HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050506Comments.pdfd ' '" ~ . ' 'i- ;lli c, """"'- \XJ DONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 3366 - t IF- ~Dn~ iitr~1 - 6 I\M \0: \ 4 ; c UTiLI illS CO i!11SSION Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IN CREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE DUE TO THE INCLUSION OF THE BENNETT MOUNTAIN PLANT INVESTMENT IN ITS RATE BASE. CASE NO. IPC-OS- COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Donald L. Howell, II, Deputy Attorney General, and responds to the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure issued on April 1 , 2005. BACKGROUND On March 2 2005 , Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power; Company) filed the present Application to recover its capital investment in the new Bennett Mountain generating facility located in Mountain Home, Idaho. More specifically, the Company seeks to rate base $58 022 983 attributable to the cost of constructing the generating plant and the necessary transmission and interconnection facilities. Idaho Power initially calculated that the addition to rate base will result in an increase to its annual revenue requirement of$13 482 146. On March 22, 2005 , Idaho Power filed an Amended Application. The Company noted that it had used an incorrect "federal and state income tax rate" that overstated the proposed STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 increase in the Company s annual revenue requirement. Using the correct federal and state income tax rate of 39.1 percent approved by the Commission in rate case Order No. 29601 , the Company requested a revenue requirement of $9,402 996. Amended Application at 5. To recover this lower amount, the Company proposed to increase its base rates by approximately 84 percent. Id. at 5- Revised Attch. 4. The Company requests the proposed increase to its base rates become effective June 1 2005 , which would coincide with any rate change caused by the annual Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) mechanism. COMMENTS Bennett Mountain CPCN, Case No. IPC-O3- In January 2004, the Commission issued Order No. 29410 approving Idaho Power Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) to construct and operate the Bennett Mountain Power Plant. Bennett Mountain is a 162 MW natural gas-fired simple-cycle power plant. The plant was constructed by Mountain View Power, Inc. Williams Northwest Pipeline will provide the natural gas necessary to fuel the plant. Mountain View also constructed the natural gas pipeline essential to interconnect with Williams. In its Application for authority to construct the Bennett Mountain plant, Idaho Power provided the Commission with a "Commitment Estimate" of the proj ect's total capital costs. The Commitment Estimate for the proj ect was $54 million, which included the firm bid price of the project ($44.6 million) plus additional costs such as sales taxes, AFUDC, oversight and change orders. Order No. 29410 at 4. The Commitment Estimate did not include the cost of constructing or upgrading transmission facilities necessary to connect Bennett Mountain with the Company s existing transmission system, any legally required equipment changes, and material changes in assumed escalation forecast rates. Id. at 16. At the time, Idaho Power estimated that the interconnection and/or transmission upgrades for the plant would cost between $5 and $11.6 million. Reasonable ,!nd prudent fuel costs for the Bennett Mountain Plant were to be recovered through the PCA mechanism. Id. In Order No. 29410 issued January 2 2004, the Commission authorized Idaho Power to build the plant, to recover in the ordinary course of events the base price of $44.6 million, and to recover reasonable expenses in excess of the base price up to the Comn1itment Estimate. The recovery of costs above the base price was to be reviewed in a subsequent case, i., the present case. Order No. 29410 at 15-16. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 Review of Project Costs Staff has reviewed the project costs and compared them to the costs that were estimated at the time the Certificate of Convenience and Necessity was granted. The following table compares the estimated project costs to the final project costs. Table 1: Comparison of Estimated and Final Bennett Mountain Pro .eet Costs Contract Price AFUDC, sales taxes, IPCo oversi , start-u fuel, all chan e ordersTotal Plant Cost Transmission & Interconnection 600 000 400,000 000,000 5 - 11.6 million 600 000 596,872 50,196,872 846,074 As shown in the table, the $50 196 872 final costs of the plant, not including transmission and interconnection, was less than the $54 million Commitment Estimate approved by the Commission in Order No. 29410. The final transmission and interconnection cost to integrate the plant into Idaho Power s transmission system was $7 846 074. This cost falls within the $5. - $11.6 million range estimated previously by Idaho Power. The overall cost of the project of $58 042 946 came in below the bottom of the estimated range of total project costs. Audit and Revenue Requirement To establish costs associated with the construction, transmission and interconnection facilities attributed to Bennett Mountain, Staff performed a detailed analysis of the Company present Application and workpapers. The analysis included a comprehensive project specific desk audit outlining Bennett Mountain actual and estimated transmission and plant expenditures. The two key contractors on the plant project were TR2, and Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation. Combined, these two contracts totaled more than 75 percent of the overall power plant costs. On the transmission and communication side of the project, the major contractors were Par Electrical, Thomas & Betts, Paradise Excavation, and Mountain View Power Inc. To analyze the difference between the contract amounts and the actual amounts, Staff reviewed all change orders to identify the prudence of these transactions. In addition to the change orders, Staff reviewed all major vendor invoices, contracts and financial transactions of the project to insure reasonableness and accuracy. Some of the most prominent change orders were related to delay issues, environmental impacts, relay protection on transformers, gas STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 pressure losses and the need for additional concrete for retaining walls at the plant. Other than the single change order discussed below, all change orders seem reasonable and prudent. In addition to the comprehensive project specific desk audit, Staff conducted a physical on-site examination of the Bennett Mountain plant, the new Rattlesnake switching station and the Rattlesnake Butte microwave radio station. The on-site examination included a detailed review of the major components of the plant, a comparison of the contracts with the equipment installed and an overview of the plant operations. In addition, Staff verified all capitalized spare parts that were held in reserve. All parts were reconciled with purchase orders provided by Idaho Power. Using updated actual costs through March 2005 and projected costs for April 2005 provided by Idaho Power, Staff compiled the following chart showing items purchased and related costs. These costs are comprised of plant construction costs as well as transmission and interconnection costs associated with the project. When comparing Idaho Power s original requested amount of $58 022 983 to the Company s updated expenses of $58 042 946 there is a variance of$19 936. Staff believes that this variance is due to the nature of the April projections and does not seem out of the ordinary given the detail and nature of the costs. Table 2: Bennett Mountain Projeet Costs Bennett Mountain Power Plant Construction Capitalized Spare Parts 2004 Bennett Mountain Subtotal Plant Costs BMPR0301 Bennett Mountain Power Plant Bennett Mountain to Rattlesnake Line Line 716 Right of Way New Rattlesnake Switching Station Rattlesnake Property Purchase Rattlesnake to Line 906, In/Out Reconductor Line 906 at Boise Line 906 In/Out Right of Way Make Ready Work for Fiber Install Distribution and Local Service Fiber From Rattlesnake to Bennett Mountain Upgrade Communications From Bennett Mountain Subtotal Transmission & Interconnection Costs 46,751,849 910 733 662 582 534 290 534 290 286 139 910 733 196 872 915 563 255 931 778 210 272 582,302 238 062 629 601 765 765 929 006 288 097 826 263 929 106 517 106 511' 619 613 789 240 631 642 150 173 942 84,264 064 064 170 948 323 52,441 72,439 10,291 807 537 680 200 760 640 548,367 996 039 637,402 037 635 674,663 133776 846 074 STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 The $58 042 946 shown in Table 2 as total project costs will be rate based as plant in service. The net rate base will also reflect the deductions for accumulated depreciation and deferred income taxes associated with this plant. This net rate base figure will be $52.7 million if the Commission accepts the proposed Staff adjustment discussed below. Staff notes that under the construction contract between Mountain View Power and Idaho Power, a letter of "Final Acceptance" was required when Idaho Power was satisfied that the plant meets all contract specifications and is ready to generate power commercially. The Company sent that letter on April 1 , 2005 when the construction was essentially complete. Control and operation of the plant has been transferred to Idaho Power. The plant is now available for serving Idaho ratepayers. Staff has reviewed the letter of acceptance and agrees that Idaho Power appropriately accepted the plant and that the costs should be transferred to the Company books. Costs Associated with the Delay Change Order Staff opposes only one change order associated with completion of the project. Because of Idaho Power s delay in issuing the full "Notice to Proceed" to Mountain View by December 31 2003 , Idaho Power paid Mountain View an additional amount of$71 875. Section 10.1 of Idaho Power s contract with Mountain View dated November 6, 2003 provided that if the Commission issued a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity between January 1 2004 and January 31 , 2004, Idaho Power would pay a penalty of not more than $100 000 as a result of the delay. Staff Attachment No.1. Idaho Power issued a "partial" Notice to Proceed to Mountain View on about January 15 2004 and a "full" Notice to Proceed on January 24, 2004. Therefore Change Order No.1 was executed containing a prorated penalty of$71 875. Staff Attachment No. Staff believes that this delay penalty is Idaho Power s responsibility and should not be passed on to ratepayers. The potential for the penalty was known in advance by Idaho Power because it was contained in the contract between Idaho Power and Mountain View. In its September 26 Application the Company requested expedited treatment and that the Commission issue an Order no later than December 31 , 2003. During the Commission s October 7, 2003 decision meeting, the Company s request for an expedited schedule was discussed. The Commission expressed some concern about the expedited, fast track schedule. Two Commissioners noted "that if Idaho Power has determined it needs the resource, then it had STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 better go forward and not wait around for the Commission s pre approval to give it further assurance of how it will be treated later on." Staff Attachment No.3 (Minutes of Decision Meeting, October 7 2003). Nevertheless, an extremely compressed schedule was adopted in an attempt to accommodate the Company s request for expedited treatment. A chronology of the case is set out below. Events above the solid black line occurred prior to the filing of the Company s Application; events below the line occurred after the filing of the Application. Table 3: Chronology of Case No. IPC-O2-12, Bennett Mountain CPC 24-Feb-2003 28-Apr-2003 29-Apr-2003 May-2003 June-2003 12-Sep-2003 17-Sep-2003 18-Sep-2003 26-Sep-2003 0ct-2003 7 -Oct-2003 10-0ct-2003 22-0ct-2003 27 -Oct-2003 30-0ct-2003 Nov-2003 Dec-2003 II-Dec-2003 15-Dec-2003 15-Dec-2003 17-Dec-2003 18-Dec-2003 22-Dec-2003 Jan-2004 Jan-2004 12-Jan-2004 24-Jan-2004 26-Jan-2004 RFP Issued Bids Received by Idaho Power Idaho Power Began Initial Screening of Bids Short List Developed Meetings with Bidders Final Modifications to Two Top Bids Accepted Recommendation of Mountain View Power Proposal to IdaCorp Board of Directors Board of Directors Approved Mountain View Power Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Filed with the Commission Decision Memo Submitted by Staff Decision Meeting - Decision to Issue a Notice and Set Prehearing Conference First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power (82 Requests) Prehearing Conference IPCo Response to Staffs First Production Request Notice of Modified Procedure Issued IPCo Further Response to Staffs First Production Request IPCo Supplemental Response to Staffs First Production Request IPCo Supplemental Response to Staffs First Production Request Staff Comments Filed (37 pps., 10 Attachments) Comments Received from Advocates for the West Reply Comments of Mountain View Power Reply Comments of Idaho Power Bennett Mountain Case on Decision Meeting Agenda Order No. 29410 issued Approving Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Issued Idaho Power Filed Petition for Clarification Notice to Proceed Issued by Idaho Power to Mountain View Power Order No. 29422 on Petition for Clarification As shown by the case chronology above, Staff and the Commission worked extremely diligently to process the case quickly. From the time the Application was filed until the time a final order was issued, barely more than three months elapsed. Staff made 82 production requests in the case, receiving Idaho Power s last supplemental response just four days before it STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 filed very extensive comments on December 15, 2003. Three days later, Idaho Power filed reply comments. Merely two working days later, on December 22, 2003, the case was on the Commission s decision meeting agenda. Deliberation and preparation of an order was accomplished in six working days, mostly between the Christmas and New Years holidays. Despite Staff and the Commission s best efforts, Order No. 29410 approving the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was not issued until Friday, January 2 2004, the first working day following December 31 , the deadline for Idaho Power to issue a Notice to Proceed. Issuance of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, which is simply a ministerial matter followed on January 8, 2004. Idaho Power should have filed its Application earlier than September 26 to allow sufficient and ample time for Commission review. The delay in submitting the Notice to Proceed could have been avoided if Idaho Power filed its Application earlier. There are two other reasons that support Staff s determination that the Change Order charge is neither reasonable nor prudent. First, Order No. 29410 issued January 2 2004 authorized Idaho Power to construct the Bennett Mountain plant. The second ordering paragraph states "Idaho Power s Application seeking a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to build the Bennett Mountain project is approved. Certificate No. 420 will be issued to Idaho Power." Order No. 29410 at 16. Thus, the Order authorizing the issuance of the Certificate is service dated January 2 2004. However, the Company did not issue its full "Notice to Proceed" until January 24 2004. Clearly ratepayers should not be held accountable for Idaho Power delay in issuing the unconditional Notice to Proceed once the Commission issued its Order on January 2 2004. Second, ten days after the Commission issued its authorizing Order Idaho Power filed a Petition for Clarification/Reconsideration. Idaho Power s concern in its Petition for Clarification addressed the use of the word "may" in Commission Order No. 29410. In particular, Order No. 29410 stated that "in the ordinary course of events, Idaho Power may anticipate rate basing $44. million. ..." Order No. 29410 at 11 (emphasis added). Although the Staff recognizes Idaho Power s right to petition for a clarification, Idaho Power should have anticipated the possibility of a reconsideration or clarification period in its contract with Mountain View. According to the chronology set out above, there was approximately a three-month gap between June 2003 (meeting with bidders) and the date final bid modifications were due (September 12, 2003). There is no explanation why Idaho Power did STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 not require final bids before September 12. Clearly ratepayers should not be responsible for the Company s delay in issuing its Notice to Proceed. In summary, Staff contends that responsibility for issuing the Notice to Proceed 23 days late rests with Idaho Power for the following reasons: 1. Staff and the Commission adopted an extremely compressed schedule for an Application of this magnitude, while still meeting requirements for public notification and comment, and extensive discovery. Idaho Power should have filed its Application earlier than September 26 to allow sufficient and ample time for Commission review. 2. Order No. 29410 was issued on January 2 2004. The Order explicitly stated that Idaho Power s Application seeking a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to build the Bennett Mountain Power Plant was approved and that Certificate No. 420 would be issued to Idaho Power. 3. Any delay in issuing the Notice to Proceed beyond January 2 2004 was the responsibility of Idaho Power. On January 12, 2004, Idaho Power filed a Petition for Clarification of Order No. 29410 seeking clarification of what the Commission intended by its use of the language "Idaho Power may recover the reasonable and prudent costs of the Bennett Mountain project." For these reasons, Staff recommends that the $71 875 delay penalty paid by Idaho Power to Mountain be disallowed for recovery from ratepayers. In addition to removing a portion of the plant costs, Staff also removes $2 315 for depreciation expense and $1 384 for property tax expense that is associated with the capital amounts. Incremental Power Supply Costs and the PCA In its Application the Company proposed to adjust base rates to include the costs of the Bennett Mountain Project, except for the incremental costs of power supply. The incremental costs of power supply (fuel costs plus purchased power costs less secondary sales revenues) decrease when a new resource is added. The Idaho jurisdictional decrease in incremental power supply costs ($478 300) is more than offset by the Iqaho jurisdictional revenue requirement that comes from fixed cost increases. These fixed costs increase the overall revenue requirement return on the plant, operation and maintenance expenses, depreciation expense and taxes. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 However, the Company s proposal is to capture the incremental power supply cost reduction through the PCA process instead of adjusting base rates. This is done by allowing the PCA to capture the difference in normalized power supply costs with and without Bennett Mountain and to also credit ratepayers the 10 percent difference from the sharing mechanism that would otherwise go to shareholders. This approach captures the same $478 300 reduction in power supply costs through the PCA mechanism that would be captured ifbase rates were reduced. Because this reduction occurs under all water conditions, it is not subject to sharing by shareholders. Thus the 10 percent sharing credit must be provided until base power supply costs are updated to include Bennett Mountain, which will probably occur in the Company s next general rate case. In its next rate case the Company will adjust base rates to reflect reduced incremental power supply costs and those same incremental power supply costs will be used in the PCA to measure differences between actual and base conditions. After base rates are adjusted, the PCA