HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050805Comments.pdfDONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 3366 ,ECEIVED jL, (El ~.. ? nn ~. ~. If' . ,... ' ' HLVJ HUb -:J Pt*2= 02 .. iUi\IiO PUBLICU IILI r IES COr11"11SS10r-f Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, ID 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PE TITI 0 N OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER MODIFYING THE ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR PRELIMINARY SURVEY AND INVESTIGATION CHARGES. COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF CASE NO. IPC-O5- COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Donald L. Howell, II, Deputy Attorney General, and submits the following comments in response to the Notice of Petition and Notice of Modified Procedure issued on July 15 , 2005. BACKGROUND On June 14, 2005, Idaho Power Company filed a Petition seeking a modification of a pnor accounting order concerning the accounting procedures for preliminary survey and investigation (PS&I) costs. Idaho Power incurs costs or charges when it conducts preliminary surveys or investigations during the evaluation of future generation or transmission projects. The Company proposed a new accounting treatment for its PS&I costs. The Company requested and the Commission found that the Petition should be processed under Modified Procedure. STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 5 , 2005 STAFF ANALYSIS Current Accounting Procedures The current accounting procedures Idaho Power follows for PS&I are addressed in Order No. 17499, two Company letters and a Commission letter dated December 21 , 1983. Generally, the Company separates all PS&I costs into two types of costs: in-house costs and external costs. PS&I costs for new projects which are III internal in nature' (that is incurred in-house) will be directly expensed in the period incurred.Conversely, PS&I costs incurred in connection with any future projects: which are "external in nature (that is incurred other than in-house) will be accumulated in Account 107 (CWIP) and transferred to Account 183 (preliminary survey and investigation charges) on a monthly basis. No AFUDC will be accrued on these charges. At the end of each year, the applicable costs collected in Account 183 during the year will be transferred to Account 186 and amortization of these "external" costs will commence the following year over an appropriate time period. Order No. 29824 at 1- The current accounting procedures provide that the expensIng of PS&I costs are discontinued when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issues a final construction license: internal or external charges incurred after receipt and acceptance of the final construction license will be accumulated in construction work in progress (Account 107), and the Company will commence accruing an allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) on such charges. Thus, all costs incurred from receipt and approval of a final Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license to construct until commercial operation will be capitalized in the traditional manner. Id. at 2 Idaho Power asserts that the present accounting protocols for PS&I charges are incompatible with the Commission ordered Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) process. The IRP is a planning document that generally describes how Idaho Power intends to meet the load demands of its customers over the next 10 years. The Company further insists that the current accounting procedures are also out of step with the FERC relicensing process for hydroelectric facilities. STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 5, 2005 Proposed Accounting Procedures Idaho Power proposes to collect both internal and external PS&I costs in Account 183 as long as the project is considered "viable . Viability of a project will be determined based upon whether the project is included in the Company s IRP. If the project is determined viable (i. included in the IRP), the Company proposes that PS&I costs remain in Account 183 "without any accumulation of AFUDC, until appropriate licenses and/or certificates of public convenience and necessity are obtained.Petition at 5. Once licenses or certificates are obtained, the Company would then transfer those costs to Account 182.3 (CWIP), and AFUDC will begin to accumulate. If the project is determined not viable (i., not included in the Company s IRP), then Idaho Power proposes that the PS&I costs accumulated in Account 183 be transferred to Account 182.3 (Other Regulatory Assets). Expenses in Account 182.3 will be amortized over a defined period of time. If the total amount of the project does not exceed $250 000, that amount will be fully amortized in one year. If the accumulated project costs range from $250 000 but less than $1 million, the costs will be amortized over three years. If the proj ect amount exceeds $1 million, the amount will be amortized over five years. Order No. 29824 at 3; Petition at 5- Staff Discussion Electric utilities under the jurisdiction of FERC are required to maintain their books and records in accordance with the FERC's Uniform System of Accounts (USOA). The USOA provides basic account descriptions, instructions, and accounting definitions. The most recent Uniform System of Accounts, which was Revised as of April 1 , 2004, prescribes the following directive for Account 183: Preliminary Survey and Investigation Charges. Account 183: 183 Preliminary survey and investigation charges (Major only). A. This account shall be charged with all expenditures for preliminary surveys, plans, investigations, etc., made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of utility projects under contemplation. If construction results, this account shall be credited and the appropriate utility plant account charged. If the work 1 Idaho Power is a "major" utility under FERC's USOA rules. ST AFF COMMENTS AUGUST 5, 2005 abandoned, the charge shall be made to account 426., Other Deductions, or to the appropriate operating expense account. B. This account shall also include costs of studies and analyses mandated by regulatory bodies related to plant in service. If construction results from such studies, this account shall be credited and the appropriate utility plant account charged with an equitable portion of such study costs directly attributable to new construction. The portion of such study costs not attributable to new construction or the entire cost if construction does not result shall be charged to account 182.2, Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Costs, or the appropriate operating expense account. The costs of such studies relative to plant under construction shall be included directly in account 107, Construction Work in Progress - Electric. C. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be so kept that the utility can furnish complete information as to the nature and the purpose of the survey, plans, or investigations and the nature and amounts of the several charges. NOTE: The amount of preliminary survey and investigation charges transferred to utility plant shall not exceed the expenditures which may reasonably be determined to contribute directly and immediately and without duplication to utility plant. 18 C.R. Part 101 In essence, the Company is requesting a new accounting order from the Idaho Commission that conforms to the current FERC USOA instructions with some mInor adjustments. Staff believes that it is proper to book Preliminary Survey and Investigation (PS&I) charges in Account 183 and that amounts charged to Account 183 do not qualify for accrual of AFUDC. The FERC USOA states that if construction results, the qualifying amounts from Account 183 are to be transferred to the appropriate plant account, usually Account 107 Construction Work in Progress. The proper account to accrue AFUDC in is Account 107 Construction Work in Progress. Staff does have one concern about the accrual of AFUDC.Our concern arises in situations where the Company obtains a license or certificate, transfer the charges to Account 107 and begin accruing AFUDC, however construction will not have started or will be delayed. Staff asserts that accruing AFUDC prior to the start of construction or during delays is not STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 5 , 2005 reasonable. Upon receiving a license or certificate, there is no guarantee that the Company will or can begin construction shortly thereafter. It is this time lag, along with an excessive accrual of AFUDC, that concerns Staff. While PS&I costs may be booked to Account 183 and subsequently transferred to Account 107 (Construction Work in Progress) or another appropriate plant in service account the mere act of properly recording the expense is no guarantee of future recovery. And, although there may be a delay in a project through no fault of the Company, the Commission should retain the right to recommend that some or all of the AFUDC booked should not be included in rates for recovery. Although any delay may be due to a cause external to the Company, the Company does have a great deal of control over the construction projects, such as the timing, location, etc. of the project. The final determination for recovery should be made at the time of a rate case or other suitable proceeding where Idaho Power must prove that the overall expenditures for each project were prudently incurred, regardless of the amount of AFUDC incurred. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission accept the Company s proposal to modify the previous accounting order concerning preliminary survey and investigation (PS&I) charges. Staff accepts the Company s proposal to account for PS&I costs including the proposed amortization amounts and periods of amortization, for projects that are determined not to be viable. The determination of rate recovery of any non-viable projects will be made in future rate cases. Staff recommends that any request for recovery of PS&I charges, including accrued AFUDC will be determined at the time recovery is requested. The Commission should retain the right to determine whether an adjustment of booked AFUDC is appropriate given the circumstances. Staff makes the following recommendations for the accounting of PS&I charges. 1. Staff recommends that the Company file detailed yearly reports with the Commission concerning all charges booked to Account 183 , with enough detail for Staff to properly identify each project, the initial date expenses are booked to the project, and all additions or deletions for each project, until such time as the charges are transferred to the proper plant in service account, or to Account 182. STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 5, 2005 2. Staff recommends that the Company provide the corresponding information for Account 182.3 on an annual basis. 3. Staff further recommends that the Company provide the accounting information for the amortization and the unamortized balances of the PS&I charges associated with projects that are deemed non-viable as well. Respectfully submitted this J-- day of August 2005. Donald L. H ell, II Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Kathy Stockton umisc/comments/ipceO5 .21 dhkls STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 5, 2005 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 5TH DAY OF AUGUST 2005 SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-05-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE MONICA B MOEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 JOHN R GALE VICE PRESIDENT REGULATORY AFF AIRS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE