HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040917Application.pdfECEfVEO fiJ FILED ..-... l.~~ BARTON L. KLINE ISB #5734 MONICA B. MOEN ISB #1526 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise , Idaho 83707 (208) 388-2682 t'i!,,\.f;,~ ""'"1'"' "", .., toO'Wj! ;)t..C' "1"1 3: 5 ; ;;(j" ::;;"~,.,-. . 0 ilL! j ft.;;.) LU i'1i~.:dON Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise , Idaho 83702 FAX Telephone No. (208) 388~6936 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO REVISE DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS SCHEDULES 24 & 25 FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO IRRIGATION CUSTOMERS CASE NO.IPC-04- APPLICATION IDAHO POWER COMPANY (the "Company ) applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for authority to revise deposit requirements in Schedules 24 and 25 for electric service to its irrigation customers. In support of the Application , Idaho Power submits the following: Idaho Power is continually seeking to improve procedures and processes in an effort to maintain customer satisfaction as well as treat its customers in a fair, just and equitable manner. APPLICATION , Page II. Past Commission Orders have recognized that the unique nature of irrigation service justifies provisions designed to protect the Company against losses from unpaid irrigation bills. The deposit provisions of Schedules 24 and 25 were adopted as a practical and equitable way of achieving this protection. Currently, a deposit may be required from various irrigation customers including new customers with no credit history, customers with a history of late payments, customers for whom an order for relief has been entered' under the federal bankruptcy laws or for whom a receiver has been appointed in a court proceeding and for customers who have been discharged for bankruptcy or whose receivership has been terminated. The deposit including accrued interest is applied to the Customer account upon date of disconnection or at the time the Customer s September bill is prepared, whichever is earlier. III. Idaho Power Company is requesting that enhanced protection against losses from unpaid irrigation bills be achieved through revised deposit provisions in Schedules 24 and 25. The Company addressed irrigation deposits most recently in Case No. IPC-02-The two most substantive changes authorized by the Commission in Order No. 29132 were that (1) the requirement for a deposit be linked to two or more "reminder notices" rather than "late payments" and (2) the computation of the deposit be based on horsepower rather than the previous year s highest monthly bill. APPLICATION , Page 2 IV. The current deposit provisions have proven to be satisfactory for many of the customers required to pay a deposit.However, in recent years , the Company has experienced a dramatic increase in unpaid irrigation bills that correlate to record write- offs of bad debt. Attachment No.1 illustrates the increasing size of the Company s year- end irrigation accounts receivable. In 2001 , the December irrigation accounts receivable were $1 414 666; in 2002, $2 258,483; in 2003, $2 867 849. As year-end accounts receivable balances increase, there is a direct correlation to the following year s net write-offs.As illustrated in Attachment No 1 , the 2002 irrigation write-offs were $426 139; in 2003, they were $413 712 (plus an additional $668 724 write-off of a single customer s bills resulting in a 2003 total of $1 082 436); as of July 2004, the Company has written off $516,582 in unpaid irrigation bills. In addition to the increasing accounts receivable and net write-offs, there is another risk factor on the rise. A service agreement is established for each service point.As Attachment 1 illustrates, the number of service agreements have been gradually increasing over recent years while the number of persons responsible for those agreements has been decreasing. Consolidation of accounts into the hands of fewer parties increases the Company risk since a single customer in default creates the potential for an increasingly larger write-off of bad debt. For all these reasons, the Company is proposing additional deposit provisions as a means for minimizing the uncollectable amounts from its irrigation customers. APPLICATION , Page 3 ErQPosed Deposit Requirements Existinq Customers (1 )Currently, a deposit may be required of those customers having two or more reminder notices of $100 or more during a 12- month period, customers whose service is disconnected (during the out-of-season period) due to non-payment, customers for whom an order for relief has been entered under the federal bankruptcy laws or for whom a receiver has been appointed in a court proceeding. The amount of the deposit is computed using the following formula: (a) Monthly Billing Demand is determined by multiplying 80 percent times the connected horsepower. (b) Monthly Energy (billing kWh) is determined by multiplying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthly Billing Demand. (c) The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monthly Energy are multiplied by the current rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Service Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. (d) The estimated monthly bill is multiplied by a factor of one and one-half (1.5) to determine the deposit. APPLICATION, Page 4 (2) APPLICATION, Page 5 Apart from the