HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150615_4703.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSIONER R4PER COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:CURTIS THADEN DATE:JUNE 12,2015 RE:AVISTA FILING IN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDER NO.33229 CASE NO.GNR-U-14-O1 Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities (Avista or the Company)submitted a filing to revise Avista’s Idaho Rules and Regulation Sheets 70-d and 70-g.I of its tariff to comply with Commission Order No 33229,Case No.GNR-U-14-0l,which provides Avista an exemption to UCRR 311(4)and (5).In addition,housekeeping changes were made to sheets 70-g and 70-i.The Company requests that the proposed revisions become effective June 15, 2015. BACKGROUND On February 17,2015.the Commission exempted Avista Corporation,Idaho Power Company,and PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power from Utility Customer Relations Rule (UCRR)311.04 and .05 (IDAPA and .05).See OrderNo.33229.Briefly, subsection (4)requires the utility to attempt to meet customers at their home or businesses before disconnecting their service for non-payment to provide an opportunity for the customer to pay their bill and avoid disconnection.Subsection (5)requires the utility to inform customers how they can have service restored if payment is not made at the time of disconnection.Avista has filed its new tariff sheets to comply with the Commission’s order exempting them from UCRR 31.04 and 05. DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 JUNE 12,2015 TARIFF CHANGES The proposed changes include the following: Sheet 70-d has been revised to add an afterhours connection charge of S 12.00 for customers with remote connect/disconnect meters who have electric service only. Sheet 70-g has been updated to remove an obsolete provision regarding an Automatic Check Handling (ACH)Withdrawal Charge.In Section 12,DEPOSITS,the first sentence was changed to cite the correct UCRR rule numbers.The reference to an exemption to Rule 107.02 was removed because the rule was revised in 2004,making the exemption unnecessary. Sheet 70-g.I has been revised to clarify the text.A reconnection charge and service reestablishment charge of $12.00 for customers with remote connect/disconnect meters was added.A provision was added to specify what holidays Avista is closed.A higher reconnection fee (S48)is assessed on Company holidays when its offices are closed and a customer requests reconnection on that day. Sheet 70-i has been updated to correct the sheet number from a 70-1 to 70-i. The page format of all submitted sheets has been revised to remove sheet numbers in the right hand corner of each page to comply with Rule 131,Rules of Procedure (IDAPA 131 requires that area to be left blank for the Commission’s stamp upon approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Avista’s proposed changes to its tariff.Staff reviewed the revisions to Sheets 70-d.70i.70-g.I.and 70-i that Avista filed on June 4,2015,and believes them to be in compliance with the Commission’s Directive in Order No.33229. DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 JUNE 12,2015 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the changes set forth in this Compliance filing with an effective date of June 15,2015? Curtis Thaden Udmcmos.tAvsia Compliance Filing GNR-U-14-OI DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 JUNE 12,2015 Second Revision Sheet 70-ti Cancelling l.P.U.C.No.28 First Revision Sheet 70-ti 70-4 AVISTA CORPORATION dibla Avista Utilities ____________________________ IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS -continued 6.APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE:-continued to constitute an agreement by and between the Company and the Customer for the delivery and acceptance of service under the applicable rate schedule or schedules and said Rules and Regulations. The Company will provide to its Customers at time of application for service and thereafter such information relative to its rates,rules and regulations as may from time to time be required by law or Commission rule and regulation. All service shall be furnished under an agreement for a term of one year,at the option of the Company,or longer when so provided in the applicable rate schedule.When optional rate schedules are available the Customer may not change from one rate schedule to another more frequently than once in any 12-month period. For service in large volumes or received under unusual circumstances,the Company may require the Customer to execute a special written agreement. 6.1 New Customer Turn-On Charge (After-Hours): There will be no charge for new customer turn-ons when such service connection is performed during office hours regularly maintained by the Company.For new customer tum-ons requested to be completed during other hours there will be a charge of $48.00.If the new customer has electric service only and service is turned on remotely without having to visit the customers premises,the charge for connection shall be $12.00 during other hours.When a new Gçustomer receives Company-supplied electric and gas service,a single charge of $48.00 will be required for after hours service turn-ons. 6.2 Return Trip Charge If the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8,below,are not satisfied prior to the Customers request for temporary service,a $55.00 charge,per trip,will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service.The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. When a residential Customer supplies the trench,backfill,conduit,and compaction for an underground service,a charge of $55.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company’s installation crew cannot install cable on the first appointment or subsequent appointments. 7.CUSTOMER’S SERVICE ENTRANCE AND RELATED FACILITIES: The Customer shall provide a suitable service entrance facility to the premises to be served at the point specified by the Company which facility shall meet local,state and national code requirements.The Customer shall also provide a structurally sound point of attachment for the Company’s service connections which will permit the clearance required for safety.All wiring and other distribution facilities on the Customer’s side of the point of delivery shall be provided by the Customer and maintained and operated at his expense. The Customer shall furnish a convenient place,readily accessible without risk of bodily harm to the Company employees,free from vibration,corrosive atmosphere,and abnormal temperatures,in which to install the metering equipment.Usually residential meters will be installed on Issued October 15,2004 Effective November 1,2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly 0.Norwood,Vice President,State &Federal Regulation Substitute Second Revision Sheet 70-g Cancelling I.P.U.C.No.28 First Revision Sheet 70-g 70-g AVISTA CORPORATION cl/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS -continued 11.PAYMENTS:-continued Company employees collecting payment at the custome?s premises will not accept cash.If the customer offers payment in cash during a field collection visit,discontinuance of service will be postponed and the customer given the opportunity to either make payment at a designated payment agency or provide an alternative form of payment acceptable to the Company. Monthly bills for services rendered and other charges are due and payable in full within 15 days from their date and if not so paid shall be in default.When a residential Customer certifies in writing that payment by the ordinary due date creates a hardship due to the particular date when the Customer receives funds,the due date shall be extended up to an additional 15 days. In the event the Customer tenders a payment of less than the full amount of the monthly bill for services and/or other charges,the Company,unless otherwise directed by the Customer when payment is made,will apply said payment pro rata first to the charges in default and the remainder,if any,to the current monthly charges. 11.1 Returned Check Charge;Checks or payments remitted by Customers in payment of bills are accepted conditionally.A charge of $20.00 will be assessed the Customer for handling checks or payments upon which payment has been refused by the bank. 11.2 Late Payment Charge;Payments not received by the next month’s bill date will be considered late.A late payment charge will be applied to the delinquent amount and will be computed at the rate of 12 percent per annum or one percent per month.The late payment charge will not be applied to time-payment or equal payment accounts that are current. 44-3-Automatic Check Handling (P.CH)Withdrawal Charge:When a Customer requests that the Company initiate a draft dravm on the Customer’s financial institution,a charge of $1.50 per draft ‘will be accessed and billed to the Customer. 12.DEPOSITS: See utility Customer Relations Rules 100-109-10 and 601. (Note:On April20,1999,an exception was granted to Rule 107.02,allowing the Company to credit deposits which are no lnnnnr rnnuirsd.includino accrued interest.“iratlv “customer accnuntiit. 13.DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE: See Utility customer Relations Rules 300-313 and 602-605. 13.1 Field Collection Charge: A personal visit performed by a Company representative to a service address subsequent to satisfying the provisions regarding Discontinuance of Service shall be deemed a field collection visit. A $16.00 fee will be assessed for visits that result in the collection of past-due balances from the Customer during the visit.The fee will be waived if service is disconnected during the visit.The Customer will receive one free visit on a 12-month rolling basis. IA RECONNECTION CHARGE: All applicable reconnection charges shall bo paid before service is restored.Customer n,’nentc tray be made to euthothcd Com’”,‘nlnvecc or at a docignatcd payment agency. Issued July 26,2004 Effective September 1,2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly Norwood,Vice President,State &Federal Regulation First Revision Sheet 70-g.1 Canceling I.P.U.C.No.28 Original Sheet 70-g.1 70 g.1 AVISTA CORPORATION d!bfa Avista Utilities ____________________________ IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS -continued 14.SERVICE RECONNECTION AND REESTABLISHMENT cHARGEs:—se.itie4 14.1 Reconnection Charge: When service has been discontinued for failure of the Customer to comply with the Company’s rules and regulations under this tariff including defau4t (nonpayment),a charge shall be made for reconnection. Satisfactory arrangements for payment must be made before service will be restored.The—.ohacfte--fer r000nnocLiuji Mk4I U,,. If a visit to the customer’s premises is required to manually restore service,the charge for reconnection shall be: $24.00,provided satisfactory payment arrangements4ec—payment--aII—poper—chacges—have been made during the hours of 8:00 am.through 4:00 p.m.Monday through Friday!except holidays:or $48.00 if such arrangements are made during the hours of 4:00 p.m.through 7:00 p.m.Monday through Friday,except holidays. If such arrangements are made during hours other than the above,the reconnection shall be completed on the following day except for medical emergencies or a customer disconnected in error.Any reconnection completed on a weekend or holidayt will be charged $48.00. If the customers service is restored remotely without visiting the customer’s premises,the charge for reconnection shall be: $12.00 any day,any lime,provided satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. Charges assessed if connection is reguested and completed on the following holidays: New Years Day,Memorial Day,Independence Day,Labor Day.Thanksqivino,Friday after Thanksgiving,and Chrietmas Day. 14.2 Electric Reestablishment Charge When service has been discontinued at the Customer’s request and then reestablished within a twelve-month period,the Customer shall be required to pay the monthly minimum charges that would have been billed had service not been discontinued,as well as a reestablishment charge.The charge for reestablishment shall be: $24.00,provided satisfactory payment arrangements foc-paymen1-of—a44-pcopei’-chaces have been made during the hours of 8:00 am.through 4:00 p.m.Monday through Friday,except holidays;or $48.00 if such arrangements are made during the hours of 4:00 p.m.through 7:00 pm.Monday through Friday,except holidays. If such arrangements are made during hours other than the above,the reestablishment shall be completed on the following day except for medical emergencies or a customer disconnected in error.Any reestablishment completed on a weekend or holiday will be charged 548.00. If the customer’s service is restored remotely without visiting the customer’s premises,the charge for reconnection shall be: SI 2.00 any day,anytime,provided satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. Charges assessed if connection is requested and completed on the following holidays: New Years Day.Memorial Day,Independence Day,Labor Day.Thanksgivino.Friday after Thanksgiving,and Christmas Day. Issued October 15,2004 Effective November 1,2004 lsued by Avista Utilities By Kelly 0.Norwood —Vice President,State &Federal Regulation First Revision Sheet 704 Canceling I.P.U.C.No.28 Original Sheet 704 AVISTA CORPORATION d!bfa Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS -continued 15.PERSONALIZED BILLING PLANS:-continued The Company will review each Customer’s CLB account on a regular basis. At the time of the review,the Company will recalculate the Customer’s Base Plan Amount by using the most recent twelve months of consumption history.If the “recalculated”Base Plan Amount differs,by 25%or more from the “previous”Base Plan Amount,the customer will be given the choice of either discontinuing the CLB Plan or continuing the CLB Plan with the recalculated amount.Under normal circumstances,the company will not change the amount more than twice in any twelve (12)month period. A review will be completed at the twelfth month anniversary of the date the Customer began their CLB plan.If the Customer’s recalculated Base Plan Amount differs by 10%or more from the previous Base Plan Amount,the customer will be given the choice of either continuing or discontinuing their CLB Plan.If the Customer chooses to continue their CLB Plan,their new monthly payments will be their recalculated Base Plan Amount.This recalculated Base Plan Amount will be based on previous usage or estimated future usage.A Customer’s Base Plan Amount may decrease,increase,or remain the same.Customers with a debit balance will be given the opportunity to either pay off their balance or have it included in their CLB payments.If the customers elect to have their debit balance included in their monthly payments,their monthly payments will equal their Base Plan Amount plus 1/12th of their debit balance.Customers with credit balances will have the overpayment applied to their next statement(s).At the customer’s request,any credit balance will be refunded in full. 16.CONTINUITY OF SERVICE: Electric service is inherently subject to interruption,suspension,curtailment,and fluctuation.The Company will endeavor at all times to provide a regular and uninterrupted supply of service,but in case the supply of service shall be interrupted or irregular or defective or fail from causes beyond its control,the Company will not be liable therefor. Circumstances exonerating the Company shall include,but not be limited to: (a)causes beyond Company’s reasonable control including fire,flood, drought,winds,acts of the elements,court orders,insurrections or hots,generation failures,lack of sufficient generating capacity,breakdowns of or damage to facilities of Company or of third parties,acts of God or public enemy,strikes or other labor disputes,civil,military or governmental authority,electrical disturbances originating on or transmitted through electrical systems with which Company’s system is interconnected and acts or omissions of third parties; Issued August 26,1999 Effective September27,1999 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly 0.Norwood,Vice President,State &Federal Regulation