HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051031Said direct testimony.pdfr: n " ,,, \~ L. , ' "" ' r,t"f"' " '\,, ' \" '0 ~ ~1 O;~" T 2'3 r " r , ("- ; I ' c.;, r' " '' , '.,..'~' i;~"'\'3'3\ f; \\~\\:::) \,/ dl"' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-05- IN THE MATTER 0 F THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO INCLUDE EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH ITS CLOUD SEEDING PROGRAM IN THE COMPANY'PCA ON AN ONGO ING BASIS. IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY GREGORY W. SAID October 2005 . . Please state your name and business address. My name is Gregory W. Said and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capaci ty? I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Manager of Revenue Requirement in the Pricing and Regulatory Services Department. Please describe your educational background. In May of 1975, I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics wi th honors from Boise State Uni versi ty.In 1999, I attended the Public Utility Executives Course at the University of Idaho. Please describe your work experience wi Idaho Power Company. I became employed by Idaho Power Company in 1980 as an analyst in the Resource Planning Department. 1985, the Company applied for a general revenue requirement increase.I was the Company wi tness addressing power supply expenses. In August of 1989, after nine years in the Resource Planning Department, I was offered and I accepted a position in the Company s Rate Department.Wi th the Company s application for a temporary rate increase in 1992, my responsibilities as a witness were expanded.While I SAID, Di Idaho Power Company continued to be the Company wi tness concerning power supply expenses I also sponsored the Company s rate computations and proposed tariff schedules in that case. In 1994, I was asked to become the Meridian District Manager for a one-year cross-training opportunity. In 1995, I returned to my position in the Rate Department. In October 1996, I was promoted to lead a team of analysts in the newly reorganized Pricing & Regulatory Services Department, formerly known as the Rate Department.As the Manager of Revenue Requirement, I coordinate the Company efforts to recover prudently incurred expenses and inves tmen ts via the rates and charges of the Company. What is the Company requesting in this application? The Company is requesting that the Commission allow the Company to defer expenses associated wi th its cloud seeding program for inclusion in the Company s PCA on an ongoing basis.Last year, the Company requested a one- year deferral of cloud seeding expenses to complete a three- year cost/benefi t analysis.That cost/benefi t analysis is now complete.The Company believes that once the Commission has reviewed the analysis that demonstrates the benefits of cloud seeding, it will determine that the Company should continue its cloud seeding program.Benefi ts of cloud seeding have been quantified over the last three years to be SAID, Di Idaho Power Company 7 times the program expenses.Idaho Power believes that there will be similar benefi ts in the future that the Company and its customers can obtain if the cloud seeding program is continued.Recognizing that, in the past, the Commission has expressed reservations concerning the efficacy of cloud seeding, the Company sought approval funding for one addi tional year of cloud seeding last year. With the data from this additional year, the Company believes that the three years quantification of benefits demonstrates that ongoing rate recovery for a cloud seeding program is appropriate.The Company is now reques ting tha ongoing recovery of cloud seeding expense be accomplished permanently including cloud seeding expenses in the Company s PCA.The Company proposes ongoing PCA trea tmen t because the cloud seeding expenses directly produce power supply benefi ts that have been demonstrated over time. this time, the Company requests an accounting order that allows the Company to defer expenses incurred for cloud seeding efforts beginning with the upcoming 2005-2006 winter period of time.Cloud seeding expenses would first be incurred around October 15, 2005 and the season would continue until approximately April 30, 2006 and annually thereafter.As part of the Company s imminent general rate case application, I will discuss PCA base adjustments due to cloud seeding.Until an order is issued in the general rate SAID, Di Idaho Power Company case proceeding, no cloud seeding expenses or benefits should be included in the peA base.Ini tially, customers will fund 90 percent of all the expenses of cloud seeding and receive 90 percent of all the benefits of cloud seeding. Once base levels are established in a general revenue requirement proceeding customers will fund 100 percent of base level cloud seeding expenses and receive 100 percent of base level cloud seeding revenues.Differences from base level expenses or revenues will be shared 90 percent by customers and 10 percent by the Company. Please provide a brief history of the Company s recent acti vi ties wi th cloud seeding. The Company has had some experience wi cloud seeding dating back to 1995.However, my involvement with the current efforts in cloud seeding began in 2001. Wi th the extremely high market prices that were then being experienced, the Company was desirous of finding any and all measures to assist in the reduction of overall power supply expenses.Stream flow enhancement via cloud seeding was one of the options available to the Company. Prior to the winter of 2001-2002, Company personnel met wi th members of the Commission Staff to discuss the possibility of a cloud seeding pilot program. three-year pilot program was envisioned.Staff was reluctant to support such a program because they were not SAID, Di Idaho Power Company confi,dent that the Company would be able