HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060130Gale direct.pdf~j' i~D ;:7 F;;~):C15 -, - uf:LiTiLSC:O ;", SSIO;) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF FINANCIAL DISINCENTIVES TO INVESTMENT IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY BY IDAHO POWER COMPANY. CASE NO. IPC-O4- IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY JOHN R. (RIC) GALE Please state your name and business address. My name is John (Ric) Gale and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company ) as the Vice President of Regulatory Affairs. What is your educational background and business affiliations? I received a BBA in 1975 and an MBA in 1981 from Boise State Uni versi ty.I maintain a close affiliation with the university and serve on the College of Business and Economics ' Advisory Council.I have also attended the Public Utilities Executive Course at the University of Idaho. I am an active member of the Edison Electric Institute s Economic Regulation and Competition Committee (ERCC), which is the committee that is concerned primarily with regulatory issues and ratemaking methods.I am the current Vice Chair of the ERCC. Please describe your work experience. In October 1983, I accepted a position as Rate Analyst with Idaho Power Company.In March 1990, I was assigned to the Company s Meridian District Office for one year where I held the position of Meridian Manager.In March 1991, I was promoted to Manager of Rates.In July 1997, I was GALE, DI Idaho Power Company named General Manager of Pricing and Regulatory Services. March of 2001 , I was promoted to Vice President of Regulatory Affairs.As Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, I am responsible for the overall coordination and direction of the Pricing & Regulatory Department , including development of jurisdictional revenue requirements and class cost-of-service studies, preparation of rate design analyses, and administration of tariffs and customer contracts.In my current position , I am also responsible for policy matters related to the economic regulation of Idaho Power Company. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? I am supporting the application for implementation of a true-up mechanism of the type described by Company witnesses Cavanagh and Youngblood that would be applicable to Idaho Power Company s Residential Service (Schedule 1) and to Small General Service (Schedule 7) cus tomers .This true-up mechanism would be titled "Fixed Cost Adjustment" or FCA.The proposed FCA would track costs and revenues beginning January 1, 2006 and would adjust rates up or down each June 1 (beginning June 1, 2007) coincidentally with the timing of the Company s Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA" and seasonal rate changes. Please describe the series of events leading up to Idaho Power s filing an application to implement a Fixed GALE, DI Idaho Power Company Cost Adjustment. In 2003, Mr. Ralph Cavanagh met with Idaho Power's senior management to discuss several opportunities where the Company and the environmental community could work together productively to achieve mutually beneficial results. One of these items was the potential implementation of a true- up mechanism that would remove the economic disincentive to energy efficiency efforts by Idaho Power.Mr. Cavanagh formally proposed this type of mechanism on behalf of the Advocates for the West during the Company s last general rate case, Case No. IPC-03-13.The Commission addressed this issue in its rate case order by initiating a separate docket to investigate disincentives to energy efficiency, Case No. IPC-04-15.The Company s FCA Application is a continuation of IPC-04-15. What was Idaho Power s initial position regarding the need for a true-up mechanism? Ini tially, Idaho Power believed that other energy efficiency disincentives needed to be addressed as a matter of priority before entertaining the concept of a new mechanism.Addi tionally, the Company was in a capabili ty- building mode, so that the amount of energy efficiency obtained was limited until the infrastructure was put into place.Finally, Idaho Power desired to make significant progress on its rate design for customer classes that was GALE , DI Idaho Power Company kilowatt-hour metered only, believing that significant movement in the rate design would address the same issues that a true-up mechanism would. How has this position evolved? In the last several years Idaho Power has reestablished a complete energy efficiency effort in terms of personnel, budgets and programs.The Company instituted the Energy Efficiency Advisory Group, which has proven to be a productive method to engage customers, environmental advocates and technological experts in the development of Idaho Power' energy efficiency emphasis and effort.The Commission- approved Energy Efficiency Rider has provided a steady funding supply to carry out energy efficiency and demand response initiatives.Additionally, the Company s Integrated Resource Planning process has incorporated the demand-side activities in an increasingly meaningful way.Finally, the Idaho Commission has been supportive of cost recovery of the dollars invested in energy efficiency.All these developments have helped remove the initial disincentives to Idaho Power initiating extensive energy efficiency activities. At the same time , Idaho Power has tried to implement changes to its pricing for Schedule 1 and Schedule 7 customer classes with very limited success.Frankly, the Commission has not shown an appetite for changes to the rate design that significantly increases the monthly customer GALE, DI Idaho Power Company charge. disincentives Returning to the docket that dealt with to energy efficiency, Case No. IPC-E-04-15. Please describe the status of this proceeding. Following the Company s general rate case, the Commission Staff, customer groups, other interested parties and the Company embarked upon a workshop process to investigate disincentives that may keep Idaho Power from investing fully in energy efficiency activities.The group met five times over a five-month period and filed a summary report called "Final Report on Workshop Proceedings Final Report) on February 15, 2005.The Final Report is Company Exhibi t No., which has already been introduced by Mr. Cavanagh.The effort resulted in two action items - (1) the development of a true-up simulation to track what might occur if a decoupling type mechanism were initiated at Idaho Power and (2) advocacy for the filing of a pilot energy efficiency program that would incorporate both performance incentives and lost revenue " adj ustments .The filing of the Final Report was the last action in the Case No. IPC-E-04-15.Since the docket remains open and the Company s application is directly related to the Final Report's conclusions, Idaho Power has made its current request under the same docket number. What was done to follow up on the two action items? GALE , DI Idaho Power Company Idaho Power has simulated the true-up mechanism specified in the workshops and in the Final Report.Mr. Youngblood sponsors the simulation as Exhibit No.6 and testifies to its results.The Company also filed a pilot energy efficiency program with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on February 18, 2005 that contained both incentive and lost revenue elements.The filing was later withdrawn by the Company after consulting with the workshop parties because some concerns surfaced on the appropriateness of lost revenue recovery on that particular pilot. In his testimony, Mr. Cavanagh continues to advocate for a pilot energy efficiency program that might contain incentive elements.Do you agree with his recommendation? Yes.It is consistent with the recommendations of the workshop group and also provides an opportunity to test the impact of incentives in a pilot environment.Our difficulty thus far has been finding a good program to test. The Company will continue to work with Staff and the other parties to Case No. IPC-E- 04 -15 to explore possible pilot programs to test. Did Idaho Power enlist the assistance of an outside expert to review various true-up mechanisms? Yes.The Company engaged Mr. Eric Hirst to perform an analysis of decoupling for Idaho Power.Mr. GALE, DI Idaho Power Company Youngblood's testimony also describes the Company collaboration with Mr. Hirst on this issue. What is the underlying problem that a true-up mechanism is trying to address? Basically, when a utility recovers a significant portion of its fixed costs through variable rates, it is not in the utility s economic interest to embark on any programs or initiatives that reduces the amount of energy sold. situation? How does a true-up mechanism help this A true-up mechanism disconnects (or decouples) the fixed cost recovery from the energy rates and recouples the fixed cost recovery to some other variable such as the number of customers served by the utility.The utility becomes economically indifferent to decreases in energy sales. As a result, the disincentive to act in ways that decrease energy consumption is removed. Are there potential concerns that might be raised when a new rate adjustment mechanism is implemented? Yes.A chief concern of the Company is that when any new rate adjustment mechanism is introduced there is the potential for unintended consequences - something unforeseen in the development of the mechanism that causes the mechanism to not work as designed or intended.There are GALE , DI Idaho Power Company other possible negatives to the introduction of a true-up mechanism, such as (1) a true-up mechanism may take the pressure off efforts to better align prices and costs through rate design (2) a true-up mechanism may be countercyclical a region s economic cycle, and (3) a true-up mechanism may introduce potentially large rate swings.Most of these concerns can be mitigated by the design of the mechanism itself. Given the potential positives and negatives, what is the Company proposing? the Company is proposing a limited implementation of a true-up mechanism to two customer classes - Schedule 1, Residential Service , and Schedule 7, Small General Service - that would start for accounting purposes on January 1, 2006.Rates would adjust annually on June 1 at the same time as the PCA and seasonal rates change.These two customer classes would recouple fixed costs to customer counts and the energy usage would be weather-normalized in the same manner as the Company employs for its rate proceedings.Idaho Power proposes a monthly deferral that would operate , in terms of reporting and the application of a carrying charge, similar to the PCA.Finally, the Company proposes a cap on any upward rate change of three percent that could be implemented at the option of the Commission - again, similar to the seven percent provision provided for in the PCA. GALE, DI Idaho Power Company Schedule Why limit the mechanism to Schedule 1 and Idaho Power wants to take an incremental approach to the introduction of a true-up mechanism in order to gain some experience and to avoid some exposure to potential unintended consequences.Schedule 1 and Schedule 7 are a logical place to start in that these two customer classes present the most fixed cost exposure (in percentage terms) and, because they recouple fixed cost revenue to customer counts, they avoid the recoupling complications associated with larger customer groups.Addi tionally, because neither rate schedule has a demand charge, the calculations are simpler. What is the importance of starting the accounting on January 1 , 2006? There are two advantages in using a calendar year for tracking an FCA deferral.One is that the numbers tie directly to the numbers reported in the Company s FERC Form 1 Report, which is particularly important for consistency in reporting the number of Schedule 1 and Schedule 7 The second advantage is that weather can becustomers. normalized on a calendar-year basis as opposed to split-year report ing . Why are you then proposing to wait until June 1, 2007 to change rates? GALE, DI Idaho Power Company The five-month intervening time period between the end of the FCA accounting period and the start of the rate period allows ample time for the books to close, the FERC Form 1 to be filed, and the FCA rate application to be filed, reviewed, and authorized.The June 1 date is especially desirable because it allows the Company annually to change customer rates once for the PCA , FCA, and the summer season. proposal? 2006. When will rates first change under your June 1, 2007 based on data for calendar year Why recouple to customer count? Energy usage correlates well to customer counts for the Schedule 1 and Schedule 7 customer classes.Customer counts are straightforward and easy to determine.For purposes of the FCA calculation , the Company proposes to use the same customer counts as reported in FERC Form Why does the Company propose to weather- normalize the energy consumptions for Schedule 1 and Schedule The Company historically has assumed risks associated with weather-related changes in sales we seek no change in that risk allocation, which obviously does not affect the Company's incentives to promote and invest in energy efficiency. GALE, DI Idaho Power Company Why are you proposing a cap to potential rate increases and how will it be implemented? The cap is proposed to mitigate some of the potential negatives - such as an economic downturn - that might occur with the introduction of a new rate mechanism. The proposed cap is intended to work exactly like the cap provided in the PCA.Accordingly, the Commission at its discretion and judgment can impose the cap or let the rate change as calculated.Historically, under the PCA mechanism, the Commission has been reluctant to impose the cap for various reasons, including the dilution of the price signal and the fear of another high-cost year.Nevertheless, the cap is there as a tool for the Commission s potential use. Why is the deferral being set up similarly to the PCA deferral? The PCA has been in place since 1993.One of the outstanding characteristics of the PCA has been its symmetrical approach to benefits and costs.The mechanism has been well tested in a variety of water/cost scenarios and has proven to work well for all concerned.Accordingly, Idaho Power believes in applying the same tried and true method to the FCA. Is it your opinion that the implementation of a FCA as proposed by the Company is in the public interest? Yes.The FCA proposal provides an opportunity GALE, DI Idaho Power Company to conservatively test the concept of a true-up mechanism and the removal of a disincentive to energy efficiency activities. The proposal will properly incent the Company to look for economic opportunities to reduce load.The proposal incrementally addresses the customer classes that are the simplest to administer and that have the largest relative exposure to problems with fixed cost recovery.In addition, safeguards have been added to protect against the unintended. Finally, the deferred aspect of the FCA is mirrored after another mechanism that has been successful since 1993. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes. GALE, DI Idaho Power Company