HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071109Second report of proceeds and Motion.pdfvc.:1 -- IDAHO~POWER~ An IDACORP Company ZUUl NOV -9 Pi; 4: 38 LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney II ,Jn D BUC , . .~IP,1 , UTIliTIES COMMI ...1. ' November 9 , 2007 Jean D. Jewell , Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 Re:Case No, IPC-05- Application of Idaho Power Company for an Order Authorizing the Blanket Sale of Air Emission Allowances and for an Accounting Order. Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Second Report of Proceeds from Sale of S02 Allowances in 2007 and Motion for Workshop Schedule. I would appreciate it if you would return a stamped copy of this transmittal letter for our files in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Very truly yours cA~~ AI '-111 Lisa D. Nordstrom v ~ LDN:sh Enclosures o. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 LISA D. NORDSTROM , ISB # 5733 BARTON L. KLINE, ISB # 1526 Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 RECE!VE. ZDOl NOV -9 Pr1 4: 38 IDJi,HO PUBLICUTILITIES COMMISSIOr Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING THE BLANKET SALE OF AIR EMISSION ALLOWANCES AND FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER. ) CASE NO. IPC-05- IDAHO POWER'S SECOND REPORT OF PROCEEDS FROM SALE OF S02 ALLOWANCES IN 2007 AND MOTION FOR WORKSHOP SCHEDULE In 2005, in Order No. 29852 issued in Case No. IPC-05-, the Commission granted Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company ) blanket authority to sell surplus sulfur dioxide emission allowances. In Order No. 29852 , the Commission also approved the accounting treatment to be used by the Company to record the sales of surplus sulfur dioxide emission allowances from the time proceeds are received until the Commission determined the appropriate ratemaking treatment of the proceeds. In Order No. 29852 , the Company was also directed to file a report with the Commission within sixty (60) days of the receipt of any proceeds from the sale of surplus sulfur dioxide emission allowances. During 2007 , conditions in the emission allowances market were such that Idaho Power sold surplus sulfur dioxide emission allowances. In its Initial Report of IDAHO POWER'S SECOND REPORT OF PROCEEDS FROM SALES OF SO2 ALLOWANCES IN 2007 AND MOTION FOR WORKSHOP SCHEDULE - Page Proceeds from Sales of Surplus Sulfur Dioxide Emission Allowances in 2007 Initial 2007 Report") filed on August 27, 2007, Idaho Power reported net proceeds of $11 266 500 from the sale of 20 000 surplus sulfur dioxide emission allowances as of that date. Subsequent to that filing, the Company sold an additional 15 000 surplus sulfur dioxide emission allowances. The total net proceeds received since the filing of the Initial 2007 Report is $8 375 750. Net proceeds are total amounts received less broker s fees of $3,750. This Second Report covers all surplus sulfur dioxide emission allowance sales during 2007 to date. Idaho Power does not expect to sell additional sulfur dioxide emission allowances in 2007. The after-tax amount of proceeds received and allocated to the state of Idaho is $4 320 249.08 from these 15 000 sulfur dioxide emission allowances. The after-tax amount of proceeds received and allocated to the state of Idaho for all allowances sold in 2007 (which include those reported in the Initial 2007 Report and this filing) is $10 131 559.86.This assumes an income tax rate of 39.095%, and a jurisdictional allocation to the state of Idaho of 94.10%. In Order No. 30041 , issued in Case No. IPC-05-26, the Commission approved a sharing arrangement in which 90% of the state of Idaho s 94% jurisdictional share of the net sale proceeds, including tax effects, were allocated to customers and the remaining 10% share was allocated to Idaho Power s shareowners. In Order No. 30041 , the Commission directed the Company to include the sulfur dioxide allowance sales proceeds in the Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") to reduce the level of PCA rates. Idaho Power proposes that the same 90%/10% sharing of benefits be utilized to allocate the proceeds from sales of surplus sulfur dioxide emission IDAHO POWER'S SECOND REPORT OF PROCEEDS FROM SALES OF SO2 ALLOWANCES IN 2007 AND MOTION FOR WORKSHOP SCHEDULE - Page 2 allowances made in 2007. Customers benefited from the proceeds received from sales of surplus allowances in 2005 and 2006 through a PCA rate reduction. Although the proceeds from the 2007 sales could be used to similarly offset the PCA , the Company believes that other opportunities presently exist with the potential to provide greater long-term value to customers. One opportunity Idaho Power would like to investigate is the possibility of using the customers' share of the proceeds to purchase multi-year streams of Renewable Energy Certificates ("green tags ) from the owners of renewable generation facilities that have entered into Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act ("PURPA" contracts with Idaho Power.If a federal renewable portfolio standard ("RPS") is enacted, Idaho Power will be required to purchase green tags at prices expected to be higher than those existing today. This would result in increased costs to Idaho Power customers. If Idaho Power purchased green tags prior to the enactment of a federal RPS or in excess thereof, the Company would sell the green tags on a short-term basis and flow the proceeds from the sales to customers through the PCA. second option Idaho Power would like to consider is using the customers' share of the proceeds to buy down a portion of the rate base associated with the purchase of wind project development rights. If this approach was viewed favorably by the Commission, Idaho Power would enter into negotiations or issue a Request for Proposal ("RFP") to purchase a permitted wind project. By developing and owning the wind project rather than purchasing equivalent energy elsewhere, Idaho Power customers would have additional access to renewable energy at competitive prices and retain the value of the green tags associated with the wind project. IDAHO POWER'S SECOND REPORT OF PROCEEDS FROM SALES OF SO2 ALLOWANCES IN 2007 AND MOTION FOR WORKSHOP SCHEDULE - Page 3 MOTION FOR WORKSHOP SCHEDULE 10.If the Commission agrees that Idaho Power should investigate potential uses of the customers' share of the proceeds other than offsetting the PCA, Idaho Power respectfully requests the Commission schedule a workshop for the purpose of receiving feedback from interested parties concerning possible alternatives to benefit customers. Idaho Power would then report the results of the workshop to the Commission for its approval. Clii Respectfully submitted this -L day of November 2007. IDAHO POWER'S SECOND REPORT OF PROCEEDS FROM SALES OF SO2 ALLOWANCES IN 2007 AND MOTION FOR WORKSHOP SCHEDULE - Page 4