HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130603Acceptance of Agreement.pdf3Iffi*. An IDACORP ComDanvi;l;;:11 !'.i :'- "--: r :elSHnY 3l pfl L: l+t+ li 1. :+{ 'jfl:-iii :.ili ;lL,,',,,.. ;Ll lC; JULIAA. HILTON Corporate Gounsel ih ilton@idahooower.com May 31 ,2013 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W esl Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-06-10 Cassia Wind Farm, LLC, Firm Energy Sales Agreement - Project's Agreement to Pricing Schedule Update Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed forfiling are an originaland seven (7) copies of a lettersigned by Richard S. Free on behalf of Cassia Wind Farm, LLC ("Cassia Wind") in which Mr. Free has agreed, understood, and accepted the update to the pricing schedule contained in Cassia Wind's Firm Energy Sales Agreement. Very truly yo:rs,o@ Julia A. Hilton JAH:csb Enclosures cc: Richard S. Free (w/encl.) 1221 W ldaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 TrumlornpgglEp- An roAcoRP companY May23,2Ol3 Cassia Wind Farm,LLC c/o Exelon Wind, LLC Attn: Richard Free, Director, Utility and Regulatory Process Support 4601 Westown Parkway, Suite 300 West Des Moines, lA 50266 Sent Via: Emai I ( Richard. Free@exeloncorp. com), Certi fi ed Mail Subject: Cassia Wind Farm - Project Number- 31318100 Dear Richar4 Idatro Power previously provided you a letter dated May 3, 2003 which addressed your request for an update on the pricing schedule contained in Article VII of the Firm Energy Sales Agreements (Agreement) between Cassia Wind Farm, LLC and ldaho PowerCompany dated 04/07120M. The pricing within this Agreement contains the standard published avoided cost rates in accordance with ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) Order No. 29646 which was in effect at the time this Agreement was executed. The Agreement does contain 20 years of pricing however due to the actual Operation Date of 3/2412009 the full 20 year term of the Agreement extends to March 2029. Review of IPUC Order No. 29646 provides pricing for 2028 and2029 as follows: ATticIe VII: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT 7.1 Base Energy Purchase Price: Season I - (73.50o/o') Mills/kWh 62.50 63.94 Season 2 - (l20.AOo/o) Mills&Wh 102.04 104.40 Season3-(10O.00o/o) Mills/kwh 85.04 87.00 As stated in the last paragraph of the letter, Idaho Power filed this letter with the IPUC as an informational copy. The IPUC has subsequently advised that the letter will require IPUC approval and as part of that prccess ldaho Power seeks the project's agreement to include the above-listed standard published avoided cost prices in effect at the time the Agreement was signed for the final two years of the Agreement. l'agc Please execute this letter in the appropriate space provided below indicating your exprEss agreement with the prices to be included in the pricing schedule within the Agreernent. Please return an original signed copy of this letter to ldaho Power and we will fonvard it to the IPUC for inclusion in the appropriate IPUC case. If a signed copy is not returned by May 31, 2013 it will be assumed that the project does not agree with the additional prices and Idaho Power will withdraw its application seeking approval and will not add these prices to the existing Agreement. Agreed, Understood and Accepted: Signature: Title: Printed Name: Date: //la*r d,D S. Fper If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Julia Hilton (tPC) Donovan Walker (lPC) Randy Allphin (lPC) Energy Contract Coordinator, Sr. Idaho Power CompanylPower Suppy J elenn@idahopower. com 208-388-2265 l'a:c i rrt l ll2l lV ttiaho St. lJorsc. ldaho 8,]7t12