be provided on line. .. what are the right of way issues? what will be the electromagnetic effects on livestock? this is an unusual funding set up, is it legitimate? will the costs incurred by providing power to this development be spread over all rate payers in Idaho? Remember, this is only Phase I... Avimor expects a buildout of 4000-6000 homes. There are too many unanswered questions here. How can you possibly proceed without a public hearing? The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc/ipuc.html IP address is 65.54.154. - -- --- ---- - -- ----- - - -- - - - - - - --- - - -- :':-"/~~IO" Jean Jewell fa /4- ..;10 t-rwvYU/-' From: Sent: To: Subject: joan nepence~ispwest. com Tuesday, November 21 20069:35 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Joanne Pence follows: -- -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- Case Number: IPC-E-06- Name: Joanne Pence Address: 8688 W Brookside Ln City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83714 Home Telephone: 208-938-5996Contact E-Mail: j oannepence0ispwest. com Name of Utility Compa ~~ Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly: First, I believe that $4.3 million is enough money that a true public hearing should beheld. Idaho Power does have to pay the money back to Suncorp, and 685 homes won t generateenough profit to do it, so all Idaho Power customers will be faced with increased rates because of this. It seems like a lot of money to go to an area where only 685 homes have been approved. We don t know if more will be any time soon, and no 'other ' infrastructureis in place (water, roadways) to handle more homes than those. It seems Idaho Power is agreeing to build this substation way too soon. That's a lot of money to gamble onmaybe' development--especially when we are pretty sure a lot of development WILL happen in south Ada county. The foothills being destroyed by development is not such a surething. I think the public needs more information about what this means, and exactly why we should be the ones to pay for it. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - -