HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070710Quarterly construction update.pdf"'"" f"'r-Iii;::t:\.JC,. -:~ IDAHO ~POWER(ID An IDACORP Company Lfinl JUL \ 0 tlJl 8~ \ 8 ,,",O\;C::'1iCIDAdU r ..Jth"t.-J ""- UTIU nES COMMISS 1 ,'. July 9, 2007 Ms. Jean D. Jewell Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Subject: IPC-06-09 - Quarterly Update on Danskin CT1 Construction Project Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find the quarterly update on the Danskin CT1 Construction Project for the second quarter of2007. Total project costs through June 25 2007 are $28 981 141. In addition, I have enclosed an updated copy of the first quarterly update sent April 6 2007. In the original, the Total Project Costs of $15 660 419 was in error. The number should have read $16 094 326. Attachments Very truly yours Ric Gale Greg Said Bart Kline Monica Moen Legal Files O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise. ID 83702 Danskin CT1 Construction Project Update June 25, 2007 RECEIVE ZOU l JUL I 0 M'\ 8: 18 IDAHO PUBLIC Construction was started on June 1 2007 for the new combustion turbine at the Evan~nUTIES COMMISSIOi\ Andrews Power Complex. The power block foundation has been excavated and rebar is being installed. Siemens Power Generation has retained INCa Services as the general contractor. INCa Services is based in Georgia and is the same company that constructed the Bennett Mountain Power Plant. The Company has completed the inspections of the combustion turbine, generator and generator step-up transformer. These major components are scheduled to be shipped to the site in July and placement on the site foundation completed by September. Currently, the project is on schedule. The air permit to construct has been issued by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) and all other construction permits have been obtained. The acid rain permit and the certificate of representation have been filed with the Environmental Protection Agency. No other outstanding permit issues are pending. Substation work has begun and work is scheduled to start on the transmission intertie between Evander Andrews and Bennett Mountain next month. Backfeed power to support the new combustion turbine is on schedule for January 2 2008. Below are the expenditures to date: Idaho Power Company Danskin CT1 Construction Project Expenses Through 6-11- Siemens Turnkey Contract Change Orders Sales Tax Other Idaho Power Costs $25 999,480 000 $376 103 Subtotal: Plant Costs $26 417 583 Transmission Interconnection & Network Upgrades 563 558 Total Project Costs:$28 981 141 Note: AFUDC is not included (-1 E:: C EI ' "Danskin CT1 Construction Project Update (March 2007)ZD07 ji I f'; ,J "'u tlli Design for the new combustion turbine at Evander Andrews Power Complex st~j:tediJr;i!:p~Lf8tYdllC and major equipment has been acquired. The combustion turbine, generator W(Hsi:~~COMMJSSio,' transformer have been acquired and will be shipped to the site during July, 2007. Siemens Power Generation has retained Lauren Engineers and Constructors to do the balance of plant design and foundation drawings for the turbine and generator. The design work will be completed by June, 2007 with ground breaking shortly thereafter. The air permit to construct application was filed with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) on Dec. 21 2006 and Idaho Power received a confirmation letter from the IDEQ that the Company s application was determined to be complete. The IDEQ is currently writing the permit and it is anticipated that the permit will be available for public comment by mid April with the final permit available before the June 1 site mobilization. Contact has been made with other regulatory agencies and no significant permit hurdles are expected. Idaho Power will be holding two public informational meetings in Mountain Home in April to discuss the project. The City of Mountain Home and Elmore County have been very supportive of the project. Transmission design is nearing completion with significant progress being made with acquiring major equipment and permitting. The new 40 mile transmission route is using an existing Idaho Power right-of-way that reduces the permit work that is necessary. The substation work at Evander Andrews is expected to start during July. Below are the expenditures to date: Idaho Power Company Danskin CT1 Construction Project (Total Corrected on 7-, see below) Expenses Through 3-16- Siemens Turnkey Contract Other Idaho Power Costs $15 041 700 $370 869 Subtotal: Plant Costs $15,412 569 Transmission Interconnection Transmission Network Upgrades $433 907 $247 850 Subtotal: Transmission Costs $681 757 Total Project Costs $15 660 419 $16 094 326 note: AFUDC not included here