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..A.rro~ R.ock ~i.:D.d!ji I:n..c...
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5203 South 11 th East
Idaho F aHs; Idaho 83404
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June 24, 2005 IPc-O~-;)d-
Idaho Pubic Utilities Commission
o. Box 83720
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Subject: ,Arrow Rock Wind
QF Contract with Idaho Pm-vel'
Dear Commissioners:
This letter is written pursuant to a firrn energy sales agreement, \ivhich we have negotiated with Idaho
Power. This contract was negotiated over the past several rnonths with Idal1oPowCr. In the normal
course of business Idah() P()\ver fof\varded a contract fbr our sle:nature on June 16. 2005. I signedv ,
this contract on June 18. 2005 and returned it to Idaho Power via overnight mail. Dursuant to Idaho
. .
Contract Povver Administrator Randy .Anphin s letter of June Hi 2005~ a copy of\vhich is attached.
110 fdaho Power letter states that Idaho Power would sign the contract and fOf'Nard to rue for
On Thursday, June 23, 2005, i\xrmA; Rock \vas infbrmed 13y Randy Allphin that Idaho Pen,ver had
filed a petition to suspend Idaho Power s requirement to sign PURPA wind contracts on June 17
2005 and until such time as Idaho P'ower received direction. frorn the rue on this petition, Idaho
Power would not be signimr anvwind PURP A contracts.
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Generation projects require substantial planning periods and the resulting good faith negotiation for
the contract supporting: the prc:ject was fully concJuded and agreed upon on June 14" 2005. Idaho
Power negotiated the QF Agreenlent \vito AJTO\-V Rock \Vind in the normal course of business, which
included a unique arrangement in -which Arro\v R.ock" rather than Idaho Power would be responsible
for f1rming and shaping the intermittent nature of the wind rCSOUl\.:C. The documentation dearly'
denlonstrates that the Arrow Rock project ,;vas funy negotiated prior to the June ih Petition fwrn.
Idaho PoweL The "'mandatory contracting fhrpurdlLtSeS of'wind QF resources'" was completed
priorto Idaho PO\,ver~ s Petition.
The Arrow Rock 'Vind struciuredernonstrates that fm111ng of intermittent resource does not
necessarily need to be the sole rcsnonsihHitv of host utility, Thercfc\re the/\.rro\vRock resource
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does not maintain the reliability. anciHar:v service and integration characteristics that are the basis of
idaho Power s Petition. The finn, 11at energy delivery to kblho Power can easily be integrated into
their system and provides substantial value. in fact, Idaho Power recognized that the June 17
Petition would he linlited to "'new contracts for purchases of energy from (intermittent) \"/111d-
powered QFs. "fhe suspension (request) would nm affe,ct HCyV' contract with QFs utilizing other
generating technologies,;' The firnt , flat energy structure places the cost of integration upon Arrow
Rock and as such mitigates the basis of concerns identifIed by Idaho Power. In OUT opinion the firm
flat Arrow Rock project is actual Iv a suDcrior resource loother generation technologics.
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Specifically, the Arrow Rock Wind project has a very unique arrangement that elevates its energy
deliveries to Idaho Power to a si~nlifJcantiv .more favorable eHen::v DfOduct than the tvDicai
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intermittent energy frOll1 a wind faciHty. As a value-added and innovative solution to the complex
nature of intermittent resources, Arro\.-vRock Wind has, at its sole cost, secured firming and shaping
services to provide a firm, nat delivery, as negotiated. to Idaho Power of 9 rvrvv September through
February and 7 Iv1vV June through August 'f'herefore. Idaho Power is not required to provide
anciHa.rv services.inteitration and rciiability !ncasures.
By this same letter, I request that Idaho Po\ver sign this contract within the next seven to ten days
and submit to the PUC for approval. Your assistance and insight at the PUC is sincerely appreciated.
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Randy C. Allphin
Contract Administrator
JW1C 16 2005
Ted S Sorcnson
Manager, Anow Rock \Vind
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OUtIl. ast
Idaho .Falls, ID 83404
Dear 1\ttr. Sorenson,
Enclosed are three )ies of the Arrow Rock\Vind Pro eet PlJRP A Firm Energv Sales
Agreement Please sign each copy and return an tlm:e copies to me no later than Thursday,
June 23 - 2005. Idaho Power reserves the right to modify this a!!reement if it is not received
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back by the close of business of the before stated date.
US Tvlail:Overnight T\1ailing/\p.ress:
Idaho Power Company
Attn: Randy Allphin
1) '"
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J C . ::lOX!
Boise~ 10 83707
Idaho Pm;ver Company
A11n: I~andy Allphin
1221 \\/ Idaho
Boise, ID 83702
Also enclosed hJr your signature is a Consent to Disclosure that is required to be posted
as public in:!~)rnlat10n to enable Idaho Po\:ver Company to execute this agreelnent
Upon receipt of the three signed copies, and the Consent to Disclosure, Idaho Povver
will post the Consent to Disclosure in the appropriate public notifications and then obtain the
Idaho Po\ver Con1pany signatures,
I wiH return one cO1nplete signed copy to you fell' your records , prepare and file one
copy with the Idaho Puhl1c Utilities Conunission (IPUC) requesting approval of the
agreement and keep the third copy for our records.
As we have discussed, this agreement requires Idaho Power revic\v and accept the
transmission agreement you \viH be obtaining for this project fi'om North\vestern and the
T;:kphone 1208) :~8i1.2('14 Fox: 12081433-5 j 63 RaJiplurriDldahopowcr C0111
Lease Agreement for these \-vind turbines. It would he prudent to include a copy of the signed
TranS111ission agreement and the Lease agreement with the 'Firm Energy Sales Agreement that
is filed with the TPUe f~)r approval. The application and all attached docunlents (Finn
Energy Sales Agreement Transmission Agreement, Lease Agreement ete) that are subn1itted
to the TPue in the approval process are posted to the IPU C web page and become public
documents. If you desire any of the documents to not be fiJcd as public documents please
clearly mark the documents as confidential and notify .rne of your desire at the time you
provide the documents to nle.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
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Randy C Allphin
Idaho Power Company
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