HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050429Comments.pdf,/ ft;Jj 1/1 /6 10 A,f; ~ H Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Friday, April 29 20058:34 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:17 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:16:49 PM Name: David Benson Street Address: 14460 Sand Hollow Road City: Caldwell State: Idaho ZIP: 83607 Horne Telephone: Work Telephone: 2084552270 E-Mail: onebenson0earthlink. net Horne Business: Both Business Name: David Benson Insurance Inc Business Street Address: 14460 Sand Holllow RoadBusiness Phone: 455-2270 Complaint Company: Idaho PowerLocal Provider: Contacted utility: yes Complaint description: Do not give Idaho Power the rate Someone has to put a stop to all the increases. A poor excuse and a poor time to ask for an increase. Enough! :IPC- -O~ - increases they are asking for. Transaction ID: 4282216.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ consUser Address: 4.254.230. User Hostname: 4.254.230. Jean Jewell ~z.'j/ot;(~ ()~ ~ H From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Randy Lobb Friday, April 29, 20058:14 AM Jean Jewell Gene Fadness FW: Case # IPC-05- :Ltc t-O~-/~ -----Original Message----- From: SCOTT FREE (mail to: SFREE0LIFETOUCH. COM)Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 7:58 AM To: Randy Lobb Subject: Case # IPC-E-05- I tried to use your comment submission form from your website, but it wouldnot work. Please see my comments below regarding IPC-E-05-15 and/or forward to the appropriate person (s) . My understanding of the issues around Idaho Power s request for rate increase is simple, but a 6.3% annual increase is unreasonably high, particular ly when 4. 1 % would be an ongoing adj ustment . We are in a time of low inflation and resulting nominal wage increases. An increase to Idaho Power is okay, but please reduce it to a reasonable level. Thank you. D. S. Free This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information please visit http: / /www.messagelabs. com/ email YlS r~l "- 0'\ e.- .V ~bj l/ Jean Jewell /. '; / /0 Av./1o ~ H From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, April 27 200511:13 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, April 27 , 2005 10:13:21 PM Case: Name: Einar Norton Street Address: 2072 Crystal Way Ci ty: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83706 Horne Telephone: 208 433 1759 E-Mail: einarnorton0msn. corn Company: Idaho Powermailinglist _yes _no: yes Comment description: Dear PUC. First I want to say thanks for a thankless job. Today I received a flyer from Idaho power explaining the corning rate lncreases. I appreciate their good communication. However, there were two areas of I would like to address and find out from you if theyare correct.1) The flyer indicates that ... there will be an average increase of 6.3 percent on an annual basis begining June 1, 2005" Is that correct? Will we have a 6.3% increase annually? As you know, that is way beyond the rate of inflation. It is higher than even Engergy Service Contractors are willing to budget in this state. Even Idaho Powers own buyback program has only a 2.escalation rate. How could you have allowed this high of an annual escalation rate?2) The flyer indicates the rate in June will be $0.006039 per kilowatt? Power has never been this cheap. I s this a printing error? I f not, then I am ok with the 6% escalation.3) Why was the graduated energy consumption rate dropped? I would like to see a base rate for the first 800kw then a higher rate for the use above that. ~he effect would be that people would conserve to remain in the lower bracket. Those with big houses and run the AC all the time would simply pay a higher rate in part because they could afford it. Why was this plan dropped?4) Do you respond to email comments or do they go into a black hole? Thanks a bunch. Einar Norton Transaction ID: 4272213.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: ,/~ ~~f() ,/~ 10 uVVVyvU/1 l-(I'fG- t=.ex; - April 28, 2005 CE IVED !LED ZtlG5 tiFR 29 tU'l 8=35 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 . . . ., r,) ,,:,,) ;"(;.",. (,.1 iSSION, ; T ' j .".. ; ;: e C \J. L. I . L. J - Dear Members of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission As a pastor who has lived and ministered in the Payette area for 14 years, I am writing to express my deep concern over the requested Idaho Power Annual Power Cost Adjustment increase, and the requested increase related to the Bennett Mountain Power Plant. Idaho Power is an investor owned utility which is part of IDA CORP, Inc. IDACORP reported 2004 earnings of$1.90 per share, a $0.68 increase from 2003's $1.22 per share. IDACORP's net income for the fourth quarter of2004 was 14.3 million, compared to net income of3.8 million for the same period a year earlier. IDACORP's annual net income was 73.0 million for 2004. It appears to me that IDACORP is continuing to make income for it's investors in spite of our drought and other factors. Therefore, I would question the need for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to grant additional income by way of these increases to Idaho Power. Businesses, including Idaho Power, (IDACORP) need to expect that there will be fluctuations income over the years. It is true that low water years reduce the income making potential of Idaho Power, but high water years increase that potential as well. Idaho power needs to reduce its spending, just as individual families must during time of reduced income and rely on income generated during high water years to carry them during times of reduced income. An increase for residential customers will create financial hardship for many of the families in our area. I am especially concerned about the elderly on fixed incomes, single parents and those in the lower income bracket. As well, an increase for our church, which is considered a business, will impact our ability to minister to the needs of those in our community. IDACORP is showing increased income for its shareholders, and granting Idaho Power these increases would simple increase the profits of IDACORP at the expense of many families that are struggling. I do not believe it is wise or warranted to grant them the requested increases. Sincerely, R~vJ Rev. Robert Zaklan Bible Baptist Church 118 South Main Street Payette, ID 83661 .I () '5 ~ ~ 10 A,/10 ~ if :LPc..- f: - OS'-/S- :;~ECEiVEO it" t~.L:J ~.=""'" l~." La05 APH 29 Art i:41 April 29, 2005 ; L) i; I,U ji U c,L ! C ':'-""(' 'i'. !,it '-. ,'e",,t'....", '""01 !...:!iL-.J ,Utl,IJvv: Public Utilities Commission P .0. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 Gentlemen: In your debate regarding another increase in Idaho Power rates, please consider those of us on fixed incomes and the many low income people that Idaho Power serves. We are being very finanaicaly burdened by all of these increases. Is it really necessary for a public utility to become such a burden on so many people? I would ask that this rate increase not be granted and feel that there must be some places where measures can be taken on the part of the utiity company to allow progress without penalizing those who can least afford it. Just say "NO" Thank you t~.- ~./ "'~ ~ -- ..,"\ --"""'ry r;/, / Eleanor M. Hayman Eleanor Hayman 125 E Pine St Caldwel1 ID 83605 ~'"'" f ;:-'-;--/~~\\ " c), ' I, ~/ F i' - .\ ,:, ..,-.,..." :.' . III"""'L ~' '.. . 4 6j/c, t1 L/ fIe /? (/ /' c.f?J 7 J-- co t1 4/J /VI I S 5 /- 2OOs (3 0 /:..s he!~.3 7 ;)/(/ ,-0 7,-/ :'~ :::: "7 :2.::. -+- ::: C:"'? ::7i.1I'1 ;'I,II,II"I'I III",li",I,!,II,II,I'1