HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050303Application.pdfBARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 - MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Phone: (208) 388-2682 FAX: (208) 388-6936 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company ' "'. ~'o I , )\tL i'lL iLED LlJ r~~ .",; 70115Mf\R - 2 PH 4: 51 :L.i (,~j F.LldL. UTiliTIES COr'1t1!SStON 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE DUE TO THE INCLUSION OF THE BENNETT MOUNTAIN PROJECT INVESTMENT IN REVENUE REQUIREMENT CASE NO. IPC-05- APPLICATION Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission ) for an Order approving revised schedules of rates and charges for electric service in the State of Idaho to become effective June 1 , 2005 for service to customers provided on and after that date. In support of this Application, Idaho Power Company represents as follows: Idaho Power Company, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Applicant " is an Idaho corporation whose principal place of business is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise Idaho. APPLICATION, Page II. Applicant is a public utility supplying electric service in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon. In Idaho, Applicant is subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission and in Oregon , is subject to the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. addition , the Company is subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In conducting its business, Applicant operates an interconnected and integrated system. In addition to supplying electric service to the public , Applicant supplies electricity at retail to certain special contract customers and makes wholesale sales of electricity to other electric utilities. III. Attachment No.1 to this Application is a copy of Applicant's IPUC No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 , containing the tariff sheets that specify the rates under which retail electric service is provided to Applicant's customers in the State of Idaho. IV. Attachment No.2 to this Application is a copy of Applicant's proposed new IPUC No. 27, Tariff No.1 01 , which contains the tariff sheets specifying the proposed rates for providing retail electric service to Applicant's customers in the State of Idaho. Attachment No.3 to this Application shows each proposed change in rates and charges by striking over proposed deletions to existing tariff sheets and highlighting or underlining proposed additions or amendments to the proposed tariff sheets. APPLICATION , Page 2 VI. Attachment No.4 to this Application shows a comparison of revenues from the various tariff customers and special contract customers under Applicant's existing rates and charges with the corresponding proposed new revenue levels resulting from the proposed rates based upon normalized energy sales reflected in Commission Order No. 29505 issued in Case No. IPC-03-13 on May 25, 2004 , and Commission Order No. 29547 issued in Case No. IPC-03-13 on July 13, 2004. VII. The Company has special contracts with J. R. Simplot Company for its facility near Pocatello, Idaho; with the United States Department of Energy for its facility located in Eastern Idaho at what is known as the I.N.L.; and with Micron Technology, Inc. for its facility located in Boise , Idaho. The contracts provide that Commission ratemaking standards are applicable to these contracts. Accordingly, the Company s Attachment No.2 reflects an increase of 2.6 percent to the charges for service provided under these contracts. VIII. This Application , together with Attachment Nos. 1 , 2, 3 and 4, is filed with this Commission to be kept open for public inspection as required by law, and the same fully states the changes to be made in the rate schedules and contract rates now in force. The new electric rate schedules and contract rates contained in Attachment No.2 are requested to become effective June 1 2005 for services provided on and after that date unless otherwise ordered by this Commission , and , when effective, will supersede and cancel the present electric rate schedules and contract rates now in existence. APPLICATION , Page 3 IX. Since the last general revenue requirement proceeding was completed with the issuance of Order No. 29601 in Case No. IPC-03-, the Company has added investment in the Bennett Mountain natural gas-fired generation facility located near the city of Mountain Home, Idaho. I.C. 9 61-502A provides that plant cannot be included in rate base until it is used to provide utility service. As a result, none of this investment was included in determining the revenue requirement of the Company in Order Nos. 29505 and 29547 in Case No. IPC-03-13. Now that the investment in Bennett Mountain is being used to provide electric service , it is not just and reasonable to require the Applicant to continue to absorb the additional costs of this generating facility. The investment in the Bennett Mountain Project for purposes of determining the Company s additional revenue requirement is $58 022 983. Using the Company overall rate-of-return of 7.852 percent, as authorized by the Commission in Order No. 29505, and including depreciation and taxes , an additional revenue requirement of $13 482 146 is specified. XI. Since the Company has recently implemented significant rate structure changes and because the percentage increase being requested is small , the Applicant proposes a uniform percentage increase of 2.6 percent to all existing customer classes and a uniform percentage increase of 2.6 percent to all existing special contract customers, effective June 1 2005, for service provided on and after that date. APPLICATION , Page 4 XII. Simultaneously with the filing of this Application , Applicant has filed its direct case consisting of the testimony and exhibits of Gregory W. Said, which more fully describes the request of the Company. XIII. This Application has been and will be brought to the attention of Applicant's affected customers by means of news releases to news media in the area served by Applicant, by bill stuffers and , in some instances , by means of personal contact with some customers. In addition , a copy of Idaho Power Company s Application , testimony and exhibits will be kept open for public inspection at Applicant's offices in the State of Idaho. The above procedures are deemed by Applicant to satisfy the Rules of Practice and Procedu re of this Commission but Applicant will , in the alternative , bring said Application to the attention of Applicant's affected customers through any other means directed by this Commission. XIV. Communications with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise , ID 83707 hkline (C1) idabQpower.com mmoen (C1) id.abQpower.com Gregory W. Said John R. Gale Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests that the new electric rate schedules and special contract rates set out in Attachment Nos. 2 , 3 and 4 be approved APPLICATION, Page 5 to become effective on June 1 , 2005, for electric service provided on and after that date and that the effective date for Applicant's proposed rates not be suspended and that the Commission authorize a uniform percentage increase of 2.6 percent to all existing customer classes and special contract customers for service provided on and after June 1 , 2005. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 1 st day of March , 2005. G#I~ BARTON L. KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company BARTON L. KLINE, the attorney of record for Applicant, hereby states that the Applicant is prepared to present its case in support of its Application. ftL- BARTON L. KLINE APPLICATION , Page 6 TT A CHMENT Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 1- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 1-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING All space heating equipment to be served by the Company s system shall be single phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories , Inc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all National, State and Municipal Codes and to the following: Individual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1 650 watts shall be designed to operate at 240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of two kWor larger shall be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at anyone time. Supplemental resistance- type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment at the following rates: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $3.$3. Energy Charge, per kWh 300 kWh Over 300 kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 0863~ 7253~ 6039~ 0863~ 0863~ O. 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 7- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No.7 - Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 7 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service Charge the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment at the following rates: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $3.$3. Energy Charge, per kWh 300 kWh Over 300 kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 1177~ 8915~ 5761 ~ 1177 ~ 1177~ 5761 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 9- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 9- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) SECONDARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.$5. Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $3. 9062~ $2. 2. 5926~ Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh O. 6039~O. 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe None. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge , the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PRIMARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge , per month $125.$125. Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $3. 5464~ $2. 2825~ Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh O. 6039~6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1.7 percent. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street , Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 9- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 9-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) Minimum CharQe. The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. TRANSMISSION SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $125.$125. Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.43 $0.43 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $3. 2.4897~ $2. 2414~ Power Cost Adjustment*O. 6039~6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28 , 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , Idaho Idaho Power Company I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 NEW FACILITIES First Revised Sheet No. 15- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 15- SCHEDULE 15 DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTING (Continued) Where facilities of the Company are not presently available for a lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer s Premises, the Company may install overhead or underground secondary service facilities, including secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., a distance not to exceed 300 feet to supply the desired service, all in accordance with the charges specified below. MONTHLY CHARGES Monthly per unit charges on existing facilities: AREA LIGHTING High Pressure Sodium Vapor 100 Watt 200 Watt 400 Watt FLOOD LIGHTING High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt 400 Watt Metal Halide 400 Watt 1000 Watt Average Lumens 550 800 000 Average Lumens 800 000 800 000 Base Rate $ 5. $ 9. $14. Base Rate $11 . $16. $18.44 $33. Power Cost Adiustment* $0.205360 $0.41 0652 $0.827343 Power Cost Adiustment* $0.410652 $0.827343 $0.827343 $2.065338 This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. 2. For New Facilities Installed Before June 1. 2004 The Monthly Charge for New Facilities installed prior to June 1 , 2004, such as overhead secondary conductor, poles , anchors, etc., shall be 75 percent of the estimated installed cost thereof. 3. For New Facilities Installed On or After June 1. 2004: The non-refundable charge for New Facilities to be installed, such as underground service, overhead secondary conductor, poles anchors, etc., shall be equal to the work order cost. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 19- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 19-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) SECONDARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.$5. Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $2.$2. On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.n/a Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 0335~ 8822~ 6863~ 5731~ n/a 5932~ 2.4761 ~ 5731 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe None. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge , the Demand Charge, the On-Peak Demand Charge, the Energy Charge and the Power Cost Adjustment. IDAHO Issued - October 29, 2004 Effective - December 1 , 2004 Advice No. 04- Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 19- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 19- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Summer Non-summer $125.$125. $0.$0. Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $2.$2. On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.n/a Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 2. 5860~ 3342~ 1755~ 5731 ~ n/a 1117~ 0147~ 5731 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the On-Peak Demand Charge the Energy Charge , the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. IDAHO Issued - October 29, 2004 Effective - December 1 , 2004 Advice No. 04- Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 19- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 19-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) TRANSMISSION SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $125.$125. Basic Charge, per kWof Basic Load Capacity $0.40 $0.40 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $2.$2. On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.n/a Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 5504~ 3019~ 1455~ 5731 ~ n/a 0782~ 9827~ 5731 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the On-Peak Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - October 29 , 2004 Effective - December 1 , 2004 Advice No. 04- Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , 10 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 24- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 24-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT Where the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions , the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. Effective November 1 , 2004 where the Customer s Power Factor is less than 90 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 90 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service , the Demand, the Energy, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charges at the following rates. SECONDARY SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season Service Charge, per month $12.$3. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $4. 2618~ $0. 2618~Energy Charge, per kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 5054~O. 5054~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe None. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 24- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 24-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) TRANSMISSION SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season Service Charge, per month $12.$3. Demand Charge , per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $3. 1028~ $0. 028~ Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 5054~5054~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Demand Charge , the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. PAYMENT All monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt, and become past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. (For any agency or taxing district which has notified the Company in writing that it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302 , the past due date will reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code 9 67-2302. Deposit.A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required under the following conditions: ExistinQ Customers a. Tier Deposit.Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of Electric Service during a 12-month period, or who have had service terminated for non-payment, or were required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit for the previous Irrigation Season, will be required to pay a Tier 1 Deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company. A Tier 1 Deposit does not apply to Customers who have an outstanding balance on December 31 of over $1 000.00 (See Tier 2 Deposit).' A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302. The deposit for a specific installation is computed as follows: IDAHO Issued - September 17 , 2004 Effective - October 18, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 25- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 25-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 25 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USE PILOT PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service, the TOU Metering, the Demand , the Energy, and the Power Cost Adjustment Charges at the following rates. SECONDARY SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season $12.$3. $3.n/a Service Charge, per month TOU Metering Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $4.$0. IN-SEASON On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak OUT -OF-SEASON 9178~n/a 3816~n/a 6907~n/a n/a 3816~ 5054~O. 5054~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe. The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the TOU Metering Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge , and the Power Cost Adjustment. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 40- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 40- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 40 UNMETERED GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company, based on the Customer s electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of operation thereof. Since the service provided is unmetered , failure of the Customer s equipment will not be reason for a reduction in the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate: Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 1713~ 6039~ Energy Charge, per kWh Minimum Charge, per month $1. This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Minimum Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) A" - OVERHEAD LIGHTING - COMPANY-OWNED SYSTEM (Continued) Customers whose usage of the Company s system results in the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to have metered service under this schedule. ACCELERATED REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FIXTURES In the event a Customer requests the Company perform an accelerated replacement of existing fixtures with the cut-off fixture, the following charges will apply: 1. The actual labor, time, and mileage costs incurred by the Company for the removal of the existing street lighting fixtures. $65.00 per fixture removed from service. The total charges identified in 1 and 2 above must be paid prior to the beginning of the fixture replacement and are non-refundable. The accelerated replacement will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company and on the Company s schedule. MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 540 550 750 000 Base Rate $ 6. $ 5. $ 7. $ 9. Power Cost Adiustment* $0. 144936 $0.247599 $0.628056 $1.002474 Metered Service Lamp Charge , per lamp 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh $5. $4. $4. $5. $8.00 3257~ 6039~ Meter Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. IDAHO Issued - December 17 2004 Effective - January 17, 2005 Advice No. 04- Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street , Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATE For Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for street lighting only: CharQe Wood pole, per pole Steel pole, per pole $1. $6. Facilities CharQes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1 , 2004 for the installation of underground circuits will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge equal to 1. percent of the estimated cost difference between overhead and underground circuits. B" - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM The Customer lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company s distribution system , is installed and owned by the Customer. Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system , energy, lamp renewals cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company- owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables standards , broken glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of metal poles. Customer-owned systems constructed, operated , or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins , are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 1 00 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 450 550 750 000 Base Rate $2. $3. $5. $7. Power Cost Adiustment* $0.175131 $0.247599 $0.628056 $1.002474 IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGES (Continued) Metered Service Lamp Charge , per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Meter Charge, per meter $1. $1. $1. $1. $8.00 Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 3257~ 6039~ Energy Charge, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28 , 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE Customers whose usage of the Company s system results in the potential or actual variation in energy usage , such as through , but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to have metered service under this schedule. ACCELERATED REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FIXTURES In the event a Customer requests the Company perform an accelerated replacement of existing fixtures with the cut-off fixture, the following charges will apply: 1. The actual labor, time, and mileage costs incurred by the Company for the removal of the existing street lighting fixtures. $65.00 per fixture removed from service. The total charges identified in 1 and 2 above must be paid prior to the beginning of the fixture replacement and are non-refundable. The accelerated replacement will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company and on the Company s schedule. MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Sodium Va Lumens Rate ustment* 200 Watt 800 $ 6.$0.483120 Metered Service Lamp Charge, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt $4. $8.Meter Charge, per meter IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28 , 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President , Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGES (Continued) Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 3257~ 6039~ Energy Charge , per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATE For Company-owned poles installed after October 5 , 1964 required to be used for street lighting only. Wood Pole , per pole Steel Pole, per pole $1. $6. Facilities CharQes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1 , 2004 for the installation of underground circuits will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge equal to 1. percent of the estimated cost difference between overhead and underground circuits. B" - ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM The Customer lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company s distribution system, is installed and owned by the Customer. Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system , energy, lamp renewals cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company- owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables standards, broken glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of metal poles. Customer-owned systems constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins , are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street , Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp Average Base Power Cost Incandescent Lumens Rate Adiustment* 500 $ 2.$0.398574 Mercurv Vapor 175 Watt 654 $ 4.$0.422730 400 Watt 125 $ 7.$0.984357 1000 Watt 000 $13.$2.343132 High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt 800 $ 4.41 $0.483120 Metered Service Lamp Charge, per lamp Incandescent 2 500 Lumen $1. Mercury Vapor 175 Watt 400 Watt 000 Watt High Pressure Sodium Vapor $1. $1. $2.47 200 Watt $1. $8.00Meter Charge, per meter Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 3257~ 6039~ Energy Charge, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 42- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 42- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 42 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL LIGHTING SERVICE APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for the operation of traffic control signal lights within the State of Idaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts or standards by means of brackets, mast arms, or cable. CHARACTER OF SERVICE The traffic control signal fixtures, including posts or standards, brackets mast arm, cable lamps, control mechanisms, fixtures, service cable, and conduit to the point of, and with suitable terminals for, connection to the Company s underground or overhead distribution system, are installed owned , maintained and operated by the Customer. Service is limited to the supply of energy only for the operation of traffic control signal lights. The installation of a meter to record actual energy consumption is required for all new traffic control signal lighting systems installed on or after June 1 , 2004. For traffic control signal lighting systems installed prior to June 1 , 2004 a meter may be installed to record actual usage upon the mutual consent of the Customer and the Company. MONTHLY CHARGES The monthly kWh of energy usage shall be either the amount estimated by the Company based on the number and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the average number of hours per day the signal is operated, or the actual meter reading as applicable. Energy Charge, per kWh 208~ 6039~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 26- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 26- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR MICRON TECHNOLOGY. INC BOISE. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER 1. 1995 MONTHLY CONTRACT DEMAND CHARGE $1.58 PER kW OF Scheduled Contract Demand SCHEDULED MONTHLY CONTRACT DEMAND The Scheduled Monthly Contract Demand is 0 - 140 000 kW as per the contract with one year written notification. MONTHLY BILLING DEMAND CHARGE $6.43 per kW of Billing Demand but not less than Scheduled Minimum Monthly Billing Demand. MINIMUM MONTHLY BILLING DEMAND The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand will be 25 000 kilowatts. DAILY EXCESS DEMAND CHARGE $0.204 per each kW over the Contract Demand. The Daily Excess Demand Charge is applicable beginning January 1997 or once the Contract Demand reaches 100 000 kW, which ever comes first. MONTHLY ENERGY CHARGE 1 . 3111 ~ per kVYh POWER COST ADJUSTMENT* 6039~, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. MONTHLY 0 & M CHARGES Zero percent of total cost of Substation Facilities. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 29- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 29-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 29 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY POCA TELLO. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED JUNE 29. 2004 MONTHLY CHARGES Contract Demand CharQe $1.45 per kW of Contract Demand Demand CharQe $4.97 per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 5 000 kW Daily Excess Demand CharQe $0.204 per each kW over the Contract Demand EnerQY CharQe 3173~ per kWh Power Cost Adiustment 6039~ per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Monthly Facilities CharQe 7010 of the Company s investment in Distribution Facilities IDAHO Issued - September 7 2004 Effective - September 2 , 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho St, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 30- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 30-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY IDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICE SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED MAY 16. 2000 CONTRACT NO. GS-OOP-99-BSD-0124 AVAILABILITY This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for the operations of the Department of Energy s facilities located at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site, as provided in the Contract for Electric Service between the parties. MONTHLY CHARGE The monthly charge for electric service shall be the sum of the Demand and Energy Charges determined at the following rates: Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $5. 1.4122~ Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh O. 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. BillinQ Demand . The Billing Demand shall be the average kW supplied during the 30- minute period of maximum use during the month.2. Power Factor Adjustment. When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 30-minute period of maximum load for the month , Company may adjust the measured Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demand by 0.95 and dividing by the actual Power Factor. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29547 Effective - July 28 , 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho TT A CHMENT 2 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 1- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 1-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING All space heating equipment to be served by the Company s system shall be single phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories , Inc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all National , State and Municipal Codes and to the following: Individual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1 650 watts shall be designed to operate at 240 or 208 volts , and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of two kW or larger shall be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at anyone time. Supplemental resistance- type heaters , that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment at the following rates: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $3.$3. Energy Charge, per kWh 300 kWh Over 300 kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 2284~ 8851 ~ 6039~ 2284~ 2284~ 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt , and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 7- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No.7 -I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 7 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service Charge the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment at the following rates: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $3.$3. Energy Charge, per kWh 300 kWh Over 300 kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 2903~ 0896~ 5761 ~ 2903~ 2903~ 5761 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 9- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 9-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) SECONDARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.$5. Basic Charge , per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $3. 9866~ $2. 6643~ Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 6039~6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe None. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge , and the Power Cost Adjustment. PRIMARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge , per month $125.$125. Basic Charge, per kWof Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $3. 6168~ $2. 3456~ Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 6039~O. 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1.7 percent. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 9- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 9- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) Minimum CharQe. The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. TRANSMISSION SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $125.$125. Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $3. 5585~ $2. 3034~ Power Cost Adjustment*O. 6039~6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - March 2 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 15- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 15- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 15 DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LlGHTI NG (Continued) NEW FACILITIES Where facilities of the Company are not presently available for a lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer s Premises, the Company may install overhead or underground secondary service facilities , including secondary conductor, poles, anchors , etc., a distance not to exceed 300 feet to supply the desired service, all in accordance with the charges specified below. MONTHLY CHARGES Monthly per unit charges on existing facilities: AREA LIGHTING High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Sodium Vapor Lumens Rate Adiustment* 100 Watt 550 $ 5.$0.205360 200 Watt 800 $ 9.$0.41 0652 400 Watt 000 $14.$0.827343 FLOOD LIGHTING High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Sodium Vapor Lumens Rate ustment* 200 Watt 800 $11.$0.41 0652 400 Watt 000 $16.$0.827343 Metal Halide 400 Watt 800 $18.$0.827343 1000 Watt 000 $34.$2.065338 This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. 2. For New Facilities Installed Before June 1. 2004 The Monthly Charge for New Facilities installed prior to June 1 , 2004, such as overhead secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., shall be 75 percent of the estimated installed cost thereof. 3. For New Facilities Installed On or After June 1. 2004: The non-refundable charge for New Facilities to be installed, such as underground service, overhead secondary conductor, poles anchors , etc., shall be equal to the work order cost. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt , and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 19- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 19-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) SECONDARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.$5. Basic Charge , per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $2.$2. On-Peak Demand Charge , per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.n/a Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 1174~ 9619~ 2. 7606~ 5731 ~ n/a 6649~ 5446~ 5731 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe None. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the On-Peak Demand Charge, the Energy Charge and the Power Cost Adjustment. . . IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 19- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 19-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Summer Non-summer $125.$125. $0.$0. Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $2.$2. On-Peak Demand Charge , per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.n/a Energy Charge , per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 6576~ 3988~ 2358~ 5731 ~ n/a 1702~ 0705~ 5731 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge , the On-Peak Demand Charge the Energy Charge , the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. IDAHO Issued - March 2 , 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 19- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 19-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) TRANSMISSION SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $125.$125. Basic Charge , per kWof Basic Load Capacity $0.$0.40 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $2.$2. On-Peak Demand Charge , per kWof On-Peak Billing Demand $0.n/a Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 6209~ 3656~ 2048~ 5731 ~ n/a 1357~ 0375~ 5731 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge , the Demand Charge , the On-Peak Demand Charge, the Energy Charge , the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 24- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 24- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT Where the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. Effective November 1 , 2004 , where the Customer s Power Factor is less than 90 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 90 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service, the Demand , the Energy, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charges at the following rates. SECONDARY SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season Service Charge, per month $12.$3. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $4. 3505~ $0. 3505~ Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 5054~O. 5054~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe None. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 24- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 24-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) TRANSMISSION SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season Service Charge, per month $12.$3. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $3. 1886~ $0. 1886~Energy Charge, per kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh O. 5054~5054~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. PAYMENT All monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt, and become past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. (For any agency or taxing district which has notified the Company in writing that it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302, the past due date will reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code 9 67-2302. Deposit.A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required under the following conditions: ExistinQ Customers a. Tier Deposit.Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of Electric Service during a 12-month period, or who have had service terminated for non-payment, or were required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit for the previous Irrigation Season, will be required to pay a Tier 1 Deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company. A Tier 1 Deposit does not apply to Customers who have an outstanding balance on December 31 of over $1 000.00 (See Tier 2 Deposit). A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302. The deposit for a specific installation is computed as follows: IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 25- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 25- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 25 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USE PILOT PROGRAM (OPTIONALl (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service, the TOU Metering, the Demand , the Energy, and the Power Cost Adjustment Charges at the following rates. SECONDARY SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season $12.$3. $3.n/a Service Charge, per month TOU Metering Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $4.$0. IN-SEASON On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak OUT -OF-SEASON 0799~n/a 3.4736~n/a 1. 7360~n/a n/a 3.4736~ 5054~O. 5054~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe . The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the TOU Metering Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. IDAHO Issued - March 2 , 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 40- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 40- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 40 UNMETERED GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company, based on the Customer s electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of operation thereof. Since the service provided is unmetered, failure of the Customer s equipment will not be reason for a reduction in the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate: Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 3088~ 6039~ Energy Charge, per kWh Minimum Charge , per month $1. This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe.The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Minimum Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No.1 01 Second Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 41- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) A" - OVERHEAD LIGHTING - COMPANY-OWNED SYSTEM (Continued) Customers whose usage of the Company s system results in the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to have metered service under this schedule. ACCELERATED REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FIXTURES I n the event a Customer requests the Company perform an accelerated replacement of existing fixtures with the cut-off fixture, the following charges will apply:1. The actual labor, time, and mileage costs incurred by the Company for the removal of the existing street lighting fixtures. $65.00 per fixture removed from service. The total charges identified in 1 and 2 above must be paid prior to the beginning of the fixture replacement and are non-refundable. The accelerated replacement will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company and on the Company s schedule. MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service , per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 540 550 750 000 Base Rate $ 6. $ 6. $ 8. $ 10. Power Cost Adiustment* $0. 144936 $0.247599 $0.628056 $1.002474 Metered Service Lamp Charge, per lamp 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh $5.42 $4. $4. $5. $8.00 4.4453~ O. 6039~ Meter Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. IDAHO Issued - March 2 , 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATE For Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for street lighting only: CharQe Wood pole, per pole Steel pole , per pole $1. $6. Facilities CharQes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1 , 2004 for the installation of underground circuits will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge equal to 1. percent of the estimated cost difference between overhead and underground circuits. B" - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM The Customer lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures , initial installation lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company s distribution system, is installed and owned by the Customer. Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system, energy, lamp renewals cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company- owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables standards, broken glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of metal poles. Customer-owned systems constructed , operated , or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through , but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 5,450 550 750 000 Base Rate $ 2. $ 3. $ 5.43 $ 7. Power Cost Adiustment* $0.175131 $0.247599 $0.628056 $1.002474 IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41- SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGES (Continued) Metered Service Lamp Charge , per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Meter Charge , per meter Energy Charge, per kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh $1. $1. $1. $1. $8. 4.4453~ O. 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE Customers whose usage of the Company s system results in the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through , but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins , are required to have metered service under this schedule. ACCELERATED REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FIXTURES In the event a Customer requests the Company perform an accelerated replacement of existing fixtures with the cut-off fixture, the following charges will apply:1. The actual labor, time, and mileage costs incurred by the Company for the removal of the existing street lighting fixtures. $65.00 per fixture removed from service. The total charges identified in 1 and 2 above must be paid prior to the beginning of the fixture replacement and are non-refundable. The accelerated replacement will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company and on the Company s schedule. MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service , per lamp High Pressure Average Base Sodium Va Lumens Rate 200 Watt 800 $ 7. Metered Service Power Cost Adiustment* $0.483120 Lamp Charge, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt $4. $8.Meter Charge, per meter IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGES (Continued) Energy Charge, per kWh 4.4453~ 6039~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATE only. For Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for street lighting Wood Pole, per pole Steel Pole, per pole $1. $6. Facilities CharQes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1 , 2004 for the installation of underground circuits will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge equal to 1. percent of the estimated cost difference between overhead and underground circuits. B" - ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM The Customer lighting system , including posts or standards , fixtures, initial installation lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company distribution system , is installed and owned by the Customer. Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system , energy, lamp renewals cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company- owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables standards, broken glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of metal poles. Customer-owned systems constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. IDAHO Issued - March 2 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41- SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp Average Base Power Cost Incandescent Lumens Rate Adiustment* 500 $ 2.$0.398574 Mercurv Vapor 175 Watt 654 $ 4.$0.422730 400 Watt 125 $ 7.$0.984357 1000 Watt 000 $13.$2.343132 High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt 800 $ 4.$0.483120 Metered Service Lamp Charge, per lamp Incandescent 2 500 Lumen $1. Mercury Vapor 175 Watt 400 Watt 000 Watt High Pressure Sodium Vapor $1. $1. $2. 200 Watt $1. $8.00Meter Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh 4.4453~ O. 6039~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 42- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 42-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 42 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL LIGHTING SERVICE APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for the operation of traffic control signal lights within the State of Idaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts or standards by means of brackets, mast arms, or cable. CHARACTER OF SERVICE The traffic control signal fixtures , including posts or standards, brackets mast arm , cable lamps, control mechanisms , fixtures, service cable, and conduit to the point of and with suitable terminals for, connection to the Company s underground or overhead distribution system, are installed owned , maintained and operated by the Customer. Service is limited to the supply of energy only for the operation of traffic control signal lights. The installation of a meter to record actual energy consumption is required for all new traffic control signal lighting systems installed on or after June 1 , 2004. For traffic control signal lighting systems installed prior to June 1 , 2004 a meter may be installed to record actual usage upon the mutual consent of the Customer and the Company. MONTHLY CHARGES The monthly kWh of energy usage shall be either the amount estimated by the Company based on the number and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the average number of hours per day the signal is operated, or the actual meter reading as applicable. Energy Charge, per kWh 290~ 6039~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 26- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 26-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR MICRON TECHNOLOGY. INC BOISE. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER 1. 1995 MONTHLY CONTRACT DEMAND CHARGE $1.62 PER kW OF Scheduled Contract Demand SCHEDULED MONTHLY CONTRACT DEMAND The Scheduled Monthly Contract Demand is 0 - 140 000 kWas per the contract with one year written notification. MONTHLY BILLING DEMAND CHARGE $6.60 per kW of Billing Demand but not less than Scheduled Minimum Monthly Billing Demand. MINIMUM MONTHLY BILLING DEMAND The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand will be 25 000 kilowatts. DAILY EXCESS DEMAND CHARGE $0.204 per each kW over the Contract Demand. The Daily Excess Demand Charge is applicable beginning January 1997 or once the ContractDemand reaches 100 000 kW, which ever comes first. MONTHLY ENERGY CHARGE 1 . 3454~ per kWh POWER COST ADJUSTMENT* O. 6039~, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. MONTHLY 0 & M CHARGES Zero percent of total cost of Substation Facilities. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 29- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 29- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 29 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY POCATELLO. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED JUNE 29. 2004 MONTHLY CHARGES Contract Demand CharQe $1.49 per kW of Contract Demand Demand CharQe $5.10 per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 5 000 kW Dailv Excess Demand CharQe $0.204 per each kW over the Contract Demand EnerQV CharQe 3517~ per kWh Power Cost Adiustment O. 6039~ per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Monthlv Facilities CharQe 70/0 of the Company s investment in Distribution Facilities IDAHO Issued - March 2 2005 Effective June 1 , 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 30- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 30- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY IDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICE SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED MAY 16. 2000 CONTRACT NO. GS-OOP-99-BSD-0124 AVAILABILITY This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for the operations of the Department of Energy s facilities located at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site, as provided in the Contract for Electric Service between the parties. MONTHLY CHARGE The monthly charge for electric service shall be the sum of the Demand and Energy Charges determined at the following rates: Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge , per kWh $5. 1.4493~ 3. Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. BillinQ Demand. The Billing Demand shall be the average kW supplied during the 30- minute period of maximum use during the month.2. Power Factor Adjustment. When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 30-minute period of maximum load for the month , Company may adjust the measured Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demand by 0.95 and dividing by the actual Power Factor. IDAHO Issued - March 2, 2005 Effective June 1 2005 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho TT A CHMENT Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 1- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 1-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING All space heating equipment to be served by the Company s system shall be single phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories , Inc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all National, State and Municipal Codes and to the following: Individual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1 650 watts shall be designed to operate at 240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of two kW or larger shall be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at anyone time. Supplemental resistance- type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment at the following rates: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $3.$3. Energy Charge , per kWh 300 kWh Over 300 kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 08635.2284 72535.8851 O. 6039~ 08635.2284 08635.2284 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 7- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No.7 - : Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 7 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service Charge the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment at the following rates: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $3.$3. Energy Charge, per kWh 300 kWh Over 300 kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 11776.2903 89157.0896 5761 ~ 11776.2903 11776.2903 5761 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 9- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 9-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) SECONDARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge , per month $5.$5. Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh ~3.1 0 ~2. 9062 9866~5926 6643~ O. 6039~O. 6039~ Energy Charge, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe None. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PRIMARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $125.$125. Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh J.:4g3 . 27 ~2. 5161 6168~2825 3456~ O. 6039~6039~ Energy Charge, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1.7 percent. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 9- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 9-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) Minimum CharQe. The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. TRANSMISSION SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge , per month $125.$125. Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0.43 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Power Cost Adjustment* ~3.H52. -1897 5585~2414 3034~ O. 6039~6039~ Energy Charge, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 15- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 15- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 15 DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTING (Continued) NEW FACILITIES Where facilities of the Company are not presently available for a lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer s Premises, the Company may install overhead or underground secondary service facilities , including secondary conductor, poles, anchors , etc., a distance not to exceed 300 feet to supply the desired service, all in accordance with the charges specified below. MONTHLY CHARGES Monthly per unit charges on existing facilities: AREA LIGHTING High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Sodium Vapor Lumens Rate Adiustment* 100 Watt 550 5:-645.$0.205360 200 Watt 800 ~9.$0.41 0652 400 Watt 000 1-1 14.$0.827343 FLOOD LIGHTING High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Sodium Vapor Lumens Rate Adiustment* 200 Watt 800 11.$0.41 0652 400 Watt 000 16.$0.827343 Metal Halide 400 Watt 800 18.44 18.$0.827343 1000 Watt 000 34.$2.065338 This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. 2. For New Facilities Installed Before June 1, 2004: The Monthly Charge for New Facilities installed prior to June 1 , 2004, such as overhead secondary conductor, poles , anchors, etc., shall be 75 percent of the estimated installed cost thereof. 3. For New Facilities Installed On or After June 1. 2004: The non-refundable charge for New Facilities to be installed, such as underground service, overhead secondary conductor, poles anchors , etc., shall be equal to the work order cost. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered Ida~o Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 19- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 19-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) SECONDARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.$5. Basic Charge , per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.$0. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand ~2.~2. On-Peak Demand Charge , per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand ~0.n/a Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak 03353.1174 88222.9619 68632. 7606 5731 ~ n/a 59322.6649 2.47612.5446 5731 ~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe None. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the On-Peak Demand Charge, the Energy Charge and the Power Cost Adjustment. IdaMo Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 19- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 19-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Summer Non-summer $125.$125. $0.$0. Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand ~2.~2. On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand ~0.n/a Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak 58602.6576 33-122.3988 17552.2358 5731 ~ n/a 11172.1702 01472.0705 5731 ~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, theDemand Charge, the On-Peak Demand Charge the Energy Charge, the Power CostAdjustment, and the Facilities Charge. IdaMo Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 19- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 19-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) TRANSMISSION SERVICE Summer Non-summer Service Charge , per month $125.$125. Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.40 $0.40 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand ~2. ~2. On-Peak Demand Charge , per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand ~0.n/a Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 550~2.6209 301 92.3656 14552.2048 5731~ n/a 07822.1357 98272.0375 5731 ~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the On-Peak Demand Charge , the Energy Charge , the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 24- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 24-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT Where the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions , the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. Effective November 1 , 2004 where the Customer s Power Factor is less than 90 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions , the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 90 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service, the Demand, the Energy, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charges at the following rates. SECONDARY SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season Service Charge, per month $12.$3. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh 024.G-:-OOO. 2618 3505~2618 3505~ O. 5054~O. 5054~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe None. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the Demand Charge , the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 24- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 24- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) TRANSMISSION SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season Service Charge, per month $12.$3. Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh ~3.~O. 028 1886~028 1886~ O. 5054~O. 5054~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Facilities CharQe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge , the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge , the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge. PAYMENT All monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt, and become past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. (For any agency or taxing district which has notified the Company in writing that it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302 , the past due date will reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code 967-2302. Deposit.A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required under the following conditions: ExistinQ Customers a. Tier Deposit.Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of Electric Service during a 12-month period, or who have had service terminated for non-payment, or were required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit for the previous Irrigation Season, will be required to pay a Tier 1 Deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company. A Tier 1 Deposit does not apply to Customers who have an outstanding balance on December 31 of over $1 000.00 (See Tier 2 Deposit). A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302. The deposit for a specific installation is computed as follows: I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 First Revised Sheet No. 25- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 25- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 25 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USE PILOT PROGRAM (OPTIONAL), (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Service, the TOU Metering, the Demand , the Energy, and the Power Cost Adjustment Charges at the following rates. SECONDARY SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season $12.$3. $3.n/a Service Charge, per month TOU Metering Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh 0211.fhWO. IN-SEASON On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak OUT -OF-SEASON 9178 0799~n/a 38163.4736~n/a 6907 7360~n/a n/a 3816 3.4736~ 5054~5054~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe. The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the TOU Metering Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge , and the Power Cost Adjustment. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 40- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 40-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 40 UNMETERED GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company, based on the Customer s electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of operation thereof. Since the service provided is unmetered, failure of the Customer s equipment will not be reason for a reduction in the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate: Energy Charge, per kWh 17135.3088 O. 6039~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh Minimum Charge, per month $1. This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Minimum CharQe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Minimum Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) A" - OVERHEAD LIGHTING - COMPANY-OWNED SYSTEM (Continued) Customers whose usage of the Company s system results in the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to have metered service under this schedule. ACCELERATED REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FIXTURES In the event a Customer requests the Company perform an accelerated replacement of existing fixtures with the cut-off fixture, the following charges will apply:1. The actual labor, time , and mileage costs incurred by the Company for the removal of the existing street lighting fixtures. $65.00 per fixture removed from service. The total charges identified in 1 and 2 above must be paid prior to the beginning of the fixture replacement and are non-refundable. The accelerated replacement will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company and on the Company s schedule. MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 540 550 750 000 Base Rate~6. &-92:6.~8. 10. Power Cost Adiustment* $0. 144936 $0.247599 $0.628056 $1.002474 Metered Service Lamp Charge, per lamp 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Meter Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh ~5.42 854. 8'1-1. &-&1-5. $8.00 4 .3257 4.4453 Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATE For Company-owned poles installed after October 5 , 1964 required to be used for street lighting only: CharQe Wood pole , per pole Steel pole, per pole $1. $6. Facilities CharQes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1 , 2004 for the installation of underground circuits will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge equal to 1. percent of the estimated cost difference between overhead and underground circuits. B" - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM The Customer lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures , initial installation lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company distributionsystem, is installed and owned by the Customer. Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system , energy, lamp renewals cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company-owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables standards , broken glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of metal poles. Customer-owned systems constructed , operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 450 550 750 000 Base Rate b8-1-2.~3.~5.43~7. Power Cost Adiustment* $0.175131 $0.247599 $0.628056 $1.002474 Idaho Power Company I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41- SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGES (Continued) Metered Service Lamp Charge, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Meter Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh ~1. 1 . 1 .~ 1. $8. -1. 3257 -1.4453 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE Customers whose usage of the Company s system results in the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to , the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to have metered service under this schedule. ACCELERATED REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FIXTURES In the event a Customer requests the Company perform an accelerated replacement of existing fixtures with the cut-off fixture , the following charges will apply: 1. The actual labor, time, and mileage costs incurred by the Company for the removal of the existing street lighting fixtures. $65.00 per fixture removed from service. The total charges identified in 1 and 2 above must be paid prior to the beginning of the fixture replacement and are non-refundable. The accelerated replacement will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company and on the Company s schedule. MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor Average Lumens Base Rate Power Cost Adiustment* 200 Watt 800 ~7 .$0.483120 Metered Service Lamp Charge, per lamp High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt Meter Charge, per meter 724. $8. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGES (Continued) Energy Charge, per kWh 3257 4.4453 O. 6039~Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATE only. For Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for street lighting Wood Pole , per pole Steel Pole, per pole $1. $6. Facilities CharQes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1 , 2004 for the installation of underground circuits will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge equal to 1. percent of the estimated cost difference between overhead and underground circuits. B" - ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM The Customer lighting system, including posts or standards , fixtures, initial installation lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company s distribution system , is installed and owned by the Customer. Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system, energy, lamp renewals cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company- owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables standards, broken glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of metal poles. Customer-owned systems constructed, operated , or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins , are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 41- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 41-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGES Non-Metered Service, per lamp Incandescent Average Lumens 500 Base Rate~2. Power Cost Adiustment* $0.398574 Mercurv Vapor 175 Watt 400 Watt 1000 Watt 654 125 000 11.8511. 1-:957. 13.13. $0.422730 $0.984357 $2.343132 High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt 800 11.11111.$0.483120 Metered Service Lamp Charge, per lamp Incandescent 2 500 Lumen -1-:% 1 . Mercury Vapor 175 Watt 400 Watt 000 Watt High Pressure Sodium Vapor ~1.~1.~2. 200 Watt -1-:% 1 . 7 0 $8. 00Meter Charge , per meter Energy Charge, per kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 3257 4.4453 O. 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 42- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 42-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 42 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL LIGHTING SERVICE APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for the operation of traffic control signal lights within the State of Idaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts or standards by means of brackets, mast arms, or cable. CHARACTER OF SERVICE The traffic control signal fixtures, including posts or standards, brackets mast arm, cable lamps, control mechanisms, fixtures , service cable and conduit to the point of and with suitable terminals for, connection to the Company s underground or overhead distribution system , are installed owned , maintained and operated by the Customer. Service is limited to the supply of energy only for the operation of traffic control signal lights. The installation of a meter to record actual energy consumption is required for all new traffic control signal lighting systems installed on or after June 1 , 2004. For traffic control signal lighting systems installed prior to June 1 , 2004 a meter may be installed to record actual usage upon the mutual consent of the Customer and the Company. MONTHLY CHARGES The monthly kWh of energy usage shall be either the amount estimated by the Company based on the number and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the average number of hours per day the signal is operated, or the actual meter reading as applicable. Energy Charge, per kWh Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 2083.290 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 26- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 26-I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR MICRON TECHNOLOGY. INC BOISE. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER 1. 1995 MONTHLY CONTRACT DEMAND CHARGE ~1.PER kW OF Scheduled Contract Demand SCHEDULED MONTHLY CONTRACT DEMAND The Scheduled Monthly Contract Demand is 0 - 140 000 kW as per the contract with one year written notification. MONTHLY BILLING DEMAND CHARGE $&436.per kW of Billing Demand but not less than Scheduled Minimum Monthly Billing Demand. MINIMUM MONTHLY BILLING DEMAND The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand will be 25 000 kilowatts. DAILY EXCESS DEMAND CHARGE $0.204 per each kW over the Contract Demand. The Daily Excess Demand Charge is applicable beginning January 1997 or once the Contract Demand reaches 100 000 kW, which ever comes first. MONTHLY ENERGY CHARGE 31111.3454~ per kWh POWER COST ADJUSTMENT* O. 6039~, per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. MONTHLY 0 & M CHARGES Zero percent of total cost of Substation Facilities. Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 29- Cancels First Revised Sheet No. 29-I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 29 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY POCA TELLO. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED JUNE 29. 2004 MONTHLY CHARGES Contract Demand CharQe -tAa1.per kW of Contract Demand Demand CharQe~5.1 0 per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 5 000 kW Dailv Excess Demand CharQe $0.204 per each kW over the Contract Demand EnerQV CharQe 31731.3517~ per kWh Power Cost Adiustment 6039~ per kWh This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. Monthlv Facilities CharQe 7% of the Company s investment in Distribution Facilities I.P.C. No. 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 30- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No. 30- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY IDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICE SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED MAY 16. 2000 CONTRACT NO. GS-OOP-99-BSD-0124 AVAILABILITY This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for the operations of the Department of Energy s facilities located at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site, as provided in the Contract for Electric Service between the parties. MONTHLY CHARGE The monthly charge for electric service shall be the sum of the Demand and Energy Charges determined at the following rates: Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh ~5. 1. -11221.4493 Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh O. 6039~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. BillinQ Demand . The Billing Demand shall be the average kW supplied during the 30- minute period of maximum use during the month.2. Power Factor Adjustment. When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 30-minute period of maximum load for the month, Company may adjust the measured Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demand by 0.95 and dividing by the actual Power Factor. TT A CHMENT 4 Id a h o P o w e r C o m p a n y Su m m a r y o f R e v e n u e I m p a c t St a t e o f I d a h o No r m a l i z e d 1 2 - Mo n t h T e s t Y e a r E n d i n g De c e m b e r 3 1 , 20 0 3 Be n n e t t M o u n t a i n C a s e N o . I P C - 05 - ( 1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) (8 ) Ra t e 20 0 3 A v g . 20 0 3 S a l e s 07 / 2 8 / 0 4 06 / 0 1 / 0 5 Av g . Li n e Sc h . Nu m b e r o f No r m a l i z e d Ba s e Re v e n u e Ba s e Mi l l s Pe r c e n t Ta r i f f D e s c r i ti o n No . Cu s t o m e r s lk W h ) Re v e n u e Ad j u s t m e n t s Re v e n u e Pe r K W H Ch a n q e Un i f o r m T a r i f f R a t e s : Re s i d e n t i a l S e r v i c e 33 5 , 60 5 14 1 , 39 3 , 4 2 6 22 8 , 28 8 , 64 4 00 4 , 29 7 23 4 , 29 2 , 94 1 56 . 63 % Sm a l l G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 32 , 31 6 26 5 , 33 5 , 66 7 1 7 , 89 2 , 03 3 47 0 , 52 4 18 , 36 2 , 55 7 69 . 63 % La r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 17 , 4 1 5 01 4 , 4 2 6 , 98 6 11 1 , 28 9 , 82 3 93 0 , 39 2 11 4 , 22 0 , 21 5 37 . 63 % Du s k t o D a w n Li g h t i n g 87 2 , 58 6 89 2 , 76 7 22 , 78 1 91 5 , 54 8 15 5 . 55 % La r g e P o w e r S e r v i c e 10 5 97 8 , 82 4 , 23 8 56 , 67 4 , 30 7 1, 4 9 6 , 50 6 58 , 17 0 , 81 3 29 . 4 0 64 % Ag r i c u l t u r a l I r r i g a t i o n S e r v i c e 13 , 51 7 62 0 , 93 0 , 93 1 69 , 17 8 , 27 4 82 8 , 18 7 71 , 00 6 , 4 6 1 43 . 64 % Un m e t e r e d G e n e r a l Se r v o 22 4 16 , 05 4 , 94 2 82 6 , 01 7 22 , 07 6 84 8 , 09 3 52 . 67 % St r e e t L i g h t i n g ,4 2 0 17 , 87 8 , 74 2 67 8 , 72 2 43 , 65 8 1 , 7 2 2 , 38 0 96 . 60 % Tr a f f i c C o n t r o l L i g h t i n g 38 4 29 3 81 1 69 5 30 1 50 6 32 . 62 % To t a l U n i f o r m Ta r i f f s 40 1 , 66 0 11 , 07 0 , 10 1 , 73 6 48 7 , 01 4 , 39 8 12 , 82 6 , 11 6 49 9 , 84 0 , 51 4 45 . 63 % Sp e c i a l C o n t r a c t s : Mi c r o n 63 6 , 96 7 , 67 0 15 , 88 5 , 37 0 41 5 , 86 2 16 , 30 1 , 2 3 2 25 . 62 % J R S i m p l o t * 18 6 , 68 4 , 66 5 34 0 , 05 0 11 4 , 03 9 4, 4 5 4 , 08 9 23 . 63 % DO E 20 3 , 08 4 , 14 6 82 4 , 34 2 12 6 34 9 95 0 , 69 1 24 . 62 % To t a l S p e c i a l C o n t r a c t s 02 6 , 7 3 6 , 4 8 1 25 , 04 9 , 7 6 2 65 6 , 25 0 25 , 70 6 , 01 2 25 . 62 % 1 6 To t a l I d a h o Re t a i l Sa l e s 40 1 , 6 6 3 12 , 09 6 , 83 8 , 21 7 51 2 , 06 4 , 16 0 13 , 4 8 2 , 36 6 52 5 , 54 6 , 52 6 43 . 4 4 63 % * S i m p l o t N e w C o n t r a c t a s o f 9 -