HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050323Said Supplemental Testimony.pdf(DElVED r-r"l it.eLl '~"r &"- (no\) JAR 22 Pic' 4: 45 . -. . U Tll i n E it CQM"if S tON BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-05- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE DUE TO THE INCLUSION OF THE BENNETT MOUNTAIN PROJECT INVEST- MENT IN REVENUE REQUIREMENT IDAHO POWER COMPANY SUPPLEMENTAL TESTIMONY GREGORY W. SAID March 22, 2005 Please state your name and business address. My name is Gregory W. Said and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. Are you the same Gregory W. Said tha t previously submitted direct testimony and exhibits in this proceeding? Yes. What is the purpose of your supplemental tes timony? The purpose of my supplemental testimony to support the Amended Application for increased rates filed by Idaho Power on March 22, 2005.My supplemental testimony provides a detailed explanation of why the Company filed the Amended Application and also provides updated revenue requirement information that reflects not only Commission Orders Nos. 29505 and 29547, but also Order No. 29601. Please elaborate. Exhibi t 3, described in my original testimony In this case, provided detail of the incremental Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement associated wi th the addition of the Bennett Mountain Project measured from the base revenue requirement established in Order Nos. 29505 and 29547.That base revenue requirement computation included an historic five-year average combined federal and state income tax rate of 30.9 percent, which had been approved at SAID , Supp Di Idaho Power Company the time of the above-mentioned orders.Subsequently, in Order No. 29601; the Commission accepted a settlement stipulation which readopted use of the statutory federal and state income tax rates resulting in a combined rate of 39. percent.Al though retail electric rates have not yet been adjusted to reflect the statutory income tax rates (the Company was ordered to reflect the change to the statutory income tax rates in the Company s rates and charges to customers concurrently wi th its annual PCA rate change on June 1, 2005), it is appropriate to compute rate impacts resul ting from the addi tion of the Bennet t Mountain proj ect utilizing the combined percent this time. Are you statutory income tax rate of 39. presenting an exhibi t that shows the changes to your previously-filed Exhibi t 3 that reflects the settled lncome tax rate of 39.1 percent? Yes, Exhibit 7 is the equivalent of Exhibit wi th the change in the combined federal and state income tax rate from the 30.9 percent rate approved in Order Nos. 29505 and 29547 to 39.1 percent approved in Order No. 29601. What is the impact to the Company s stated revenue requirement deficiency of $13,482,146 as a result of updating the combined federal and state income tax rates from 30.9 percent to 39.1 percent consistent with Order No. 29601 ? SAID, Supp Di Idaho Power Company The additional revenue requirement associated wi th the Bennett Mountain proj ect measured using the 39. percent combined income tax rate is $9,402,996 rather than the $13,482,146 that was originally filed. Have you supervised the preparation of an exhibi t to depict the differences in revenue requirement components as a result of utilizing differing income tax ra tes in Exhibi t 3 and Exhibi t 7? Yes, Exhibi t 8 depicts the incremental revenue requirement components associated wi th the addi tion of the Bennett Mountain proj ect based upon the 3 0 ~ 9 percent combined income tax rate used in Exhibi t 3 and the subsequent incremental revenue requirement components associated with the addition of the Bennett Mountain project based upon the 39.1 percent combined income tax rate used in Exhibi t 7. Are you presenting an exhibi t that includes an updated set of proposed tariff schedules to reflect the $9,402,966 incremental change from the Company s base revenue requirement as a result of the addition of the Bennett Mountain project? Yes, I requested and supervised the preparation of Exhibit 9, which provides the proposed tariff rates reflecting the incremental increase in the Company revenue requirement due to the addition of the Bennett SAID, Supp Di Idaho Power Company Mountain project reflecting the settled 39.1 percent income tax rate.Pages 1 through 22 of Exhibi t 9 are the proposed tariffs in legislative format to show the changes in tariff components from current levels.The changes in rate components represent a uniform percentage adjustment to the energy and demand charges. Wha t percentage lncrease In revenue requirement will each of the customer classes see as a resul t of the incremental change in revenue requirement due to the addition of the Bennett Mountain project once the settled income tax rate is reflected? Exhibi t 10 was prepared under my superVlSlon to show the percentage change in the revenue requirement of each class.Because of the uniform nature of the Company proposal, the revenue requirement for each customer class will increase by approximately 84 percent due to the addition of the Bennett Mountain project once the 39. percent combined income tax rate is reflected in the revenue requirement computations. Does this conclude your supplemental testimony? Yes, it does. SAID, Supp Di Idaho Power Company