HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050509Comments.pdff~~ ,j 6/~lb) Jean Jewell /10 ( H From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, May 09 , 2005 9:59 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, May 09, 2005 8:59:06 AM Case: ::(:PC--E -o~ /:;- Name: Larry W Laird Street Address: 504 Shoshone Ave City: Nampa State: Idaho ZIP: 83651-2546 Home Telephone: 208-442-1192E-Mail: larrywlaird0j uno. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list _yes _no: Comment description: I agree that the energy producers need to recoup the cost of adding addi tional resources for power generation. However a program needs to be developed forseniors (65 or over) that have high medical costs. In some cases the senior must make the decision to pay for the power or pay for the meds, A decision that should not have to bemade. Larry Transaction 10: 59859.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: ~~ ~/q~s Jean Jewell \ H From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Saturday, May 07, 2005 5:42 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Saturday, May 07, 2005 4 : 41 : 52 Case: IPC E 05 15 C'oAA :rfG--t:- (j~- Name: Mark Slominski Street Address: 1020 North 15th East Ci ty: Mountain Home State: 10 ZIP: 83647 Home Telephone: 208-599-1881E-Mail: nmj slomo0att. net Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment = desc ipt on :~garding power cost adj ustment to defray costs of the Bennet Mountain Power Complex, I feel that residents wi thin the direct impact area of the complex, to include residents of Mountain Home, should not have to bear power rate cost increases to cover plant expenses. Impact area residents already pay in kind due toconstruction impacts, disruptive noise conditions during plant start up and permanent visual impact of this extremely industrial array of turbines, power houses and high voltage distrubution lines. Residents of the impact area are bearing the burden of this in-kind payment to subsidize a plant that primarily serves other areas, such as the Treasure Valley, that are not impacted on a daily basis by its construction or operation. Request PUC consideration for removing Bennet Mountain Power Complex impact area residents from pay increases to defray costs of the plant. Thanks! Transaction 10: 571641. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 12.72.174. User Hostname: 12.72.174. Jean Jewell /~~C1laS-(/ItS aJ"11J .. If From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Saturday, May 07, 2005 2: 11 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Saturday, May 07 , 2005 1:10:57 PM Case: proposed lncrease cost adj ustment -::CPt - ()5' - /;- Name: beth Street Address: po box 671 City: council State: Id ZIP: 83612 Home Telephone: 208-253-4663 E-Mail: bhanson710hotmail. com Company: Idaho Power / - ,- mailing list _yes _no: Comment description: I think the rates are too high already, compared to the povertystrickestate of Idaho residents, especially those in Adams county where i live. With the exceedingly low income of the maj ori ty of residents it becomes increasingly hard each month to pay the power bills. This needs to be taken in consideration, when comparing the costs to other states!! Also, Idaho s electricity should NOT be sold to other states, it is too greatly needed here and the customers feel the loss!! We should've had more than EIGHT days to reply on this matter, by the time we got the pamplet in the mail. Many people in our area cannot afford to have personal computers at home. I called your company and they said if i got my comment in by Mon. 5/8/05, it would be read and included in the decision. Thank you for your consideration, and a chance to voice an opinion- Transaction 10: 571310.Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us / scripts /polyform. dIll ipucUser Address: 66.232.74. User Hostname: 66.232.74. Jean Jewell 4,,1 /j~ ~ H From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Saturday, May 07 2005 1 :01 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Saturday, May 07, 2005 12:01:08 PM Case: XfC-F- 6~- Name: Oon Walker Street Address: 2404 Paradise Circle City: Caldwell State: Idaho ZIP: 83605 Home Telephone:E-Mail: j ohndeere0cableone Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno: Comment description: IPUC, I wanted to comment on the Idaho Power rate increase requests before you. First off I will plead 19norance to the system that is in place with the Utilitiesbusiness. In Idaho Powers case I don t understand that in the realm of generating power through dams, and the process as a whole. 00 they not get land, federal, state or otherwise to build the dams? 00 they not get federal , and or state subsidries to build the dams? And is not their incoming inventory supplied free from mother nature? In their annual power cost adjustment they indicate that they will incur higher power supply costs due to the drought. I have run a small business and would find it difficult to raise my prices and stay in business constantly just because the cost of doing business rose. To some degree yes, but I don t have the backing of a State or Federal governmentei ther. And in this, the Nez Pierce had to sue them because they broke an agreement to release water for salmon and steelhead smol ts. I don t understand the request to the IPUC for the construction costs of the Bennett Mountain Power Plant. Where do I sign up to own a business, ask people of the Idaho and surrounding areas to pay for the construction of a new manufacturing facility? I go back to my original statement. Is Idaho Power required to buy the land these plants are built and operated on? Are they footing the bill for construction? And why do they get an "ongoing income tax related rate adjustment rate I want to know where to sign up to build a utili ties operation. I f I can have the benefits that Idaho Power has I could retire much sooner than hoped. In closing, as a consumer, Idaho Power is asking for 3 different rate hikes. We are under seige lately with rising gas prices, food prices, everthing. We cannot control the moisture that falls from the skies. I think I. P. ought to be more aggressive in their search for alternate supplies of power. I ask that you do not support their request for an annual power cost adjustment, or to pay for Bennett Mountain construction and repeal the ongoing tax benefits. I can tell you that all the freebies they are getting is not reflected on my power bill. As an old farmer it appears to me that someone is complaining about the taste of the milkwhen the cow was free. Thank you for your time Regards Oon Walker Caldwell, Idaho Transaction 10: 571201.Referred by: ht tp: I Iwww. puc. state. id. us I scripts Ipolyform. dll I ipuc Jean Jewell 4-- ~/D)'~tJ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, May 06, 2005 2:43 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, May 06, 2005 1:43:27 PM Case ::IPc.. E -05'-/5' Name: William Martin Street Address: 1279 E Regatta St. City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83706 Home Telephone: 3458996 E-Mail: weebmartin0yahoo. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment description: I am happy you didn t give Idaho Power their original request for rate increases as the "surprise " profits they are showing now would have been even more insul ting. I'm sure you will keep their increased dividend in mind the next time they request. Thanks. Transaction 10: 561343.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell IY-- ~IOS /fo ~ K From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, May 05 20052:32 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, May 05, 2005 1 : 32 : 2 5 Case: :IPc E-oS -IS Name: Blair R. Anderson Street Address: 157 Cordova Ave. Ci ty: Twin Falls State: Idaho ZIP: 83301-8032 Home Telephone: 208-734-1207 E-Mail: brand0filertel. com Company: Idaho Power Comment description: Question? Is anyone looking into the use of the Stinking cow manure for generation of electric power in this backward state? South Oakota and othes states have! perhaps it is long past time that something should have been done to elimate the stink in the Magic Valley from the Oairis here!! The solution to this problem is here! Let us demand it be used! You are appointed by the Govenor to protect the All the people ofthis state, not just thoes with power and money! . Transaction 10: 551332.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/scripts/poly form. dll/ipucUser Address: 63.165.173. User Hostname: 63. 165. 173. 68 /~. t;/e;/6~ ,,11 ~ H Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, May 04 20053:10 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 2 : 0 9 : 4 3 Case:;Ift- (j!; -!~ Name: Einar Norton Street Address: 2072 Crystal way City: Boise State: 10 ZIP: 83706 Home Telephone: E-Mail: einarnorton0msn. com Company: Idhao Powermailinglistyesno: Comment description: I recommend that rate users. However, there should be more options available to users. First; those with gas heat should be given the same program as you had before. There is nothing like direct financial consequences to conserve energy. Second; for those with all electric homes, increase the base amount during the winter months only (this could work for everyone as well). Then back to the standard of 1000kw base for the rest of they year. Then, those who conserve and have smaller homes would benefitthe base. Those with large homes would pay more. But, they can have a large home but work hard to keep my rates down with summer 85 unoccupied. I am sure you have thought of this approach but wanted you to know that there are many who liked the tiered rate and it is successful in other parts of the county. More importantly, those on fixed incomes and small homes would benefit from their conservation. The fact is that electricity has become such a basic necessity of life that for those who can least afford it, should not have to carry the full weighted burden of their base consumption. Though I suppose I should have sent this email when you were debating it. If I had only known................. Thanks for take the time to read this.Einar Oear PUC: you reinstitute the tiered electric rate structure for residential since they stayed belowafford it. Myself, I temps of 78F occuped and Transaction 10: 541409. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us / scripts /polyform. dll / ipuc User Address: User Hostname: ~. kcJ1 '-- v~ ~Jq v'i A, ./~ ;"H -f) ,-- - -,-, 'C -o~ -Is, J~- . ,_P - - . i ----",--__----__- ,--_ - u . ., . &&W tff:1 . . tUu d4. ~.. ~d~4n~. ~ ~.. ~~ : ~:!!-~... ..0:'-O.' "","'~'~ i" C'IJ 0LJLJ ~" )(D .,.,----! ~ : :S Sf: 'cs: 4:: c:) i 'r 1:h 330 P~f' fl~ StAjc- Kd. ;~ I U mild td()i/! t ~ J /p 1ft.( I . :~). ./ , Th a n k y o u f o r y o u r a t t e n t i o n t o t h i s im p o r t a n t i n f o n n a t i o n r e g a r d i n g t h e p r i c e s yo u p a y f o r e l e c t r i c i t y . I d a h o P o w e r u r g e s li t y o u t o u s e en e r g y w i s e l y . F o r i n f o n n a t i o n ab o u t u s i n g e l e c t r i c i t y m o r e e f f i c i e n t l y , tt p l e a s e vi s i t o u r W e b s i t e (w w w . i d a h o p o w e r . co m ) . \1 Yo u m a y c o n t a c t I d a h o P o w e r ( f o r ad d i t i o n a l i n f o n n a t i o n ) : Wr i t e : /1 PO B o x 7 0 Bo i s e , I D 8 3 7 0 7 - 00 7 0 Ca l l : 20 8 . 38 8 . 23 2 3 o r 8 0 0 . 4 8 8 . 61 5 1 Ma i l : ;/ J J WW W . i d a h o p o w e r . c o m ~ ~ ~ - - Yo u m a y c o n t a c t t h e I P U C ( t o c o m m e n t on t h e p r o c e e d i n g s ) : Wr i t e : PO B o x 8 3 7 2 0 Bo i s e , I D 8 3 7 2 0 - 00 7 4 !( I v ! ) Ca l l : ~ i - 2 0 8 , 33 4 . 03 0 0 o r 8 0 0 . 4 3 2 . 03 6 9 Ma i l : ./l / ) ~ w w w . pu c . i d a h o . go v r L / V ID A H O PO W E R (B ) An I D A C O R P co m p a n y CC O 2 1 2 / 0 4 - 05 / 4 3 2 k r:O I ~~ . . 4 cs : c s : "" I o j . E- i E - i .. . . . . . ~ 0 rn r n r- - I 1- 4 ~ ~ f "" .. ~ fo I . IIi : I r n C/, ) I I i : I 1- 4 r : O I rn I : ) j: I . , II i : I j:I . , :;: . . (& J ~ (" t ' ) t- 0 0 ~ A 1- - 1 j: Q Q ) 0 . - p. . ; ) I : ' C ' \ ! ' , , ., - - - .'. " : i .. - - "" r - - "" ' " t;, ~ g ' "" ~" 1 e. ' . !. U ! ~ ( ! t \ 1 - b ; U ' l u . ' 1~ - ' f - '; ; : : ; ; .) u L ! L UT I L i T I E S c o r " i l ! " "1 I S S 1 0 N -: ~ :~ . . . . -= :: : ~ -= ~ -= -= 0: : I t ) -= $ ~ ~ :c c o ~ ~. . - C ~c c ~ == ~~ o o -= ~ ~ e -: : t- L 1 J (J ) l t ) z -: : ' ., m : : : : ) -= o& ' X ~ Im p o r t a n t In f o r m a t i o n , " , , ..' lf i r i ..' ii ~ '0 , . J i i l i J . . ' - , ~" , " r v~~5/1/ as'CNV :;,., , - i ,,' r ' ' ,v1'o AY'vJ; (' II. j t' " : c) E U ,) L. \ ' ' """:" 1 ' " " P'~""""UI L. ilLJ 1..); I)'! JJ :IPC- r; --O~-Ic- OFFICE 208 .. 452-5573 FAX 208 - 452-5572 TOLL FREE 800 - 722-5573 5"-5"' ri~ Itb f,ft; aA-f~ ~~~~. ~ r P'7 -r-- ~; /I~ ~:J- .t:J. /'~ .z: /-1' ~s- ..- 1/ .. .. . // d..z5' r-v J ;j./ .)~ ri:; (..fr d. dNS "--&-' f' ~tP~ ,5)," ./',v#",'/ ...-(j~ (f5 4-('--t1/COV/f/t.y' .,; tfJIC blJu/ ~f dJ-- 5'AI,., '1-- ;&- I~O~J2.-. ~... c9~ / 7 efr' fk- Uxy & 5'A.--5~ F cU- t.U~5 fM-' dd j::"'- fa;Cl k: 4- r-k 6/1"""Z .5 f'j- $ U/'(2. 5.e. e ft,lt/fy, J4/ .i1fl f/ "".e. /y e /9 '1"- !b /1 ~ /:P ,q .J f- Ift;Sf)IJ~ f.n-€.. +;, 7/---f- TJ(/Y ;;6.ur--.A/et-V' Ct-ld~ ') tkL~ t/lk" c"",Jer.f r~ ...;j '1- 4-' ~ ((~ T h/UI 1(~~7-e- -rfif.,f h Id /J,1.v~- /J b4A. j;, y';' 7'