will no longer capture\a difference between normal power supply costs with and without Bennett Mountain in operation. Staff accepts the Company s proposed methodology in this filing because it achieves the same result as the more traditional adjustment to base rates and because the Company has made its 2005 PCA filing based on this methodology. However, for future filings where the proposal is to include the revenue requirement associated with fixed costs in base rates, Staff prefers that incremental power supply costs be included in base rates and that the appropriate PCA adjustments be made. These adjustments would include updating the PCA base and the forecast formula. Rates To recover the increased base revenue requirement the Company has calculated a uniform percentage increase to the demand and energy rates within each schedule. The Company also increased lighting rates by the same percentage. Although Staff proposes to reduce the revenue requirement requested by the Company in this case, Staff supports the Company s revenue allocation and rate design methodology. Staff proposes to summarize specific Bennett Mountain rate impacts in comments filed in Idaho Power s PCA Case No. IPC-05-15. Staff will also summarize the rate impacts associated with the Income Tax Case No. IPC-05-14. Rate changes resulting from all three cases are proposed to go into effect STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 on June 1 2005. However, if the Commission adopts the Staffs recommendation in this case to delete the cost of the Delay Change Order, then Staff will verify the changes in the Company revenue requirement model for the Idaho Jurisdiction and recalculate Bennett Mountain rate impacts accordingly. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the amounts proposed by the Company in its revised filing be adjusted to reflect actual expenses through March 2005 and updated projections for April 2005. Staff also recommends disallowance of the cost associated with the Delay Change Order. Staff further recommends that the rate impacts of this case be effective June 1 2005 using the allocation and rate design methodology as proposed by the Company. Staff recommends the actual revenue requirement associated with the adjusted rate base of $52.7 million be reflected in the Staff comments for the PCA in Case No. IPC-05-15 with combined rates established by the Commission at that time. This will allow the Commission decisions in this case (IPC-05-10), the tax case (IPC-05-14) and the PCA case (IPC-05-15) to be accurately reflected in the Company s Idaho Jurisdictional Revenue Requirement Model w!th the impact of the three cases included in the PCA Order. Respectfully submitted this ('I day of May 2005. /.' /J -Wf" Donald L. Ho ell, II Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Alden Holm Keith Hessing Eric Johnson Rick Sterling i :umisc/comments/ipcO5.Odhrpsahkh STAFF COMMENTS MAY 6, 2005 Section 9.Resumption of Work Following any suspension, after receipt of written notice to resume progress of the Works Seller shall examine the Works affected by the suspension. Seller shall, pursuant to a Change Order correct, repair or replace any deterioration to, nonconfonnity in or loss of the Works that occulTed during the suspension. Section 9.4 Change Order in Event of Suspension (a) Seller may, at any time prior to thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice to resume progress of the Works under Section 9.3 above, notify Buyer of its request for a Change Order as a result of such suspension. (b) In the event of such suspension requested by Buyer, Seller shall be entitled to a Change Order to offset Seller s costs, including interest at the Prime Rate for the duration of the Suspension. In the event the aggregate time of Suspension exceeds ninety (90) days , Seller shall be entitled to receive payments equal to the cancellation amounts as set forth in Appendix J and in Article 17. Section 9.Storage in the Event of Suspension (a) In the event that Buyer is unwilling or unable to receive the Gas Turbine or other equipment, Seller will upon written notice to Buyer and giving Buyer reasonable opportunity to designate a mutually acceptable destination, place the Gas Turbine and equipment in storage. If the Gas Turbine and/or equipment is to be placed into storage pursuant to this provision , delivery of the Gas Turbine and/or equipment shall be deemed to occur, and any payments due upon such delivery shall be payable by Buyer, when the Gas Turbine and/or equipment (i) is placed free on board carrier at the manufacturing facility for shipment to the storage location or (ii) is placed into the storage location when stored at the manufacturing facility. (b) In the event of storage pursuant to the preceding paragraph, all expenses thereby incurred by Seller, including. but not limited to ' preparation for and placement into storage, handling, transportation, storage , inspection, preservation, Taxes and insurance and any necessary rehabilitation prior to installation shall be payable