HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050628Grover letter.pdfMonday, June 27, 2005 E CE IVED It EID tuns JUN21 Ali i: Regarding PUC Case No. TPC-OS- IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION P3ul KjeUa,nder, presidp.nt Emai1: pa.u1.kielland.er(9Jpuc.idAl1.gov Phone, office, 208-334-2889, FAX, 208-334-3762 Dennjs S. Hansen Emai t: denn is hansen(QJpllc.idaho.gov Phone, om., 208-334~3427t PAX, 208-334-3762 Marsha. H. SmIth Ernai 1: ma.rsha,.sm ith&'.puc.. i4aho.gov Phone. office. 208-334-391.2, 'FAX, 208-334-3762 Dear Comm,issioners, As an Idaho farmer, and SOJneone involved uil'ectly involved. in the developmen.t of s. \vind proj ect on my land, I am writing this letter to share thoughts on an. immediate issue lhca.t will ha.ve adverse affects on. me as a fanner, the IDeal county where my farm is, as well as other land o~ers throughout the state of Idaho. Please consider the following thoughts on. ~n ;!'I~ue of immediate consequence to me (as a farmer), and the 20+ other fanners in my close vicinity. Electricity rates have continuously increased. I testjfied before the PUC in 2003 that the electricity rates would continue to increa.se J would not be able to make s, Uving fanning. I urged them nollu increase the rates. The rates 'were increased again in 2004 and I could. not afford. to irrigate that seaSOl1. With our average price per kilowatt gone up 42% from 1. 999 to my 1ast year of farming in 2003) my~etfa.11 of the other 20+ fanners in the area decided that we could no longer afford the increased electricity costs and we decided to sell our water. Since then I have been working on two wind projects. I have invested a significant amount of resources, time and effort into these projects. Both of the projects interconnection applicaliul1:S were SUb111ittcd before Idaho power made a filing with the PUC Ca,sc N'o. IPC-E..O5-22 on 7/1.7/05. .I have investors and eql1iplnent for these projects. As you may know the Production Ta.x Credit (PTC) is set to expire at year end. I am. under time constraint by both the equipment manufacturers and the investors to COlnptetc this project this year. Any a,mount of delay may force my investors to look elsewhere this yea,r. If the PTC is not approved in the future, or is reduced, then it ,is highly I ikely that my tWo projects win never h~Pf\e' Because T have put forth significant effort i'nto these projects, I urge that the PUC decide C.ot to a11ow the de1ay to affect the projects that were ft1ed before Idaho Power filed. their request 011 7/17/05. Furthenn,ore, I urge the Comnlissionc'rs to deny Idaho Powe'rs request for a delay for further studies before granting future power purchase agreements. I suggest this bec,ause of the following Thp. rmhHc ~l1rT'.n-rt,~ wind project!':. F.l ected offic;a.1~ pa.c;~ed leg;~lation that encourages construction of new wind fann, Please deny the delay for further study requested in PUC Ca.se No. JPC-OS- Ja.red Grover 3635 Kingswood Drive Bo;se, Idaho 83704 208..371-4066