to demonstrate cloud seeding benefits.Without Staff support the Company declined to make an application for a pilot program to the Commission.The Company did not fund cloud seeding during the winter of 2001-2002.Prior to the following winter, 2002-2003, the Company again met with the Staff, providing addi tional information of cloud seeding efforts and measured benefits in other areas of the country.Staff was still reluctant to support a pilot program, but the Company was willing to fund the ini tial efforts in cloud seeding wi thout an accounting order with the hope that sufficient data would be available to demonstrate the efficacy of the program during the general rate case review. The first year of cloud seeding efforts primarily involved installation of equipment with limited cloud seeding and limi ted measurement of cloud seeding benefi ts.The second winter of cloud seeding, 2003-2004, provided the first real opportuni ty to quantify the benefi of cloud s~eding on the Company system.The Company test year for the general rate case was 2003, prior to the point in time that the quantification of benefits was determined.The Commission, in Order No. 29505, denied the inclusion of cloud seeding costs in the Company s revenue requirement stating "results are at this time speculative. The Commission also stated it would be unfair to ratepayers SAID, Di Idaho Power Company to include all cloud seeding program cost in the test year as if it were continuing each year into the future. Subsequent to the issuance of Order No. 29505, the Company requested, in Case No. IPC-E-05-10, that the Commission allow the Company to continue cloud seeding for the winter of 2004-2005 with cloud seeding expenses deferred for review wi th PCA expenses in May 2005.The Company is currently recovering those expenses in PCA rates. The purpose of the one-year PCA funding was to allow for a third year of cloud seeding benefi t computations. Did last winter s cloud seeding program produce benefi ts for customers of Idaho Power during the 2004-2005 winter period? Cloud seeding expenses were $1.Yes. million and benefi ts were quantified at $1.8 million for a net benefit to customers of $800,000. How have the Company s customers benefited from cloud seeding efforts? To the extent that the Company s cloud seeding program created addi tional snow pack that subsequently reached the river and flowed through the Company s hydro resources, addi tional zero cost generation was available for consumption by the Company s customers. The cost was not truly zero, but cloud seeding costs are not recorded in tradi tional peA accounts.As a resul t , the SAID, Di Idaho Power Company Company s Idaho jurisdictional customers received the majority of cloud seeding benefits while the Company shareholders received all of the cloud seeding program costs. What has been the three-year benefit to cost ratio associated with cloud seeding? been times three year s . Benefits from cloud seeding activities have the expenses of cloud seeding over the last What FERC accounts are used to record cloud seeding related expenses? Capi tal expendi tures for cloud seeking are ini tially recorded in FERC account 107 Construction Work In Progress and subsequently moved to FERC account 101 Electric Plant In Service when operational.Cloud seeding expenses have been recorded in FERC account 536. Did the Company "write-off" its capital investment in cloud seeding as a result of Order no. 29505? As I have stated, the Company continuesNo. to believe that there are benefits for the Company and its customers to be derived from cloud seeding.Although the Company cannot currently earn a return on cloud seeding investment, the Company continues to believe it can justify inclusion of its cloud seeding investment in rate base in the future.The Company will request that cloud seeding SAID, Di Idaho Power Company investment be included in the Company s rate base in its next general revenue requirement case. What level of cloud seeding investment remains on the books at this time? The Company has nearly $400,000 of cloud seeding investment in Account 101 Electric Plant In Service that is currently not included in the Company s rate base. What does the Company envision as the annual expense of cloud seeding going forward in time? The Company believes it will spend in the neighborhood of $1 million annually on cloud seeding O&M expenses if the Commission approves PCA deferrals on an ongoing basis. What is the Company requesting that the Commission approve for deferral purposes in this case? Similar to last year s request for a one-year deferral, the Company is requesting that the Commission approve the deferral of 90% of the Company s Idaho jurisdictional percentage of cloud seeding O&M expenses wi thin the PCA process in an ongoing basis.Idaho Power will continue to have its investment in cloud seeding remain at risk while not included in rate base until the Company next general revenue requirement case.Idaho Power wi also expense 10% of its Idaho jurisdictional cloud seeding O&M expenses.This would be reflected as a line item in the SAID, Di Idaho Power Company PCA as it was last year.Customers in Idaho will continue to see 90% of the benefits derived from cloud seeding through reductions in power supply expenses.Commission approval of cloud seeding efforts will match expenses and benefi ts such that customers will continue to see 90% of the benefits, but will also be responsible for 90% of the expenses which would be deferred for recovery in subsequent year s . When would the Company envision a change in rates and amorti za tion of deferred cloud seeding expenses to occur? As a new PCA component, the Company envisions a rate change and amortization of deferred cloud seeding expenses annually wi thin the PCA application process. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. SAID, Di Idaho Power Company