by Buyer upon submission of invoices prepared by Seller. When conditions permit and upon payment to Seller of any amounts due hereunder, Seller, at Buyer expense shall remove the Gas Turbine and/or equipment from storage. ARTICLE 10 PROJECT COlVIPLETION Attachment No. Case No. IPC-E-05- Staff Comments5/6/05 Page Section 10.Notice To Proceed Subject to a condition precedent that Buyer shall have received a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC") acceptable to Buyer authorizing, confinning or allowing Buyer -to enter into this Agreement or to proceed with the Project, Buyer shall issue to Seller a Notice to Proceed not later than December 31 , 2003. Seller shall commence the Work - - ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT -Page 25 MVP APprovar~ IPCo Approval Contract filed 11/6/03 upon receipt of the Notice To Proceed and proceed diligently to complete the Work in accordance with the Schedule. If at any time the IPUC issues an Order either denying Buyer said Certificate of Convenience and Necessity or issuing a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity that is not acceptable to Buyer Buyer is under no obligation under this Agreement to issue to Seller a Notice to Proceed and Buyer, at Buyer s sole discretion, may terminate this Agreement by written notice thereof to Seller and, upon said tennination, Seller shall waive any claims for damages , including loss of anticipated profits on account thereof, and Seller s sole right and remedy shall be the payment rendered to Seller by Buyer at the time of execution of this Agreement-. Ownership of the Project and any work in progress shall remain with the Seller. If the IPUC issues a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity acceptable to Buyer authorizing, confinning or allowing Buyer to enter into this Agreement or to proceed with the Project and issuance of said Certificate is postponed to a date between January 1 , 2004 and January 31 , 2004, Buyer shall issue to Seller a Notice to Proceed within forty-eight (48) hours of Buyer s receipt of said Certificate and the parties agree that the Purchase Price will not increase by more than $100 000.00 as a result of the delay of issuance of the Notice to Proceed to a date between January 3, 2004 and February 2 2004. Adjustment of the Purchase Price due to delay in the issuance of the Notice to Proceed as described herein shall require a Change Order pursuant to Article 7. Furthennore, Seller may, at Seller s sole discretion, notify Buyer that failure to issue the Notice to Proceed on or before December , 2003 is a material modification to the Schedule (including adjustments to the Guaranteed Provisional Acceptance Date) requiring a Change Order pursuant to Article 7. If the IPUC issues a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity acceptable to Buyer authorizing, confirming or allowing Buyer to enter into this Agreement or to proceed with the Project and issuance of said Certificate is delayed to a date after January 31 2004, the parties shall , pursuant to Article 7 adjust the Schedule and the Purchase Price via a Change Order. Section 10.Time for Completion Seller shall have completed the Works and the Perfonnance Tests in accordance with the Agreement, as modified by any Change Orders. The Parties agree that the Provisional Acceptance Date shall occur no later than the Guaranteed Provisional Acceptance Date. Section 10.Extension of Time for Completion (a) Seller may make a Claim for an extension of the Guaranteed Provisional Acceptance Date for delays which are caused by any of the following: At tachmen t No. Case No. IPC-E-05- Staff Comments5/6/05 Page (ii) failure of the Buyer to fulfill any of its material obligations under this Agreement; (i)Change Orders; (iii) material delay by any other contractor engaged by the Buyer; or (iv) Force Majeure. ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT - Page 26 Contract filed 11/6/03 MVP Approval IPCo Approval IPUC Case No. IPC-OS- First Production Request Request No. Please list and describe all significant change orders (in excess of $5 000) associated with the Bennett Mountain project. Please list the added costfor each significant change order. -----, -..,- ~-"""',,- -'--'------' - '-....-,-----,--,-_.-_--,-,.--,-..---_.,- Response: For the Bennett Mountain Power Plant- Change Order #1 ($71 875.00) This charge is due to a timing difference between the issuance afthe full Notice to. Proceed to TR 2 by December 31 st 2003 and receipt of the Certificate of Convenience and Necessity. Change Order #2 ($27 322.03) This charge is to. cover the additional "air permitting" costs incurred by TR2 due to. the reorientation of the plant to minimize no.ise impacts on the adjoining properties (see CO#3). Change Order # 3 ($94 705.50) This Change Order is related to the desir~-to reduce the environmental impacts to. the surro.unding properties. ' , The reotientation of the facilities gave the maximum distance fro.m permanently occupied dwellings. This was necessary to reduce the potential noise levels at the dwellings to. an ' acceptable level (below 58 dba).' This was the best opportunity (before the Facility was built) to address this potential issue in the mast economic manner. CO # 2 also. relates this same issue. Change Qrder # 4 ($39,420.00) This CO includes charges relating to- Emergency lighting in the control room (adequate emergency warking lighting) Switchyard drainage design Revisions in plant layout (common Control Room) Cable Trench and the "buyer provided" DC Panel Bo.ard. The main cost components relate to the integration of the Substation Contro.l Building and the Plant Control Building into one common facility. This eliminated the need fo.r a Switchyard Building (approx. $100 000 reduction in project cost) and allo.wed the P1ant/Switchyard interface to be simplified. The savings due to this aspect are not as easily identifiable but direct saving such as a common DC system (Credit $20 950), with one Battery Bank (thus simplifying maintenance programs) were the main drivers behind the CO. Attachment No. Case No. IPC-E-05- Staff Comments5/6/05 MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2003 - 1:30 P. In attendance were Commissioners Paul Kjellander and Marsha Smith. Commissioner Hansen was absent and excused. Commissioner Kjellander called the meeting to order. The fIrst order of business was approval of the CONSENT AGENDA, items 1-3. There was-no discussion. Commissioner Kjellander made a motion to approve items 1-3. A vote was taken on the motion and it carried unanimously. The next order of business was MATTERS IN PROGRESS: 4. Don Howell's October 3, 2003 Decision Memorandum re: Idaho Power s Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Authority to Build the New Bennett Mountain Power Plant in Mountain Home, Case No. IPC-03-12. Mr. Howell reviewed his Decision Memo. Commissioner Smith stated she had no objection to issuing a Notice of Application or scheduling a prehearing conference, but she had serious concerns about scheduling a prehearing conference on October 15 , only a week away. She said she was concerned whether such short notice would provide adequate time for potential intervenors to actually hear about the application, determine if they have an interest and organize themselves to participate meaningfully in a prehearing conference. She said that if the company has determined it needs this resource then it had better go forward and not wait around for the Commission s preapproval to give it further assurance of how it will be treated later on. She said the PUC ought to process the application as fast as it can while accommodating the needs of all people who have an interest in the proceeding. Mr. Howell replied that normally the Commission s rules require 14-day notice for a prehearing conference unless there are extenuating circumstances. He said Staff was trying to accommodate the expedited nature of the proceeding. Commissioner Kj ellander suggested that Staff pick a date for the prehearing conference closer to the 20 in order to give more notice for potential intervenors. He said he agreed with Commissioner Smith' point that we have been hearing for some time through the IRP process that there is a need for a plant of this size so the Company should by all means move forward. He made a motion to issue a Notice of Application and establish dates for intervention and a prehearing conference closer to October 20 depending upon the Commission s calendar. A vote was taken on the motion and it carried unanimously. 5. Discussion re: Avista PCA Surcharge--Scheduled October 11 , 2003 PCA Surcharge Expiration; Proposed Continuation of 19.4010 ($23.36 million) Surcharge Pending Receipt of Company Reply to Staff Comments, Final Deliberation and Order. Case No. A VU-03- (Avista). (No Memo. Scott Woodbury stated that A vista has requested approval of its Schedule 66 PCA balancing account deferrals and continuation of an existing 19.4% or $23.6 million PCA surcharge. He said without Commission action the existing surcharge approved last year will expire on October 11 tho He stated the case has been processed pursuant to modified procedure with a comment deadline of September 30 . He stated that in its comments Staff had recommended a Coyote Springs-related $5.8 million adjustment in net fuel expense for natural gas that was purchased and not burned. He said Staff recommends continuation of the 19.4% surcharge. He said A vista had contacted Staff and i:i1tends to file a written reply by mid-week, and in its filing will make a procedural recommendation regarding Staff's proposed Attachment No. Case No. IPC-E-05- Staff Comments5/6/05 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 6TH DAY OF MAY 2005 SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF IN CASE - NO. IPC-05-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE MONICA MOEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 GREGORY W SAID JOHN R GALE IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 \aJdL SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE