HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070220Draft 90-day transmission report.pdf\-:;' ;E" ,' : .-- IDAHO~POWER~ An IDACORP Company FED r,,; . C LOU _J) c: U 01 .;:J' Monica B. Moen Attorney II . . ...., i;'i./J~. :~;):;.:q'\~(; U\IUti:::.:i ")!""!I',"""'h.. February 20 , 2007 Jean Jewell , Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 Re:Case No. IPC-06- In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for the Evander Andrews Power Plant Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find, for filing and pursuant to IPUC Order No. 30201 in the above- referenced case, the Draft 90-day transmission Interconnection Facility Study Report requested by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for Idaho Power Company s proposed Evander Andrews Power Plant. Very truly yours -I11t7~ ~/:/~ / #yofA/ Monica B. Moen MBM:sh Enclosure cc: Donovan Walker O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, 1083702 IPC- E-O6-~ F:, C~ C DOl FEE! 20 PFI 3: 50 EV ANDER ANDREWS 1(1/,hO PUU: '-" (" i"t"",~;'i!'.;(~\I')I!!._IL:.,j,-,...,,1111""VV" DRAFT 90-DA Y TRANSMISSION INTERCONNECTION FACILITY STUDY REPORT ' r" " ' ::-:! " ,;::':,:: " DAHO POWER ZDO7 FEB 20 Pi; 3: 50 An IDACORP Company lrfiJl irJ' ~::: d~JJ ::\~;8IC , February 16, 2007 Greg Hall Principal Engineer Idaho Power Company - Power Supply 1221 W. Idaho Street Boise, ID 83702 Re:Evander Andrews Project #88 Draft 90 day Facility Study RepOlt. Dear Greg: Attached please find the Draft Facility Study Report for the Evander Andrews Project. A draft LGIA will be sent to you under separate cover. Included in this report are a list of facilities to integrate the Danskin CTI unit into the IPCo system, the estimated cost of these facilities, and a list of estimated construction windows to meet your schedule. I have also attached a representative set of drawings showing various design aspects of your projects. Please note that the Power Supply requested SSR (Sub-Synchronous Resonance) screening study will not be complete until the Facility Study has been completed. The cost of this study is estimated to be $35 000 to $90,000 depending on the findings. Interconnection Facilities: 1) Overview: Danskin Station- the Interconnection Customer has requested for reliability purposes a 230 kV ring bus design. The interconnection facilities include the construction of three 230kV air break switches and one half of two 230 kV breakers along with required bus communications, and applicable station equipment. Cost: $775 000. Construction Window: 6/29/2007 - 12/13/2007. Detail Description: We are building a 230 kV ring bus configuration (breaker and a half scheme) that will accommodate four points of connection: Two 230 kV lines (one to BMPR and one to the new 230 kV HBRD station), a 230 kV to 138 kV bus tie bank to the Danskin 138 kV switchyard, and the 200 MW combustion turbine tie. The total cost estimate (+/- 20%) to perform the Interconnect Work is $775,000. - 1 - Network Upgrade Facilities 1) Overview: New 5 mile single-pole steel, 230kV Transmission line from Danskin Power to Bennett Mountain Power. Cost: $1 502 797. Construction Window: 7/15/2007 - 12/31/2007. Detail Description: The new Transmission line will be double circuited another transmission line from Danskin Power east, for approximately 3 miles. Next, the new 230 kV line will turn south for approximately 2 miles to Bennett Mountain. The conductor will be a single 1590 ACSR "Lapwing" per phase. Fiber (24 ct. OPGW) will run on this line from Danskin to Bennett Mountain. We will increase our ROW width for the double circuit portion of the line from 50' to 100' and will purchase 100' width of ROW for the 2 mile leg down to BMPR. 2) Overview: Construct the remaining facilities at Danskin Power, including 230kV air break switches, breakers, tie-bank facilities, and 230 kV line terminals to integrate the CT into the IPCo system. Cost: $935 000. Construction Window: 6/29/2007 -12/13/2007. Detail Description: We are building a 230 kV ring bus configuration (breaker and a half scheme) that will accommodate four points of connection: Two 230 kV lines (one to BMPR and one to the new 230 kV HBRD station), a 230 kV to 138 kV bus tie bank to the Danskin 138 kV switchyard, and the 200 MW combustion turbine tie. 3) Overview: Bemlett Mountain Station- Construct the 230kV facilities in the existing station to integrate the Danskin-Bennett 230 kV line. Facilities include 230kV air break switches breakers, bus, and 230 kV line terminal to integrate the line into the station. Cost: $859,293. Construction Window: 6/29/2007 - 12/13/2007. Detail Description: We are building a 230 kV ring bus configuration (breaker and a half scheme) that will accommodate four points of connection: Two 230 kV lines (one to BMPR and one to the new 230 kV HBRD station), a 230 kV to 138 kV bus tie bank to the Danskin 138 kV switchyard, and the 200 MW combustion turbine tie. 4) Overview: New 42 mile double-pole steel, 230kV Transmission line from Danskin Power to Hubbard Substation. Cost: $13 961 390. Construction Window: 7/15/2007 - 5/1/2008. Detail Description: This new 230 kV Transmission line is approximately 42 miles long, following (replacing) the de-energized "Half-Sole" line 406 route. The existing 50' wide ROW will be increased to 100' for this 230 kV line. Both ends of the existing 406 transmission line are culTently being utilized for distribution purposes - ELMR042 on the east end and MORA042 on - 2- the west. These distribution circuits will be relocated. Conductor for this line will be single 1590 ACSR "Lapwing 5) Overview: Hubbard Substation- Construct the required 230kV facilities in the new HBRD Substation west of the MORA substation. Facilities to be included are 230kV air break switches breakers, bus, and three 230 kV line terminals to integrate the Danskin line into the system. Cost: $4 122 935. Construction Window: 7/24/2007 - 3/25/2008. Detail Description: Company owned land west of the MORA substation was deemed adequate to construct the new 230 kV HBRD (Hubbard) Transmission Station. Initially, 3 line tenninals will be constructed. One for the new 230 kV line from Danskin and two for the 230 kV BOBN- CDWL line (#711) which we will split at this station. Again, we will design a ring bus, using a breaker and a half scheme. 6) Overview: Split Line 711 north of Hubbard substation. Cost: $225,000 Construction Window: 2/15/2008 - 2/28/2008. Detail Description: The existing BOBN-CDWL 230 kV line must be split at HBRD to provide two line terminals. This involves new steel poles and conductor for the segments leading into and out of the ring bus area. 7) Overview: Relocate Distribution Feeders out of Transmission ROW of old line 406 route. Cost: $601 000 Construction Window: 5/1/2007-8/15/2007. Detail Description: Design considerations on the new 230kV Transmission line to Hubbard from Danskin have necessitated the removal of the two Distribution circuits cUlTently occupying the ROW. The ELMR-042 feeder occupies the east end of the line route, while MORA-042 occupies the west. These feeders will be relocated to serve the loads in the area off the line route and be tied in to feeder facilities external to the transmission ROW. 8) Overview: Upgrade communications at 6 sites in order to provide high speed line protection for the Danskin Transmission lines. Cost: $185 000 Construction Window: Various starts - 4/1/2008. Detail Description: Communications upgrades are required at the following sites to provide the protection speeds necessary with the new projects: Cloverdale, Hubbard, and Bennett Mountain Stations, Mountain Home Microwave, and the Central Division Dispatch Center. Also, 7 miles of fiber optic wire must be installed on the 138kV line between MORA and Cloverdale to provide the communications path. - 3 - The total cost estimate (+/- 20%) to perform these Network Upgrades is $22,392 415 The grand total cost to perform these Interconnect and Network Upgrades is $23,167,415. Please let me know if you have any questions. Mark Slusser Engineering Project Leader cc: Rowena Bishop /IPC Operations Analyst Dave Angell / IPC Delivery Planning Manager Monica Moen / Legal Attachments- 12 ea. To Greg Hall - 4-