HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050303Said Direct.pdft, t:i-, G L \,/(: D r ED . C rEl ~o- lullS f\1AD JMl\ '1 5: UrIL;rlr.L" (lL Ie-0 Lllt'1r'fiSSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE DUE TO THE INCLUS ION OF THE BENNETT MOUNTAIN PROJECT INVEST- MENT IN REVENUE REQUIREMENT CASE NO. IPC-05- IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY GREGORY W. SAID March 2005 Please state your name and business address. My name is Gregory W. Said and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capaci ty? I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Manager of Revenue Requirement in the Pricing and Regulatory Services Department. Please describe your educational background. In May of 1975, I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics with honors from Boise State Uni versi ty.In 1999, I attended the Public Utility Executi ve ' s Course at the Uni versi ty of Idaho. Please describe your work experience wi Idaho Power Company. I became employed by Idaho Power Company in 1980 as an analyst in the Resource Planning Department. 1985 I was the Company witness addressing power supply expenses ln the Company s general revenue requirement case, 1006-265. In August of 1989, after nlne years in the Resource Planning Department, I was offered and I accepted a position in the Company s Rate Department.Wi th the Company s application for a temporary rate increase in 1992, my responsibilities as a witness were expanded.While I SAID, DI Idaho Power Company continued to be the Company wi tness concerning power supply expenses, I also sponsored the Company s rate computations and proposed tari f f schedules. Because of my combined Resource Planning and Rate Department experience, I was asked to design a Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) which would impact customers ' rates based upon changes in the Company s net power supply I presented my recommendations to the Idahoexpenses. Public Utilities Commission in 1992 at which time the Commission established the PCA as an annual adjustment to I sponsored the Company s annual PCAthe Company s rates. adjustment in each of the years 1996 through 2004. In 1994, I was selected to become the Meridian District Manager as a one-year cross training opportuni ty. In 1996, after my return to the Pricing and Regulatory Services Department I was promoted to Director of At year-end 2002, I was promoted toRevenue Requirement. the Manager of Revenue Requirement. During 1999 and 2000, I directed the preparation of the Company s 2000 Integrated Resource Plan I managed the Request for Proposals (RFP) process(IRP) that resulted from the Near-Term Action Plan identified in I also participated in the preparationtha t Resource Plan. The RFPof the 2002 IRP and subsequent 2003 RFP process. issued as part of the Near-Term Action Plan outlined in the SAID, DI Idaho Power Company 2002 IRP report resulted in the selection of the Mountain View Power, Inc. proj ect as the Company s preferred addi tion of a new peaking resource. Are you the same Gregory W. Said that provided testimony in Case No. IPC-03-12, the application of Idaho Power Company for a certificate of convenience and necessity for the ratebasing of the Bennett Mountain Power Plant? Yes, I am. Please summarize your testimony in Case No. IPC-E- 03 -12 . My testimony in Case No. IPC-03-12 provided a brief history of the Bennett Mountain Project as of that time including Idaho Power s issuance of the RFP on February 24, 2003; the bid evaluation process that led up to the selection of Mountain View Power , Inc.(MVP) as the successful bidder, some of the significant provisions of the agreement wi th MVP for the proj ect, and the Company proposed ratemaking treatment of the costs associated wi the Bennett Mountain proj ect.For the convenience of the Commission, I have included my prior testimony in Case No. IPC-03-12 as Exhibit For purposes of this testimony, the power plant and the related transmission and interconnection facilities are collectively referred to as "the Bennett SAID, DI Idaho Power Company Mountain proj ect. Since you filed your tes timony in Case No. IPC-03-12, have there been any changes to the Bennett Moun tain Power Plant Agreement? The Bennett Mountain Power PlantNo. Agreement has not been changed, however, MVP did assign the Bennett Mountain Power Plant Agreement to an Idaho LLC, TR Did the Commission issue an order in Case No. IPC-03-12 approving the Company s application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessi ty for the Bennett Mountain Project? Yes. The Commission, in Orders Nos. 29410 and 29422, issued on January 2, 2004 and January 26, 2004 respectively, approved the Company s application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. January 8, 2004 the Commission issued Certificate No. 420 A copy of Certificate No.for the Bennett Mountain Plant. 420 is attached as Exhibit What is the Company requesting from the Commission in this case? The Company is asking the Commission to review the investments that the Company has made to develop and integrate the Bennett Mountain Power Plant into the Company s operating system and approve an adjustment to the Company s rates to reflect those investments and certain SAID, DI Idaho Power Company rela ted expenses.The Company proposes that the rate adjustment associated with the Bennett Mountain Project occur on June 1, 2005 to coincide with other adjustments to rates that will occur on that date. Will the Bennett Mountain Project be in commercial operation on June 1, 2005? In accordance wi th the agreementYes. between IPC and TR , care, custody and control of the Bennett Mountain Power Plant will be transferred to Idaho Power on the Provisional Acceptance Date, which is scheduled for early March, 2005.Final acceptance and ti tle transfer will occur soon after. Will testing of the power plant occur prior to provisional acceptance of the proj ect? Provisional acceptance of the PowerYes. Plant is subj ect to performance tests to verify that plant characteristics such as net capaci ty, net heat rate, and emission levels are within tolerances contained in the purchase agreement. In your oplnlon, will the Bennett Mountain Project be used and useful on June 1, 2005? Yes. Why has the Company filed this application for inclusion of the Bennett Mountain Project prior to Provisional Acceptance of the power plant? SAID, DI Idaho Power Company The Company plan has been to have the Bennet t Mountain Proj ect avai lable to serve summer loads The Company is trying to time thebeginning in June 2005. change in rates to coincide wi th the Proj ect' s availabili ty A benefi t to a June 1 rate changeto serve loads in June. is that other rate changes such as the PCA will also occur on June 1, 2005, thus avoiding multiple rate changes within Provi sional Acceptance and Commercialthe same year. Operation will occur during the period when the Commission is reviewing the Company s application and auditing costs. The Bennett Mountain Project will be fully operational in time to serve anticipated summer peak loads. What is the total investment related to Bennett Mountain Project that the Company anticipates will have been booked by June 1, 2005 and that the Company is asking be reflected in rates? The Company anticipates $58,022,983 of investment associated wi th the Bennett Mountain Proj ect will be booked by June 1, 2005.That amount is the basis for the June 1 rate change that the Company is requesting in this proceeding. What are some of the components that make up the above-referenced $58,022,983 investment in the Bennett Mountain Proj ect? The $58,022,983 investment estimate consists SAID, DI Idaho Power Company of two primary areas of investment relating to the Proj ect. First, the largest amount of investment associated wi th the Bennett Mountain Project is related to the construction of the power plant by TR As of January 31, 2005, Idaho Power had booked $42,932,458 as Construction Work In Progress Included in this amount is $1,358,291 of Allowance( CWI P) for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC)Dur ing the months of February, March and April, the Company anticipates booking an additional $7,366,034 related to the Bennett Moun tain power plant.This will bring the total investment in the Bennett Mountain Power plant to $50,298,492. Second, the total investment in transmission and interconnection facili ties required to integrate the Bennett Mountain power plant into the Company s system has As of January 31, 2005, $7,279,985 ofalso been quantified. investment in transmission and interconnection facilities for the Bennett Mountain Project had been closed to plant. The Company had also booked $104,005 as CWIP for transmission and interconnection facili ties.AFUDC for transmission and interconnection facili ties amounted to During the months of February, March and April,$132,641. the Company anticipates booking an addi tional $340,501 related to Bennett Mountain transmission and interconnection This will bring the total investment in theinvestment. transmission and interconnection facili ties associated wi SAID, DI Idaho Power Company the Bennett Mountain Power Plant to $7,724 491. It is anticipated that all of the power plant, transmission and interconnection investments will be closed to plant by June 1, 2005. How does the $50,298,492 of investment in the Bennet t Mountain power plant compare to the Company commi tment estimates noted by the Commission in Order No. 29410? The $50,298,492 investment in the Bennett 10 . Mountain power plant is $3,702,508 less than the $54,000,000 As noted bycommi tment estimate provided by the Company. the Commission in Order No. 29410, the Company had added $9,400,000 to the $44,600,000 bid price of the Bennett Mountain power plant to cover certain addi tional costs such as: sales taxes, AFUDC, Idaho Power oversight of the proj ect, the cost of capi talized start-up fuel, construction change orders and other unforeseen events.AFUDC amounts to $1,358,291 of the $5,698,492 of capitalized expenses above the $44.6 million bid price. How does the $7,724,491 of investment in the transmission and interconnection facili ties associated wi the Bennett Mountain Project compare to the Company estimates noted by the Commission in Order No. 29410? The $7,724,491 of investment in transmission and interconnection facilities associated with the Bennett SAID, DI Idaho Power Company Mountain Proj ect is well wi thin the $5.5 million to $11. million range estimated by the Company and acknowledged by the Commission in Order No. 29410. Did you request and superVlse the preparation of a quantification of the change in the Company s revenue requirement as a result of the addition of the $50,298,492 inves tmen t in the Bennet t Mountain power plant and the $7 ,724,491 investment in transmission and interconnection facilities associated with the Bennett Mountain Project? I requested and supervised theYes. preparation of Exhibi t 3 that demonstrates the change in the Company s revenue requirement from the level determined in Order Nos. 29505 and 29547 issued in Case No. IPC-03-13. The change in revenue requirement is due solely to the addition of the Bennett Mountain power plant and the transmission and interconnection facili ties necessary to integrate the power plant to the Company s system. Please describe Exhibi t No. Exhibi t No.3 is a two-page exhibi Page 2 of Exhibit No.3 show the major category detail of changes in the rate base components and net income components associated with the Bennett Mountain Project from levels approved by the Commission in Order Nos. 29505 and 29547. These changes are shown on a system and Idaho jurisdictional All jurisdictional allocations of FERC accounts werebasis. SAID, DI Idaho Power Company fixed such that the addition of the Bennett Mountain Project did not result in a re-allocation of non-Bennett Mountain The Bennett Mountain Plant investment ofProj ect expenses. $50,298,492 can be seen at line number 48.Interconnection investment associated with the Bennett Mountain Plant can be found on lines 49 through 51. Page 1 of Exhibi t No.3 summarizes the Idaho jurisdictional rate base and net income components and quantifies the revenue deficiency associated wi th the addi tion of the Bennett Mountain Proj ect.Tha t revenue deficiency is $13,482,146, which can be seen at line 40 on page 1 of Exhibi t No. Does the $13,482,146 addition to the Company s revenue requirement include expenses that arise as a result of the addition of the Bennett Mountain Project? Yes, changes ln expenses for items such as property taxes, property insurance and depreciation expense have been included because these items are a direct cost the new plant that can be quantified at this time.Expenses such as operating or maintaining the new plant or addi tional labor cost have been excluded because such expenses are not readily known at this time. Has an adjustment for reduced power supply expenses resulting from the addition of the Bennett Mountain proj ect been made in the Company s incremental revenue SAID, DI Idaho Power Company requirement computations? As noted in Commission Order No. 29410,No. the Commission intends to track Bennett Mountain Project fuel expenses and related power supply impacts through the A reduction in incremental revenue requirementPCA process. associated wi th reduced power supply expenses compounded with reduced power supply expenses in PCA computations would result in some doubling of benefits to customers at Company expense.To eliminate the double counting the normalized basis for power supply expenses in PCA computations would need to be updated and the associated PCA regression formula would also need to be updated.It is typical that these PCA foundations are changed during general rate cases.The Company is not recommending any adjustment for power supply expense benefi ts associated wi th the Bennett Mountain proj ect. Recognizing that the Company is not recommending an adjustment to its determination of the incremental revenue requirement associated wi th the addi tion of the Bennett Mountain Project, did you request and supervise the quantification of power supply benefits associated with the addition of the Bennett Mountain Proj ect? Yes, I requested and supervised the preparation of Exhibi t 4 which is a new normalized power SAID, DI Idaho Power Company supply expense determination using all inputs per Case No. IPC-03-13 with the addition of the Bennett Mountain Power supply expenses were reduced by $ 5 08, 300 .Proj ect. The Idaho jurisdictional portion of this amount is $478,300. If this normalized reduction of Idaho jurisdictional power supply expenses actually occurs, customers will benefi t by 90% or $430,500 through PCA computations.The Company will benefi t by the other 10% or $47,800.If the Commission believes that an adjustment to the additional revenue requirement associated with the Bennett Mountain Project should be made to reflect a normalized benefit not already captured by PCA computations, the appropriate adjustment would be the 10% value, $47,800. Did you request and supervise the preparation of tariff rates to reflect the incremental increase in the Company s revenue requi remen t ? Yes, I requested and supervised the preparation of Exhibi 5, which provides the proposed tariff rates reflecting the incremental increase in the Company revenue requirement.Pages 1 through 22 of Exhibi t 5 are the proposed tariffs and pages 23 through 44 are the proposed tariffs in legislative format to show the changes in tariff components.The changes in rate components represent a uniform percentage adjustment to all classes and a uniform percentage adjustment to the energy and demand SAID, DI Idaho Power Company charges. What percentage increase in revenue requirement will each of the customer classes see as a resul t of the incremental change in revenue requirement due to the addition of the Bennett Mountain Project? Exhibit 6 was prepared under my supervision to show the percentage change in the revenue requirement of Because of the uniform nature of the Companyeach class. proposal, the revenue requirement for each customer class has been increased by approximately 2.6 percent. Does this complete your testimony? Yes. SAID, DI Idaho Power Company