HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040514Comments.pdfr-r-C I \f'll.rL\'J1l-ill L=..aDONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 3366 F:"l LED' 1. ' et'" 2: \ 0'iT L lqtl, I . '", - Lutr'i\H" , ');, ;;~ Lt C tjT\L Y lES~; COr1r:I\SS\OH Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUST - ME NT (PC A) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM MAY 16, 2004 THROUGH MAY 31,2005. CASE NO. IPC-04- COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Donald L. Howell, II, Deputy Attorney General, and responds to the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 29478 on April 22, 2004. BACKGROUND On April 15 , 2004, Idaho Power Company filed an Application for authority to implement its annual power cost adjustment (PCA) rates. Since 1993 the PCA mechanism has permitted Idaho Power to adjust its rates upward or downward to reflect the Company s annual "power supply costs." Because of its predominant reliance on hydroelectric generation, Idaho Power s actual cost of providing electricity (its power supply costs) varies from year-to-year depending on changes in stream flow and the market price of power. The PCA is designed to allow the Company to recover (or rebate) 90 percent of the above (or below) normal power supply costs experienced by the STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2004 Company for providing service in Idaho. The PCA rate is combined with the Company s "base rates l to produce a customer s overall energy rate. STAFF ANALYSIS As filed by the Company, this year s PCA has three components: 1) a projection component; 2) a true-up component that corrects for the previous years projection error; and 3) a true up of the previous year s true up that is a final correction. The PCA Projection The National Weather Service Northwest River Forecast Center in Portland, Oregon forecasts the April through July Brownlee Reservoir inflow this year to be 3.13 million acre-feet (mat). This is fifty percent (50%) of the normal expected inflow. A regression equation developed from the results of the general rate case power supply model is used to project "Net Power Supply Costs.See Order No. 24806. Using the forecasted 3.13 mafand the regression equation, Staff calculates Net Power Supply Costs for April 2004 through March 2005 , to be $83,410 363. As authorized by Commission Order, Staff increased the calculated Net Power Supply Costs by expected qualifying facility costs of$46,413 057 to generate an expected PCA expense of $129 823,420. See Staff Attachment A. This is approximately $35.7 million above normal on a total company basis. Staff found that its calculation agreed with Idaho Power s calculation. The calculation of the projection rate component is shown on lines 1 through 6 of Attachment C, where the projection rate component is calculated to be 0.2499~/kWh. Staffs calculation of the projection rate component agrees with Idaho Power s calculation. The PCA True up Exhibit No.4 to Idaho Power witness Said's testimony illustrates the calculation of the 2003-2004 True up. Staff reviewed Idaho Power s calculation and agrees with its result; Idaho Power under collected power supply costs by $44 285 289 last year in Idaho and, therefore 1 The Commission authorizes base rates in a general rate case. The Commission expects to establish new base rates effective June 1 2004, as a result of the Company s current general rate case, IPC-03-13. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2004 customers owe that amount. Staff Attachment B shows the same calculation. The approximate $44.3 million true up is composed as follows: Last Year s Projection Revenues 90 % of Last Year s Above Normal Power Supply Costs Above Normal PURP A Facilities Costs True up Interest IDACORP Energy Credit $(28.8 Million) $ 69.9 Million $ 4.7 Million $ 0.5 million $ (2.0 Million) ----------------- Total True up $ 44.3 Million The true-up rate component of 0.3661~/kWh is calculated on line 8 of Attachment C to these comments. The PCA True up of the True up As the result of a settlement stipulation reached among the parties in the Company s last PCA case (Case No. IPC-03-5) several changes were made to the PCA mechanism. See Order No. 29334. One of these changes is that beginning with this PCA filing, under or over collection of the true-up amount will be tracked and trued up. The true-up amount set for recovery in the last PCA case was $38 658 298 and the established true-up rate was 0.3579~/kWh. Including interest considerations, the approved rate under recovered the true-up amount by $556 693. As shown on Attachment C, line 9, this becomes the true up of the true up PCA rate component ofO.OO46~/kWh. This is the same rate the Company calculated. PCA Rates The calculated PCA rate of 0.6206~/kWh is the sum of the three components listed above (0.2499 + 0.3661 + 0.0046 = 0.6206). However, for reasons stated in its Application, the Company does not wish to increase PCA rates at this time. Therefore, the Company proposes to continue the existing PCA rate ofO.6039~/kWh for another year. The continuation of the lower rate is expected to cause the Company to under recover the true up by approximately $2 million, which it proposes to recover next year. Also as a result of the settlement stipulation previously discussed, three rate classes are scheduled to receive an additional credit. These credits are specified in the stipulation. The credits and Company proposed PCA rates for these three schedules (Schedule 7 (small general), STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2004 Schedule 19 (large power) and Schedule 24 (irrigation)) are shown on lines 16, 17 and 18 of Attachment C, respectively. Line 19 shows the Company proposed PCA rate for all other schedules. In addition to the Company proposed PCA rate credits just discussed, the Staff believes that customers taking service on those 3 schedules deserve an additional credit. This additional credit is designed to refund to customers the over-collection that the Company will receive as a result of current PCA rates being extended from May 15 , 2004 through May 31 2004.2 These amounts are associated with the carry-over portion of the 2002/2003 PCA rate, which is why they apply only to Schedules 7, 19 and 24 and it is also why they will not be captured in the true up of the true up. The total amount of the over-collection is estimated by Staff to be at $605 689. This estimate is based on one-half of May 2003 actual sales and the carry-over portion of the PCA rate currently in effect. If this adjustment is not made, the over-collection amounts will be a windfall to the Company. Any other over collected amounts associated with the two-week extension of the 2003/2004 PCA rates are captured in the true up of the true up and will be refunded in next years PCA. Attachment C, lines 22 through 24, show Staff s proposed rate calculation. Column (d) shows the estimated amount of the over-collection, Column ( e) shows expected sales for each schedule and Column (t) shows the proposed rate credit. Finally, Column (g), lines 22 through 25 shows Staff s proposed PCA rates for the coming year in bold print. These rates are the same as those proposed by the Company except they include the two-week rate extension credit. Lines 28 through 34 of Attachment C calculate total expected PCA revenue for the coming year of $70 643 094. Attachment D shows the impact on each customer class of the proposed PCA rate change measured from existing rates that include the current PCA. It shows decreases (i., credits) for the Irrigation Service class (-16.25 %), Large Power Service class (-90 %) and the Small General Service class (-78 %). All other class rates remain unchanged. Attachment E shows the impact on each customer class of the proposed PCA rate change measured from base rates that do not include current PCA rates. Attachment E shows, in Column 5 , the above normal power supply cost proposed for recovery through the PCA. Normal water conditions and zero true-up balances could eliminate these above normal costs in a future PCA case. At the conclusion of the current general rate case new base rates will be established. The new base rates may cause the percentages in 2 The Commission authorized the two-week extension in Order No. 29478 at 4- STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2004 Column 8 to decrease, but the amounts shown in Column 5 that are based on normal consumption will remain the same. STAFF AUDIT During the course of the PCA audit, Staff reviewed Company information including the Company s Risk Management Committee (RMC) activities, the power purchases and sales Danskin expenses and production, and an outage at the Company s Valmy 2 plant in Nevada. The findings of the Staff audit are listed below. Risk Management Activities Staff reviewed the Risk Management operating plans, meeting minutes and related materials. The Risk Management Policy Guidelines in place for the 2003-2004 PCA year include: TIER One System Risk Limit of$100 Million; TIER Two Volumetric Limit of +/- 100 MW; TIER Three Price Floor Limits; and a Transaction Price Notification limit of $60/MWh. It appears that the Risk Management Committee (RMC) decisions have been consistent with the Policy Guidelines for this PCA year and that the Company has been implementing the recommendations of the RMC. During this PCA year the risk management methodology has helped to stabilize rates while reducing the upside risk to customers. During the month of July 2003 , the Company made purchases that required Commission notification because they were above the $60/MWh threshold amount. Idaho Power also notified the Commission in a timely fashion. A TIER One violation was also triggered during this PCA year. Idaho Power notified the Commission and RMC Customer Advisory Group members of the violation and explained the proposed activities to address the breach. Power Purchases and Sales Staff has reviewed the power purchases and sales for the PCA period. Staff has also reviewed the written purchase and sale policies and found them to be reasonable and prudent. The purchases and sales were made with a variety of credit worthy partners on a timely basis and there were no transactions with IDACORP Energy or other affiliates during this PCA period. ST AFF COMMENTS MAY 2004 Danskin and Fuel Expenses The Danskin peaking facility ran more this PCA year than in the 2002 PCA year. According to the Company, the plant was required to run more last summer because Northwest power was not available or there was a transmission constraint that did not allow the import of power. These constraints may have been exacerbated by the outage at the Valmy 2 plant. Danskin also ran for at least a few hours during most of the shoulder months for testing and other purposes. The total Danskin production during the PCA year was 41 197 MWhs. The cost for natural gas was approximately $65 per MWh over the period. Valmy 2 Plant Outage During last summer, Idaho Power experienced an unexpected plant outage at the Valmy 2 plant. The plant is a 522 MW coal-fired power plant and is jointly owned (50% each) with Sierra Pacific. Sierra Pacific operates the plant under a management agreement that allows Idaho Power an equal opportunity and responsibility to review operations and set policies. Idaho Power has a management team that oversees the coal-fired facilities and reviews the actions of the managing partner, plant policies and the costs of all its shared thermal plants through oversight investigations and plant visits. On June 26 2003, the generator was accidentally energized and sustained severe damage. Because of the accident, the plant was out of service from June 26 until September 8 , 2003. In addition to the damage to the generator, the Company was required to purchase replacement power during the plant outage at rates significantly higher than the usual variable costs for Valmy. Idaho Power has included these additional power purchases and associated carrying costs in this PCA to be passed on to customers. The sequence of events that led up to the accident is clearly documented by the investigation team formed after the accident. Staff has attached an IDACORP internal audit report titled "Valmy Plant Unit 2 Inadvertent Energization Incident" as Confidential Attachment F.4 The report also included a letter from E.M. Brinson, PE, an Idaho Power consultant who reviewed the report and conducted his own investigation into the incident. Mr. Brinson concluded that the Company report into the incident was indeed an accurate representation of the events and the factors that 3 During the 2003 PCA year, Danskin produced 34,453 MWh compared to 27 789 MWh during the 2002 PCA year.4 The document was provided to Staff in response to an audit request and was marked by Idaho Power as Confidential. " STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2004 contributed to the incident. A summary of the important events that led up to the accidental energization is set out below. On June 16, the Valmy Plant Unit 2 was taken offline to repair an air heater bearing. On the morning of June 17, the Unit 2 disconnect switch was "opened", isolating Unit 2 from the switchyard. Later that day Sierra Pacific Substation Control and Test (SCAT) personnel made several modifications to the generator breaker control wiring, allowing power circuit breakers numbers 3600 and 3601 to be closed. Apparently, modifying the control wiring has been a common practice at Valmy to increase reliability for Sierra Pacific s transmission system when a Valmy generating unit is offline. While these modifications may increase reliability for the transmission system, they also defeat specifically engineered protections that were intended to prevent accidental energization of the generator. On June 26 2003 , after repairs to the air heater bearing were complete, the Valmy 2 unit was brought on line. However, the safety protections were not returned to the normal operating condition. As a result, the generator was accidentally energized and motored5 for approximately minutes until the control center personnel realized the problem and stopped the generator. The motoring damaged both the steam turbine and the generator. Damage also occurred in all six turbine bearings, the generator rotor, the generator retaining rings, stator wedges and the steam turbine blades. The causes of the incident were clearly identified in the report prepared by IDACORP internal auditors, Sierra Pacific personnel and the independent consultant. The causes included an apparent failure to follow established safety procedures, a lack of proper supervision and training, and poor communications between proj ect personnel. According to Idaho Power, its share of the equipment repairs amounted to approximately $1.3 million.6 While the equipment damages are serious and expensive, another financial impact was caused by the lack of Valmy Unit 2 generation through the summer months. The outage forced Idaho Power to purchase approximately 133.5 MW every hour, or forgo additional power sales that could have been made with excess generation from June 26 through September 9 2003. The net 5 Generator motoring occurs when the generator is excited and using power instead of generating power. It can cause rotation of the generator while under a no-load condition. Often motoring occurs with the loss of the prime mover, in this case steam. The loss of the prime mover and a no-load condition can result in the generator spinning beyond its safe speed. Motoring is a significant safety concern and specific features are generally built in to protect against such an event. 6 Idaho Power and Sierra Pacific have submitted claims to various insurance carriers to recover costs associated with the incident. While some recovery is expected for the equipment costs, it appears that there is no recovery for replacement power from insurance carriers. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2004 cost of the replacement power and lost sales to Idaho Power was initially estimated by the Company to be approximately $6.9 million. However, the Company arrived at this estimate by simply using the average daily Mid-C index prices during the relevant period. The Company s estimate was not based on the actual prices it paid for term purchases, Danskin costs, and real-time purchases used to replace Valmy power at significantly higher costs. Idaho Power advised Staff that it has not attempted to calculate the exact amount of additional power supply costs due to the incident and has simply included all costs in the PCA accounts for recovery from customers in its current PCA Application. It is Staff s position that the PCA was established to adjust for changes in water conditions and energy market prices. In other words, weather related conditions and power supply costs beyond the control of the Company. was not designed to automatically flow through costs associated with this type of event. Absent the PCA, these costs would not even be considered without special application from the Company. Presumably, recovery from customers, if allowed at all, would only occur after thorough review. After reviewing the Company s report on the Valmy 2 outage , Staff recommends that the Commission open a case to formally review the incident and its financial impacts. The incident could have been avoided at several junctions had personnel followed established procedures. Even though Sierra Pacific personnel operate the plant, Idaho Power is an equal partner in oversight and management of the plant. Idaho Power has the opportunity and obligation to review written operating procedures and make sure they are being followed. Idaho Power has since reviewed its own management policies and determined that more oversight of Val my is necessary. Given the uncertainly regarding the magnitude of Valmy power replacement costs, Staff further recommends that the Commission reserve recovery of the replacement power costs due to the incident in the amount of at least $9 million until an investigation is completed. Finally, Staff recommends that current PCA rates (with the 3 class exceptions) be continued, but any adjustments in power cost recovery resulting from the formal investigation be carried over to next year s PCA case. This Staff recommendation should not be construed as a disallowance that would require write-off at this time. The need for further review dictates setting the amount aside and deferring a Commission decision until the investigation is complete. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2004 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the information reviewed by Staff and presented in these comments, Staff recommends the following: 1. That Idaho Power be allowed to implement a basic PCA rate ofO.6039~/kWh for all schedules except Schedules 7 , 19 and 24, as the Company proposes in its filing. 2. That PCA rates for the three schedules should be as follows: Schedule 7 - 5761~/kWh; Schedule 19 - 0.5730~/kWh; and Schedule 24 - 0.4976~/kWh. These rates are lower than those recommended by the Company due to the two-week rate extension credit discussed in these comments. 3. That these rates become effective June 1 2004 as proposed by the Company. 4. That the Commission open a case to formally review financial impacts of the Valmy incident. Given the uncertainty regarding the magnitude of Val my 2 replacement power costs, Staff further recommends that the Commission reserve recovery of the replacement power (at a minimum of $9 million) pending further investigation. Finally, Staff recommends that any adjustments in power cost recovery resulting from the formal investigation be carried over to next years PCA without adjustment for this issue in the Company s current PCA rate proposal. Respectively submitted this J'IIJ.. day of May 2004. Donald L. How I, II Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff:Alden Holm Keith Hessing i: umisc/commen tslipcO4. 9dhahkhmp ST AFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2004 oC / ) n ~ VI .- + ~ .- + -- - ~ CJ ) . - + ... . . . t : : : t 1 ( D - - -- - n z e - 0 0 ::!.- + (D n "" - :: ! I ,.. . . . - .- + t ' r j CJ ) I 14 0 00 0 , 00 0 12 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 , 00 0 00 0 .. . . 8 0 00 0 , 00 0 ~ 6 0 00 0 00 0 :: : : s a. . 4 0 00 0 , 00 0 0. . 2 0 00 0 00 0 .. . . (2 0 00 0 00 0 ) (4 0 00 0 00 0 ) ID A H O P O W E R ' S 2 0 0 4 P C A PR O J E C T I O N IP C - O4 - Tw e l f t h A n n u a l P C A A A PC A E x p e n s e = N P S C + Q F E x p e n s e = 8 3 , 4 1 0 , 36 3 + 4 6 , 4 1 3 05 7 = 1 2 9 82 3 , 4 2 0 b. ti 1 b. b. b. ~ 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 6 , 00 0 00 0 8 00 0 00 0 1 0 00 0 00 0 Ap r i l t h r o u g h J u l y Br o w n l e e I n f l o w ( A c r e - Fe e t ) U: \ k h e s s i n \ I P C E 0 4 0 9 \ S t a f f C a s e \ P R O J E C T I O N 5 / 1 3 / 2 0 0 4 A I P C - 03 - 13 D a t a .. R e g r e s s i o n L i n e 20 0 4 F o r e c a s t l: : . 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 TRUE-UP CALCULATIONS FOR 2003 - 2004 FOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY PCA CASE NO. IPC-04- Staff Case 1 Jurisdictional Allocation Factor 85, 2 Sharing Percentage 90, 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 DESCRIPTION Units APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT PCA Revenue 6 Normalized Firm Load MWh 991 176 033,117 143,545 352 219 1,422 263 206 799 112 398 7 PCA Component Rate m/KWh 156 313 2.460 2.460 2.460 2.460 2.460 8 Revenue Allocated at 85,816,429 031 075 391 153 827,490 973 952 523,417 326 024 10 Load Change Adjustment 11 Actual Firm Load MWh 005,095 206,403 513 516 725 942 511 642 220,400 085 155 12 Normalized Firm Load MWh 991 176 033,117 143,545 352 219 1,422 263 206 799 112 398 13 Load Change MWh 919 173 286 369 971 373,723 379 601 (27 243) 14 Expense Adjustment (~16.84)(234 396)918 136)230 312)293,495)505 142)(229,041)458 772 16 Non-QF PCA 17 ACTUAL: 18 Purchased Water 19 Fuel Expense - Coal 211 698 167 053 001 815 007 861 500 113 9,420 570 572,470 20 Fuel Expense - Gas 219 529 464 928 396 519 500 000 928 967 248,489 213 635 21 Non-Firm Purchases 957 265 189 932 091 343 072 038 970 750 132 353 184 201 22 Surplus Sales (9,399,118)(5,354 647)258,613)(1,460 784)(3,880,396)098,480)859 374) 23 Expense Adjustment (~16,84)(234 396)918 136)230 312)(6,293,495)505 142)(229 041)458 772 Sub-Total 754 978 549 130 000 752 825,620 014 292 11,473,891 569 704 26 BASE: 27 Fuel Expense 341 000 293 000 843,000 076,000 6,445,000 587 000 026,000 28 Non-Firm Purchases 339 000 356 000 872 000 2,473,000 252 000 615 000 162 000 29 Surplus Sales (3,195,000)(597 000)(208 000)(142 000)(595 000)570,000)022 000) 30 Surplus Sales Adder (826 063)(979,683)(693,151)(600 808)(745,141)(664 245)(742 240) Sub-Total (341 063)072 317 813 849 806 192 356,859 967 755 2,423 760 33 Change From Base 096 041 2,476,813 186,903 25,019,428 657,433 506 136 145,944 34 Deferral (Shared and Allocated)838,471 894 762 027 981 19,139,862 13,507 936 742 194 936,647 36 QF Deferral 37 Actual (incl. Meridian Amort,356,255 3,448,832 5,441 988 862 008 505 591 203 308 805,035 38 Base 038 265 024 735 108,325 317,475 059,785 531 295 2,438,425 40 Change From Base 317 990 424 097 333 663 544 533 445,806 672 013 366 610 41 Deferral (Allocated)270 292 360,482 283 614 462 853 378,935 571 211 311 619 43 Credit From IDACORP Energy (166 667)(166 667)(166,667)(166,667)(166,667)(166,667)(166,667) 44 Total Deferral (874 333)503 753,775 608 559 746 253 623,322 755 575 46 Principal Balances 47 Beginning Balance (874 333)(816,830)936 945 20,545,503 291 756 915,078 48 Amount Deferred (874 333)503 753,775 16,608,559 10,746,253 623 322 755,575 49 Ending Balance (874 333)(816,830)936,945 20,545,503 291 756 915 078 670,653 51 Interest Balances 52 Accrual thru Prior Month (1,458)738)858 38,168 90,385 53 Interest ~2% per Year (1,457)361)562 243 , 1 ~3 192 54 Prior Month's Interest Adj.(1) 55 Total Current Month Interest (1,458)279)596 311 217 58,195 56 Interest Accrued to Date (1,458)738)858 38,168 385 148,580 57 Balance (True-Up & Interest)(874 333)(818 288)934 207 549 361 329 925 005,464 819 233 59 True-Up of the True- 60 True-Up Revenues 274 737 221 294 899,594 62 Beginning Balance 38,658,298 38,658 298 38,512,422 63 Interest ~2% per Year 64,430 64,430 187 64 Revenue Applied to Interest 128 861 187 65 Revenue Applied to Balance 145 876 157 107 66 True-Up of the True-Up Balance 38,658,298 512,422 355 315 Note: Negative amounts indicate benefit to ratepayers Attachment B Case No. IPC-04- Staff Comments 05/14/04 Page 1 of 2 274,737 3,221,294 4.899,594 38,658,298 38,658 298 38,512,422 64,430 64,430 64 1870 128 861 64 1870 145 876 3,157 107 38,658,298 38 512,422 35 355 315 38,658,298 64,430 38,658,298 U:\khessin\ipce0409\StaffCase\TRUE UPS & RATES 5/13/2004 KDH TRUE-UP CALCULATIONS FOR 2003 - 2004 FOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY PCA CASE NO. IPC-04- Staff Case 85, 90. Units MWh m/KWh MWh MWh MWh 2003 NOV 030,835 2.460 155,4 76 122 562 030,835 727 (1,544 683) 366,767 278,959 991,573 150,465) 544 683 942,151 1 Jurisdictional Allocation Factor 2 Sharing Percentage DESCRIPTION 5 PCA Revenue 6 Normalized Firm Load 7 PCA Component Rate 8 Revenue Allocated at 85. 10 Load Change Adjustment 11 Actual Firm Load 12 Normalized Firm Load 13 Load Change 14 Expense Adjustment ((Q)16,84) 16 Non-QF PCA 17 ACTUAL: 18 Purchased Water 19 Fuel Expense - Coal 20 Fuel Expense - Gas 21 Non-Firm Purchases 22 Surplus Sales 23 Expense Adjustment ((Q)16.84)24 Sub-Total 26 BASE: 27 Fuel Expense 28 Non-Firm Purchases 29 Surplus Sales 30 Surplus Sales Adder31 Sub-Total 33 Change From Base 34 Deferral (Shared and Allocated) 36 QF Deferral 37 Actual (inc\. Meridian Amort. 38 Base 40 Change From Base 41 Deferral (Allocated) 43 Credit From IDACORP Energy 44 Total Deferral 46 Principal Balances 47 Beginning Balance 48 Amount Deferred 49 Ending Balance 51 Interest Balances 52 Accrual thru Prior Month 53 Interest (Q)2% per Year 54 Prior Month's Interest Adj, 55 Total Current Month Interest 56 Interest Accrued to Date 57 Balance in All Accounts 59 True-Up of the True- 60 True-Up Revenues 62 Beginning Balance 63 Interest (Q)2% per Year 64 Revenue Applied to Interest 65 Revenue Applied to Balance 66 True-Up of the True-Up Balance 68 Note: Negative amounts indicate benefit to ratepayers 909,000 345,000 (3,883,000) 625,640 745,360 196,791 740,545 169,568 539,895 629,673 535,222 (166,667) 953,625 36,670,653 953,625 39,624 277 148,580 118 61,117 209,697 39,833,974 248,526 17,978,914 965 29,965 218,561 760 353 U:\khessin\ipce0409\Staff Case\TRUE UPS & RATES 5/13/2004 KDH 2003 DEC 162 545 2.460 2,430,882 217 213 162 545 668 (920 609) 185 816 225,146 12,167,472 (6,179,519) 920,609 13,478 306 127 000 844 000 809 000) 739,128 4,422 872 055,434 927,407 224 029 713,885 510,144 433,622 (166,667) 763,481 39,624,277 763,481 44,387,758 209,697 66,040 66,099 275,796 663,555 376,002 760 353 24,601 601 351,401 11,408,951 2004 JAN 229,083 2.460 570,013 263,507 229,083 34,424 (579 700) 085,227 213,065 800,202 618 339) 579,700 900,455 051 000 879,000 978,000) 799,267 152,733 747 722 162,007 965 780 567,845 397 935 338,245 (166,667) 763 572 387 758 763,572 47,151 331 275,796 73,980 954 349,750 501 081 727 004 11,408,951 19,015 19,015 707 989 700,962 2004 FEB 162,223 2.460 2,430,208 119,830 162 223 42,393 713,898 692,488 237 681 380 529 (6,381 747) 713 898 642,849 051 000 642,000 (2,781,000) 769,197 142 803 500,046 3,442 535 911 118 1,459,785 451,333 383,633 (166,667) 229,293 47,151 331 229 293 48,380,624 349,750 78,586 78,579 428,329 48,808,953 752 687 700,962 835 835 739,852 961 110 2004 MAR 106,080 2.460 312,813 025,276 106,080 80,804 360,739 938,020 223,887 701,895 (17,079,326) 360,739 854,785) 737 000 296 000 742 000) 889,476 1,401 524 (3,256,309) (2,491 076) 745,337 314,445 430,892 366,258 (166,667) 604 298) 48,380,624 604,298 776,326 428,329 80,634 637 508,966 44,285,292 3,411 019 961,110 602 602 3,404,417 556,693 TOTALS 13,952 283 28,788,931 15,016,541 952 283 064,258 (17 922 105) 96,149,898 150,805 117 639,553 (70,720,808) 922,105 130,297 343 61,486,000 075,000 (24 522 000) 074 038 38,964 962 332 381 69,869,272 39,638,849 114 160 524 689 695,986 (2,000,000) 776,326 43,776 326 508,688 278 508 966 285,292 38,575,925 474,320 38,101 605 Attachment B Case No. IPC-04- Staff Comments 05/14/04 Page 2 of 2 2004-2005 PCA - Twelfth Annual IPC-04- Staff Case (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) (g) Line Descri tion Units Base Forecast Difference Rate Projection 2004-2005: PCA Expense ($) 101 157 129 823,425 722 268 Normalized Energy - Total System (MWH)863,484 863,484 Energy Rate (i/kWh)73154 00924 27770 Sharing Percentage (%) 90% Energy Rate Difference (i/kWh)249932609 2499 ill MWh (ct/kWh True-of 2003-2004:285 289 096 838 660897914 3661 True-of the True-2002-2003:556 693 096 838 046019712 0046 PCA Rates: Calculated PCA Rate Adj, From Base (i/kWh)6206 Proposed PCA Rate Adj, from Base (i/kWh)6039 PCA Rate Currently in Effect (i/kWh)6039 Difference - Last Year to This Year (i/kWh)0000 N, 29334 (lPC-03-5) Credits & Rates:Credit Rate Schedule 7 - Small General Service (i/kWh)(0,0189)5850 Schedule 19 - Large Power Service (i/kWh)(0,0222)5817 Schedule 24 - Irrigation & Pump (i/kWh)(0,0811)5228 All Other Schedules (i/kWh)0000 6039 Credit Rate Two Week Rate Extension Credits & Rates:ill MWh (ct/kWh) Schedule 7 - Small General Service 572 265,336 (0,0089)5761 Schedule 19 - Large Power Service 172 939 978 824 (0,0087)5730 Schedule 24 - Irrigation & Pump 409 178 620 931 (0,0252)4976 All Other Schedules 0000 6039 Expected PCA Revenues:Rate Energy Revenue /MWh MWh ill Forecast Revenue 2.499 096 838 229,998 True Up Revenue 3.494 096,838 266 352 True Up of True Up Revenue 046 096 838 556,455 Schedule 7 - Small General Service (0,278)265 336 (73 720) Schedule 19 - Large Power Service (0,309)1 ,978 824 (612 238) Schedule 24 - Irrigation & Pump (1,063)620 931 723 753t Total 643,094 35 Note: Negative rates and amounts indicate benefits to ratepayers, U:\khessin\IPCE0409\Staff Case\TRUE UPS & RATES 5/13/2004 Attachment C Case No, IPC-04- Staff Comments 05/14/04 St a f f C a s e IP C - 04 - Su m m a r y o f R e v e n u e I m p a c t St a t e o f I d a h o No r m a l i z e d 1 2 - Mo n t h s f o r T e s t Y e a r 2 0 0 3 5/ 1 6 / 0 3 P C A R a t e s t o 6 / 1 / 0 4 P C A R a t e s (1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) (8 ) Ra t e 20 0 3 A v g , 20 0 3 S a l e s 20 0 3 B a s e Pr o p o s e d P C A Pr o p o s e d Li n e Sc h . Nu m b e r o f No r m a l i z e d 5/1 6 / 0 3 PC A Re v e n u e To t a l Av e r a g e Pe r c e n t No . Ta r i f f D e s c r i ti o n No , Cu s t o m e r s Wh ) Re v e n u e Ad j u s t m e n t s Re v e n u e ~/ k W h Ch a n q e Un i f o r m T a r i f f R a t e s : Re s i d e n t i a l S e r v i c e 33 5 60 5 14 1 39 3 , 4 2 6 23 9 29 9 28 9 23 9 29 9 28 9 77 8 00 % Sm a l l G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 31 6 26 5 33 5 , 66 7 19 , 04 7 72 6 (7 2 0 , 65 2 ) 32 7 07 5 90 7 78 % La r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 17 , 4 1 5 01 4 , 4 2 6 , 98 6 12 5 87 3 13 7 12 5 87 3 13 7 17 6 00 % Du s k t o D a w n L i g h t i n g 87 2 58 6 1, 4 2 4 57 1 1, 4 2 4 57 1 24 . 2 5 8 00 % La r g e P o w e r S e r v i c e 10 5 97 8 82 4 23 7 32 3 57 2 92 1 33 6 ) 66 , 4 0 2 23 6 35 6 90 % rr i g a t i o n S e r v i c e 13 , 51 7 62 0 93 0 93 1 62 1 , 4 0 5 (1 3 , 26 4 07 8 ) 35 7 32 7 21 7 16 , 25 % Un m e t e r e d G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 22 4 05 4 94 2 00 4 64 5 00 4 64 5 25 8 00 % St r e e t L i g h t i n g S e r v i c e 1 , 4 3 2 91 2 03 9 91 7 , 4 4 0 91 7 , 4 4 0 10 , 70 5 00 % Tr a f f i c C o n t r o l L i g h t i n g 38 4 . 21 8 34 0 . 81 6 34 0 . 81 6 63 2 00 % Su b - To t a l 40 1 67 2 07 0 , 13 5 03 2 54 1 85 2 60 0 (1 8 90 6 06 5 ) 5 2 2 94 6 , 53 5 72 4 3. 4 9 % Sp e c i a l C o n t r a c t s : Mi c r o n 63 6 96 7 67 0 20 , 05 0 , 75 2 05 0 , 75 2 14 8 00 % O( / ) n ~ J R S i m p l o t 18 6 68 4 66 5 75 9 96 0 75 9 96 0 08 5 00 % VI .. . . . . ~ - ~ CI) DO E 20 3 08 4 14 6 84 8 83 9 84 8 83 9 88 0 00 % "" " ~ C D ~ -n z s - Su b - To t a l 02 6 73 6 , 4 8 1 65 9 , 55 1 65 9 55 1 08 4 00 % ~ ~ ~ ~ CD t: j :: s I .. . . . . t : ' r j To t a l A n n u a l I d a h o R e t a i l S a l e s 40 1 67 5 09 6 , 87 1 51 3 57 3 51 2 15 1 (1 8 , 90 6 , 06 5 ) 5 5 4 60 6 , 08 6 58 5 30 % CI ) I U: \ k h e s s i n \ I P C E 0 4 0 9 \ S t a f f C a s e \ R E V E N U E S U M M A R Y 5 / 1 3 / 2 0 0 4 KD H St a f f C a s e IP C - 04 - Su m m a r y o f R e v e n u e I m p a c t St a t e o f I d a h o No r m a l i z e d 1 2 - Mo n t h s f o r T e s t Y e a r 2 0 0 3 Ba s e R a t e s t o 6 / 1 / 0 4 P C A R a t e s (1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) (8 ) Ra t e 20 0 3 A v g . 20 0 3 S a l e s 20 0 3 Pr o p o s e d P C A Pr o p o s e d Li n e Sc h . Nu m b e r o f No r m a l i z e d Ba s e Re v e n u e To t a l Av e r a g e Pe r c e n t No , Ta r i f f D e s c r i ti o n No , Cu s t o m e r s kW h Re v e n u e us t m e n t s Re v e n u e /k W h Ch a n Un i f o r m T a r i f f R a t e s : Re s i d e n t i a l S e r v i c e 33 5 , 60 5 14 1 39 3 , 4 2 6 21 4 28 9 , 4 1 4 25 , 00 9 , 87 5 23 9 29 9 28 9 77 8 11 , 67 % Sm a l l G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 31 6 26 5 33 5 66 7 79 8 , 4 7 6 52 8 59 9 18 , 32 7 07 5 90 7 10 % La r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 17 , 4 1 5 01 4 , 4 2 6 , 98 6 10 7 66 9 01 2 20 4 12 5 12 5 87 3 13 7 17 6 16 , 91 % Du s k t o D a w n L i g h t i n g 87 2 58 6 38 9 10 6 35 , 4 6 5 1, 4 2 4 57 1 24 , 25 8 55 % La r g e P o w e r S e r v i c e 10 5 97 8 82 4 23 7 55 , 06 3 , 57 3 33 8 66 3 66 , 4 0 2 23 6 35 6 20 , 59 % Ir r i g a t i o n S e r v i c e 13 , 51 7 62 0 , 93 0 , 93 1 29 1 57 5 06 5 , 75 2 35 7 32 7 21 7 13 , 38 % Un m e t e r e d G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 22 4 05 4 94 2 90 7 68 9 95 6 00 4 64 5 25 8 10 . 68 % St r e e t L i g h t i n g S e r v i c e 1 , 4 3 2 91 2 03 9 80 9 26 9 10 8 17 1 91 7 , 4 4 0 10 . 70 5 98 % Tr a f f i c C o n t r o l L i g h t i n g 38 4 . 21 8 28 4 . 14 5 67 1 34 0 . 81 6 63 2 1 9 , 94 % Su b - To t a l 40 1 67 2 07 0 13 5 03 2 45 8 50 2 25 9 64 , 4 4 4 27 6 52 2 94 6 53 5 72 4 14 , 06 % Sp e c i a l C o n t r a c t s : Mi c r o n 63 6 96 7 67 0 20 4 10 4 84 6 64 8 05 0 75 2 14 8 23 , 74 % J R S i m p l o t 18 6 , 68 4 66 5 63 2 57 1 12 7 38 9 75 9 96 0 08 5 24 , 34 % O( / ) n ~ DO E 20 3 08 4 14 6 62 2 22 6 84 8 83 9 88 0 26 . 53 % (J ) . . . . . . p : I :: t -p : l ,.. . . . . (1 ) p : I Su b - To t a l 02 6 73 6 , 4 8 1 25 , 4 5 9 08 9 20 0 , 4 6 2 65 9 55 1 08 4 24 , 35 % ~n z ~ 0 0 (1 ) ~ ~ (1 ) tr J To t a l A n n u a l I d a h o R e t a i l S a l e s 40 1 67 5 1 2 09 6 87 1 51 3 48 3 96 1 34 8 64 4 73 7 55 4 60 6 08 5 58 5 14 , 60 % :: I I .. . . . . t r J U: \ k h e s s i n \ I P C E 0 4 0 9 \ S t a f f C a s e \ R E V E N U E S U M M A R Y 5 / 1 3 / 2 0 0 4 KD H CASE NO. IPC-04- STAFF COMMENTS MAY 14, 2004 ATTACHMENT F CONTAINS ALLEGEDLY PROPRIETARY DATA AND HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THIS DOCUMENT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 14TH DAY OF MAY 2004 SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF IN CASE NO. IPC-04-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE MONICA MOEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 GREGORY W SAID DIRECTOR REVENUE REQUIREMENT IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 CONLEY E WARD GIVENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 RICHARD E MALMGREN MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC 8000 S FEDERAL WAY BOISE ID 83716-9632 ill ,KodL SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE