HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151005_4789.pdfDean J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 25U-83701 Boise, lD 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Far 208.336.6912 ioe@mcdevitt-miller. com F"ECIl\j[: i] ?015 OCT - I Pil ?r l*0 ntr"tff&sd*l'i'tiBsffi* Aftomey for United Water ldaho, lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION lN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION I Gase No. UW-W-15{{ OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORIry TO INCREASE ITS RATES I NOTICE OF PROPOSED AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE I SETTLEMENT AND UOTION TO IN THE STATE OF IDAHO AMEND PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE 1. United Water ldaho lnc., the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho, the sole intervenor in this case, have reached a tentative settlement of atl outstanding issues in this case. 2. The Parties are in the process of memorializing the terms of the settlement in a written Settlement Stipulation, which will be filed with the Commission in the near future. 3. Order No. 33344 issued herein on July 22,2015, established a procedural schedule as follows: o October 09, 2015: Staff and lntervenor Testimonyr November 06, 2015: Company Rebuttal. November 19, 2015: Technical Hearing ORIGINAL NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AND IIiOTION TO AMEND PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE.I 4. The Parties have agreed that the October 9,2015 date for Staff and lntervenor testimony may be vacated; that November 6,2015 may be set as the date for filing testimony with respect to the Settlement Stipulation and that November 19,2015 may be set as the date for hearing to consider the Settlement Stipulation. lf desired, the Commission may also set a date convenient to it for a public hearing. 5. The Parties have authorized United Water to submit this Notice and Motion on behalf of the Parties in this case. PRAYER FOR RELIEF The Parties respectfully request that the Commission vacate the date for filing Staff and lntervenor direct testimony and modify the hearing schedule in this case as set out above. DATED tnis ! Oay of October, 2015. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) Attomey for United Water ldaho, lnc. NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEiiENTAND iIIOTION TO ATUEND PROCEDURAL SGHEDULE.2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ! hereby certify that on tne -l$Oay of October 2015,1 caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and conect copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Hand Delivered ldaho Public Utilities Commission U.S. Mail 472 West Washington Street Fax P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 iiewell@ puc. state. id. us Donald L. Howell, ll Daphne Huang Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 don.howell@puc. idaho.sov daphne. huanq@puc. idaho.oov Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdv@hotmail.com Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ,.\"I i X IJ T-l K '(J \J ! X NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AND Ii,IOTION TO AMEND PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE.3 (208) 343-7s00 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) DJM/hh McDevitt & Miller LLP Lauyem 420 West Bannock Steet P.O. Box 2564-8370t Boise,Idaho 83702 Octobet 1,2075 Chas. F. McDevitt DeanJ. (oe) Miller Celeste trL Millet Via lfand Delivery JeanJewelJ, Sectetary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 Re: Case No LN[I-W-15-01 Deat Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing please find an original and seven (f copies of United Watet Idaho Inc.'s Notice of Ptoposed Settlement and Motion to Amend Procedual Schedule. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kindly tetufir a stamped copy. ri; t\,-af+$ry eirrj{fl c, E:.ia+*3ffiwe t cl) @.1 :;flF: -o :*a*.:: - l:'a:.. r-'l(je{; f$Cri "ga Very Truly Yours, McDevitt & MilletLLP UAu,u__ DeanJ. Miller -