HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170630PS&I Charges Report.pdf3Effi , ...:-'t:: it,/ [, I o An IDACORP Company al Lisa D. Nordsffom Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com June 30, 2017 Ms. Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 475 West Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise, !D 83720{,074 RE: Annual Compliance Filing for Preliminary Survey & lnvestigation ("PS&|") Charges Dear Ms. Hanian: ln Order No. 29904 issued in Case No. IPC-E-O5-21, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("fummission") required : 1. ldaho Power Company ("Company'') file detailed yearly reports with the Commission conceming all PS&l booked to Account 183, with enough detai! for Commission Staff to properly identify each project, the initial date expenses are booked to the prcject, and all additions or deletions for each project. The rcport shall track the charges until such time as the charyes are transfened to plant-in-service orAccount182. 2. The Company shall provide the conesponding information set out above for Account 182.3 on an annua! basis. 3. The Company shall provide the accounting information for the amortized and the unamortized balance of the PS&l chages associated with projects that are deemed non-viable. 4. The Company shall submit its annual PS&l tnacking reports based upon the preceding calendar year no laterthan July 1 of each year. 5. After a project is authorized, the Company shall file a report with the Commission Staffwhen the start of construction is delayed for more than 60 days, orwhen there is a delay of more than 60 days during construction. This report shall be filed no laterthan 14 days afterthe 60day delay has occun:ed. PO. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. ldaho St. Boise, lD 83702 -li,r\\l Ms. Diane Hanian ldaho Public Utilities Commission June 30,2017 Page 2 Enclosed please find four copies of the 2016 PS&l report, which includes the summary of charyes booked to Account 183015, the Community Solar Pilot Project and the amortization schedule pertaining to expenses associated with the Shoshone Falls expansion that were originally charged to Account 183 and ttansfened to Account 182.3. With Gommission Order No. 33638, ldaho Power received approval to implement Schedule 63, the Community Solar Pilot program necessitating the transfer of the balance in Account 183015 to Account107, Construction Work in Progress. lf you have any questions, please contact Senior Regulatory Analyst Courtney Waites at 208-388-56'12 or cwaites@ idahooower.com. Sincerely, n9/'(r.jtb-*--t(2u Lisa D. Nordstrcm Lead Counsel LDN:kkt Enclosure cc w/enc: Teni Carlock, IPUC IDAHO POWER COMPANY PSEI SDos[oae Falls Expnslon July 2015 throtqh July 201E AMORNZANON SCHEDULE .NO COMPOUNDIT{G . NO INTEREST Balane atJune 30,2015 Months rcmaining Adjusted amortization Account 182368 Month Amount 800,373.21 36 22,232.59 Ending Balance 1 July,2015 2 August 2015 3 September,2015 4 October,2015 5 November,2015 6 December,2015 7 January,2O16 8 February,2016 9 March,2016 10 April,2016 1'l May,2016 12 June,2016 13 July,2016 14 August,2016 15 September,2016 '16 October,2016 17 November,2016 18 D€csmber,2016 19 January,zo17 20 Febuary,z017 21 Apnl,2O17 22 May,2017 23 June,2O17 24 July,2017 25 August, 201 7 26 September,2017 27 Ociiobe\2l'|7 28 November,2017 29 December,2017 30 January,2018 31 February,2018 32 Marcfi, 2018 33 April,20't8 34 May,2018 35 June,2018 36 July,2018 800,373.21 (22,232.s91 778,140.62 (22,232.5s1 755,908.03 (22,232.59) 733,675.44 (22,232.s91 711,442.85 (22,232.591 689,210.26 (22,232.59) 666,977.67 (22,232.591 644,745.08 (22,232.59) 622,512.49 (22,232.59) 600,279.90 (22,232.591 578,047.31 (22,232.591 555,814.72 (22,232.591 533,582.13 (22,232.s9) s11,349.54 (22,232.591 489,116.95 (22,232.59) 466,884.36 (22,232.591 444,651.77 (22,232.59) 422,419.18 (u,2s2.6s1 .,'roo,reo.os (22,232.59) 377,9s4.00 (22,232.s9) 355,721.41 (22,232.59) 333,488.82 (22,232.59) 311,2ffi.23 (22,232.59) 289,023.64 (22,232.59) 266,791.06 (22,232.59) 244,558.47 (22,232.591 222,32s.88 (22,232.s9) 200,093.29 (22,232.591 177,860.70 (22,232.s9) 155,628.11 (22,232.59\ 133,395.52 (22,232.591 111,162.93 (22,232.591 88,930.34 (22,232.591 66,697.75 (22,232.591 44,465.16 (22,232.591 22,232.57(22,232.591 0.00 Per IPUC order 29$X the defenal will be amortized over a three year period 549 Misellaneous Other Power Generation Expenses 699 G40001 439 539000 182.3 PS&l Shoshone 29904 699X00001 439 182368 22232.5892 22232.5892 ooi o'0 o .!25 b o6Eo EEI .s p IEcod oo F EFa EE .t4€ 't E6oEGooEoo!6E ]co'.4 ooo dteIoE .itaN oo6 oco dEo6e oE.; OQ6do6.b4 =oEOezo-o.=o6-o @NoO BE5Bo8Eo96 oo --o 3.Eooo E8E@ 6€o)b8:HO-co.9 EgoB e; H0 ati o3a:ooc2Eb;PFo;E-OE !24().9 EE o o co0N oo o; o6€aoN EN6 4N6 I o @6 Nats oqaN oooN ts01 o ts oqD ts E E q N d tsqo$Fq ts E 6 s.!N ryN q F6 o o oN 6 ri c n iFI no o o€E€s DN N oq6o oaoN qEo u'l ilo 6ci 66 o oqE o6oNts D D ts F1fi o6 $ \no ii cN BoN N oi aE o!?FEto+ {6No r! 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