HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050218Application.pdfBARTON l. KLINE, ISB # 1526 MONICA B. MOEN , ISB # 5734 Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company !LED r:::lL::J .."..,.., F:;ECEIVED tHUS FEB 18 PM 2: 13 tj;:, ; ;' ,);:I., UT ILI-r !ES COr1r~IISSlnH BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INSTITUTE A PERFORMANCE-BASED PilOT DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM. CASE NO. IPC-05-05' APPLICA TION COMES NOW , Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or the "Company and in accordance with RP 052 and RP 201 et. seq.hereby applies to the Commission for authority for Idaho Power to institute a pilot program intended to remove the disincentives that hinder the Company s pursuit of cost-effective Demand-Side Management ("DSM") resources. In support of this Application, the Company submits the following: Introduction Commission Order No. 29558 established Docket No. I PC-O4-15 and approved a schedule of workshops for the purpose of assessing the financial disincentives that discourage Idaho Power from investing in energy efficiency. During APPLICATION , Page the fall and early winter of 2004 several workshops were held with interested parties to investigate this issue. During the fifth and final workshop held on December 13, 2004 , it was agreed to by all parties that Idaho Power and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff ("Staff") would collaborate in the development of a performance-based pilot incentive program ("Pilot" ). The purpose of the Pilot is to test the effects of two mechanisms designed to remove the disincentives that hinder the Company s pursuit of cost-effective DSM resources. In the Pilot , fixed-cost lost-revenue recovery, combined with a performance incentive mechanism will be tested on two of the Company currently operating DSM programs. This application provides the general implementation plan for the Pilot, describes in detail the proposed mechanisms for fixed-cost lost-revenue recovery and performance incentives, and provides an estimate of the financial impact of the proposed mechanisms. The Pilot is proposed to be in effect during the calendar year 2005. II. DSM Programs Proposed for Inclusion in the Pilot ENERGY ST ARCID Homes Northwest. The ENERGY ST ARCID Homes Northwest program is the program currently operated by the Company to acquire the resources identified in the Residential New Construction Option in the 2004 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") and is proposed as a program for this Pilot. This program was developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency/Department Of Energy, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance ("the Alliance ) and Pacific Northwest electric utilities. The Company piloted this program with the Alliance in 2004. There are APPLICATION, Page 2 three implementation partners for this program in the Company s service territory; the Alliance , the State of Idaho Energy Division ("lED") and Idaho Power. The essential feature of this program is a prescriptive building standard also called a builder option package or BOP that establishes building standards that will result in approximately 300/0 greater energy efficiency than would be the case under existing Idaho residential building codes. The Company provides a standard incentive of $750 to the builder for each home built to the higher standard and provides marketing for the program. lED qualifies that homes are built to the standard and conducts a quality assurance process. The Alliance provides the builder outreach and training components of the program. The ENERGY ST ARCID Homes Northwest program costs for 2005 are estimated at $502 400 and will be funded through the Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider Rider ). The annual energy savings goal for the program in 2005 is 1 ,070 megawatt- hours ("MWh"), including line losses. A home constructed to the ENERGY ST ARCID standard in Idaho will save on average 2 078 kilowatt-hours ("kWh") annually as measured at the meter or 2305 kWh including line losses. At the stated base energy savings level , the Company will have to achieve a participation level of approximately 515 homes in order to meet the 2005 energy savings goal. This target number homes takes into account the assumed 50 homes that lED would have completed through its former residential new construction program had Idaho Power not implemented the ENERGY ST ARCID Homes Northwest program. Idaho Power will not recognize the energy savings associated with these 50 homes in determining the total energy savings for this program. APPLICATION, Page 3 Rebate Advanta9!t.It was suggested at the December 13 , 2004 Workshop that the Pilot be expanded to include other aspects of residential new construction, including the manufactured housing market. The Company has examined the issues surrounding the inclusion of the Company s existing Rebate Advantage for New Manufactured Homes DSM program into the Pilot and supports the recommendation. The addition of this program will bring added value to the learning objectives of the project. The goal of the Rebate Advantage program is to help buyers purchase Super Good Cents/ENERGY ST ARCID manufactured homes and to encourage salespeople to discuss energy efficiency. Customers who purchase a Super Good Cents/ENERGY STARCID manufactured home and site it in Idaho Power s service territory are eligible for a $300 incentive payment. In addition , the salesperson receives a $75 incentive payment. Idaho Power relies on the Northwest Energy Efficiency Manufactured Homes Program (NEEM) for the specifications and quality control associated with the Program. NEEM is a consortium of manufacturers and state energy offices in the Northwest. In addition to specifications and quality control, NEEM tracks the production and performance of Super Good Cents/ENERGY ST ARCID homes. Program costs in 2005 for Rebate Advantage are estimated to be $74 320 and will be funded through the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Conservation and Renewable Discount (C&RD) program. The annual energy savings goal for Rebate Advantage in 2005 is 503 MWh, including line losses. Based on past program performance, the estimated average meter-level energy savings per qualified manufactured home in Id~ho is 3 130 kWh , or 3 471 kWh including line losses. At this APPLICATION , Page 4 assumed energy savings per home , the Company will have to attract approximately 145 program participants in 2005 in order to meet the energy savings target. III. Peer Review Group As part of the Pilot operation, the Company will assemble a collaborative peer review group ("Peer Review Group ) that will participate throughout the Pilot process. The Peer Review Group will be a sub-group of the Company s existing Energy Efficiency Advisory Group ("EEAG") and will consist of members of EEAG who have expertise in the areas of residential construction, residential energy management, and marketing and may also include non-EEAG members chosen specifically for their technical knowledge. This group will also include representatives from both the Company and Staff. The first meeting of the Peer Review Group will be held as soon as possible after the Commission issues an order approving the Pilot. The first meeting will be an informational session with the purpose of presenting the Pilot design and establishing the group s role. Members will become knowledgeable of the Pilot design DSM program assumptions, and DSM Alternative Costs approved by the Commission in its order. During the first meeting, members will also discuss the assumptions behind the program estimates and determine the evaluation studies or surveys needed to validate the energy savings following the Pilot. APPLICATION , Page 5 IV. Establishing and Verifying Savings Qr!ginal SavinQs Estimates.The Original Savings Estimates represent the established energy savings amount per home that will be used in the calculation of the Company s performance level in 2005. The estimates are measured in kWh per year per qualified home and represent the average estimated reduction in energy usage between a home constructed under the Pilot specifications and a home constructed under the typical standard. The Original Savings Estimate for ENERGY ST ARCID Homes Northwest is 2 078 kWh per home , as measured at the meter. This estimate is based on an engineering simulation study, conducted for the Company in early 2004 by Ecotope Consulting to determine the program s savings potential in Idaho. Rebate Advantage has an Original Savings Estimate of 3 130 kWh per home, as measured at the meter, that is based on savings estimates developed by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's Regional Technical Forum ("RTF" ). The RTF is responsible for developing the energy savings estimates for programs operated under the BPA's C&RD program. Validated SavinQs Estimates. At the end of 2005 , the energy savings associated with each of the programs included in the Pilot will be estimated using evaluation study and survey findings. The Peer Review Group will meet to discuss findings of the Pilot evaluation and to review the Validated Annual Energy Savings. The Validated Annual Energy Savings will be used in the lost revenue recovery calculation for the Pilot. Should the Pilot be extended or become a permanent program the APPLICATION , Page 6 Validated Savings Estimates would be used as the basis for calculating the performance incentive beyond 2005. Fixed-Cost Revenue Recovery Monthly energy savings will be determined by spreading the Validated Energy Savings over the 12 months of 2005 using an estimated annual usage curve. Lost revenue will be calculated only for the specific months that the house is occupied. The occupancy date of a home will be tracked in Idaho Power s customer information system and will be equal to the date that a new homeowner initiates service. The monthly energy savings will be multiplied by the residential fixed-cost revenue requirement per MWh to determine the revenue losses. For example , if a participating customer takes occupancy of a home on November 1 , 2005 , the percentage of savings that is estimated to occur in November and December, as determined by the annual usage curve , will be multiplied by the residential fixed-cost revenue requirement per MWh to determine the recoverable revenue. Currently, the residential fixed-cost revenue requirement per MWh is $30.14 based upon the residential revenue requirement effective June 28 , 2004 as approved by Order No. 29547. Fixed-cost revenue losses will be recovered even if program goals that would trigger a performance incentive are not met. VI. Performance Incentive Mechanism The proposed performance incentive is a shared savings mechanism designed to incent the Company to vigorously pursue and sustain cost-effective DSM APPLICATION , Page 7 programs without creating any perverse incentives. This performance incentive design uses a sliding scale approach that increases the incentive amount as program performance increases. The energy savings target threshold for ENERGY ST ARCID Homes Northwest is equal to the energy estimate for the New Residential Construction Program included in the 2004 RP. The Company has an energy savings target established for Rebate Advantage in 2005 , which will also serve as the target threshold for the Pilot. Program performance for the Pilot will be determined by multiplying the number of program participants for each program by its respective Original Savings Estimate. Each program included in the Pilot will be evaluated individually in the calculation of the performance incentive. The incentive is calculated as a percentage of the present value life-cycle net benefits of the program from a Total Resource Cost perspective. A program s net benefit represents the difference between the present value life-cycle gross benefits of the efficiency measures installed and the Total Resource Cost. Gross benefits are determined by the DSM Alternative costs included in Table 2 by multiplying the annual savings amount for a given program by the associated DSM Alternative Cost. Program costs funded by the Rider and the C&RD program include the cost of planning, developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating DSM programs included in the Pilot. Evaluation costs of the programs in the Pilot are not to exceed 50 of program costs and will be included in the cost-effectiveness calculation. The Total Resource Cost, which includes the cost to a customer for participating in the program in 2005, is estimated to be $685,600 for ENERGY ST ARCID Homes Northwest and $256 200 for Rebate Advantage. APPLICATION , Page 8 The graduated design for incentive thresholds detailed below is believed to provide a strong incentive to motivate the most positive behavior from a DSM acquisition perspective. As can be seen from the detail in Table 1 below, a performance incentive would be awarded when the energy savings achieved exceeds 1000/0 of the savings target. The incentive amount awarded would increase for each percentage of energy savings achieved above the target up to 1100/0 of the targeted savings. Table 1: Performance Incentive Thresholds 1000/0 1100 Percent of MWh Target Achieved 101%102%1 030 1040 1 050 106%070 108%1 090 and less Greater Utility Share of Net Benefits (TRG)00/0 10. VII. DSM Alternative Cost The DSM Alternative Costs in Table 2 represent the present value avoided cost of the next best resource alternative on a per MWh basis for the specific programs listed. Attachment 1 details the calculation of the DSM Alternative Costs. The DSM Alternative Cost per unit of energy varies depending upon the load shape associated with the efficiency measures encouraged by a particular program. The Alternative Energy Costs listed in Table 2 are applicable only to energy savings associated with residential DSM measures installed in 2005 and should not be used as avoided costs for any other resource valuation applications. The DSM Alternative Costs are the same as those used to pre-screen DSM programs for the Company s 2004 IRP. A detailed APPLICATION , Page 9 description of the DSM Alternative Costs can be found in the Demand Side Resource Data section of the 2004 IRP Technical Appendix. Table 2: 2005 DSM Alternative Costs (Present value based on a 30 Year Measure Life) Alternative Energy Cost ($/annual MWh) ENERGY ST ARCID Homes 1017. Rebate Advantage * Costs include line losses of 10.9%. 791. VIII. Potential Pilot Results Tables 3 and 4 detail the possible effects of the proposed Pilot as applied to the ENERGY ST ARCID Homes Northwest and Rebate Advantage program energy targets for 2005. The estimated incentive amounts shown in Tables 3 and 4 are for illustration purposes only. Actual incentive amounts will vary depending upon actual program performance. The gray areas in each table show the estimated fixed-cost revenue recovery and performance incentive amounts at various energy savings performance levels. For example, to find the estimated performance incentive amount assuming the Company achieves 1050/0 of its energy savings target for Rebate Advantage, refer to Table 4, Column E, Row 2. The Customer Share of Net Benefit shown in Column F on each table represents the estimated present value decrease in net power supply costs at various program energy savings performance levels that would be passed through to customers over the life of the efficiency measures. APPLICATION , Page 10 Table: 3 Pilot Analysis Potential Lost Revenue & Incentive Amounts At Various Performance Levels ENERGY ST ARCID Homes NW Energy Savings Target: 1070 MWh % of MWh Energy % of Net Customer Target Savings in Benefit Share of Net B/C Ratio Achieved MWh Earned Benefit (TRC 101%083 00%$ 298,146 1.43 105%131 00%$ 301 ,406 110%190 10.00%$ 303 669 1.45 115%250 10.00%$ 321 795 1.45 Notes: (B) Column B includes line losses of 10.9%. (C) Column C is calculated as follows: (B + 1.109 * $30.14) Fixed-cost lost revenue will likely be less in 2005 since most homes will not achieve full year of energy sa vings by December. (E) Column E is calculated as follows: ((B + 1.109 * DSM Alternative Cost) - Total Resource Cost))* (F) Column F is calculated as follows: ((B + 1.109 * DSM Alternative Cost) - Total Resource Cost))*(1- (G) Column F is calculated as follows: ((B + 1.109 * DSM Alternative Cost) + Total Resource Cost)) % of MWh Energy % of Net Customer Target Savings in Benefit Share of Net Ach ieved MWh Earned Benefit 101%508 00%$102 955 105%528 000 $102 707 110%554 10.000 $101 935 115%579 10.00%$106,569 Table: 4 - Pilot Analysis Potential Lost Revenue & Incentive Amounts at Various Performance Levels Rebate Advantage Enefi Savin Tafi et: 503 MWh 1.40 1.40 1.40 Notes: (B) Column B includes line losses of 10.9%. (C) Column C is calculated as follows: (B + 1.109 * $30.14) Fixed-cost lost revenue will likely be less in 2005 since most homes will not achieve full year of energy savings by December. APPLICATION Page (E) Column E is calculated as follows: ((B + 1.109 * DSM Alternative Cost) - Total Resource Cost))* (F) Column F is calculated as follows: ((B + 1.109 * DSM Alternative Cost) - Total Resource Cost))*(1- (G) Column F is calculated as follows: ((B + 1.109 * DSM Alternative Cost) + Total Resource Cost) IX. Recovery of Lost Revenue and Incentive Amounts The total fixed-cost revenue requirement and incentive amounts will be quantified at the conclusion of the Pilot and submitted for Commission review in a timely manner that will allow for recovery of these amounts over a 12-month period beginning June 1 2006. Notices Communications with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, I D 83707 bkline (Q) idahopower.com mmoen (Q) idahopower.com Maggie Brilz Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise , I D 83707 mbrilz(Q) idahopower.com WHEREFORE , Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue its Order under modified procedure authorizing Idaho Power to implement the pilot program described above. DATED at Boise , Idaho, this day of February, 2005. BARTON L. KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION , Page 12 TT A CHMENT Calculation of DSM Altemati ve Cost Inputs Discount Rate Escalation Rate Line Losses Seasons Costing Periods Hours per Costing Period Energy Savings per Costing Period Energy Star(B) Homes NW Rebate Advantage Idaho Power Company 852% 52% 10.90% Summer (Jun. 1 - AU2. 31) On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak512 960 736 ~on-summer (Sept. 1 - May 31) Mid-Peak Off-Peak3616 2936 14.13% 6.49% 23.38% 10.84% 11.47% 52% 32.82% 45.85% 18.19% 31.30% Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 30-Year Present Value (Mid-Year) Weighted * DSM Alt. Cost in $Ik Wh (includes losses) Energy Star(B) Homes NW Rebate Advantage DSM Alternative Cost Combined Capacity and Energy $IkWh Summer (Jun. 1 - AU2. 3D ~on-summer (Sept. 1 - May 31) On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak $0.186 $0.036 $0.030 $0.036 $0.029 $0.188 $0.037 $0.031 $0.037 $0.030 $0.189 $0.068 $0.035 $0.038 $0.031 $0.191 $0.073 $0.037 $0.040 $0.033 $0.193 $0.077 $0.038 $0.040 $0.034 $0.195 $0.079 $0.038 $0.043 $0.036 $0.197 $0.082 $0.040 $0.046 $0.037 $0.199 $0.084 $0.041 $0.047 $0.038 $0.201 $0.086 $0.042 $0.048 $0.039 $0.203 $0.088 $0.043 $0.049 $0.040 $0.206 $0.091 $0.044 $0.051 $0.041 $0.208 $0.093 $0.045 $0.052 $0.042 $0.210 $0.095 $0.046 $0.053 $0.043 $0.213 $0.098 $0.047 $0.055 $0.044 $0.215 $0.100 $0.048 $0.056 $0.046 $0.217 $0.103 $0.050 $0.057 $0.047 $0.220 $0.105 $0.051 $0.059 $0.048 $0.223 $0.108 $0.052 $0.060 $0.049 $0.225 $0.111 $0.053 $0.062 $0.050 $0.228 $0.114 $0.055 $0.063 $0.052 $0.231 $0.116 $0.056 $0.065 $0.053 $0.234 $0.119 $0.057 $0.067 $0.054 $0.237 $0.122 $0.059 $0.068 $0.056 $0.240 $0.125 $0.060 $0.070 $0.057 $0.243 $0.129 $0.062 $0.072 $0.058 $0.246 $0.132 $0.064 $0.074 $0.060 $0.250 $0.135 $0.065 $0.075 $0.061 $0.253 $0.139 $0.067 $0.077 $0.063 $0.256 $0.142 $0.068 $0.079 $0.065 $0.260 $0.146 $0.070 $0.081 $0.066 $2.438 $1.004 $0.511 $0.586 $0.479 $0.382 $0.176 Total $1.017 $0.791 $0.260 $0.121 $0.065 $0.031 $0.213 $0.298 $0.097 $0.166 Notes: * DSM Alternative Costs are weighted by the percentage of energy that is expected to occur within each costing period according to the values shown in the Inputs section under the heading "Energy Savings per Costing Period.