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May 7, 2005 ('0 ;; (jUt-II
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Idaho Public Utilities Commission
P. O. Box 83720
Boise, ill 83720-0074
Dear Commissioners:
In reading the brochure sent out by Idaho Power regarding Electricity Rates April 2005, I
was surprised and very angered to find out that the IPUC had granted a 2.25% increase
for Idaho Power s Federal Income Tax Expense.
Why in the world should the customers have to pay the business' income tax? If they
have that much taxes it must be because of their income as with everyone of us. It seems
to me that the shareholders should have to pay some of their company s expenses instead
of passing them on to the customers. The IPUC seems to be on the side of the utility
companies, granting them increases for everything they ask for -new facilities, special
rates for special customers, etc. Now the Idaho Power wants another 1.84% to pay for
the Bennett Mountain Power Plant. The plant is for more power for air conditioning and
irrigating in the summer. Weare already paying extra for summer months. The total
would be 4.09%. My Social Security COA was 2.% but with the increase in Medicare
premium my net increase was $8.00 per month. The amount if Idaho Power gets what
they ve asked for would be approximately half of my $8.00 raise. The leftover $4.
doesn t go very far when you figure other utilities that have been granted increases plus
rising costs in necessities such as food, transportation, doctors/hospitals/drugs, etc.
What makes it worse is that the utilities here are monopolies. We have no recourse but to
pay these ever increasing costs and the IPUC doesn t seem to understand or care about
the customers' plight.
Thank you for your consideration of these comments.
(Mrs.) Elizabeth F. Nelson
3644 E. Immigrant Pass Court
Boise, ill 83716-6906
Telephone: (208) 343-7079
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James A. Davis
1870 N. Oak Hills Dr.
Meridian, Idaho 83642
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May 5 2005
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
PO Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0074
I am writing this in response to the current rate increases requested by Idaho
Power. In reviewing the ongoing rate increase requests that we are seeing, it
appears to me that Idaho Power needs to take a hard look at their fiscal
management of revenues.
I am particularly opposed to an increase to pay taxes. I realize that utilities
are supposed to be non-profit, but taxes should be paid out of profits, which
Idaho Power does have. No individual can acquire a pay increase for the
sole purpose of paying taxes. No private corporation can get their
consumers to pay their taxes. Granted, they can increase the price of their
product, but competition does not allow that. Unfortunately, Idaho Power
does not have competition. They are a monopoly.
I recommend these increases be denied. It seems that the people from Idaho
Power keep coming at you with rate increases and eventually wear you
down. They need to be good stewards of their revenues, and it appears they
are not.
Thank you for the opportunity to express my opinion.
Games A. Davis
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