exceptions later outlined in this Application, the Company proposes the current deposit criteria and computations be designated as "Tier 1" Deposits. (3)In addition, the Company also proposes initiating a "Tier 2" Deposit provision applicable to a customer who has an outstanding balance greater than $1000 as of December 31 or who has been discharged from bankruptcy. The amount of the deposit would be computed using the following formula: (a) Monthly Billing Demand would be determined by multiplying 80 percent times the connected horsepower. (b) Monthly Energy (billing kWh) would be determined by multiplying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthly Billing Demand. (c) The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monthly Energy would be multiplied by the current In-Season rates and added to the irrigation In-Season Service Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. (d) The estimated monthly bill would be multiplied by a factor of four (4) to determine the deposit. Customers required to pay a "Tier 2" Deposit for an Irrigation Season who continue to have an outstanding balance over $1000 on December 31 following that Irrigation Season would be required to pay a second Tier 2 Deposit for the subsequent Irrigation Season for which those customers request service. However, if the balance on December 31 is less than or equal to $1000, the customer would be required to pay a "Tier 1" Deposit for the subsequent Irrigation Season for which the customer requests service. New Customers: Currently, at the Company s discretion , the Company may require a new customer to provide a deposit.The Company intends to continue this provision. Any requested deposit for a new customer would be computed as a "Tier 1" Deposit. Bankruptcy or Receivershi(;! Currently, the Company requires a deposit from a customer who has been discharged from bankruptcy or whose receivership proceeding has been terminated.The Company intends to continue this provision and would compute the required deposit as a "Tier 2" Deposit in recognition of the increased risk these customers pose. VI. Currently, a deposit plus accrued interest is applied to the customer account at the date of disconnection or at the time of the September billing, the last month of the Irrigation Season. However, the Company is proposing a two-tiered application of deposits and interest: a. Tier 1 - All Tier 1 Deposits plus accrued interest would continue to be applied to the customer s account at the date of disconnection or at the time of the September billing, whichever is earlier. APPLICATION , Page 6 b. Tier 2 - A portion of the deposit plus accrued interest equal to the monthly billing amount would be applied to the customer s account each month until the Tier 2 Deposit is depleted. Any Tier 2 Deposit or accrued interest money remaining at the date of disconnection or at the time of the September billing, whichever is earlier, would applied to the customer s account at that time. VII. Customers may satisfy payment of either a Tier 1 Deposit or Tier 2 Deposit using the current two existing means: a. Pay the Deposit in advance , or b. Provide an Irrevocable Letter of Credit from a financial institution in the amount of the Deposit. VIII. Summary Idaho Power is continually trying to improve its procedures and processes. The financial risk presented by delinquent irrigation receivables is increasing as some customers are leaving large unpaid balances to carry over from year-to-year. Upon adoption of the proposed criteria, the Company would be able to automatically identify those customers with sizeable outstanding balances at the end of each year and require a "Tier 2" Deposit as a means for reducing uncollectable amounts. An effective and efficient deposit mechanism can safeguard the Company against losses from these unpaid irrigation bills. Therefore, the Company is requesting adoption of the proposed two-tier deposit approach because of its advantages of APPLICATION, Page 7 fairness and consistency to both the Company and its customers. The Company is mailing letters to its irrigation customers to communicate both the filing of this Application and the scope of its proposal. In summary, the Company proposal meets the long-recognized requirements of protecting the Company against losses from unpaid irrigation bills while continuing to treat its customers in a fair, just and equitable manner. IX. The Company requests the modifications to Schedules 24 and 25 become effective October 18, 2004. Attachment No.2 to this Application is a copy of Applicant's proposed revised Schedules 24 and 25. XI. Attachment No.3 to this Application shows the changes to the Company Schedules 24 and 25 in legislative format. Proposed changes are shown by highlighting proposed additions or amendments, or by striking through deletions, in the existing Schedules 24 and 25. XII. MODIFIED PROCEDURE The Company believes that consideration by the Commission of the proposals contained in this Application does not require an evidentiary proceeding and accordingly, the Company requests that this Application be processed under RP 201 APPLICATION , Page 8 allowing for consideration of issues under modified procedure, Le., by written submissions rather than by an evidentiary hearing. XIII. Communications with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Maggie Brilz Director, Pricing Idaho Power Company P. O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company P. O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 WHEREFORE, Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission approve under Modified Procedure the proposed revisions to tariff Schedules 24 and 25 effective October 18 , 2004. /s/ ~- 13~ Monica B. Moen APPLICATION , Page 9 Attachment No. Ir r i g a t i o n B i l l W r i t e - ef t s a n d S e r v i c e Ag r e e m e n t s De c e m b e r ( I r r i g a t i o n A c c o u n t s R e c e i v a b l e ) Ir r i g a t i o n N e t W r i t e - Of f s 20 0 1 1, 4 1 4 66 6 22 3 , 4 2 6 20 0 2 25 8 , 4 8 3 42 6 , 13 9 50 0 , 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 , 00 0 00 0 , 00 0 50 0 00 0 00 0 , 00 0 50 0 , 00 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 Ac t i v e S e r v i c e A g r e e m e n t s Pe r s o n I D ' Ra t i o o f S A ' s t o P e r s o n Ju l - 15 , 93 0 59 0 2. 4 2 Ju l - 16 , 4 7 2 59 6 18 , 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 , 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 Ju l - Ju l - Ju l - Ju l - 20 0 3 86 7 84 9 41 3 , 71 2 * 20 0 4 51 6 58 2 * * De c e m b e r ( I r r i g a t i o n A c c o u n t s Re c e i v a b l e ) -- ' - I r r i g a t i o n N e t W r i t e - Of f s Ju t - 32 1 6, 4 2 2 Ju l - 16 , 81 1 6, 4 5 7 2. 4 5 2. 4 .. . . . . . . . . A c t i v e S e r v i c e A g r e e m e n t s ~P e r s o n I D ' ... . . . . . . . . R a t i o o f S A ' s t o P e r s o n No t e : A c t u a l f o r 2 0 0 3 w a s $ 1 08 2 , 4 3 6 In c l u d e s a $ 6 6 8 , 72 4 . 26 w r i t e - o f f f o r a s i n g l e c u s t o m e r * * Ir r i g a t i o n W r i t e - o f f s t h r o u g h J u l y 2 0 0 4 At t a c h m e n t N o . ): : - (" ) :: 1 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No, iii Cancels I.P,C, No, 27, Tariff , 101 Oriqinal Sheet No, iii SCHEDULE INDEX SCHEDULE TITLE SHEET NUMBER Residential Service"""""""""."."."..""",.",.""".,.""..,...."...",.."",.".",1 -- 1- Small General Service",.".""".".".",.""",.".""",....",.".,."",.."."""""",1 -- 7- Large General Service,."""""",."",.""""."."",.,."."......"",.,.",."."""",.1 -- 9- Dusk to Dawn Customer Lighting ..,........,..........,...........,...................,.. 15-1 -- 15- Large Power Service "."""""."""""""""."""""""".,.".".".,.",.".."",19-1 -- 19- Irrigation Peak Clipping Pilot Program (Optional) ......................,.........,23-1 -- 23- Agricultural Irrigation Service,.".."""",..""""""""""""".".",,..",.",.",24-1 -- 24- Agricultural Irrigation Service - Time-of-Use Pilot Program (Optional) ......,....,.................,....................,............,.. 25-1 -- 25- Unmetered General Service.................,...........................,........,........., 40-1 -- 40- Street Lighting Service ",."",.".,.",.""""""."",...,.""""".,""",.",.".",.41-1 -- 41- Traffic Control Signal Lighting Service ......,..,..,.........,.....................,................42- Standby Service "."".",."."""""".",.""""."",.""",",.,.,.."".,..""",.",.45-1 -- 45- Alternate Distribution Service """"",.""."""",.""""",......"",."""""",46-1 -- 46- Power Cost Adjustment ......."...",.."""""..".."""".,.,..,.,.""..,."..."",.."..".."..,55- Solar Photovoltaic Service Pilot Program..........,............,..,.................. 60-1 -- 60- Payment for Home Wiring Audit for Power Ouality...,...........,.................,......,..61- Green Energy Purchase Program Rider (Optional) ....,..................................,..62- Miscellaneous Charges .......,........,...,........,...,..........................,...,....... 66-1 -- 66- Interconnections to Non-Utility Generation.........,............................... 72-1 -- 72- Residential Air Conditioner Cycling Pilot Program (Optional)..,............, 81-1 --81- Customer Energy Production Net Metering ...,.......,..,..........................84-1 -- 84- Cogeneration and Small Power Production Standard Rates,.............., 86-1 -- 86- Unit Avoided Energy Cost for Cogeneration and Small Power Production ......89- Energy Efficiency Rider "".""".".,."""",."..""".,.,.,........,.,"",.".,.",.""..".."",91- Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees ,......,.........................,..,...,.. 95-1 -- 95- Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit .................................,........,...........98- IDAHO Issued - September 17, 2004 Effective - October 18, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R, Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P,C. No. 27. Tariff No, 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 24- Cancels First Revised Sheet No, 24- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) TRANSMISSION SERVICE In-Season Out-of-Season Service Charge, per month $12,$3, Demand Charge , per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $3, . 3.1028~ $0, 028~ Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 5054~5054~ This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55, Facilities Charqe The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1, percent. Minimum Charqe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Demand Charge , the Energy Charge , the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge, PAYMENT All monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt, and become past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. (For any agency or taxing district which has notified the Company in writing that it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code S 67-2302, the past due date will reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code S 67-2302, Deposit.A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required under the following conditions: Existinq Customers a, Tier Deposit.Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of Electric Service during a 12-month period , or who have had service terminated for non-payment, or were required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit for the previous Irrigation Season , will be required to pay a Tier 1 Deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company, A Tier 1 Deposit does not apply to Customers who have an outstanding balance on December 31 of over $1 000,00 (See Tier 2 Deposit), A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code S 67-2302, The deposit for a specific installation is computed as follows: IDAHO Issued - September 17, 2004 Effective - October 18, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R, Gale, Vice President , Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P,C, No, 27 Tariff No, 101 First Revised Sheet 24- Cancels Oriainal Sheet No, 24- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) PAYMENT (Continued) (1) Monthly Billing Demand is determined by multiplying 80 percent times the connected horsepower, (2) Monthly Energy (billing kWh) is determined by multiplying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthly Billing Demand, (3) The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monthly Energy are multiplied by the current In-Season rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Service Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. (4)The estimated monthly bill is multiplied by a factor of one and one-half (1.5). b, Tier 2 Deposit.Customers who have an outstanding balance greater than 000.00 on December 31 will be required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company. The deposit for a specific installation is computed as follows: (1) Monthly Billing Demand is determined by multiplying 80 percent times the connected horsepower, (2) Monthly Energy (billing kWh) is determined by multiplying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthly Billing Demand. (3) The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monthly Energy are multiplied by the current In-Season rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Service Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. (4)The estimated monthly bill is multiplied by a factor of four (4), 2, New Customer.A deposit may be required for a new Customer at the Company discretion, The deposit for a specific installation will be computed using the same methodology as outlined for existing Customers requiring a Tier 1 Deposit. IDAHO Issued - September 17 2004 Effective - October 18, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R, Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho I.P,C, No, 27 Tariff No, 101 First Revised Sheet No. 24- Cancels Oriqinal Sheet No, 24- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) PAYMENT (Continued) 3, Bankruptcv or Receivership. An adequate assurance of payment as agreed to by the utility or as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction or the IPUC shall be required from any Customer for whom an order for relief has been entered under the federal bankruptcy laws, or for whom a receiver has been appointed in a court proceeding, The maximum amount required for each season shall not exceed a payment equal to a deposit. For each irrigation season, an adequate assurance of payment shall be required as agreed to by the utility, or as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction , or the IPUC, This requirement shall continue from the date of the order for relief in bankruptcy, or the court appointing a receiver, until the debtor s discharge in bankruptcy or the dismissal of the court proceeding, A Customer who has been discharged from bankruptcy or whose receivership proceeding has been terminated will be required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit at the start of the following season to the extent required by the payment provisions listed under "Payment" section 1 (b) above, APPLICATION OF DEPOSIT/INTEREST Interest will be computed by the Company on irrigation deposits required under this schedule at the annual percentage rate determined by the Commission under Utility Customer Relations Rules 106.02, The irrigation deposit, with accrued interest, will be applied to the Customer s account as follows: Tier 1 Deposits/Interest.All Tier 1 Deposits plus accrued interest will be applied to the Customer s account upon date of disconnection or at the time the Customer s September bill is prepared, whichever is earlier. Tier 2 Depositsllnterest.A portion of the Tier 2 Deposit plus accrued interest equal to the monthly billing amount will be applied to the Customer s account each month until the Tier 2 Deposit amount plus accrued interest is depleted. Any Tier 2 Deposit amount or accrued interest remaining a the date of service disconnection or at the time of the Customer September billing, whichever is earlier, will be applied to the Customer s account Each irrigation Customer, upon making a deposit payment, will be required to furnish to the Company an IRS Tax Identification or Social Security number for the Company s IRS reporting requirements, If a Customer tenders to the Company an irrigation deposit which has not been requested or demanded by the Company, the Company may refuse to accept and retain such deposit. If, however the Company accepts or retains the deposit, the Company will apply the deposit to the Customer account and no interest will be paid. IDAHO Issued - September 17 , 2004 Effective - October 18, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R, Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , Idaho Idaho Power Company I.P,C. No, 27 Tariff No. 101 Oriainal Sheet No, 24- SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) LATE PAYMENT CHARGE A Late Payment Charge will be assessed Customers receiving service under this schedule as provided under Rule G, IDAHO Issued - September 17, 2004 Effective - October 18, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R, Gale , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No, 25- Cancels OriQinal Sheet No, 25-I.P,C, No, 27 Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 25 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USE PILOT PROGRAM CQETIONAU (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE PAYMENT All monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt, and become past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. (For any agency or taxing district which has notified the Company in writing that it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302, the past due date will reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code 9 67-2302, Deposit.A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required under the following conditions: ExistinQ Customers a. Tier Deposit.Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of Electric Service during a 12-month period, or who have had service terminated for non-payment, or were required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit in the previous Irrigation Season , will be required to pay a Tier 1 Deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company, A Tier 1 Deposit does not apply to Customers who have an outstanding balance on December 31 of over $1 000.00 (See Tier 2 Deposit), A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302, The deposit for a specific installation is computed as follows: (1) Monthly Billing Demand is determined by multiplying 80 percent times the connected horsepower. (2) Monthly Energy (billing kWh) is determined by multiplying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthly Billing Demand, (3) The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monthly Energy are multiplied by the current In-Season rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Service Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. (4)The estimated monthly bill is multiplied by a factor of one and one-half (1,5). IDAHO Issued - September 17 , 2004 Effective - October 18, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No, 25- Cancels Oriainal Sheet No, 25-I.P,C, No, 27 Tariff No, 101 SCHEDULE 25 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USE PILOT PROGRAM OPTIONAL (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE PAYMENT (Continued) b, Tier 2 Deposit.Customers who have an outstanding balance greater than 000.00 on December 31 will be required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company, The deposit for a specific installation is computed as follows: (1) Monthly Billing Demand is determined by multiplying 80 percent times the connected horsepower. (2) Monthly Energy (billing kWh) is determined by multiplying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthly Billing Demand, (3) The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monthly Energy are multiplied by the current In-Season rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Service Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. (4)The estimated monthly bill is multiplied by a factor of four (4), 2. New Customer.A deposit may be required for a new Customer at the Company discretion. The deposit for a specific installation will be computed using the same methodology as outlined for Existing Customers requiring a Tier 1 Deposit. 3, Bankruptcy or Receivership, An adequate assurance of payment as agreed to by the utility or as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction or the IPUC shall be required from any Customer for whom an order for relief has been entered under the federal bankruptcy laws , or for whom a receiver has been appointed in a court proceeding, The maximum amount required for each season shall not exceed a payment equal to a deposit. For each irrigation season , an adequate assurance of payment shall be required as agreed to by the utility, or as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, or the IPUC. This requirement shall continue from the date of the order for relief in bankruptcy, or the court appointing a receiver, until the debtor s discharge in bankruptcy or the dismissal of the court proceeding. A Customer who has been discharged from bankruptcy or whose receivership proceeding has been terminated will be required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit at the start of the following season to the extent required by the payment provisions listed under "Payment" section 1 (b) above, IDAHO Issued - September 17, 2004 Effective - October 18 , 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R, Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise , Idaho Idaho Power Company I.P,C, No. 27. Tariff No. 101 Ori inal Sheet No, 25- SCHEDULE 25 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USE PILOT .E..R RAM (0 EJJ 0 NAl) (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE APPLICATION OF DEPOSIT/INTEREST Interest will be computed by the Company on irrigation deposits required under this schedule at the annual percentage rate determined by the Commission under Utility Customer Relations Rules 106.02, The irrigation deposit, with accrued interest, will be applied to the Customer s account as follows: Tier 1 Deposits/Interest.All Tier 1 deposits plus accrued interest will be applied to the Customer s account upon date of disconnection or at the time the Customer s September bill is prepared, whichever is earlier, Tier 2 Deposits/Interest.A portion of the Tier 2 Deposit plus accrued interest equal to the monthly billing amount will be applied to the Customer/s account each month until the Tier 2 Deposit amount plus accrued interest is depleted, Any Tier 2 Deposit amount or accrued interest remaining at the date of service disconnection or at the time of the Customer September billing, whichever is earlier, will be applied to the Customer s account. Each irrigation Customer, upon making a deposit payment, will be required to furnish to the Company an IRS Tax Identification or Social Security number for the Company s IRS reporting requirements, If a Customer tenders to the Company an irrigation deposit which has not been requested or demanded by the Company, the Company may refuse to accept and retain such deposit. If, however the Company accepts or retains the deposit, the Company will apply the deposit to the Customer account and no interest will be paid. LATE PAYMENT CHARGE A Late Payment Charge will be assessed Customers receiving service under this schedule as provided under Rule G, IDAHO Issued - September 17, 2004 Effective - October 18, 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Attachment No. Idaho Power Company I.P.C, No, 27 Tariff No, 101 Oriainal Sheet No. iii SCHEDULE INDEX SCHEDULE TITLE SHEET NUMBER Residential Service."",.""",."".."""""".".""""","."""".""""""""""",1 -- 1- Small General Service.""."."",."."""",..,."",.""."""",."."""""."."".",,1 -- 7- Large General Service................,...................,.........................,..........,..., 9-1 -- 9- Dusk to Dawn Customer Lighting.......................,................................. 15-1 -- 15- Large Power Service .""",.""""",.",.""""",."".."""".",."".""""",.",19-1 -- 19- Irrigation Peak Clipping Pilot Program (Optional) ..,...........,.................. 23-1 -- 23- Agricultural Irrigation Service................................,..,....................,..... 24-1 -- 24- Agricultural Irrigation Service - Time-ot-Use Pilot Program (Optional) ,....................................,........,...........,..,.. 25-1 -- 25-67 Unmetered General Service ........,...........................,..,.........,..,..........., 40-1 -- 40- Street Lighting Service "....",."".."""....,."""..,."""...",..",."",",.",....,41-1 -- 41- Traffic Control Signal Lighting Service ......,..................,........,.......................,..42- Standby Service ".."",.""."",.."",.".."""".,.""",.,.,"",..""",.""",."".,45-1 -- 45- Alternate Distribution Service ..,......,......,......,.........,...........,..,.........,.... 46-1 -- 46- Power Cost Adjustment""".""..",."",.""".."""....",",.",.."".""",.",."",.""",,55- Solar Photovoltaic Service Pilot Program......,...........................,.......... 60-1 -- 60- Payment tor Home Wiring Audit tor Power Quality..,..........,.............................61- Green Energy Purchase Program Rider (Optional) ............,.............................62- Miscellaneous Charges ..........................,................,..............,............, 66-1 -- 66- Interconnections to Non-Utility Generation ........,...............,...............,72-1 -- 72- Residential Air Conditioner Cycling Pilot Program (Optional)..............., 81-1 --81- Customer Energy Production Net Metering ......................................... 84-1 -- 84- Cogeneration and Small Power Production Standard Rates............,... 86-1 -- 86- Unit Avoided Energy Cost tor Cogeneration and Small Power Production ......89- Energy Efficiency Rider ,."",..,.",.""".",..,.""".,...".,.",.""...."".."..".",.".".,...91- Adjustment tor Municipal Franchise Fees .....................................,..,.. 95-1 -- 95- Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit ........................................,.............98- I.P,C. No, 27 Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No, 24- Cancels Oriainal Sheet No, 24- Idaho Power Company SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) In-Season Out-of-SeasonTRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month $12.$3, Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh $3, 1028i $0, 1028i Power Cost Adjustment*, per kWh 5054i 5054i This Power Cost Adjustment is computed as provided in Schedule 55, Facilities Charae The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1, percent. Minimum Charae The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, the Power Cost Adjustment, and the Facilities Charge, PAYMENT All monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt, and become past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. (For any agency or taxing district which has notified the Company in writing that it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302, the past due date will reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code 9 67-2302, Deposit.A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required under the following conditions: Existina Customersa, Tier Deposit.Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of Electric Service during a 12-month period .!. or who have had service terminated for non-payment! or were required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit for the previous Irrigation Season will be required to pay a Tier 1 Ddeposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company, A Tier 1 Deposit does not applyJo Customers who have an outstanding balance on December 31 of over $1 000.00 (See Tier 2 Deposit).A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302, The deposit for a specific installation will beis computed as follows: Idaho Power Company I.P,C, No, 27 Tariff No, 101 Oriainal Sheet No, 24- SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) PAYMENT (Continued) a-:ill Monthly Billing Demand wit! beis determined by multiplying 80 percent times the connected horsepower. thQ1 Monthly Energy (billing kWh) will beis determined by multiplying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthly Billing Demand, G-.Ql The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monthly Energy \;vil! beare multiplied by the current In-Season rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Service Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. G-.~ The estimated monthly bill will Dais multiplied by a factor of one and one- half (1.5). b, Tier 2 Deposit. Customers who have an outstanding balance greater than ;P1,OOO.00 on December 31 will be required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company. The deposit for a sQecific installation is comQuted as follows: Monthly Bi!lina Demand is determined bv multiplyina 80 percent times the connected horsepower,-0 Monttl~ Enerav (billing kWh) is determined by multiplvina 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthlv Billing Demand. Q) The Monthlv Billina Demand and the Monthlv J=nerav are mul iplied bv the current In-Season rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Service Charae to determine the estimated monthly bill. (4)lhe es imateq mont!::!rLbili is mu~by a factor 2, New Customer.A deposit may be required for a new Customer at the Company discretion, The deposit for a specific installation will be computed using the same methodology as outlined for existing Customers requiring a Tier 1 Deposit. 3. Bankruptcv or Receivership, An adequate assurance of payment as agreed to by the utility or as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction or the IPUC shall be required from any Customer for whom an order for relief has been entered under the federal bankruptcy laws , or for whom a receiver has been appointed in a court proceeding, The maximum amount required for each season shall not exceed a payment equal to a deposit. For each irrigation season , an adequate assurance of payment shall be required as agreed to by the utility, or as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction , or the IPUC. This requirement shall continue from the date of the order for relief in bankruptcy, or the court appointing a receiver, until the debtor s discharge in bankruptcy or the dismissal of the court proceeding, A Customer who has been discharged from bankruptcy or whose receivership proceeding has been terminated will be required to pay a Tier 2 Deeposit at the start of the Idaho Power Company I.P,C. No, 27. Tariff No. 101 Oriainal Sheet No, 24- following season to the extent required by the payment provisions listed under "Payment" section 1 iQl above, APPLICATION OF DEPOSITIINTEREST Interest will be computed by the Company on irrigation deposits required under this schedule at the annual percentage rate determined by the Commission under Utility Customer Relations Rules 106.02, The irrigation deposit, with accrued interest, will be applied to the Customer s account follows: ~Deposi~Deposi~us accrued interest will be applied to the Customer s account upon date of disconnection or at the time the Customer s September bill is prepared , whichever is earlier. Tier 2 Deposjt~erest A por1:!QI1 oj the Tier 2 JdeQosit-.PJus accrued interest equal to the monthly billing amount will be applied to the Customer s account each month until the Tier 2 Deposit amount plus accrued interest is depleted, Anv Tier 2 Deposit amount or accrued interest remainina at the date of service disconnection or at the time of the Customer September billing, whichever is earlier. will be applied to the Customer s account. Idaho Power Company I.P,C. No, 27. Tariff No. 101 Ori inal Sheet No, 25- SCHEDULE 25 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USE PILOT PROGRAM OPTIONAL (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE PAYMENT All monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt, and become past due 15 days from the date on which rendered, (For any agency or taxing district which has notified the Company in writing that it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302 , the past due date will reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code 9 67-2302, Deposit.A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required under the following conditions: Existina Customersa. Tier 1 Deposit Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of Electric Service during a 12-month periodJ, or who have had service terminated for non-payment, or were required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit in the previous Irrigation Season,will be required to pay a Tier 1 Ddeposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company, A Tier 1 Deposit does not apply to Customers who have an ou~anding balance on DecelIlber 31 of over $1,000.00 (See Tier 2 Deposit),A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code 967-2302, The deposit for a specific installation 'Nill beis computed as follows: ~ill Monthly Billing Demand will bets determined by multiplying 80 percent times the connected horsepower. &:,(gl Monthly Energy (billing kWh) will beis determined by multiplying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthly Billing Demand, B-.Ql The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monthly Energy win beare multiplied by the current In-Season rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Service Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. G-:~ The estimated monthly bill will beis multiplied by a factor of one and one- half (1,5). Q. Tier 2 _Deposit. Customers wlliLhave an outmanding Qgjance grea~$1.000,00 on December 31 will be required to pay a Tier 2 Deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company. The deposit for a specific installation is computed as follows: MonthrL.llillina Demand is determined by multiplvina 80 percent times t!JQ connected horsepower. M2.o.1.blLEnergy is determined by mulllQJying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthlv Billina Demand, Idaho Power Company I.P,C. No, 27. Tariff No. 101 Ori inal Sheet No, 25- (3) The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monjhly Enerm are multiQlied by the current In-Season rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Service Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. (4)The estimated monthl U is multiplied by a factor of 2, New Customer.A deposit may be required for a new Customer at the Company discretion, The deposit for a specific installation will be computed using the same methodology as outlined for Existing Customers requiring a Tier 1 Deposit. Idaho Power Company I.P,C, No, 27. Tariff No. 101 Ori inal Sheet No, 25- SCHEDULE 25 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USE PILOT PROGRAM OPTIONAL (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE PAYMENT (Continued) 3. Bankruptcy or Receivership. An adequate assurance of payment as agreed to by the utility or as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction or the IPUC shall be required from any Customer for whom an order for relief has been entered under the federal bankruptcy laws, or for whom a receiver has been appointed in a court proceeding, The maximum amount required for each season shall not exceed a payment equal to a deposit. For each irrigation season , an adequate assurance of payment shall be required as agreed to by the utility, or as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, or the IPUC, This requirement shall continue from the date of the order for relief in bankruptcy, or the court appointing a receiver, until the debtor s discharge in bankruptcy or the dismissal of the court proceeding, A Customer who has been discharged from bankruptcy or whose receivership proceeding has been terminated will be required to pay a Tier 2 Dooposit at the start of the following season to the extent required by the payment provisions listed under "Payment" section 1 f.Ql above, APPLICATION OF DEPOSITIINTEREST Interest will be computed by the Company on irrigation deposits required under this schedule at the annual percentage rate determined by the Commission under Utility Customer Relations Rules 106,02. The irrigation deposit, with accrued interest, will be applied to the Customer s account as follows: Tier 1 Deposits/Interest. All Tier 1 deposits plus accrued interest will be applied to the Customer s account upon date of disconnection or at the time the Customer s September bill is prepared, whichever is earlier. Tier 2 De osi~terest A portion of the Tier 2 Deposit plus accrued interest equal to the monthly billing amount will be applied to the Customer's account each month until the Tier 2 Deposit amount plus accrueq interes is d~eted, Any Tier 2 Deposit amount or accrued interest remaining at the date of service disconnection or at the time of the Customer September billing. whichever is earlier, will be applied to the Customer s account. Each irrigation Customer, upon making a deposit payment, will be required to furnish to the Company an IRS Tax Identification or Social Security number for the Company s IRS reporting requirements, If a Customer tenders to the Company an irrigation deposit which has not been requested or demanded by the Company, the Company may refuse to accept and retain such deposit. If, however the Company accepts or retains the deposit, the Company will apply the deposit to the Customer account and no interest will be paid, LATE PAYMENT CHARGE A Late Payment Charge will be assessed Customers receiving service under this schedule as provided under Rule G.