HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040608Application.pdfMONICA MOEN , ISB # 5734 BARTON L. KLINE , ISB # 1526 Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street P. O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2692 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 F) . !:, tCE/YED t- flED ZO04 Jl/~f _I. 1.. -.. "f In ..: 0 :: .., ..,. UTILI TI f S v COMH1 WSION Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL) OF A REVISION TO A SCHEDULE 86 UNIFORM AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF POWER BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND THE LEWANDOWSKI FARMS CASE NO. IPC-04- APPLICATION COMES NOW Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or the "Company ) and pursuant to IPUC Rule of Procedure 52, hereby applies for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("PUC" or the "Commission ) Order approving a second revision to Exhibit A of an existing Schedule 86, Uniform Agreement ("Agreement") between Idaho Power and Lewandowski Farms under which Lewandowski Farms sells and Idaho Power purchases electric energy generated by the Lewandowski Farms wind generation facility located in Elmore County, Idaho on Simco Road east of Boise , Idaho. This Application is based on the following: APPLICATION - On July 30, 2001 , via Order No. 28795, the Commission approved the Schedule 86, Uniform Agreement and Exhibit A thereto under which Lewandowski Farms sells and Idaho Power purchases electric energy generated by the Lewandowski Farms wind generation facility. II. On September 16, 2002 , Lewandowski Farms and Idaho Power agreed to certain minor technical modifications to Exhibit A to the approved Agreement ("Revised Exhibit A"). A copy of Revised Exhibit A to the Agreement was filed with the IPUC for its information. III. Lewandowski Farms has requested a material revision to Revised Exhibit A of the approved Agreement. Lewandowski Farms requests that two (2) additional 08 kW wind generation units be included in the facility s description to bring the total number of wind generation units at the facility to three (3) 108 KW wind generation units. The addition of two more generation units at this facility also requires Idaho Power to modify the interconnection, special facilities and metering equipment as described within Revised Exhibit A. IV. The Second Revised Exhibit A to the Agreement (attached hereto as Exhibit 1), as signed and submitted by the Parties thereto, contains the agreed-upon generation unit additions and the associated interconnection , special facilities and meter equipment modifications. All applicable interconnection charges and monthly Operation APPLICATION - 2 and Maintenance charges under Schedule 72 resulting from the proposed modifications will be assessed Lewandowski Farms. Service of pleadings , exhibits , orders and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the following: Monica B. Moen , Attorney II Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Randy C. Allphin Contract Administrator Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise , Idaho 83707 NOW, THEREFORE , based on the foregoing, Idaho Power Company hereby requests that the Commission issue its Order: (1 )Rescinding Revised Exhibit A to the previously approved Agreement between Idaho Power Company and Lewandowski Farms in its entirety; (1 )Approving the Second Revised Exhibit A without change or condition to replace Revised Exhibit A to the previously approved Agreement between Idaho Power Company and Lewandowski Farms; and (2)Declaring that all additional payments for purchases of energy under the Agreement as a result of the Second Revised Exhibit A be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. Respectfully submitted this 4th day of June 2004. (/J. MONICA B. MOEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION - 3 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 4th day of June 2004 , I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing APPLICATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Bob Lewandowski Lewandowski Farms 2136 S Simco Road Boise, ID 83716 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (/). MONICA B. MOEN APPLICATION - 4 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-O4- IDAHO POWER COMPANY EXHIBIT ,.. a~R An IDACORP Company proj ect No. 21615079 Lewandowski wi nd Generator proj ect The attached second Revi sed Exhi bi t A wi 11 replace in enti rety the p revi ous Revi sed Exhi bi t A dated september 16, 2002 whi ch previ ousl y repl aced the Exhi bi t A that was i ncl uded wi th the Idaho Power Company, schedul e 86, uni form Agreement between Lewandowski Farms and Idaho Power company dated May 2, 2001. understood, Agreed and Accepted: Lewandowski Farms By:By: \-c::1V&/iRobert ewandowski Owne r John Pr scottvice president, Power Supply Dated:t-J\.a! "2. .g cOO :Q, power Dated: second Revi sed Exhi bi t A - page 1 of SECOND REVISED EXHIBIT A SPECIAL FACILITIES, POINT OF DELIVERY , AND METERING proj ect No. 21615079 Lewandowski wi nd Generator proj ect DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Seller Facility is i nducti on generators wi th phase, 60 hertz. descri bed as three (3) wi nd turbi ne driven each generator rated 108 KW, 480 vol t, three LOCATION OF FACILITY The Facility is located in the NW 1/4 of section 23, Township 1 south Range 4 East, Boi se Meri di an, El more County, Idaho. POINT OF DELIVERY The Point of Delivery of energy from the Seller sellers weather head located on the Sellers rovi ded mete to Idaho powe r wi 11 be the si de of the Idaho power LOSSES As the cu r rent Poi nt of Deli ve ry is the same poi nt as the actual mete ri ng poi nt, there are no Kwh losses. In the event, the actual meteri ng poi nt is electrically located at a different point then the Point of Delivery, kwh losses wi 11 be ca cul ated in the fo 11 owi ng manner: Losses shall be set at 2.00% of the metered energy delivered. when Seller has supplied Idaho Power with data needed to properly analyze the Losses associated with the Facility, Idaho Power and seller will review that data and reset the loss factor for the Faci 1 i ty. If the Parti es are unabl e to agree, they wi 11 submi t the di spute to the commi ssi on for reso 1 uti on. Any adj ustment wi be retroacti ve to the operati on Date. METERING AND TELEMETRY Idaho Power wi 11 provi de meteri ng and the associ ated meteri ng equi pment accurately measure the energy (Kwh) delivered to Idaho Power. seller will provi de and i nsta 11 all condui t, j uncti on boxes and the meter enclosure. Idaho Power provi ded Meter Equi pment wi 11 be owned and mai ntai ned by Idaho Power with total cost of purchase, installation operation, and mai ntenance, i ncl udi ng admi ni strati ve cost to be rei mbursed to Idaho Power by the sell er. In the event, it is determi ned by Idaho power that automated tel emetry is requi red at thi s ocati on. Idaho Power wi purchase and install this equipment at the seller s expense. The Seller wi 11 provi de the necessary communi cati on 1 i nes for thi s automated tel emeter at the Sell er ' s expense. second Revi sed Exhi bi t A - page 2 of 5 SPECIAL FACILITIES Idaho Power wi 11 provi de and mai ntai n: 12. 47-KV di st ri buti on 1 i ne to thi s proj ect i ncl udi ng phase conductor, and associ ated pol e top assembl i es. poles, three- Three (3) 167 -kva pol e-mounted transformers and associ ated fused cutouts, ci rcui ti ng, and g roundi ng secondary circuit to the Seller provided serVlce pole. Three (3) 15-kvA pol e-mounted transformers and associ ated fused cutouts, ci rcui ti ng, and groundi ng connected to a protecti ve relaying and control panel. Protecti ve re ayi ng and cont ro 1 panel. Lewandowski Farms wi 11 rei mburse Idaho Power for all equi pment and installation provided by Idaho Power. Lewandowski Farms wi 11 provi de and mai ntai n: service Pole for connection to Idaho Power at the project site. ockab 1 e manual di sconnecti ng devi ce physi call y located at or near (within 10 feet) the metering location , and electrically located on the generator si de of the meteri ng faci 1 i ti es. The di sconnecti ng devi ce shall be cl earl y marked, "Generator Di sconnect swi tch", wi th permanent 3/8 inch etters or arger and shall be readily accessible for operation and locking by Idaho powe r pe rsonne 1. The di sconnecti ng devi ce must be ockab 1 e in the open posi ti on wi th a standard Idaho Power padlock. The di sconnecti ng devi ce is to enabl e Idaho power to di sconnect the generati on from the Idaho Power system for safety whi 1 e worki ng on the 1 i nes, or to di sconnect generati on for any other reason deemed necessary and allowed in accordance wi th thi s schedul e 86, non- fi rm purchased power agreement. A control panel, one for each generator, consi sti ng of a motor circuit protector/circuit