HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040924Exhibit A.pdfEXHIBIT A SPECIAL FACILITIES, POINT OF DELIVERY, AND METERING And operati on Date proj ect No. 31416020 Canyon spri ngs DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The seller s Facility is described as one hydro unit, consisting of a horizontal split case turbine and a We stinghouse induction generator, Mode 1 444T wi th a Nameplate Rati ng of 150 KVA , 480 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycl e. LOCATION OF FACILITY The Faci 1 i ty is located in the NW 1/4 of secti on 33, Townshi p 9 south, Range 17 East, Boi se Meri di an, Twi n Fall s county, Idaho. SCHEDULED OPERATION DATE Thi s Faci 1 i ty was previ ousl y interconnected and sell i ng energy to Idaho Power company under a Firm Energy Sales agreement dated April 12th , 1984. wi thi n thi s previ ous agreement an operati on date of october 1st , 1984 was establ i shed. october 1st , 1984 wi 11 conti nue to be the operati on date of thi s Faci 1 i ty for use in determi ni ng the Monthl y operati ng and Mai ntenance charge as speci fi ed in schedul e 72. POINT OF DELIVERY The point of Delivery of energy from the saler to Idaho power will be the 7200/12500 vol t bushi ngs of the transformer bank. The transformer bank wi 11 be a th ree phase bank, 277/480 vol ts to 7200/12500 vol ts, connected grounded-wye grounded -wye, located approxi matel y 20 feet from the generator , and wi 11 be owned and mai ntai ned by Idaho power. LOSSES Losses wi 11 be 0.8% of the metered energy. METERING The meteri ng equi pment wi 11 be on the 480 vol t si de of the bank, and will consist of a three phase C.T. demand meter. regi ster ki lowatt-hours and ki lowatts of demand. Meteri ng be owned and mai ntai ned by Idaho. Thi s Faci 1 i ty was previ ousl y interconnected and sell i ng energy to Idaho Power Company under a Firm Energy sales agreement dated April 12th , 1984. wi thi n thi s p revi ous ag reement the Faci 1 i ty rei mbu rsed Idaho fo r the total transformer Th e ~ r wi 11 equi pment wi Exhibit A - page 1 of 4 cost of purchase, installation, operation , and maintenance, including admi ni strati ve cost of thi s equi pment. Idaho Power has inspected the exi sti ng Meteri ng Equi pment at thi s Faci 1 i ty and has determi ned that no modi fi cati on, upg rades or addi ti ons to the ori gi na 1 equi pment is requi red at thi s ti me. SPECIAL FACILITIES The constructi on of approxi matel y 1000 feet of 3 phase overhead 1 i ne, the installation of a three phase transformer bank and a quadorplex overhead servi ce was provi ded by Idaho under a previ ous Fi rm Energy Sales Agreement with this Facility dated April 12th , 1984. within the previous agreement the Faci 1 i ty rei mbu rsed Idaho for the total cost of these spe ci a 1 Faci 1 i ti es. Idaho Power has inspected the exi sti ng speci a 1 Faci 1 i ti es at thi s Faci 1 i ty and has determi ned that no modi fi cati on , upgrades or addi ti ons to the ori gi na 1 equi pment is requi red at thi s ti me. REACTIVE POWER Total Reactive Power require d to be supplied by Idaho is 53KVAR, as provided in information by the Seller. under a previous Firm Energy Sales Agreement wi th thi s Faci 1 i ty dated Apri 1 12 th , 1984 Idaho suppl i ed the requi red equi pment and Reacti ve powe r . wi thi n the p revi ous ag reementthe Faci 1 i ty rei mbursed Idaho for the total cost of thi s Reacti ve power. Idaho Power has inspected the exi sti ng Reacti ve Power at thi s Faci 1 i ty and has determi ned that no modi fi cati on, upgrades or addi ti ons to the ori gi na 1 equi pment is requi red at thi s ti me. DI SCONN ECTION EQUI PMENT Di sconnecti on Equi pment is requi red to i nsu re that the Sell er ' s Faci 1 i wi 11 be di sconnected from Idaho s system in the event of a di stu rbance either Idaho s system or the seller s Facility. This equipment is for the protecti on of Idaho s equi pment onl y. under a prevlous Firm Energy Sales Agreement with this Facility dated Apri 1 12th , 1984: Idaho suppl i ed a cabi net contai ni ng a ci rcui t breaker , rel ays, and associ ated wi ri ng and ogi c. seller supplied a safety switch, and installed the switch, cabinet, and all wi ri ng and condui t necessary for the operati on of the Di sconnecti on Equi pment . Idaho suppl i ed detai 1 s for the i nterconnecti on panel , connected and tested the equi pment pri or to operati on of the Faci 1 i ty. Sell er provi ded drawi ngs of the i nterconnecti on wi ri ng for engineering approval before installation. The total cost of the Di sconnecti on Equi pment, connecti on and Exhibit A - page 2 of 4 testi ng of thi s ori gi na 1 equi pment was rei mbu rsed to Idaho by the Seller. Idaho Power has in spected the exi sti ng Di sconnecti on Equi pment at thi s Faci 1 i ty and has determi ned that no modi fi cati on , upgrades or addi ti ons the ori gi na 1 equi pment is requi red at thi s ti me. COSTS under a previous Fi rm Energy Sales Agreement with this Facility dated Ap ri 1 12th , 1984 The total original cost of the special Facilities and Metering Equi pment was $10,183. The total ori gi na 1 cost of i nsta 11 ati on of Reacti ve power was $383. The total ori gi na 1 cost of the Di sconnecti ng Equi pment was $8,047. Total amount paid to Idaho by the sell e r was $18,613. In addi ti on to the equi pment, install ati on and constructi on charges as specified above, during the term of this Agreement, Seller will pay Idaho power the monthl y operati on and mai ntenance charge speci fi ed in schedul e 72 or its successor schedul es (s) . The ori gi na 1 equi pment was i nsta 11 ed and became operati ona 1 october 1, 1984. Therefore October 1, 2004 thru september 30, 2005 wi 11 be consi dered to be the 21 st year to be used to determi ne the appropri ate Mbnthl y operati ng and Mai ntenance charge as speci fi ed schedul e 72 for the i ni ti al Contract Year of october 1 , 2004 thru september 30, 2005. For each subsequent year for the full term of thi s Agreement the appropri ate Monthl y operati ng and Mai ntenance charge as speci fi ed in schedul e 72 wi 11 be determi ned on the bases that october 1 , 2004 thru september 30, 2005 is the 21 st year. the event the ca cul ated year in determi ni ng the Monthl y operati ng and Mai ntenance charge as speci fi ed in schedul e 72 exceed the years 1 i sted in the appropri ate schedul e 72 Monthl y operati ng and Mai ntenance charge tabl e, the Monthl y operati ng and Mai ntenance charge wi 11 remai n fi xed at the maxi mum percentage for the remai ni ng term of thi s Agreement. SALVAGE No ater than si xty (60) days after the termi nati on or expi rati on of thi Agreement. Idaho Power will prepare and forward to seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho power furnished Interconnection Faci 1 i ti es as requi red under schedul e 72 and/or desc ri bed in thi s Agreement, 1 ess the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power s nearest warehouse, if the i nterconnecti on Faci 1 i ti es wi 11 be removed. If sell er Exhi bi t A - page 3 of 4 el ects not to obtai n ownershi p of the Interconnecti on Faci 1 i ti es but instead wishes that Idaho Power reimburse the seller for said Facilities the seller may invoice Idaho power for the net salvage value as estimated by Idaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to sell er wi thi thi rty (30) days after recei pt of the i nvoi ce. sell er shall have the ri ght to offset the i nvoi ce amount agai nst any present or future payments due Idaho Power. Exhibit A - page 4 of 4