breaker, NEMA rated contactor , overload rel ays, and associ ated control s that incorporates a dry contact from Idaho Power s protective relaying panel into the control scheme to protect Idaho Power s faci 1 i ti es and customers. Each control panel contactor provi des a dry contact to Idaho Power protective relaying panel for verification of contactor position. All ci rcui ts and raceways between the cont ro 1 panel s and Idaho Power s protective relaying panel. second Revi sed Exhi bi t A - page 3 of All speci fi cati ons, desi gns and test resul ts of equi pment provi ded and/or install ed by Lewandowski Farms to protect Idaho Power customers and faci 1 i ti es must be provi ded and accepted by Idaho power pri or i nterconnecti on of thi s generati on faci 1 i ty. REACTIVE POWER The Sell er shall operate an i nducti on generator as 1 i sted in item A-I of thi s Exhi bi t wi th Reacti ve Power bei ng provi ded by Idaho power. COSTS This facility originally came on line with a single wind turbine on october 1 2002. At that time interconnection equipment, special faci 1 i ti es and meteri ng equi pment was provi ded and install ed by Idaho Power company. Lewandowski Farms reimbursed Idaho power for the actual costs of thi s equi pment and associ ated install ati on in the amount of $10,576. At Lewandowski Farms request, in the spri ng of 2004 Idaho Power redesi gned the i nterconnecti on , speci a 1 faci 1 i ti es and meteri ng equi pment at thi s faci 1 i ty to accommodate two (2) addi ti onal 108 KW wi nd generators for a total of 3 (three) 108 KW wi nd generators at thi s si te. On May 3, 2004 Idaho Power provi ded Lewandowski Farms a cost esti mate of $20,000 for thi s additional interconnection, special facilities and metering equipment. On May 4, 2004 Lewandowski Farms made payment of the requested $20,000. wi thi n 90 days of the compl eti on of the redesi gned i nterconnecti on, speci al faci 1 i ti es and meteri ng equi pment, Idaho Power wi 11 provi de Lewandowski Farms a reconci 1 i ati on of the total actual costs of the Idaho Power provi ded Interconnecti on , speci a 1 Faci 1 i ti es and Meteri ng equi pment. Incl udi ng a statement of any appl i cabl e refunds, addi ti onal costs, and appropri ate credi t for any of the ori gi nal equi pment that has been modi fi ed, removed or repl aced. wi thi n si xty (60) days of the noti fi cati on of thi s refund or addi ti ona 1 cost, Idaho power wi 11 refund any overpayment or sell er wi 11 remi t any underpayment. In addi ti on to the i nsta 11 ati on and constructi on charges above, duri ng the term of thi s Agreement, sell er wi 11 pay Idaho Power the operati on and mai ntenance charge speci fi ed in schedul e 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON- UTILITY GENERATION or its successor schedule(s). Initially these monthly charges will be based upon the original cost of $10,576.52 plus the esti mated cost of the new equi pment of $20,000 for a total cost of $30,576.52. This billing will begin on the day after all Idaho Power provi ded i nterconnecti on, speci a 1 faci 1 i ti es and meteri ng equi pment as speci fi ed above has been i nsta 11 ed. upon comp eti on of the reconci 1 i ati on of the actual costs, Idaho power wi 11 adj ust the previ ous month (s) bi 11 ed operati on and mai ntenance charge to refl ect the actual total cost incurred by Idaho Power and the appropri ate refund or bi 11 i ng wi 11 be processed. second Revi sed Exhi bi t A - page 4 of 5 SALVAGE NO 1 ater than si xty (60) days after the termi nati on or expi rati on of thi Agreement, Idaho Power wi 11 prepare and forward to the sell er an esti mate of the rema i ni ng value of those Idaho powe r fu rni shed Inte rconnecti Faci 1 i ti es desc ri bed in thi s Appendi x, ess the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho power nearest warehouse, if the Interconnecti on Faci 1 i ti es wi 11 be removed. If sell er el ects not to obtai n ownershi p of the Interconnecti on Faci 1 i ti es but instead wi shes that Idaho power reimburse the seller for said Facilities the seller may invoice Idaho Power for the net salvage val ue as esti mated by Idaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to seller within thi rty (30) days after recei pt of the i nvoi ce . sell e r shall have the ri ght to offset the i nvoi ce amount agai nst any present or future payments due Idaho Power. second Revi sed Exhi bi t A - page 5 of 5